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Change log entry 51899
Processed by: ycandau (2013-11-29 21:02:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48036 - submitted by 'saciel' >>
Names of deities are really hard to identify so it is good to have the option, especially as the words don't work together if you don't know it's a name.

Editor: I understand the rationale for your capitalization, but I think it's more helpful to capitalize it as a single proper noun, as the chars make no sense to one who reads Chinese.
# 佈洛陀 布洛陀 [bu4 Luo4 tuo2] /primogenitor/ creator god of the Zhuang-minority (壮族) of Guangxi, China./
+ 布洛陀 布洛陀 [Bu4 luo4 tuo2] /creator god of the Zhuang minority (壯族|壮族[Zhuang4 zu2)/

Change log entry 50733
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-09-30 10:00:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48047 - submitted by 'saciel' >>
Zhao Minglong 赵明龙. “The Comparative Study of Primogenitor Faith and Worship Reconstruction between China and Vietnam – Examples of Faith of Buluotuo and Phu Tho” 中越民间始祖信仰重构比较研究* ———以布洛陀信仰和雄王信仰为例 , in: Guangxi Minzu Yanjiu 3(105), 2011. S.116-124. --> S.177 last passage
# 赤衛軍 赤卫军 [chi4 wei4 jun1] /Red Guard Army/
+ 赤衛軍 赤卫军 [Chi4 wei4 jun1] /Red Guards/
# editor:
+ 赤衛隊 赤卫队 [Chi4 wei4 dui4] /Red Guards/

Change log entry 49474
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-03 09:44:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48061 - submitted by 'saciel' >>
The declaration of (intangible) world heritages is very important for East Asian countries right now. There is a competition especially between China and Vietnam who "gets more" of these. A new category is the Intangible World Heritage of the UNESCO. It was founded to protect those cultural goods you can't put into a vitrine. Like sound, smell, atmosphere. It mostly refers to religious practices, festivals and other rituals, but also the try to keep impressions like for example the old Ruhr area in Germany. Prominent intangible world heritages are the touristic festival of Buluotuo Ancestor Worship Festival in Guangxi, China and the Hung King Anniversary Worship Festival in Vietnam (although the latter is not historical and the whole thing a political issue).

Editor: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intangible_cultural_heritage
# 非物質文化遺產 非物质文化遗产 [fei1 wu4 zhi4 wen2 hua4 yi2 chan3] /Intangible World Heritage (UNESCO)/
+ 非物質文化遺產 非物质文化遗产 [Fei1 wu4 zhi4 Wen2 hua4 Yi2 chan3] /(UNESCO) Intangible Cultural Heritage/
# editor: we have
= 世界文化遺產 世界文化遗产 [Shi4 jie4 Wen2 hua4 Yi2 chan3] /(UNESCO) World Cultural Heritage/

Change log entry 49439
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-01 08:14:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48042 - submitted by 'saciel' >>
# http://www.zdic.net/z/1e/js/744F.htm 瑏 [Chuan1/con1] /Jade (mostly Hakka dialect)/
+ 瑏 瑏 [chuan1] /(jade)/

Change log entry 42961
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-08-08 20:40:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 40825 - submitted by 'saciel' >>
+ 鱣 鳣 [zhan1] /sturgeon (old)/
+ 鱣 鳣 [shan4] /see 鱔|鳝[shan4]/

Change log entry 32676
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-30 16:26:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30340 - submitted by 'saciel' >>
# 齊武成 齐武成 [Qi2 Wu3 Cheng2] /Emperor Wucheng of Qi, reign 561-565, born as 高湛 gāo dān/
+ 齊武成 齐武成 [Qi2 Wu3 Cheng2] /Emperor Wucheng of Qi, personal name 高湛 [Gao1 Dan1](537-568), reigned 561-565/

Change log entry 31144
Processed by: ycandau (2010-10-02 20:00:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30732 - submitted by 'saciel' >>
( Philosophy and Social Science Edition)
VOL. 24 NO. 6
NOV. 2002
# 楳 楳 [mei2] /variant of 梅 of 黄梅 (Japanese Apricot)/
+ 楳 梅 [mei2] /variant of 梅[mei2]/

Change log entry 30704
Processed by: ycandau (2010-09-17 20:40:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 25325 - submitted by 'saciel' >>
Editor: it seems this word means that ... in Japanese. It is absent from chinese dicts; in the few texts where I found it, it seems to relate to a civilian position, not the army, "aide/subaltern", and thus a construct from 佐.
Sorry, that's as much as I see.
# 佐官 佐官 [zuo3 guan1] /field officer/

Change log entry 30013
Processed by: vermillon (2010-08-04 11:37:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29837 - submitted by 'saciel' >>
The term occurs in texts about buddhist faith and describes those who offer
incense in buddhist ways. You may find it for example in this article:
"都市佛教兴起对旅游业发展的影响——对苏州市J 村的一项宗教活动调研" of
nciku.com already has an entry.
+ 香客 香客 [xiang1 ke4] /Buddhist pilgrim/Buddhist worshipper/

Change log entry 25068
Processed by: ycandau (2009-12-31 13:25:35 GMT)
Comment: "to have effect" is 奏效

<< review queue entry 25324 - submitted by 'saciel' >>
“今秋粮仅足免运,预备仓无粒米。一遇灾伤, 辄奏留他粮及劝富民借谷, 已应故事。”
- 奏 奏 [zou4] /present a memorial/to play (music)/
# 奏 奏 [zou4] /present a memorial/to play (music)/produce/achieve/ have effect/
+ 奏 奏 [zou4] /to present a memorial/to play (music)/to obtain/to achieve/

Change log entry 13132
Processed by: ycandau (2009-08-02 17:41:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12734 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 12517 - submitted by 'saciel' >>
+ 迦葉佛 迦叶佛 [jia1 ye4 fo2] /Buddha Kassapa (Pāli) or Kāśyapa (Skt) (one of the Buddhas of the past)/
By MDBG 2024
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