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Change log entry 11688
Processed by: ycandau (2009-06-06 21:45:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11103 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
a lot of confusion between 沖 and 衝:
沖 is never 4th tone.
Highway would only be 衝.
The good news is Chinese also confuse them (hey, jianti has its good points!)
I take the opportunity to improve the defs.
Will cleanup the rest later.
- 沖 冲 [chong1] /to rinse/to collide/to water/to rush/to dash (against)/to wash out/to charge/highway/public road/
+ 沖 冲 [chong1] /(of water) to dash against/to mix with water/to infuse/to rinse/to flush/to develop (a film)/to rise in the air/to clash/to collide with/
- 沖 冲 [chong4] /strong/powerful/forceful/dynamic/to punch/
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