Currently CC-CEDICT contains 122900 entries.
Monthly statistics
Additions / corrections
Date |
Changed entries |
2024-12 |
114 |
2024-11 |
729 |
2024-10 |
795 |
2024-09 |
962 |
2024-08 |
733 |
2024-07 |
395 |
2024-06 |
996 |
2024-05 |
1561 |
2024-04 |
3268 |
2024-03 |
1485 |
2024-02 |
553 |
2024-01 |
1855 |
Date |
Contributions |
2024-12 |
48 |
2024-11 |
337 |
2024-10 |
352 |
2024-09 |
393 |
2024-08 |
352 |
2024-07 |
531 |
2024-06 |
854 |
2024-05 |
908 |
2024-04 |
560 |
2024-03 |
441 |
2024-02 |
209 |
2024-01 |
239 |
Please note: a 'contribution' is usually a single addition / correction, it can also be a batch of multiple additions / corrections however.