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Change log entry 54241
Processed by: richwarm (2014-06-30 11:13:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52011 - submitted by 'toogus' >>
Pronunciation in Taiwan is yi4 mao2 instead of ye4 mao2
Editor: Some Taiwanese people say ye4mao2, but you're right: others do say yi4mao2.
We note this sort of thing at the character level, though, rather than for every compound (as does MoE).
# 腋毛 腋毛 [yi4 mao2] /armpit hair/
# Editor:
- 腋 腋 [ye4] /armpit/axil (botany, angle between stem and branch)/
+ 腋 腋 [ye4] /armpit/(biology) axilla/(botany) axil/Taiwan pr. yi4/

Change log entry 54235
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-06-28 12:37:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52011 - submitted by 'toogus' >>
Pronunciation in Taiwan is yi4 mao2 instead of ye4 mao2

Editor: well, MoE, 两岸 dict and Dr.eye all say ye4.
# 腋毛 腋毛 [yi4 mao2] /armpit hair/
By MDBG 2024
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