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Change log entry 80306
Processed by: richwarm (2023-10-23 09:41:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 74705 - submitted by 'skypher437' >>
Add Taiwan pr

Editor: We only add the Taiwan pr. of a compound if you can't find it by looking at the entries for the component characters of the word (in this case, 研 and 究).
# - 研究 研究 [yan2 jiu1] /research/a study/CL:項|项[xiang4]/to research/to look into/
# + 研究 研究 [yan2 jiu1] /research/a study/CL:項|项[xiang4]/to research/to look into/Taiwan pr. yan2 jiu4/
By MDBG 2024
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