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Change log entry 29482
Processed by: vermillon (2010-07-05 19:54:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 28696 - submitted by 'rwarner' >>
+ 貝寶 贝宝 [Bei4 bao3] /PayPal (internet payment and money transfer company)/

Change log entry 8784
Processed by: rosswood40 (2009-03-22 02:22:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 8490 - submitted by 'rwarner' >>
Fix the adjectival form and insert an indefinite article
- 樂購 乐购 [Le4 gou4] /Tesco, British-based supermarket chain/
+ 樂購 乐购 [Le4 gou4] /Tesco, UK-based supermarket chain/

Change log entry 8783
Processed by: rosswood40 (2009-03-22 02:21:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 8491 - submitted by 'rwarner' >>
Fix the adjectival form; insert indefinite article
- 家樂福 家乐福 [Jia1 le4 fu2] /Carrefour, French-based supermarket chain/
+ 家樂福 家乐福 [Jia1 le4 fu2] /Carrefour, a French supermarket chain/

Change log entry 8133
Processed by: miles (2009-02-14 22:39:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 6514 - submitted by 'rwarner' >>
Latter two forms are incorrect, but people will search for it that way
+ 中國銀聯 中国银联 [Zhong1 guo2 yin2 lian2] /Unionpay/China Unionpay (credit and debit card network), CUP/China Union pay/

Change log entry 6566
Processed by: baoluo (2008-11-26 21:45:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 6225 - submitted by 'rwarner' >>
+ 獵頭人 猎头人 [lie4 tou2 ren2] /head-hunter/headhunter/recruiter/

Change log entry 4159
Processed by: miles (2008-06-25 17:13:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 4504 - submitted by 'rwarner' >>
+ 人妖 人妖 [ren2 yao1] /freak/demon/transvestite/transsexual/ladyboy/written r.y. in current slang/

Change log entry 3235
Processed by: albert (2008-04-23 13:42:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 3774 - submitted by 'rwarner' >>
- 廣場 广场 [guang3 chang3] /a public square (e.g. Tiananmen Square)/
+ 廣場 广场 [guang3 chang3] /a public square (e.g. Tiananmen Square)/plaza/

Change log entry 1654
Processed by: miles (2007-10-23 19:24:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 1857 - submitted by 'rwarner' >>
- 印第安 印第安 [Yin4 di4 an1] /(American) Indian/
+ 印第安 印第安 [Yin4 di4 an1] /(American) Indian/native American/indigenous peoples of the Americas/
+ 派頭十足 派头十足 [pai4 tou2 shi2 zu2] /exuberant manner/
- 舉止 举止 [ju3 zhi3] /(n) bearing/manner/mein/
+ 舉止 举止 [ju3 zhi3] /bearing/manner/mien/
- 派系 派系 [pai4 xi4] /sect/
+ 派系 派系 [pai4 xi4] /sect/faction/
+ 派性 派性 [pai4 xing4] /factionalism/tribalism/
+ 習氣 习气 [xi2 qi4] /habit (often unhealthy)/mannerism/
+ 鄉下習氣 乡下习气 [xiang1 xia4 xi2 qi4] /country mannerism/provincialism/
+ 廣告條幅 广告条幅 [guang3 gao4 tiao2 fu2] /banner advertisement/
- 準則 准则 [zhun3 ze2] /(n) standard or norm/
+ 準則 准则 [zhun3 ze2] /norm/standard/criterion/
+ 社群 社群 [she4 qun2] /community/social grouping/
- 社團 社团 [she4 tuan2] /club/society/
+ 社團 社团 [she4 tuan2] /mass organization (e.g. trade union)/union/society/

Change log entry 1653
Processed by: miles (2007-10-23 19:23:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 1856 - submitted by 'rwarner' >>
- 皇家騎警 皇家骑警 [huang2 jia1 qi2 jing3] /Royal Mounted Police (Canadian police force)/
+ 皇家騎警 皇家骑警 [huang2 jia1 qi2 jing3] /Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Canadian federal and national police force/Mounties/

Change log entry 1651
Processed by: miles (2007-10-23 19:20:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 1855 - submitted by 'rwarner' >>
Reformatted to match Cpt. James Cook & add correct title
- 牛頓 牛顿 [Niu2 dun4] /(Isaac Newton (1642-1727), British mathematician and physicist/
+ 牛頓 牛顿 [Niu2 dun4] /Newton (name)/Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), British mathematician and physicist/
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