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Change log entry 12308
Processed by: karanmisra (2009-06-17 17:32:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11654 - submitted by 'piskora' >>
- 刀 刀 [dao1] /knife/CL:把[ba3]/
+ 刀 刀 [dao1] /knife/CL:把[ba3]/see also 刂|刂[dao1]/

Change log entry 12102
Processed by: karanmisra (2009-06-13 10:04:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11648 - submitted by 'piskora' >>
Chinese friend told me that 署条 doesn't make sense, cf.
correct 薯条
- 署條 署条 [shu3 tiao2] /french fries/

Change log entry 11675
Processed by: ycandau (2009-06-05 18:22:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 10977 - submitted by 'piskora' >>
- 積分 积分 [ji1 fen1] /integral (in calculus)/total credits earned by student/
+ 積分 积分 [ji1 fen1] /integral (calculus)/accumulated points (in sports, at school etc)/total credits earned by student/bonus points in a benefit scheme/

Change log entry 11617
Processed by: rosswood40 (2009-06-03 06:14:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 10978 - submitted by 'piskora' >>

Good Stuff, Maynard! Give us more of that.
+ 言字旁 言字旁 [yan2 zi4 pang2] /Chinese name for 讠 [yan2]/

Change log entry 11286
Processed by: albert (2009-05-26 14:40:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 10810 - submitted by 'piskora' >>
+ 隱身 隐身 [yin3 shen1] /to hide oneself/invisible (person or online status)/

Change log entry 11284
Processed by: rosswood40 (2009-05-26 13:02:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 10812 - submitted by 'piskora' >>
+ 禿寶蓋 秃宝盖 [tu1 bao3 gai4] /Chinese name for 冖 [mi4]/

Change log entry 11212
Processed by: rosswood40 (2009-05-25 12:35:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 10738 - submitted by 'piskora' >>
+ 兩點水 两点水 [liang3 dian3 shui3] /Chinese name for 冫[bing1]/

Change log entry 11123
Processed by: karanmisra (2009-05-24 09:12:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 10693 - submitted by 'piskora' >>
+ 相當於 相当于 [xiang1 dang1 yu2] /equivalent to/

Change log entry 10801
Processed by: rosswood40 (2009-05-16 06:09:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 10366 - submitted by 'piskora' >>
- 趒 趒 [tiao2] /to jump, to climb over, to leap, to posture/a gangway/
+ 趒 趒 [tiao2] /to jump/to climb over/to leap/to posture/a gangway/

Change log entry 10634
Processed by: ycandau (2009-05-13 15:28:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 10311 - submitted by 'piskora' >>
found on http://blogs.chinesepod.com/de/2007/02/14/total-uberflussig/, verified meaning and usage with a Chinese friend
+ 脫褲子放屁 脱裤子放屁 [tuo1 ku4 zi5 fang4 pi4] /lit. to take off trousers to fart/fig. to do something absolutely unnecessary/fig. to make things too complicated/

Change log entry 10538
Processed by: laohu489 (2009-05-12 08:30:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 10107 - submitted by 'piskora' >> pretty sure this should be hyphenated.
+ 二合一 二合一 [er4 he2 yi1] /2-in-1/two-in-one/
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