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Change log entry 62700
Processed by: richwarm (2016-12-08 03:13:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 58592 - submitted by 'yanbo' >>
It is often seen in Chinese context and is supposed to be an established notion in the West. Though I could not find any ready-to-use equivalent term in English.

- 市場形勢瞬息萬變的今天,只有遵守“契約精神”,才有助于成就一個井然有序的社會

- 正是這種契約精神,孕育了西方人的誠信觀念。他們認為,人與人之間與生俱來的天分和財富是不平等的,但是可以用道德和法律上的平等來取而代之,
+ 契約精神 契约精神 [qi4 yue1 jing1 shen2] /culture of honoring contractual obligations/

Change log entry 62660
Processed by: richwarm (2016-12-02 21:05:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59368 - submitted by 'yanbo' >>
just a simple little tag is what it is.
Editor: Nice find! It's not in other dictionaries. Thanks!
Line has examples like this:
这条牛仔裤的吊牌还在。The jeans still have the tag on.

TP ~ 在年興的倉庫裡,舉凡牛仔布、拉鍊、釦子、商標、吊牌,甚或衣架、縫線、塑膠袋,還有石洗牛仔褲的浮石,
# 吊牌 吊牌 [diao4pai2] /tag/
+ 吊牌 吊牌 [diao4 pai2] /tag/

Change log entry 61675
Processed by: ycandau (2016-05-24 00:24:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 58348 - submitted by 'yanbo' >>
【注释】关于“Congressional Caucus”有多种译法,李道揆译为“议员团”,信强则从“联合战线”的角度意译为“联线”,本文采用了“国会连线”的译法。【注尾】 国会“连线”组织现在约有上百个,如“钢铁议员连线”、“互联网议员连线”、“人权连线”、“黑人议员连线”等等。同一个议员往往是多个“连线”组织的成员。各类“连线”组织成立的动机和目的各不相同,影响力也不一样。

Editor: G shows it's a bit larger than this single article
- 連線 连线 [lian2 xian4] /electrical lead/connecting line/(Tw) to connect (to a network, device etc)/to go online/connection/
+ 連線 连线 [lian2 xian4] /electrical lead/connecting line/(Tw) to connect (to a network, device etc)/to go online/connection/(congressional) caucus/

Change log entry 61518
Processed by: ycandau (2016-05-08 18:37:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 58082 - submitted by 'yanbo' >>
# 逃廢債 逃废债 [tao2 fei4 zhai4] /to evade the repayment of debts/
+ 逃廢債 逃废债 [tao2 fei4 zhai4] /to evade (repayment of debts)/

Change log entry 61493
Processed by: ycandau (2016-05-06 17:39:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 58023 - submitted by 'yanbo' >>
# K線圖 K线图 [K xian4 tu2] /candlestick chart/
+ ! K線圖 K线图 [K xian4 tu2] /candlestick chart/
+ ! K線 K线 [K xian4] /candlestick (in a candlestick chart)/

Change log entry 61294
Processed by: ycandau (2016-04-14 09:05:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57953 - submitted by 'yanbo' >>

# (眾|衆)創空間 众创空间 [zhong4 chuang4 kong1 jian1] /mass maker space/
+ 眾創空間 众创空间 [zhong4 chuang4 kong1 jian1] /hackerspace/

Change log entry 61080
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2016-04-02 14:40:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 58019 - submitted by 'yanbo' >>

Editor: the word's meaning is pretty transparent from 库存+出清
# 庫存出清 库存出清 [ku4 cun2 chu1 qing1] /a stock clearance/

Change log entry 61046
Processed by: richwarm (2016-03-31 20:30:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57996 - submitted by 'yanbo' >>

Editor: It's 去(=reduce) + 库存(=stock).
(We just added "to reduce" to the definition of 去. Thanks for alerting us to that sense being missing.)
# 去庫存 去库存 [qu4 ku4 cun2] /destocking/

Change log entry 61036
Processed by: ycandau (2016-03-31 10:51:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57997 - submitted by 'yanbo' >>
# 去(產|産)能 去产能 [qu4 chan3 neng2] /cutting production capacity/

Change log entry 61021
Processed by: richwarm (2016-03-30 11:10:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 58024 - submitted by 'yanbo' >>
# 買空 买空 [mai3 kong1] /buy on margin (finance)/
+ 買空 买空 [mai3 kong1] /to buy on margin (finance)/

Change log entry 60969
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2016-03-26 09:47:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57962 - submitted by 'yanbo' >>
# 圍護 围护 [wei2 hu4] /to protect from all sides/building envolope/
+ 圍護結構 围护结构 [wei2 hu4 jie2 gou4] /building envelope/

Change log entry 60932
Processed by: richwarm (2016-03-23 06:59:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57927 - submitted by 'yanbo' >>
Something like this.
# 易拉寶 易拉宝 [yi4 la1 bao3] /roll-out banner stand/
+ 易拉寶 易拉宝 [yi4 la1 bao3] /roll-up banner stand/

Change log entry 59750
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2015-12-26 07:54:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57095 - submitted by 'yanbo' >>
Grammatical error in the original definition.

Editor: thanks.
- 隨行就市 随行就市 [sui2 hang2 jiu4 shi4] /(of a price) to fluctuate according the market/
# + 隨行就市 随行就市 [sui2 hang2 jiu4 shi4] /(of a price) to fluctuate according to the market/sell at the market price/
+ 隨行就市 随行就市 [sui2 hang2 jiu4 shi4] /(of a price) to fluctuate according to the market/to sell at the market price/
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