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Change log entry 73854
Processed by: richwarm (2021-12-13 06:58:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69292 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Seems to be of HK/Cantonese origin: it's in Cantonese dictionaries; it has more hits from HK, including from Legco transcripts, which would indicate it's common enough to use in formal settings. In the Mainland, it seems more slangy, and the song 不知所谓 by HK singer Eason Chan is often referenced, which would also indicate the word became known in the PRC through HK culture.

to not know what one is doing; to not know (simple/common) things

it is used to describe a person or a thing that is absurd and a nonsense

2、《不知所谓》是陈奕迅的一首粤语歌曲,由黄伟文填词,黄伟年作曲陈奕迅演唱。收录于专辑《The Easy Ride》中,发行于2001年11月08日。



How were these people not arrested? Aren't there international laws against threatening to bomb an airplane? How were they not thrown in a Thai jail? This makes no sense

The result, for me, has been an endless stream of ridiculous questions.

Diplomats play this nonsense up, talking with relish about rows that will last till dawn, or about summits that will be "three-shirt meetings", ie, will go on for 36 sleepless hours.

很多知識份子以至各界人士,例如社工界,其 實凡有思想的人都會越來越覺得這“關愛基金 ” 不知所謂。
Many intellectuals and people in various sectors, such as the social worker sector ― in fact, anyone who has a sensible mind will find this Community Care Fund nonsensical as they think more about it.

事實擺在眼前,不單是承諾會交代終極方案的曾蔭權食言,林瑞麟 局長依然故我,連唐英年司長也是嘻皮笑臉的,交出一 個 不知所謂的 “2012方案”,將普選願望置諸不理。
The fact before us is that Donald TSANG has broken his promise of presenting an ultimate solution; Secretary Stephan LAM has not changed a bit; and, even Chief Secretary for Administration Henry TANG has flippantly put forward a ridiculous "2012 package" which completely ignores the aspiration to universal suffrage.

即使國家最高領 導人前 來中華人民共和國香港特別行政區,政府也要隱瞞真相,不讓 他看到那 麼多“水馬”,這 位 警務處處長真的不知所謂,任 由警校教材 製造仇恨,教導學警痛恨示威者和記者。
The Commissioner of Police is indeed nonsensical, allowing the teaching materials of the Police College to create hatred and teach the police cadets to hate demonstrators and reporters.
+ 不知所謂 不知所谓 [bu4 zhi1 suo3 wei4] /nonsense/nonsensical/incomprehensible/to make no sense/

Change log entry 73845
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-12-12 08:20:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69300 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
f[ixed].e[xpression]. like confronting a mortal enemy

as if faced with a formidable foe

| 考试将近,本班同学个个~,全力准备。

| 《舊唐書.卷一七八.鄭畋傳》:「畋還鎮,蒐乘補卒,繕修戎仗,濬飾城壘。盡出家財以散士卒。晝夜如臨大敵。」
| 《二十年目睹之怪現狀.第五八回》:「到了撫院,又碰了止轅,衙門裡劄了許多兵,如臨大敵。」

好像面对着强大的敌人。形容把面对的情况看得过于严重, 气氛紧张。

面對如此的結構性赤字,實在無須視為洪 水猛獸,如臨大敵般, 動輒引入一項每年新增兩百多億元的稅項,或大力削 減政府開支。
In the face of such a structural deficit, it is unnecessary for us to regard it as great scourges as if we are faced with a formidable enemy and easily introduce a new tax that would generate over $20 billion in revenue a year or largely reduce government expenditure.

對於這個一直 以來也很開放的地方,突然變得很緊張 和 如臨大敵 般 , 就像美國在九一 一後收緊所有入境政策,把所有中東籍、印巴籍的人士,甚至任何回教 徒均當成大賊一樣,在現時這個恐怖的世界,這種作風是可以理解的。
This is well-known to all Members. It has been so open all along, but it has suddenly turned so tense and wary that it is just like the United States after the 911 attack, which immediately tightened its entry policy, treating all Middle East, Indian and Pakistani people as thugs.

Since no one would want to take three weeks vacation just to participate in the election, the airlines immediately had to begin arranging additional flights and changing schedules.

The problem of exotic species is a worldwide one, and those nations which take it seriously approach it as if confronting a formidable enemy, not only stepping up their monitoring of farm products, but also imposing ever stricter limits on the introduction of all kinds of organisms.

Concerns that the epidemic could have a negative impact on the entire economy and society mean that all the government's ministries, and not only the DOH, are girding for battle.

As for the exams themselves, the questions were formulated with extreme care, and the security measures surrounding the printing of the exam sheets went beyond what anyone not involved could imagine. The windows at the printing plant were all papered over, while guards patrolled outside. Some commented that it was like "preparing for battle."
# 如臨大敵 如临大敌 [ru2 lin2 da4 di2] /lit. as if meeting a great enemy/cautious/with great preoccupation/with strict precaution/
+ 如臨大敵 如临大敌 [ru2 lin2 da4 di2] /lit. as if meeting a great enemy (idiom)/fig. cautious/with great preoccupation/with strict precaution/

Change log entry 73843
Processed by: richwarm (2021-12-11 21:48:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68960 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
① go out to fight
② 〈sport〉 enter the arena

go to war; go into battle

| 部队~失利,紧急撤退
| 我方棒球队明日~韩国。

| 《墨子.節葬下》:「若苟亂,是出戰不克,入守不固。」
| 《三國演義.第五三回》:「不須老將軍出戰,只就某手中定活捉關某。」

1 动 出兵作战
| 必须固守阵地, 不要轻易出战。
2 动 比喻上场竞赛
| 中国女排出战古巴女排。

Playing for Argentina with his usual furious wizardry, Maradona stormed down the field towards the England goal.

The appearance of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle; and on their heads appeared to be crowns like gold, and their faces were like the faces of men. [Revelation 9:7]

And Achish answered and said to David, I know that thou art good in my sight, as an angel of God: notwithstanding the princes of the Philistines have said, He shall not go up with us to the battle. [1 Samuel 29:9]

The following year, Taiwan put together a national all-star team to compete in Williams­port.

In September 2012, the Jing­mei Girls’ High School tug-of-war team traveled to Switzerland to represent Taiwan in the world championships, walking away with both the championship and the open 500-kilogram division title.

Those in the know will tell you that Ta­tung has had a team of its own since 1963. In fact, it’s Taiwan’s oldest amateur soccer team, has won numerous national championships, and has even represented Taiwan in several important Asian competitions.

Editor: Apparently, when you have 出战X, X can be
- the venue
- the opposing team
- the name of the event
or there may be no X at all.

I'm going with just "compete" since neither "compete in" nor "compete against" covers all possibilities.
# 出戰 出战 [chu1 zhan4] /(military) to go off to war/(sports) to take part in a competition (somewhere)/
+ 出戰 出战 [chu1 zhan4] /(military) to go off to war/(sports) to compete/

Change log entry 73823
Processed by: richwarm (2021-12-09 03:26:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69315 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* I don't think it means "repertoire", even if that's what all C-E dictionaries say. It's not a *list* of plays -- that's not what Chinese dictionaries say, and not what actual usage indicates. It's one play in the repertoire. Each play, each title, is a 剧目.

n. theatrical program; repertoire

repertoire; programme; list of plays or operas
| 传统剧目
| traditional theater; traditional play

| 今天演出的~是「梁祝」
| 传统~。


名 各种戏剧剧本的统称; 特指戏剧的名目
| 《雷雨》是该剧院的保留剧目。

"Many more theaters were built in short order--the Curtain, Rose, Swan, Hope, Fortune, and most important, the Globe. The Globe theater opened in 1599, with "Julius Caesar"as one of its first productions."

For instance, we might first put on some rather traditional music and performances; for Peking Opera we would want to put on a new work, or one which is rarely performed; there might also be street performances. But I don't know yet what form it will take.

Hsieh founded Ten Drum and introduced its first piece, Legend of Drums,” in 2000.

She is performing the Guo­Guang Opera Company’s famed One Hundred Years on Stage, and this particular part demands especially good acrobatic skill.

At the end of last year, Wu Zhao­nan accepted an invitation from Tai­pei’s Guo­guang Opera Company to play clown roles in the operas Flour Vat and Spinning Cotton.

> "It's not a *list* of plays ... It's one play in the repertoire."

I don't think you can eliminate the "repertoire" sense.
Here are four examples.

1) 今年前來演出的中國廈門歌仔戲團就連 演了二十二天,戲金加上機票食宿大約花費二十萬新幣(相當新台幣四百萬元),劇目還包括最新編排的《杜蘭朵公主》。
This year's program included a ko-tzai-hsi troupe from Xiamen in China, bringing a repertoire that included a new version of Turandot, and performing for 22 days on the trot at a total cost to the organizers (including performance fees, air tickets, food and board) or around S$200,000, or roughly NT$4 million.

2) 兩岸歌仔戲第一把交椅同台一哭,哭的台下觀眾柔腸寸斷、盪氣迴腸。然而不論在唱腔、裝扮上,甚或藝人的一生傳奇,都可以發現兩岸歌仔戲既熟悉又陌生,一株開兩花,芳香各不同。「熟悉的是那親切的歌仔調與閩南話,還有相同的劇目。...」
The top two starlets from Taiwan and the mainland up on stage crying their eyes out soon had everyone in the audience on the verge of tears themselves. The interesting thing was that gezai xi in Taiwan and the PRC is so alike yet noticeably different in every way, including vocal style and costumes, not to mention the life stories of the actors themselves. "Some things struck a very familiar chord, such as the gezai melodies, the use of Minnan [southern Fujianese] dialect, and the repertoire. ..."

3) 以及介紹吳郭魚等台灣魚種的《海底總動員》,與吳念真導演講述父愛的《只想跟你在一起》與《黑光幻想曲》等豐富劇目。
Other shows from a rich lineup include Seafloor Mobilization, which is about tilapia; I Just Want to Be With You, a drama written and directed by Wu Nien-jen about his father; and Black Light Fantasy.

4) 〈木蘭詩〉也是北曲創作的劇目之一,除了好聽,還有傳統戲曲表達的意境。

So I think it's like 细目, which can mean either 'an item' or 'a list of items'.

As LA says, 目 can mean either 'item' (項目) or 'list of items' (目錄).
And they give 劇目 as an example of the "list of items" sense (along with 書目 and篇目).

One dictionary (New Age) defines 保留剧目 as either a list or an item: "repertory; repertoire; a repertory item".
- 劇目 剧目 [ju4 mu4] /repertoire/list of plays or operas/
# + 劇目 剧目 [ju4 mu4] /play (esp. as part of a theatrical repertoire)/
+ 劇目 剧目 [ju4 mu4] /theatrical piece (play or opera)/repertoire/list of plays or operas/

Change log entry 73818
Processed by: richwarm (2021-12-07 20:52:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68936 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
p[lace].w[ord]. 〈mil.〉 enemy rear area

enemy's rear area; behind enemy lines
| 深入敌后
| penetrate into the enemy’s rear
| 建立敌后根据地
| establish base areas behind enemy lines

| 深入~
| ~工作
| ~情报员。


名 战争时敌人的后方。

The secret military workers who worked in the enemy's rear made great contributions to the victory of the war.

He solved a series of problems regarding how to carry out guerrilla warfare in the enemy's rear.

The war of resistance behind enemy lines is an extremely complex and arduous struggle. After six successful years we have laid the foundation for the continued struggle and final victory.

Comrade Mao Zedong has told us that fighting, production and education are the three major responsibilities for us behind enemy lines.

6. Our policy in the Kuomintang areas is different from that in the war zones and the areas behind the enemy lines.

They were particularly excited by the revolutionary stand of the Kuomintang in the adopted party platform, pledging itself to remain in the democratic camp, and to unite all the people's strength from at home and abroad, as well as from behind the enemy lines, for the final victory of national recovery against the Communists.

Jeffrey Lu, deputy managing editor of the Central Broadcasting System, notes that the station used to have a program called "Methods for Communication on the Air." This was the way the ROC's intelligence agencies contacted their undercover agents. The contents of the program were simply a series of numerical codes, broadcast ten minutes at a time, several times a day. It was not cut out until martial law was lifted in Taiwan in 1987.
+ 敵後 敌后 [di2 hou4] /(military) the enemy's rear/behind enemy lines/

Change log entry 73806
Processed by: richwarm (2021-12-03 23:13:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69304 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* What are mixed entrails? I'm assuming it is meant as a translation of something like "煮熟切碎可供食用的牛、羊等动物的内脏".
* "Chop suey" is more like a reverse translation, as it is an American(-Chinese) dish, but being such a well-known word and a transcription of 杂碎, it's reasonable to include it here, as long as it is clear this is not a common name for a "real" Chinese dish. More than one Chinese person has told me how they were shocked to see 杂碎 -- offal -- being offered to customers in Chinese restaurants in the West. It seems Chinese people refer to this dish as 李鸿章杂碎, so I'm adding that as well. Is it too mystifying without explaining the story behind the name?
* "trivial matters": I think this is a translation of definitions such as "杂乱琐碎", but 1) it's missing the messy/disorderly sense; and 2) it's usually attributive ("杂碎事").
*Pronunciation: Chinese dictionaries agree on the pronunciation zásui, LAC gives zásuì only as the Tw pronunciation.

① chopped cooked entrails of sheep/oxen
② chop suey
③ trifles
◆attr. complicated and trifling

chopped cooked entrails of sheep or oxen

名 可供食用的牛、羊等动物的内脏。

1. 煮熟切碎可供食用的牛、羊等动物的内脏。
| 牛~
| ~汤。
2. 〈书〉杂乱琐碎。
| 百家~。
3. 骂人的话。
| 烂泥扶不上墙,别再管这~。

1. 煩雜瑣碎。
| 《後漢書.卷四九.仲長統傳》:「叛散五經,滅棄風、雅。百家雜碎,請用從火。」
2. 牛羊的內臟。
| 《西遊記.第七五回》:「哥啊,喫了雜碎也罷,不知在那裡支鍋?」
3. 譏罵沒有用的人。如:「快走吧!別理這雜碎!」

1 杂乱零碎。
| 丁玲《母亲》:说靠人, 就只这一个老妈妈可靠, 可是只能把杂碎事交把她。
2 指煮熟切碎的牛羊等的内脏。有时也指家畜的内脏。如:羊杂碎。也用作詈词。
| 魏巍《东方》:你瞧, 那老地主、恶霸、国民党、帝国主义烂杂碎, 对咱多不满意!

※ 李鸿章杂碎
李鸿章杂碎(英語:chop suey)又稱杂碎,是盛行于北美地区的的美式中国菜。至今已有一百多年的历史,因1896年清末名臣李鸿章游历美国而名声大噪,进而在当地流行,后来还传入加拿大,成为北美一道受人喜欢的華人美食。


“李鸿章杂碎”(Chop Suey)”,把什么肉丝,芹菜丝,绿豆芽,青椒,洋葱什么的混在一起乱炒,有点像中式的“炒三丝”之类的。


Editor: More examples for 杂碎 as a type of person:

Some slime stole it. It wasn't a trophy, it was an urn. It contained my wife's ashes- besides this bar, it was the most important thing in my life.

Dante: Damn it! You guys totally wrecked my shop! And I haven't even named it yet! You're going to pay for that.

If you'd come in friendship, the scum who ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day.
# - 雜碎 杂碎 [za2 sui4] /offal/mixed entrails/trivial matters/
# + 雜碎 杂碎 [za2 sui5] /offal/cooked minced offal/chop suey (American Chinese dish), more commonly known in Chinese as [Li3 Hong2 zhang1 za2 sui5]/messy and trivial/small and disorganized (matters)/(derog.) good-for-nothing/useless/Taiwan pr. [za2 sui4]/
# 李鴻章雜碎 李鸿章杂碎 [Li3 Hong2 zhang1 za2 sui5] /chop suey (American Chinese dish)/

Change log entry 73805
Processed by: richwarm (2021-12-03 22:08:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69304 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* What are mixed entrails? I'm assuming it is meant as a translation of something like "煮熟切碎可供食用的牛、羊等动物的内脏".
* "Chop suey" is more like a reverse translation, as it is an American(-Chinese) dish, but being such a well-known word and a transcription of 杂碎, it's reasonable to include it here, as long as it is clear this is not a common name for a "real" Chinese dish. More than one Chinese person has told me how they were shocked to see 杂碎 -- offal -- being offered to customers in Chinese restaurants in the West. It seems Chinese people refer to this dish as 李鸿章杂碎, so I'm adding that as well. Is it too mystifying without explaining the story behind the name?
* "trivial matters": I think this is a translation of definitions such as "杂乱琐碎", but 1) it's missing the messy/disorderly sense; and 2) it's usually attributive ("杂碎事").
*Pronunciation: Chinese dictionaries agree on the pronunciation zásui, LAC gives zásuì only as the Tw pronunciation.

① chopped cooked entrails of sheep/oxen
② chop suey
③ trifles
◆attr. complicated and trifling

chopped cooked entrails of sheep or oxen

名 可供食用的牛、羊等动物的内脏。

1. 煮熟切碎可供食用的牛、羊等动物的内脏。
| 牛~
| ~汤。
2. 〈书〉杂乱琐碎。
| 百家~。
3. 骂人的话。
| 烂泥扶不上墙,别再管这~。

1. 煩雜瑣碎。
| 《後漢書.卷四九.仲長統傳》:「叛散五經,滅棄風、雅。百家雜碎,請用從火。」
2. 牛羊的內臟。
| 《西遊記.第七五回》:「哥啊,喫了雜碎也罷,不知在那裡支鍋?」
3. 譏罵沒有用的人。如:「快走吧!別理這雜碎!」

1 杂乱零碎。
| 丁玲《母亲》:说靠人, 就只这一个老妈妈可靠, 可是只能把杂碎事交把她。
2 指煮熟切碎的牛羊等的内脏。有时也指家畜的内脏。如:羊杂碎。也用作詈词。
| 魏巍《东方》:你瞧, 那老地主、恶霸、国民党、帝国主义烂杂碎, 对咱多不满意!

※ 李鸿章杂碎
李鸿章杂碎(英語:chop suey)又稱杂碎,是盛行于北美地区的的美式中国菜。至今已有一百多年的历史,因1896年清末名臣李鸿章游历美国而名声大噪,进而在当地流行,后来还传入加拿大,成为北美一道受人喜欢的華人美食。


“李鸿章杂碎”(Chop Suey)”,把什么肉丝,芹菜丝,绿豆芽,青椒,洋葱什么的混在一起乱炒,有点像中式的“炒三丝”之类的。


1) Re: /(derog.) good-for-nothing/useless/
Isn't that supposed to be a *noun* sense (a type of person) rather than an adjective?
- 「快走吧!別理這雜碎!」
- 「爛泥扶不上牆,別再管這雜碎」。

2) /incoherent (information)/
The e-Generation's predilection for image-based reasoning is causing their patience for serious reading and logical writing to gradually erode. Their writing is incoherent and even in spoken language they show a tendency towards the abbreviated, partially formed language favored by commercials; in the end, their actual meaning evaporates in a flash of fragmented information.

Some customers just go on and on, and they'll say, "Ah, the reason I have to buy this thing is that my mom is like this, and then my dad is like that, and my daughter is like that." And then she's said a lot. But don't think that she's just babbling on aimlessly. Your sales clues are usually obtained from that random babble.
- 雜碎 杂碎 [za2 sui4] /offal/mixed entrails/trivial matters/
# + 雜碎 杂碎 [za2 sui5] /offal/cooked minced offal/chop suey (American Chinese dish), more commonly known in Chinese as [Li3 Hong2 zhang1 za2 sui5]/messy and trivial/small and disorganized (matters)/(derog.) good-for-nothing/useless/Taiwan pr. [za2 sui4]/
+ 李鴻章雜碎 李鸿章杂碎 [Li3 Hong2 zhang1 za2 sui5] /chop suey (American Chinese dish)/
+ 雜碎 杂碎 [za2 sui5] /offal/cooked minced offal/chop suey (American Chinese dish)/incoherent (information)/(derog.) asshat/jerk/

Change log entry 73798
Processed by: richwarm (2021-12-02 09:36:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68907 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
f.e. 〈coll.〉
① blow one's own trumpet
② extol/over-praise sb.

| 这是往我~呢
| 习惯往人~的人,总少了一点诚意。


The report does show up some unflattering things about America, but its critique is even-handed and empirical.

But the appearances of such figures seem designed principally to show Mr Rhodes in a good light

He accused the prime minister of burnishing his own image while foldingunder pressure.

Do vampire bats attack people? People should not flatter themselves: "Human" is not an item that appears on the bat's menu. Of course, just like snakes, if you disturb a vampire you could become a kind of light snack.

Editor: Flattery, when directed at someone other than oneself, is typically insincere.
I don't think that's the case with 脸上贴金.
# 臉上貼金 脸上贴金 [lian3 shang4 tie1 jin1] /lit. to apply gold leaf to the face of a statue/fig. to flatter (oneself or sb else)/
+ 臉上貼金 脸上贴金 [lian3 shang4 tie1 jin1] /lit. to apply gold leaf to the face of a statue (idiom)/fig. to talk up/to extol the virtues of (oneself or sb else)/

Change log entry 73797
Processed by: richwarm (2021-12-02 08:48:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69294 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
※ 如云
① cloudlike
② many; full

cloudlike; many; full of
| 奴仆如云
| a throng of servants
| 出其东门, 有女如云。(《诗经》)
| Through the east gate, outward bound, | Cloudlike groups of maids I found.

| 高手~
| 美女~
| 宾客~。

| 《詩經.齊風.敝笱》:「齊子歸止,其從如雲。」
| 《楚辭.屈原.九歌.湘夫人》:「九嶷繽兮並迎,靈之來兮如雲。」

※ 高手如云
f[ixed].e[xpression]. many master-hands


This period was a peak one in the history of the art of the pipa, producing a host of master players and rapid improvements in technique.

至於哪些是具體可行的補漏措施,財政司系統 內 高手如雲 , 如 何執行,易事 一樁而已。
As for what specific measures should be adopted, I must say that there are numerous able hands in the machinery under the Financial Secretary.

"To stand out among the myriad brilliant minds in the world of physics, you have to be a genius among geniuses. With my native intelligence, there was no way I'd be able to stand out," laughs Yap.

The most effective way for an unknown Asian conductor to gain name recognition on the international classical music scene, which has many musicians of enormous talent, is to compete in international competitions.

In his mind's eye, Taiwan in those days-fresh out of martial law and enjoying real freedom for the first time in four decades-had an atmosphere deeply imbued with culture, with huge talents as common as clouds in the sky.

Editor: "cloud-like" can mean "resembling a cloud [singular]" or "fluffy" or "nebulous", but that doesn't seem to be what 如云 means.
# 如雲 如云 [ru2 yun2] /cloud-like/numerous/
+ 高手如雲 高手如云 [gao1 shou3 ru2 yun2] /(idiom) teeming with experts/
+ 如雲 如云 [ru2 yun2] /like the clouds in the sky (i.e. numerous)/

Change log entry 73787
Processed by: richwarm (2021-11-28 11:00:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69269 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
① be heedless of
② be reckless

1. 不看管、不照顾;不过问、不顾及。
| 医生对病患怎可~
| 不可对员工的需求~。
2. 毫无顾忌;鲁莽冒昧。
| 你也不看场合,~地大声嚷嚷起来
| 他~地把人揍了一顿,才发现认错人了。

1. 不看顧、不照料。如:「這麼大的產業,他卻都不管不顧,真叫人擔心。」
2. 莽撞。如:「儘管有外人在,他還是不管不顧的撞進來。」

1 不照管; 不照顾
| 不能对自己的健康不管不顾哇!
2 不顾忌; 不顾及
| 他不管不顾, 一进门就跟人家吵起来。

Many Chinese women find it unbelievable that Western men would allow their girlfriends to rough it on their own

No company regardless of what they make can nowadays just make a product, bung it out there and forget about it

Leaders might swear in public to work together, but at home they continue to wall off their own economies against immediate dangers-with no concern for the consequences next door.

It is one thing to ignore European Commission President José Manuel Barroso's call for a more flexible economic policy, and quite another to dismiss out of hand the powerful message coming from French and Greek voters.

有一点是显而易见的:如果我们对地球气候并非不管不顾,就不能把我们已有的煤、石油和天然气都烧了。这些东西大约80% - 特别是煤,它燃烧时释放的二氧化碳最多 - 必须呆在地里。
One thing is clear: if we are not to be totally reckless with our planet's climate, we cannot burn all the coal, oil, and natural gas that we have already located. About 80% of it - especially the coal, which emits the most CO2 when burned - will have to stay in the ground.

印度反对党人民党(上届政府)批评现任政府"没有对中国政府使用武力表示关注 ", 而是"对中国采取绥靖政策,对于本国的民族荣誉和外交独立不管不顾 "。
The opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP, which led the previous government) has criticized the current administration for not "expressing concern over the use of force by the Chinese government" and instead "adopting a policy of appeasement towards China with scant regard to the country's national honor and foreign policy independence."

Editor: Tried to write a definition in my own words.
Not quite satisfied with it.
Your wording may be at least as good.
# 不管不顧 不管不顾 [bu4 guan3 bu4 gu4] /to be reckless/to not care about/to ignore/uncaring/
+ 不管不顧 不管不顾 [bu4 guan3 bu4 gu4] /to pay scant regard to (sth)/unheeding/reckless/

Change log entry 73778
Processed by: richwarm (2021-11-27 06:58:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69317 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
f[ixed].e[xpression]. in a dilemma/predicament

in a dilemma; in an awkward predicament
| 我想去看看她, 可是不是时候。不去吧, 又不放心。真是左右为难。
| I’d like to go and see her, but the time is not right, yet I keep worrying about her. What a dilemma!

| 法理情不能兼顾,使他~。

| 《紅樓夢.第一二○回》:「千思萬想,左右為難。」
| 《文明小史.第五回》:「真正弄得他左右為難,進退維谷,心上又氣又急。」

左也不是, 右也不是。形容无论怎样做都有难处。

Faced with difficulties from both families, when Hung-chien and Jou-chia had taken all the frustration they could hold, they just had to take out their frustration on each other.

His experience has been that many factories are demanding high service fees to take back their software, and continually hint that the only real guarantee is to replace the whole machine. He is stuck between a rock and a hard place.

They couldn't afford to leave, however, and decided to renovate the house instead, but the government said that would be against the law. It was a real Catch-22.

The question of whether to remove vendors presents police with a real dilemma.
# 左右為難 左右为难 [zuo3 you4 wei2 nan2] /(idiom) faced with a difficult situation no matter what you do/between a rock and a hard place/dilemma/
+ 左右為難 左右为难 [zuo3 you4 wei2 nan2] /(idiom) between a rock and a hard place/in a dilemma/
# Editor: adding ~
- 左右兩難 左右两难 [zuo3 you4 liang3 nan2] /dilemma/quandary/Scylla and Charybdis/between the devil and the deep blue sea (idiom)/
+ 左右兩難 左右两难 [zuo3 you4 liang3 nan2] /(idiom) between a rock and a hard place/in a dilemma/

Change log entry 73777
Processed by: richwarm (2021-11-27 04:20:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69318 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
| 西方媒体对中国的妖魔化倾向
| the tendency to demonise China displayed by the Western media

| 将升学考试~无助于教育改革。

动 故意歪曲、丑化某人或某事物, 将其诋毁得像妖魔似的令人恐惧、憎恶
| 将高考妖魔化无助于高考改革。

And so the sacred feminine was demonized and called unclean.

He was demonised during the campaign by his opponents, almost absurdly so; yet his hard line on immigration and on criminality lent him an undeniable harshness.

An example of the latter is the September visit of PRC President Jiang Zemin to New York to participate in the United Nations millennial conference. In the run-up to the US presidential election, there has been an effort by anti-Communist forces in the US to "demonize" China, and Jiang's address to the UN-which was very friendly in tone and was delivered in English-is widely believed to have effectively improved the negative image of China in the US.

Chen's wife and brother-in-law were both marginal people in society, with only middle-school education. There was little evidence that they were actually involved in his crimes, but they were demonized in the social atmosphere of that time.

that there is a double standard in society toward gender and power. Men who are ambitious for power are seen as “staying aggressive out there,” as showing admirable masculinity and toughness, but a woman who aspires for power is often subconsciously seen as “showing the ugly side of her character,” or is even demonized.
+ 妖魔化 妖魔化 [yao1 mo2 hua4] /to demonize/

Change log entry 73776
Processed by: richwarm (2021-11-27 04:19:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69375 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* I think "peasant household" makes sense, but at least in the most recent decades it seems 农户 mostly refers to people, farmers, not households. Chinese dictionaries always use the word 人家, which is ambiguous.
* "Peasant" is now a historical term, but 农户 still is a common word.

【Wenlin】n. peasant household
【Pleco】NOUN peasant household

| 村里住的都是~。


名 以从事农业生产为主的人家。

Third, China will quicken the fostering of intermediaries linking the farmers with the market, and guiding and encouraging them to join hands and participate in grain circulation.

17个西非国家中的5 000多户农户已经在使用这些 新品种。
Already, more than 5,000 farmers in 17 West African countries have participated in the use of these new varieties.

Small subsistence farmers, representing 80 per cent of Africa's population, are key to its development.

Planning and development of ecotourism in Hoa Binh, Vietnam, from 2006 to 2012, with 11,000 farmer households.

As a result, after the handover of ATM operations is complete, many local farmers end up right back where they started.

A farmer using the traditional slash-and-burn method who wants a normal harvest every year must possess six pieces of land for every one under cultivation.

About one-third of those farmers who have received training from us no longer need to use slash-and-burn farming methods.

Currently, there are nearly 300 families that, like Reymundo's family, are cultivating a vegetable garden.

So far, 150,000 kilograms of feed have been exchanged, benefiting more than 760 farmers.

Editor: "farmer" ~
- 農戶 农户 [nong2 hu4] /peasant household/
+ 農戶 农户 [nong2 hu4] /farmer/farmer household/

Change log entry 73775
Processed by: richwarm (2021-11-27 04:07:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69320 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* "to stand sth upright": "stand upright" doesn't usually take an object. This gloss seems ungrammatical to me. 戳 in this sense can be both transitive (place sth upright) and intransitive (to stand).
* Most dictionaries have colloquial or dialect tags for all verb senses except jab/poke. I'm going with colloquial here.
* Adding the noun sense stamp/seal.

※ to stand
〈topo.〉 stand sth. on end

stand sth. on end
| 把秫秸戳起来
| stand the bundle of sorghum stalks on end
| 有话进来说, 别在门口儿戳着。
| Don’t stand in the doorway. Come in if you have something to say.

| 别~着,坐下吧
| 把棍子~在地上。


动 <口> 竖起; 站立
| 戳起一杆大旗
| 别老戳着, 快坐下。

※ stamp/seal
n. 〈coll.〉 stamp; seal

stamp; seal

| 邮~
| 小~。

名 圖章、印記。如:「郵戳」。
| 《福惠全書.卷四.蒞任部.酬答書札》:「如發回書,即于前件下註某日發回書訖,上用銷號小戳。」

他只要在任何一条新闻或文章上打个‘禁登’的戳, 或甚至随便用红铅笔打个大×子, 报馆就得把它抽出来。

c.f. 时间戳, 戳儿, 戳子, 日戳, 时戳, 邮戳, already in the dictionary

Editor: "stand upright" does often take an object, and there's nothing ungrammatical about it.
Google "stand it upright" — 508,000 results, such as "After you properly clean your toothbrush, be sure to stand it upright so it will dry easier."

Or see Oxford @ "stand", sense 1.3. Click "More example sentences".
E.g. "[He] had split pea and ham soup that you could stand your spoon upright in."
- 戳 戳 [chuo1] /to jab/to poke/to stab/to sprain/to blunt/to fuck (vulgar)/to stand sth upright/
# + 戳 戳 [chuo1] /to jab/to poke/to stab/(coll.) to sprain/to blunt/to fuck (vulgar)/to stand/to place (sth) upright/stamp/seal/
+ 戳 戳 [chuo1] /to jab/to poke/to stab/(coll.) to sprain/to blunt/to fuck (vulgar)/to stand/to stand (sth) upright/stamp/seal/

Change log entry 73774
Processed by: richwarm (2021-11-26 21:50:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68944 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* All the usage examples I've seen are in the military context, but most dictionaries include the sense "to give moral support".

v[erb].o[bject construction].
① assist in a fight
② bolster sb.'s morale

1 assist in battle
2 bolster morale; back up; give moral support

1. 协助作战。
| 友军从后方赶来~。
2. 助威。
| 呐喊~
| 擂鼓~
| 这场校际足球赛,有不少同学前去~。

| 《三國演義.第五回》:「劉玄德掣雙股劍,驟黃鬃馬,刺斜裡也來助戰。」
| 《儒林外史.第三九回》:「只聽得山頭炮響,你們便喊殺回來助戰,不可有誤。」

At the sight of his sworn Brother Zhang Fei unable to gain an upper hand, Guan Yu lifted his crescent-moon shaped sword to join the Battle.

The duke summoned his feudatories to aid him in war.

Daily the beans saw me come to their rescue armed with a hoe, and thin the ranks of their enemies, filling up the trenches with weedy dead.
+ 助戰 助战 [zhu4 zhan4] /to support (in battle)/

Change log entry 73769
Processed by: richwarm (2021-11-25 03:05:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69213 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Elementary arithmetic is the simplified portion of arithmetic that includes the operations of counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.


n. 〈math.〉 the four fundamental operations of arithmetic

(four) arithmetic operations; arithmetic



The four operations are the basis of math.

A boy was teaching a girl arithmetic, he said it was his mission.

加减乘除四则运算,在 NumPy 中是最基本的运算,跟我们平常普通数字之间的运算,在表现形式上也很类似。
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are the most basic arithmetic operations in NumPy. They are similar to normal arithmetic operations betwen numbers.
# 四則運算 四则运算 [si4 ze2 yun4 suan4] /elementary arithmetic/the four elementary arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division/
+ 四則運算 四则运算 [si4 ze2 yun4 suan4] /the four basic operations of arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)/

Change log entry 73751
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-11-14 09:16:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69314 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* It's primarily a verb, but leaving a plain "struggle" in because I don't want to imply it can't be used a noun.
* A fight, a struggle, but generally not a large-scale war.

v. fight; struggle

| fight; struggle; contend
| fight for control of the company

1. 打架。
| 因~而受伤
| 何必为这点小事与人~?
2. 指力求战胜或制服对方。
| 我并无~求胜之心,只是玩玩而已
| 体坛~日趋激烈。

| 《後漢書.卷八.孝靈帝紀》:「帝作列肆於後宮,使諸采女販賣,更相盜竊爭鬥。」
| 《文明小史.第七回》:「手無縛雞之力,又兼上了煙癮,那裡還有氣力與人爭鬥?」

1 动 打架。
2 动 泛指力求战胜或制服对方
| 棋盘上激烈争斗。
注意:跟“斗争”不同。“争斗”一般用于指针对具体对手的具体行为; “斗争”还可用于指抽象行为, 适用范围宽。

Having two men battle over her must be a woman's proudest moment, Fang reflected.

Subsequently, Williams and some associates founded the Community of Peace People, vowing to end sectarian strife in Northern Ireland and giving them an organizational basis for a long-term struggle.

In the animated film Nuwa that Chang is producing, the goddess Nuwa watches human beings rend the earth and sky with their fighting, burning, and killing.

Nonetheless, military hostilities between Government and armed movement forces and intercommunal fighting continued.

Insecurity, factional discord and narcotic drug production continue to take their toll on peace and stability in Afghanistan.

Competition among the major Powers has played a role in their inflammation.
- 爭鬥 争斗 [zheng1 dou4] /struggle/war/
+ 爭鬥 争斗 [zheng1 dou4] /to struggle/to fight/struggle/

Change log entry 73739
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-11-11 08:15:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69376 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
不期而至是一个汉语成语,拼音是bù qī ér zhì,意思指事先没有约定而意外到来,没有预料的到来。这里要特别注意,该词语不带有主观感情色彩。出自在成长的道路上,阳光时时撒满你的心田,但风雨也可能不期而至。

AS BRITISH construction workers went on strike this month to protest against Italian and Portuguese employees being brought in to British building sites, an unexpected voice spoke up to defend the free movement of labour within the European Union (EU).

We were stuck with relatives who came to stay unexpectedly

Hubbard arrives unexpectedly, and Mark hides in the bedroom.

Disaster struck when we least expected it.

In modern society, public disasters like the Bird Flu tend to occur unexpectedly and bring about great loss to a country and its people.

我计划两人共度一个浪漫的夜晚,可是事不凑巧 - 先是朋友们不期而至,接着戴夫被叫去出急诊。
I'd planned a romantic evening together, but circumstances conspired against it - friends arrived unexpectedly and then Dave was called out to an emergency.
+ 不期而至 不期而至 [bu4 qi1 er2 zhi4] /to arrive unexpectably/unexpected/

Change log entry 73716
Processed by: richwarm (2021-11-06 00:20:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69316 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Example of 打出手 from the Beijing opera 《盗库银》: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1SB4y1w7yg
* It is my understanding that 大打出手 is usually about an actual fight, not the 武打 performance, but it is a reference to it, so I think it makes sense to direct the readers to this entry.

① 〈opera〉 throw weapons back and forth
② start a fight; come to blows

(in traditional opera) throw weapons back and forth
2 start a fight; come to blows
See 大打出手

戏曲表演中一种武打程式。以一个角色为中心, 同其他几个角色互相抛掷、传递武器, 动作惊险, 难度很高。

1. 在传统戏曲中的一种武打程式。以一个演员为中心,同其他几个角色的演员相互抛、掷或踢传递武器,动作快捷,难度很高。
2. 动手打人。
| 大~。

1. 戲劇中互相投擲傳遞武器的技巧,稱為「打出手」。也稱為「過傢伙」。
2. 打架。如:「他倆一言不合,便大打出手。」

1 我国传统戏曲的武打表演程式。是为刻画人物服务的一种艺术手段。也叫做出手、踢出手。它以一个角色为中心, 同其他几个角色相互配合, 作抛掷传递武器的特技, 并用打击乐烘托气氛, 形成种种舞蹈性的惊险场面。多用于神仙斗法的武旦戏, 如京剧《泗州城》、《盗仙草》等。少数武生、武净戏里有时也用打出手, 如京剧《铁笼山》、《取金陵》等。

※ 大打出手

v[erb].p[hrase]. get into a free-for-all

come to blows; get into a fight

| 他俩一言不合,便~。


形容凶狠地动手打人或相互殴打。 见打出手。

老兄”,他們大打出手,我 們則沒有,我們很有禮貌......最少主席現在看到我也會精神一點,他 本來是打睏盹的。
When our counterparts in Taiwan come to blows, we have not done so and we are very courteous …… at least, President is working with more vigour now that I am here, and he felt sleepy just now.

我 們經常聽到有關遊客跟本地人因吸煙問題而 大 打出手 的 新 聞,原因是甚麼?
We can often hear news about visitors and locals coming to blows over smoking.

女工们竭力忍耐,避免和这些人打架; 而这些人呢,也没接到命令真真出手打
The girls were trying not to be involved in a full-blooded fight with the bullies, and the latter were holding their fire until they received the order to lash out in earnest.

"Neighbors of 20 years standing often get into a free-for-all over a parking spot," says Hsu.

The Jerry Springer Show invites ordinary people on the program to deal with emotional or interpersonal problems.

Morticians, desperate to be first inside the mortuary to claim a fresh corpse, have been known to assault security guards keeping them out

1) I take issue with the wording of the proposed definition of 打出手, which says that the character in the center throws weapons back and forth.
The subject of the verb phrase "throw X back and forth" is almost always plural, and it's confusing if it's singular.
"The two threw the ball back and forth a couple of times before Judge returned to his duties as right fielder."
"We kicked the ball back and forth, climbed on the playground equipment, watched some real soccer players warm up for a real game, ..."

2) Video

3) In cc-cedict, the format /see .../ is supposed to be used only in cases where the headword is interchangeable (completely synonymous) with the cross-referenced term.
草菅人命 草菅人命 [cao3 jian1 ren2 ming4] /to have disregard for human life (idiom)/
草芥人命 草芥人命 [cao3 jie4 ren2 ming4] /see 草菅人命[cao3 jian1 ren2 ming4]/
The idea is that an app like Pleco can substitute the definition of 草菅人命 when displaying the entry for 草芥人命.
(and in fact, that's what they do, I believe)

But 打出手 and 大打出手 aren't interchangeable, since 大打出手 doesn't have the theatrical sense of 打出手.
# 打出手 打出手 [da3 chu1 shou3] /an acrobatic performance in which one character, at the center, fights off a group of attackers by throwing weapons back and forth (Chinese opera)/to come to blows/to start a fight/
# 大打出手 大打出手 [da4 da3 chu1 shou3] /to come to blows/to start a fight/see 打出手[da3 chu1 shou3]/
+ 打出手 打出手 [da3 chu1 shou3] /to fling back weapons hurled at one by attackers (acrobatic performance in Chinese opera)/to come to blows/to start a fight/
+ 大打出手 大打出手 [da4 da3 chu1 shou3] /to come to blows/to start a fight/(derived from the term for a type of theatrical fight scene, 打出手[da3 chu1 shou3])/

Change log entry 73713
Processed by: richwarm (2021-11-04 04:31:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69303 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Not sure if this is clear enough. The meaning I want to add is "force" as in a "military force". Essentially M-W's senses 2c and 2d: “a body of persons or things available for a particular end”, “an individual or group having the power of effective action”. Often meaning military force, but not always.

They were opposed by a force twice the size of their own

The chief enemies in China's revolutionary war are imperialism and the feudal forces.

The separatist forces are violating human rights and fundamental freedoms on massive scale.

This would amount to a win for pro-Western forces in the Middle East.

The Lebanese army or a neutral force should then man the border.

For centuries, all these groups, as a united people, resisted foreign hegemonic forces.

At that same gathering, the Government of Tajikistan declared its intention to foster dialogue with opposition forces.

Unquestionably, there are forces in Kosovo that are not interested in a normalization of the situation.

Heavy-handed political pressure caused many journalists to support the political opposition.

Thus people organized civic groups whose rising power became a force in promoting social reform
- 勢力 势力 [shi4 li5] /power/(ability to) influence/
# + 勢力 势力 [shi4 li5] /power/(ability to) influence/a force/
+ 勢力 势力 [shi4 li5] /power/influence/a force (military, political etc)/

Change log entry 73710
Processed by: richwarm (2021-11-03 21:08:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69309 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Wikipedia uses the 写死 for Traditional Chinese and 硬编码 for Simplified Chinese, but it's not hard to find examples of 写死 being used by Mainland developers. In act, that's how I knew about this word, from discussions with PRC developers, who seem to use it naturally.
* There's also a difference in terms of POS, 写死 is a (resultative) verb, 硬编码 is a noun phrase which tends to be used attributively (硬编码的方式, 硬编码应用程序), although it also seems to be used as a verb.

硬编码(英语:Hard Code或Hard Coding)是指在软件实现上,将输出或输入的相关参数(例如:路径、输出的形式或格式)直接以常量的方式撰写在源代码中,而非在运行期间由外界指定的设置、资源、资料或格式做出适当回应

Hard coding (also hard-coding or hardcoding) is the software development practice of embedding data directly into the source code of a program or other executable object, as opposed to obtaining the data from external sources or generating it at runtime.




There are a few hard codeed parameters in the token contract, and you could tweak them to suit your particular token design.

I started by writing an example that was hard-coded for three particular tables and two particular classes. I didn t think about generalizing it.

You're using trail version. Free trial version that never expires, but project capsule generated is fixed by hardcode, so all the encrypted files are encrypted by same key.

CA5398: Avoid hardcoded SslProtocols values
避免硬编码的 SslProtocols 值

CA5403: Do not hard-code certificate

然而,在使用JMS的生产环境中,JMS主题名或队列名一般是使用JNDI(Java Naming and Directory Interface)进行配置的,而不会采用 硬编码 的 方 式
However, in a production system using JMS, the name of the topics or queues might be configured using Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) instead of hard-coded values.

在开发 BIOS 低依赖式启动时,开发人员能对定制中断分配进 行 硬编码 , 确 保其在编译时可知。
When developing BIOS-less boots, developers can hard-code custom interrupt assignments so that they are known at compile time.
+ 寫死 写死 [xie3 si3] /to hard code (computing)/
+ 硬編碼 硬编码 [ying4 bian1 ma3] /(computing) hard-coded/to hard code/

Change log entry 73709
Processed by: richwarm (2021-11-03 20:56:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69187 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
currency; types of currencies

| 《解放日报》1988.12.1:「从明年一月一日起, 外国在京商社对其聘用的中国雇员的工资金额将由现在以人民币外汇券计算改为以美元计算。但支付方式和币种均不改变。」

At present, among the currencies in China's foreign exchange reserves, US dollar comes first, euro second and Japanese yen third.

4. The euro should constitute an important reserve currency and play a key role in portfolios of financial assets on an international scale.

Smart cards will be able to hold several different currencies at the same time, so if we go aboard, we will use our smart cards in the same way.

A foreign investor is permitted to open only one special foreign exchange account of multiple currencies at a bank except for otherwise approved by administration of foreign exchange.
+ 幣種 币种 [bi4 zhong3] /currency/

Change log entry 73670
Processed by: richwarm (2021-10-22 03:37:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69218 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Wenlin says it can be pronounced dāorǎo, but other dictionaries are unanimous in the pronunciation tāorǎo.
* It's essentially synonymous with 打扰, especially when used just to be polite “打扰了”.

叨扰[-擾] tāorǎo f[ixed].e[xpression]. 〈court.〉 thanks for the hospitality
See also dāorǎo
叨扰[-擾] dāorǎo v. 〈coll.〉 bother
See also tāorǎo

thank you for your hospitality; thank you for having us

动 客套话, 用于感谢对方的接待
| 多有叨扰
| 常来叨扰, 过意不去。

| 冒昧~。

| 《文明小史.第二三回》:「小弟無端叨擾,應該覆東,世兄說出這些敗興話來,弄得大眾離心,這不成了諸同志的公敵麼?」

Thank you for your hospitality.

Being to different places, seeing different views makes me know how big the world is, so that I won't bother my trifles.

一旦有消息就通知你 叨扰了
We'll let you know as soon as find anything out. Thank you for your time.

To be fair, when Mr Obama finds himself nagging foreigners to be more sensible, he is often acting at the urging of alarmed neighbours or allies.

叨扰了 屋门开着 我就进来了
Beg your pardon for troubling you, only the door was open.

> other dictionaries are unanimous
Kuraishi* has both pronunciations, and that's where ABC got dāorǎo from.
(ABC's entry says "see kura112a2a".)
I think 叨扰 is easier to define concisely in Japanese than in English.
Kuraishi's definition is simply ご馳走になる.

> synonymous with 打扰
Also with 讨扰.

* Kuraishi Takeshirō: "Iwanami Chūgokugo Jiten"
+ 叨擾 叨扰 [tao1 rao3] /to bother/to trouble/(polite expression expressing appreciation for time taken to hear, help or host the speaker) sorry to have bothered you/thank you for your time/

Change log entry 73658
Processed by: richwarm (2021-10-19 21:17:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69216 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* “埋点” can be each of the events being tracked, but can also stand for the event tracking web analytics technique itself (also 埋点分析、数据埋点, etc.).
* “埋点” seems a native term, while the English term “event tracking” is more often translated literally to 事件跟踪 (compare: Google https://support.google.com/tagmanager/answer/6106716?hl=zh-Hans, Microsoft https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows/win32/etw/event-tracing-portal, Salesforce https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.entitlements_milestone_tracker.htm&type=5, Adobe https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-64/developing/extending-aem/extending-analytics/extending-analytics.html?lang=zh-Hans, etc. versus Umeng https://developer.umeng.com/docs/153413/detail/153419, Sensors Data https://manual.sensorsdata.cn/sa/latest/difference_track_visual_track-7547408.html, Netease https://hubble.netease.com/help/_book/behaviorAnalysis/buriedManager.html, Alibaba https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/58225.html, etc.)
* My point with the second gloss is "event used in web analytics", i.e. event being tracked or which can be tracked. This may not be very clear.

What is Event Tracking?
Event Tracking adds context to the time people spend on the pages of your website or app. Whereas page view data tells you how many people are exposed to pages on your website. With a little configuration, Events can go further and tell you what users do while they are there.



所谓埋点就是在应用中特定的流程收集一些信息,用来跟踪应用使用的状况,后续用来进一步优化产品或是提供运营的数据支撑,包括访问(Visits),访客(Visitor),停留时间(Time On Site),页面查看(Page Views,又称为页面浏览)和跳出率(Bounce Rate,又可称为蹦失率)。这样的信息收集可以大致分为两种:页面统计(track this virtual page view),统计操作行为(track this button by an event)。

+ 埋點 埋点 [mai2 dian3] /(web analytics) event tracking/event/

Change log entry 73653
Processed by: richwarm (2021-10-17 06:59:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69305 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Swordswoman is certainly rare, but translated a text mentioning a 女刀客 and 客 doesn't have to be man, so I feel extra sexist if just submit "swordsman". Is "swordsperson" too weird?
* 现代汉语大词典 has a very specific definition, “民国初年称土匪为刀客”, but I have no other reference for it, and even 刀客 for swordsman is rare enough.

If I were those swordman from the militia, I'd have refused to die. All their lives were worth only the value of egg!

几日前 有一班刀客经过我家门口
A band of swordsmen passed by a few days ago.

"I wish to be your student and become the finest swordsman in the land," the boy replied.
+ 刀客 刀客 [dao1 ke4] /swordsman/swordswoman/

Change log entry 73649
Processed by: richwarm (2021-10-17 00:26:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69042 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
① go/leave first
② advance a step further

1. 提前離開。如:「對不起!我還有事,先走一步了!」
2. 婉辭。指死亡。如:「本以為可以白首偕老,沒想到老伴兒卻先走一步了!」

Well, I must apologize, but I have to leave now.

Mr. Ch'u, Mr. Tung, please take your time. I'll go first.

His only worry is that if he dies first his wife will have to live alone in a place where she has no relatives. The only thing he can do is bequeath his savings to Grandma Wang, so that she won't have to worry about money.

One netter says, "Some fellow users who are male will immediately find some excuse to log out when they find out I'm a guy." He finds this a bit sad.

Editor: Another example (concerning parents of a disabled person):
# 先走一步 先走一步 [xian1 zou3 yi1 bu4] /to go on ahead/to leave first/(euphemism) to die first/
+ 先走一步 先走一步 [xian1 zou3 yi1 bu4] /to leave first (courteous expression used to excuse oneself)/(euphemism) to predecease/to die first (e.g. before one's spouse)/

Change log entry 73647
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-10-16 16:31:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69374 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
领英中国关闭 美社媒退出大陆



目前海外最最主流的社交媒体是:Facebook 、Twitter、 YouTube、 LinkedIn。


拜登稱社媒疫苗錯誤信息殺人 臉書全力反駁

+ 社媒 社媒 [she4 mei2] /social media (abbr. for 社交媒體|社交媒体[she4 jiao1 mei2 ti3] or 社群媒體|社群媒体[she4 qun2 mei2 ti3])/

Change log entry 73642
Processed by: richwarm (2021-10-16 05:46:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69214 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
复原乳 was added to and removed from the dictionary some 10 years ago. I think it's worth having, as both “复原” and “乳” have multiple meanings. Seen in context, if you know what “reconstituted milk” is, it's not hard to guess, otherwise it's not all that obvious. And most people reading this dictionary might not know what reconstituted milk is, as it's not commonly used in the West, where fresh milk is generally available.

Reconstituted milk: milk reconstituted by combining dry whole milk solids with the appropriate amount of water (Merriam-Webster https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/reconstituted%20milk)

Recombined and reconstituted milk and milk products are made from preserved dairy ingredients (e.g., skim-milk powder, whole-milk powder, anhydrous milk fat, unsalted frozen butter), which are processed in such a way as to resemble products made from fresh milk supplies. As a result, recombined and reconstituted milk and milk products provide a nutritious and high-quality source of dairy products in areas where a fresh raw-milk supply is not readily available or is in short supply.




Over the long run, as domestic WMP production expands and as consumers substitute more fluid milk for reconstituted milk powder, Chinese WMP exports increase steadily.

There was significantly difference between raw milk and reconstituted milk on available lysine content (P<0.05).

The largest agro-processing unit is owned and operated by a private company and imports raw material to produce tomato sauce, jams, reconstituted milk, and yoghurt and fruit juices.


欺騙消費者?! 標榜鮮奶卻使用還原奶
儀器實測!奶粉還原奶、鮮乳 維生素有差
+ 復原乳 复原乳 [fu4 yuan2 ru3] /reconstituted milk/
+ 還原乳 还原乳 [huan2 yuan2 ru3] /reconstituted milk (Tw)/

Change log entry 73640
Processed by: richwarm (2021-10-16 04:23:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69009 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
| 《文明小史.第三六回》:「仲翔一一說過,就求他去回欽差,說要面見的意思。」

I met with the Board this morning, and I proposed to them that they establish some mechanism to judge whether the agreement reached was a reasonable outcome

Upon arrival, the group met with the centre's manager and asked him about the centre's activities, the research under way and changes since 1998.

The right to contact and to see a member of their family or the consular authorities if the person in detention is a foreigner;

To do that effectively, we need to arrange a face-to-face.

This one shows Chiang Ching-kuo, accompanied by ROC Ambassador to the US Shen Chien-hung, meeting US President John F. Kennedy.

Taitung County's Chunghua, Lichi and Luanshan bridges are all major transport engineering projects about which Taitung residents speak enthusiastically. Chen Chien-nien obtained special additional funding for their construction by such means as budget boycotts and aggressive questioning, or by taking local township mayors and councillors in person to see the Taiwan provincial governor.

Having dedicated himself to the service of Prajnatara, the 27th patriarch of the Ch'an school, he journeyed from India to China during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Liang dynasty, arriving at Canton and thence traveling on to Nanking to meet Emperor Wu, himself a fervent Buddhist.

Despite being pregnant, Yen Hsiu-feng immediately traveled by land and sea all the way to Nanjing, where she met Chiang Ching-kuo and explained the government's responsibility for the February 28 Incident. Only then was Li You-pang safely released.
+ 面見 面见 [mian4 jian4] /to meet face to face/to meet in person/

Change log entry 73611
Processed by: richwarm (2021-10-13 22:15:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69263 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* “bumps and bruises everywhere”: “bumps and bruises” generally indicates something small, unimportant, but this expression describes a scene of utter devastation, often as a result of war or a natural disaster;
* “an ugly shambles”: I know the expression “ugly shambles” has real native usage (chiefly British, it seems) but the vast majority of Google hits for “ugly shambles” is CEDICT hosted on different sites. Also, “shambles” now mostly refers to a mess, often as a result of negligence.
* “devastated”: also used as an adjective: 满目疮痍的城市, 满目疮痍的国家, 满目疮痍的大地, 满目疮痍的景象…

※ 满目疮痍

f[ixed].e[xpression]. Devastation is everywhere.

Everywhere a scene of devastation meets the eye.


| 《清史稿.卷四一八.毛昶熙傳》:「今日巨寇甫平,兵戈未息,滇、黔、秦、隴,烽火驚心;皖、豫、直、東,瘡痍滿目。」

| 战乱之后,~。

《十月》1981年第6期:汽车在阴雨连绵的路上不住地颠簸, 满目疮痍的地震残景迎面而来。

Although the bloody civil war ended more than two years ago, scars still mark the African nation.

Power is still out to many homes and businesses, and flood waters are just beginning to recede leaving behind massive damage and debris.

The widespread destruction from this typhoon will be in the annals of the nation's history.

Kosovo was a society of widespread suffering and destruction for all communities.

The process of reconstruction in the region, which was devastated in 1998 by Hurricane Mitch, has made progress, although many obstacles remain to be surmounted.

At that time, Taiwan, in the wake of the end of Japanese colonialism, was also badly scarred and materially bereft.

So this is Fengshan Village, hemmed in by mountains and scene of some of the worst damage from Typhoon Herb. Although the typhoon hit a full six months ago, there is still extensive damage all around, and the riverbed is filled with huge boulders washed down from upstream.

Editor: Yes, "bumps and bruises" is cringeworthy. It doesn't help with either the literal or figurative meaning. It sounds like the condition of a child who has been out all day getting up to mischief with his friends, like in the movie "Stand by Me".

"ugly shambles" is also out of place here. It's the sort of expression you'd use to describe a football team's poor performance, or an untidy, overgrown garden.

"wounds and damage" seems incongruous to me – a combination of the literal meaning "wounds" and the figurative "damage".

I don't think it's necessary to provide a literal translation in this entry; it's clear enough from our entries for 满目 and 疮痍.
- 瘡痍滿目 疮痍满目 [chuang1 yi2 man3 mu4] /lit. bumps and bruises everywhere (idiom); fig. an ugly shambles/devastation everywhere/
# + 瘡痍滿目 疮痍满目 [chuang1 yi2 man3 mu4] /wounds or damage everywhere one looks (idiom)/a scene of complete devastation/devastated/
# + 滿目瘡痍 满目疮痍 [man3 mu4 chuang1 yi2] /wounds or damage everywhere one looks (idiom)/a scene of complete devastation/devastated/
+ 瘡痍滿目 疮痍满目 [chuang1 yi2 man3 mu4] /a scene of devastation meets the eye everywhere one looks (idiom)/
+ 滿目瘡痍 满目疮痍 [man3 mu4 chuang1 yi2] /a scene of devastation meets the eye everywhere one looks (idiom)/

Change log entry 73600
Processed by: richwarm (2021-10-13 05:15:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69293 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Wenlin has different definitions for the two variants. The definitions on the C-E dictionaries differ significantly from the way Chinese dictionaries define this word. The definitions on Chinese dictionaries are consistent and usage indicated they are correct.
* C-E dictionaries give the pronunciation as shénshendāodāo, while Chinese dictionaries give the pronunciation dàodào for 道道, as expected. GF has the note “口语中也读dāodāo”, which indicates the canonical pronunciation is shénshendàodào, but it is colloquially pronounced as shénshendāodāo, which the variant 神神叨叨 represents.
* I am following what Chinese dictionaries seem to imply in redirecting 神神叨叨 to 神神道道, but 神神叨叨 is at least as common, and probably far more common on less formal writing.
* "Mumbo jumbo" seems a good translation in many cases, even if it is very colloquial -- 神神叨叨 seems to also be an allusion to pseudo-mystical, incomprehensible speech.

※ 神神叨叨
r[eduplicated].f[orm]. 〈coll.〉 chatter; be garrulous/

odd; fantastic; bizarre
| 这人神神道道的。
| He’s very odd.

※ 神神道道
r[eduplicated].f[orm]. 〈topo.〉 odd; fantastic; bizarre

odd; fantastic; bizarre
| 这人神神道道的。
| He’s very odd.

形 形容言谈举止异乎寻常, 令人不可思议。

| 焦神荒《晨雾》:二十二年过去, 她竟变成神神道道的婆子了, 而且是永峰这样说的。

听起来虽然很神神道道但他们是集体动员 在狩猎
As amazing as this sounds, they're moving like a pack. They're hunting.

庄之蝶说:你不知道老孟现在学气功?汪希眠老婆说:听说过,果然神神道道 的。

最早读到的黄永玉的书是《太阳下的风景》,后来又看了《永玉三记》。读后的感受是:到底是艺术大家,才情横溢。黄永玉很会讲故事,讲别人的故事,也讲他自己的故事,讲得眉飞色舞,听者如痴如醉。他的文章就像其画一样,长于夸张、演绎。我不大爱看神神道道 、蔓衍无枝的东西,而黄永玉则不然,虽是编出来的东西,但有所本。


你的孩子缺的只是管教 不是什么神神叨叨的心理治疗
What your kid needs is discipline, not a bunch of psychological mumbo jumbo.

What the hell... he's blabbering. I think he's gone mad, sir.

Every time I ascended to the deck from my watches below, I instantly gazed aft to mark if any strange face were visible; for my first vague disquietude touching the unknown captain, now in the seclusion of the sea, became almost a perturbation. This was strangely heightened at times by the ragged Elijah’s diabolical incoherences uninvitedly recurring to me, with a subtle energy I could not have before conceived of.
出海以来,几乎每时每刻我都怀有一种与亚哈船长不期而遇的不安。在甲板上,我会突然回过头来,疑心后面有一张陌生的面孔正盯着我。以利亚那神神叨叨 的鬼话无疑是形成我这种焦虑不安的心情的一个重要因素。
Herman Melville, Moby-Dick

另外,人物之间的对白,常常是你问我答,一句还一句,这样的对话活像是两个人在念小说,显得生硬。剧中人物时有大段道白,可多是不着边际神神叨叨 的痴人说梦。

1) If the expressions have different pinyin, as in this case, we use /see .../ because we don't regard them as variants.

2) GF says it's a stative verb (形) rather than a dynamic verb ("to speak ...; to talk ..."), and both of the Chinese dicts quoted say it's about 言谈举止, not just 言谈.

The following definition doesn't even mention speaking:

The following examples support the notion that it's stative, and that it's not specifically about one's manner of speaking.








# 神神道道 神神道道 [shen2 shen5 dao4 dao4] /to speak in a weird or incoherent way/to talk nonsense/mumbo jumbo/
# 神神叨叨 神神叨叨 [shen2 shen5 dao1 dao1] /variant of 神神道道[shen2 shen5 dao4 dao4]/
+ 神神道道 神神道道 [shen2 shen5 dao4 dao4] /odd/weird/abnormal/
+ 神神叨叨 神神叨叨 [shen2 shen5 dao1 dao1] /see 神神道道[shen2 shen5 dao4 dao4]/

Change log entry 73580
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-10-07 07:28:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69321 - submitted by 'sl89' >>


在超 级文本文件领域内,我们有超级媒体这个词去指那些包含各种各样的数据类型的文献,不仅仅是纯文本。
In the world of hypertext, we use the word hypermedia to refer to documents that might contain a variety of data types and not just plain text.

A CSV (or Comma Separated Values), is a plain text file which contains the equivalent of a spreadsheet, or a table, stored as plain text. Each cell is typically separated by a comma, therefore the name, but another character can be used, for example tabulation or semicolon.

Never store a user's password in plain text or encrypted text on the system.

Some narrative content is not marked up at all and is just represented as paragraphs in plain text.

Normal text does not support the img and url tags in the syntax, because normal text cannot be mixed with graphics. To support mixed graphics, use rich text instead.

嵌入式附件支持 - 富文本邮件消息可以显示嵌入式图像和附件。
Embedded attachment support - Rich text mail messages can display embedded images and attachments.

Also, rich text is now fully supported on notes and comments.

If your body field is rich text, you can add rich text elements, such as images, to the response.
+ 純文本 纯文本 [chun2 wen2 ben3] /plain text (computing)/
+ 富文本 富文本 [fu4 wen2 ben3] /rich text (computing)/

Change log entry 73576
Processed by: richwarm (2021-10-06 23:01:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69322 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* It's fairly obvious, but I think it's worth having, like many other "重+1-character verb" entries already in the dictionary.

Retry logging in.

如果安装失败,请删除the . toc文件然后重试。
If the installation fails, remove the.toc file before you re-try.

The process encountered a deadlock and is retrying the operation.

Sorry, Twitter is having problems. Please try again later!

连接 Outlook Live 时我们遇到错误。请稍后重试。
We encountered an error while connecting to Outlook Live. Please try again later.

The system encountered an unexpected error. Please try again.
+ 重試 重试 [chong2 shi4] /to retry/to try again/

Change log entry 73575
Processed by: richwarm (2021-10-06 21:13:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69323 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
虎斑蝶(学名:Danaus genutia,英文俗名:Common Tiger, Indian Monarch, Orange Tiger,别名:黑脉桦斑蝶、拟阿檀蝶、黑条桦斑蝶、虎纹青斑蝶等)是属于蛱蝶科的一种蝴蝶,是斑蝶属的一种,并演化出15个亚种。广泛分布于东洋界及澳新界。模式产地为中国广东。
Danaus genutia, the common tiger, is one of the common butterflies of India. It belongs to the "crows and tigers", that is, the Danainae group of the brush-footed butterflies family.

虎斑蝶,Danaus genutia (Cramer),是斑蝶属的一种,常见于湿地公园内。雄性虎斑蝶经常伏于吊裙草 (Crotalaria retusa) 上吸食汁液,以制造吸引异性的香气。
+ 虎斑蝶 虎斑蝶 [hu3 ban1 die2] /common tiger butterfly (Danaus genutia)/

Change log entry 73574
Processed by: richwarm (2021-10-06 20:46:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69324 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* 现代汉语大词典 has the definition under 箭毒树. I'm not suggesting adding this variant since it seems to have little to no usage, while 箭毒木 is relatively common.
* c.f. 见血封喉, already in the dictionary

即箭毒树。[箭毒树:也称箭毒木、见血封喉。落叶乔木。高20米~25米。有板状根。树皮厚。叶互生, 长椭圆形。果实肉质, 梨形。产于我国广东、海南、广西、云南。印度和印度尼西亚也有分布。树液有剧毒, 涂于箭头, 可用来狩猎。树皮纤维可制绳索。]

【Wikipedia: 见血封喉】
見血封喉树(學名:Antiaris toxicaria),又稱箭毒木或毒箭木,為木本植物桑科見血封喉屬植物,是世界上最毒的植物、樹之一。
[Wikipedia redirects 箭毒木 to this page.]

Antiaris toxicaria is a tree in the mulberry and fig family, Moraceae. It is the only species currently recognized in the genus Antiaris. The genus Antiaris was at one time considered to consist of several species, but is now regarded as just one variable species which can be further divided into five subspecies.
In English it may be called bark cloth tree, antiaris, false iroko, false mvule or upas tree, and in the Javanese language it is known as the upas or ancar.[...] The Chinese of Hainan Island, refer to the tree as the "Poison Arrow Tree" (Chinese: 箭毒木; pinyin: Jiàndú Mù — "Arrow Poison Wood,") because its latex was smeared on arrowheads in ancient times by the Li people for use in hunting and warfare.

见血封喉(Antiaristoxicaria),又名箭毒木 ,为桑科见血封喉属植物。这一植物共有4种,生长在亚洲和非洲的热带地区。

从古远的年代起,他们便一代又一代用箭毒木 身上插着的毒箭射死了数不清的猛虎。

这里引进、培育了各种名贵木材,有飞机上需要的轻木,有在海水中经久不腐、适合造船和做高级家具的柚木,有坚硬似铁、见水沉底的铁刀木,有树液巨毒,可立即致动物于死命的箭毒木 。
# 箭毒木 箭毒木 [jian4 du2 mu4] /antiaris/Antiaris toxicaria/
+ 箭毒木 箭毒木 [jian4 du2 mu4] /antiaris, aka upas tree (Antiaris toxicaria)/

Change log entry 73560
Processed by: richwarm (2021-10-02 22:40:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69296 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
The officers moved methodically toward the body, making sure they did not disturb the crime scene.

Caught in the crime scene, the young man was considered the prime suspect.

Police identified the 60-year-old woman who was stabbed to death as an American citizen. She was treated at the scene by paramedics, but pronounced dead shortly after.

During the year, officers from the Scenes of Crime Section attended 15 942 crime scenes.

The base was previously the scene of a mass shooting in 2009, in which 13 people were killed and more than 30 wounded.

The Commission has developed further investigative leads, including those arising from additional closed-circuit television footage discovered in the proximity of the scene of the crime.

It took place on a narrow road, along a mountain ridge, which could be viewed clearly from the area surrounding and opposite the crime scene.

Editor: I have my doubts about our definition of 案發.
LA defines it as simply 案件發生.
I don't think 'investigation' or 'discovery' is part of the meaning.
I'll put in a sub to suggest changing it.
+ 案發現場 案发现场 [an4 fa1 xian4 chang3] /crime scene/

Change log entry 73559
Processed by: richwarm (2021-10-02 22:22:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69295 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Not necessarily “subgroup” as in the original definition, but it can still be a noun.

Type a name for your sequence group.

A standard organization can have 2 storage policy groups.

the G-20 Financial Inclusion Experts Group
二十国集团金融普惠专家组–通过创新获取问题 分组

Each municipality is assigned to one of five groups and competes only within that group.

All subgroups have country representatives from national statistical services.

鄭先生為香港工業總會第二十四分組 主 席 及香港製衣業總商會副會長,彼亦為香港中華廠商會 會董、香港紡織業聯會理事及工業貿易署紡織業諮詢委員會委員。
Mr. Cheng is the Chairman of Group 24 in the Federation of Hong Kong Industries and the Vice-Chairman of The Federation of Hong Kong Garment Manufacturers.

1. Thanks for restoring the noun sense. It was me who deleted it. I could have easily found noun usage if I had spent a bit of effort. A case of confirmation bias, I'm afraid.

2. I'm not sure why you state that it's "not necessarily *subgroup*." The first character of 分組 (分) suggests that it's a group that is only part of a larger group. Of course, a subgroup is a group, so it's not wrong to call them groups.

But I'm prepared to be corrected — again :-)

3. One more example (that admittedly doesn't prove that a 分組 is necessarily a subgroup):
The Technical Subgroup on the International Standard Classification of Occupations will report back to the Expert Group at a meeting in early 2007.
- 分組 分组 [fen1 zu3] /to divide into groups/(computer networking) packet/
# + 分組 分组 [fen1 zu3] /to divide into groups/group/(computer networking) packet/
+ 分組 分组 [fen1 zu3] /to divide into groups/group (formed from a larger group)/subgroup/(computer networking) packet/

Change log entry 73547
Processed by: richwarm (2021-10-01 06:57:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69219 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
A parish is a territorial entity in many Christian denominations, constituting a division within a diocese. A parish is under the pastoral care and clerical jurisdiction of a priest, often termed a parish priest, who might be assisted by one or more curates, and who operates from a parish church.

A parish is an administrative division used by several countries. To distinguish it from an ecclesiastical parish, the term civil parish is used in some jurisdictions, as noted below.

Administratively, Jersey is divided into 12 parishes.

In 1802 the building again became a parish church.

Parishes can make use of existing resources in the society and within the Church, e.g. invite Hong Kong Caritas or C.M.A.C. to organize courses and activities aimed at enhancing the knowledge of the self (including one's emotions and character etc.) and growth integration, and focusing on helping the faithful to lay the foundations for a healthy personality, enabling the actual experience of real human nature, in order to become a healthy and integral person, and to allow integration with the experience of faith.
堂区可以 善用社会及教会内现有的资源,如邀请明爱或公教婚姻辅导会 到 堂区 举 办 认识自我(包括情绪、性格等)及成长整合的课程和活动,培育教友建立健康人格的基础,具体地经验真实的人性,成为健康和完整的人,并和信仰的体验互相结合。

Currently, compulsory education is mandated by law in eight parishes, with full implementation for the remaining six parishes being proposed by the year 2002.

(Civil) parishes in Macau:
Nossa Senhora de Fátima
Santo António
São Lázaro
São Lourenço

Nossa Senhora do Carmo
São Francisco Xavier
+ 堂區 堂区 [tang2 qu1] /parish/civil parish/

Change log entry 73543
Processed by: richwarm (2021-10-01 04:53:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69217 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* response/answer/reply makes it sounds like it refers to answering a question, but it's more often about responding to a situation, dealing with an issue, etc.
* 应对 is quite vague and can be correctly translated in many different ways depending on context (besides the glosses submitted: tackle, address, confront, meet (a challenge), cope with...). I'm not trying to add every possible translation, just trying to make the meaning clearer.

In particular, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core has accumulated a wealth of experience in dealing with complex situations.

I suspect that most people, who grow up as sports fans, learn loyalty, learn to endure defeat and learn to deal better with the vicissitudes of life.

They said the final agreement lacked clear targets to deal with climate change.

All countries must deal with the serious danger of nuclear terrorism.

We have in place an extensive legal framework for tackling terrorism.

Dealing with disasters was a multidisciplinary activity that involved all sectors of society.

the organization will also adopt a proposal that by 2005 at the latest, non-annex countries must put forward concrete programs for dealing with their greenhouse gas emissions.

children learn about the many darker aspects of society from TV news broadcasts or first-hand experience. Recently children's literature has begun to deal with social issues, teaching children how to handle problems and instilling the values of compassion, fairness and adherence to their ideals.

1) I agree with your comments.
2) This was an old entry, created pre-2003.
- 應對 应对 [ying4 dui4] /response/to answer/to reply/
# + 應對 应对 [ying4 dui4] /response/to answer/to reply/to handle/to deal with/
+ 應對 应对 [ying4 dui4] /to answer/to reply/to handle/to deal with/response/

Change log entry 73538
Processed by: richwarm (2021-09-30 06:07:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69275 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Only Wenlin seems to think it's a verb.
* Sometimes translated as "superb" or "exquisite", but this seems to follow from pure: it's the best quality because it has no impurities.

s[tative].v[erb]. pure; unalloyed; unmixed
v. refine

1 pure
| 精纯玫瑰露
| pure rose water
2 exquisite; superb
| 技艺精纯
| exquisite artistry

| 品质~。

| 北齊.顏之推《顏氏家訓.歸心》:「以僧尼行業多不精純,為姦慝也。」
| 《宋史.卷四二八.道學傳二.李侗傳》:「精純之氣達於面目,色溫言厲,神定氣和。」

真正的薰衣草会散发一股淡淡的香味,并可以萃取出 最 精纯 的 精 油。
This real lavender has an extremely delicate scent and yields the purest of oils

Along with it, company purchases more than 2000 tones of grapes from farmers, selecting them by varietal purity and quality.

"Beaten 100 times" meant the metal was heated, folded and hammered 100 times to drive out all impurities, leaving the finest and purest steel.

Lin Chih-sen, a division chief at the IDB, comments that many raw materials derived from waste do not have the same level of purity as original feedstocks, and so do not meet manufacturers' requirements.

The staff includes eight Thai-national masseurs and masseuses. Almost all of them studied at massage schools in Thailand, so their technique is pure and correct. Consequently, they've built up a loyal clientele.

Thanks to advances in pharmaceutical manufacturing technology, makers of patent formula Chinese medicines are now able to produce very pure extracts

Editor: Much of ABC's content is sourced from other dictionaries, and so it is with their definition of 精純.
The verbose version of their entry states that the definition was based on Far East's.
("fe1030b1" means Far East, page 1030, 2nd column, first entry)
Far East's definition is
1. pure; unalloyed; unmixed
2. to refine; refinement

- - - - - - - -

I think "exquisite" might be justified for usage like the following:

I also think it would be safe to say that in general, western publishing houses have stricter editorial standards than Chinese presses, and this inevitably results in a more polished presentation of language.

Ming dynasty metal workers were the first in the world to use coke and piston bellows in swordmaking, and they developed a number of advanced steelmaking techniques that led to the production of outstanding sabers and swords.

leading to rapid growth in the number of Japanese tourists visiting Taiwan. The study of calligraphy was booming in Japan at that time, and traditional hand-made ink sticks were very popular with Japanese tourists.
# 精純 精纯 [jing1 chun2] /pure (unmixed with impurities)/
+ 精純 精纯 [jing1 chun2] /pure/unadulterated/exquisite/

Change log entry 73537
Processed by: richwarm (2021-09-30 02:51:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69276 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Maybe that Wenlin definition makes sense in some context, but I'm not seeing any evidence of that...

v. not be given to boasting or showing off


The problem lies deeper than the current slowdown and transcends the business cycle.

Russia's wealth lies in the ground beneath Siberia — and is frittered away in glittering Moscow

At MIT, these mice may help us find memories that are buried in our brains.

Deep within the monastery is the spiritual engine that drives much of Tibetan culture.

Deep underground lies stores of once inaccessible natural gas.

菲籍Ni Janet Lauron的一首詩<深藏在心底>道出愛與不愛間的無奈
"Deep in my Heart" by Filipina Ni Janet Lauron expresses the dilemma of to love or not to love

Even though much time has passed since those days, such deeply embedded memories need only be delicately jostled and they will come rushing back, only sweeter and warmer.

One of the old Mandarin songs, "Everlasting Love," is especially effective at pulling up memories from middle-aged and senior patients and getting them to speak of long-hidden secrets.

Moreover, as missions on the open water drew closer each day, the pressure finally caused the terror inside him to gradually emerge, which resulted in an outbreak of serious anxiety problems.

It is only many years after the events, when the divisions and antipathies of ethnicity and class have faded, that the oral histories compiled by the park are providing an opportunity for local residents to share the memories and stories that they have hidden away from each other for so long.

Editor: The ABC definition relates to 深藏 as used in these other two ABC entries ~
深藏不露 shēncángbùlù f.e. Real knowledge is not showy.
深藏若虛[---虚] shēncángruòxū f.e. be modest about one's talents
+ 深藏 深藏 [shen1 cang2] /to be deeply hidden/to lie deep (in some place)/

Change log entry 73529
Processed by: richwarm (2021-09-28 00:04:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69196 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* 百度百科 has a number of archaic senses that may be correct, but I try to avoid adding archaic senses that aren't well attested in a number of dictionaries, as I don't read Classical Chinese myself. The current usage is clearly a calque from English and, from my experience and every example I've seen, is only used in reference to computer interfaces. "Highlight" in this context is also translated as “高亮显示” and this be considered more correct (used on official websites, such as Microsoft's and Apple's), but 高亮 is commonly used by itself, and defining it will make the meaning of 亮显示 also clear.


Notepad++?便携版 - 一个带有语法高亮的全功能文本编辑器
Notepad++ Portable - A full-featured text editor with syntax highlighting

The UI provides syntax highlighting, content assist, and syntax parsing.

All highlighted keywords optionally appear in your exported set of documents (under "Advanced options")

在完成以后,所有的训练以及测试仿真的静态数据都会编译入一张易于读取的工作表中,其可将最佳的结果进 行 高亮 处 理 且易于检索。
Upon completion, all of the statistics of the training and testing simulations are compiled in a easy-to-read worksheet with the "best" result highlighted for easy retrieval.

How should we highlight the labels and how should we align them?

Fix the highlighted line for everything to start working right (other lines are not to be changed).





高亮关节弹响(Popping/ cracking joint )非常常见。


醫生: 你好,從小我的耳朵(尤其是右耳)對於一些外在較高亮的聲響(如鐘聲、尖銳、高亢的聲音等)就會有耳內強烈震動以及打鼓聲,...
# 高亮 高亮 [gao1 liang4] /to highlight (computing)/
+ 高亮 高亮 [gao1 liang4] /to highlight (computing)/(of sound) loud and clear/penetrating/

Change log entry 73528
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-09-27 05:31:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69262 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v[erb].p[hrase]. 〈metal.〉 cast into

mold; cast
| 铸就一口钟
| cast a bell
shape; form; build
| 铸就功勋
| establish a feat
| 铸就一段光荣的历史
| shape a piece of glorious history

| 铁石~的心肠
| ~不朽传奇
| ~不可撼动的地位。

动 铸造成(多用于抽象事物)
| 热血铸就壮丽人生
| 铸就辉煌。

Courage makes heroes, but trust builds friendship

Virginia Woolf's family background complex, the conflicts, plus the bumpy marriage, cast her unique character.

Many humans are creating for themselves a very painful and sick future by the way they treat farm and other animals.

Together, we found the strength to discover what we were made of.

The honesty is the steel that forges the supporting structure of our society.

经过课堂上长期的教学,全世界 6,000 万教师在千百万儿童的心田里撒下了知 识的种子,铸就了他们的世界观。
Through many contact hours in the classroom, the world’s 60 million teachers mould the knowledge base and worldviews of millions of children.

在人权界和气候变化界之 间 铸就 更 强 的对接与合作
forging stronger interface and cooperation between the human rights and climate change communities
+ 鑄就 铸就 [zhu4 jiu4] /to cast/to forge/to form/to create/

Change log entry 73507
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-09-11 18:09:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69220 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
知识共享(英語:Creative Commons)是一個非營利組織,該組織提供同名的一系列著作的授權方式,即知識共享許可協議。
Creative Commons (CC) is an American non-profit organization and international network devoted to educational access and expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share.[3] The organization has released several copyright licenses, known as Creative Commons licenses, free of charge to the public.

知识共享(Creative Commons),简称CC,中国大陆正式名称为知识共享,台湾正式名称为创用CC。是一个非营利组织,也是一种创作的授权方式。


This service incorporates Geonames geographical data, which is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

A creative commons licence works alongside a copyright and allows authors and publishers more flexibility in terms of sharing the contents of their work with the world.

根据"知识共享"许可证发布的内容标记为此类。 可以根据指定的许可条件使用它们。
Contents published under the "Creative Commons" license are marked as such. They may be used according to the specified license conditions.

除非另有声明,本网站采用知识共享"署名 3.0 中国大陆"许可协议授权。
Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 China Mainland License.
+ 知識共享 知识共享 [Zhi1 shi5 Gong4 xiang3] /Creative Commons/

Change log entry 73504
Processed by: richwarm (2021-09-08 22:19:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69198 - submitted by 'sl89' >>


Collect and analyze sales data, and competitors information.

If the supply of what your competitors offer is not limited in some way the price of that offering will drop to your cost of capital.

Delivered a comprehensive brand strategy including competitor analysis, market positioning, brand slogan and Chinese name

Do shoppers notice your package on the shelf among competitors?

One of the most successful Chinese brands in India so far, Xiaomi has gone to great lengths to create products catering to customers there. Its new Mi 4i phone costs more than many rivals at about $200, but supports six Indian languages, with local engineers working to increase that number.

Editor: We created an entry for 競品 a couple of weeks before you submitted your proposal.
# 競品 竞品 [jing4 pin3] /(business) competitor/competing product/

Change log entry 73500
Processed by: richwarm (2021-09-08 01:00:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69208 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Maybe it also makes sense to define escape character 转义字符 and escape sequence 转义序列 (because "escape" in these two expressions doesn't mean't the same thing), but I feel that as long as 转义 is defined as a verb, these constructs should be easily understood.

A single quote in the message must be escaped with another single quote.

After you escape the operator, it matches like any other literal.

The only pitfall here is that you need to escape reserved characters properly (see Table 1).

In Listing 6, note that all the Unicode characters are escaped.

Escape sequences

To specify a literal single quote, escape it with a backslash (\).
As in single quoted strings, escaping any other character will result in the backslash being printed too.

\: Either escapes special characters (permitting you to match characters like '*', '?', and so forth), or signals a special sequence; special sequences are discussed below.
\: 转义特殊字符(允许你匹配 '*', '?', 或者此类其他),或者表示一个特殊序列;特殊序列之后进行讨论。

Editor: I'm mystified as to why you would say <<"escape" in these two expressions doesn't mean the same thing">>
I tried to contact you about that via this website and also by email, but haven't received a reply.

Anyway, I think it could be worthwhile having the extra two entries.

转义是当由于技术等原因、无法直接在代码中写出所要的字符时采用的,以多个字符的有序组合来表示原本需要的字符的手段,而转义序列(英语:escape sequence)指在转义时使用的有序字符组合。

在计算机科学与远程通信中,当转义字符(Escape Character)放在字符序列时,它将对它后续的几个字符进行替代并解释。

I note in passing that 跳脫 appears to be the term used in Taiwan for "(computing) to escape".
E.g. 在電腦科學與遠端通信中,當跳脫字元(Escape Character)放在字元序列時,它將對它後續的幾個字元進行替代並解釋。跳脫字元是元字元的一種特殊情況。
- 轉義 转义 [zhuan3 yi4] /transferred meaning/
+ 轉義 转义 [zhuan3 yi4] /(linguistics) transferred meaning/(computing) to escape/
+ 轉義序列 转义序列 [zhuan3 yi4 xu4 lie4] /(computing) escape sequence/
+ 轉義字符 转义字符 [zhuan3 yi4 zi4 fu2] /(computing) escape character/

Change log entry 73498
Processed by: richwarm (2021-09-06 04:33:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69200 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
※ 分位数
In statistics and probability, quantiles are cut points dividing the range of a probability distribution into continuous intervals with equal probabilities, or dividing the observations in a sample in the same way. There is one fewer quantile than the number of groups created. Common quantiles have special names, such as quartiles (four groups), deciles (ten groups), and percentiles (100 groups).
分位数(英語:Quantile),亦称分位点,是指用分割点(cut point)将一个随机变量的概率分布范围分为几个具有相同概率的连续区间。分割点的数量比划分出的区间少1,例如3个分割点能分出4个区间。
常用的有中位数(即二分位数)、四分位数(quartile)、十分位数(decile )、百分位数等。


上表显示了 “STATE”列的分位数统计信息。
The table shows the quantile statistics for the column "STATE."

Through quantile regression and M-M decomposition, we find that revenue decision mechanism is a main reason to force income distribution curve towards the right.

这已经是一个较好的值,因为它可以保证优化器在使用分位数统计信息的情况下对确定过滤因子的估计误差最大只有 5%。
This is already a good value because it guarantees that the optimizer, by using the quantile statistics, only has an estimated maximum error of 5% for the determined filter factors.

In statistics, a percentile (or a centile) is a score below which a given percentage of scores in its frequency distribution falls (exclusive definition) or a score at or below which a given percentage falls (inclusive definition).


龄中位数为61岁(第25和第75百分位数,56及68岁),和80 %的患者都是男性。
The median age was 61 years (25th and 75th percentiles, 56 and 68 years), and 80% of patients were male.

而如果她的成绩是第30个百分位数, 就是低于70%的考生。
If she scored in the 30th percentile, 70% of test takers scored above her.

Between 33 and 76 of low-birth-weight pregnancies had MSAFP levels at the 75th percentile when measured before the 29th week.

※ 十分位数
In descriptive statistics, a decile is any of the nine values that divide the sorted data into ten equal parts, so that each part represents 1/10 of the sample or population.[

n. decile; ten-percentile

Structure of consumption expenditure of member of household by income decile and level of education of head of household (%)

In Mexico and the Philippines, 15 to 20 per cent of households in the fourth and seventh income deciles were pushed into a lower income decile owing to income loss.

These data should be read in conjunction with the following tables, presenting the resources and their use, including GNP, GDP, per capita GNP and GDP, private consumption expenditure over the years as well as GNP by deciles.

※ 四分位数
In statistics, a quartile is a type of quantile which divides the number of data points into four parts, or quarters, of more-or-less equal size.

n. quartile


The probability of clonal evolution was higher in patients in the first quartile (24.5 percent) than in quartiles 2 through 4 (8.4 percent).

He said that the Fund's investment performance was excellent; and it was currently ranked within the first quartile of pension funds.

For each biomarker, each of the three upper quartiles was compared to the lowest quartile.
+ 分位數 分位数 [fen1 wei4 shu4] /quantile (statistics)/
+ 百分位數 百分位数 [bai3 fen1 wei4 shu4] /percentile (statistics)/
+ 十分位數 十分位数 [shi2 fen1 wei4 shu4] /decile (statistics)/
+ 四分位數 四分位数 [si4 fen1 wei4 shu4] /quartile (statistics)/

Change log entry 73494
Processed by: richwarm (2021-09-04 23:39:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69209 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
subsidiary; subordinate
See 子公司

形 派生的; 从属的
| 子公司
| 子城
| 子堤。


| ~句
| ~公司
| ~计划。


For 子 as equivalent to, and common translation of the prefix sub- (and following from the sense above), see examples such as:
子域 subfield
子集 subset
子程序 subroutine
子群 subgroup
子环 subring
子空间 subspace
子目录 subdirectory
子网 subnetwork
子类型 subtyping
子序列 subsequence
子范畴 subcategory
- 子 子 [zi3] /son/child/seed/egg/small thing/1st earthly branch: 11 p.m.-1 a.m., midnight, 11th solar month (7th December to 5th January), year of the Rat/Viscount, fourth of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]/ancient Chinese compass point: 0° (north)/
+ 子 子 [zi3] /son/child/seed/egg/small thing/1st earthly branch: 11 p.m.-1 a.m., midnight, 11th solar month (7th December to 5th January), year of the Rat/Viscount, fourth of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]/ancient Chinese compass point: 0° (north)/subsidiary/subordinate/sub-/

Change log entry 73493
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-09-04 07:52:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69199 - submitted by 'sl89' >>

code inspection and walkthrough

code walkthrough

Accordingly, the Commission may perform an "on-site walk through, with appropriate concrete examples" of the system and request information and clarifications, "including verification of underlying documents".

We would have avoided this "error" had the customer been consulted in the early requirement-review and walkthrough phases.

The idea of a "code walkthrough" refers to the process of walking through your code verbally or visually with or without other people

认知走查、启发式评估、可用性测试 傻傻分不清?| 干货分享
认知走查 Cognitive Walkthrough

Walk-through Folder
+ 走查 走查 [zou3 cha2] /walkthrough (computing)/

Change log entry 73480
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-08-27 09:12:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69191 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
副檔名(Filename Extension,或作延伸檔名、后缀名)是早期操作系统(如VMS/CP/M/DOS等)用来标志檔案格式的一种机制。以DOS来说,一个副檔名是跟在主檔名后面的,由一个分隔符号分隔。
A filename extension, file extension or file type is an identifier specified as a suffix to the name of a computer file. The extension indicates a characteristic of the file contents or its intended use.




Each time the command processor loads an external command into memory, it places the contents of the file with an EXE or COM extension into the transient portion of the command processor and available memory.

剪贴板文件的缺省扩展名是 .CLP。
The default extension for a Clipboard file is .CLP.

xml文件得到. xml扩展名。
XML files get the.xml extension.

The extension starts with a period (.) (for example,.ext).


Windows 中的一般檔案名稱副檔名
# 擴展名 扩展名 [kuo4 zhan3 ming2] /(file) extension (IT)/
# 副檔名 副档名 [fu4 dang3 ming2] /(file) extension (IT) (Tw)/
+ 擴展名 扩展名 [kuo4 zhan3 ming2] /(file) extension (computing)/
+ 副檔名 副档名 [fu4 dang3 ming2] /(file) extension (computing) (Tw)/

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