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Change log entry 62847
Processed by: richwarm (2017-01-04 04:43:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43652 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press

瞧這些孩子, 演得還真挺像回事兒的。
Look at those kids. They act just like professionals.

GR ~ 不像回事 (loc.) Qui n’a pas d’allure; qui présente mal

J ~ What she said sounded convincing, but I suspect it to be a lie.
她的话听起来像那么回事, 但我认为那是谎话.

J ~ Lastly, he must behave decently to be able to face his future wife. Because, if he did get married, the girl must be clean and spotless, and that meant he should be the same himself.

Web ~
(photo of a drawing room)

ICIBA ~ I really thought I was something when I wore that hat and my patent leather shoes...

苏珊 看你这手法还挺像那么回事儿
Susan, your technique looks quite professional now. [massaging acupoints]

Selected a dinner table as my study table, well, it looks all right. [ relates to this photo ~ https://goo.gl/Gif5uy ]
# 像那麽回事兒 像那么回事儿 [xiang4 na4 me5 hui2 shi4 r5] /(to do sth.) not bad at all/
+ 像那麽回事兒 像那么回事儿 [xiang4 na4 me5 hui2 shi4 r5] /not bad at all/quite impressive/

Change log entry 56206
Processed by: ycandau (2015-02-09 17:29:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43665 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press

Editor: no 的 construct
resubmitting for 好說
# 好說的 好说的 [hao3 shuo1 de5] /easy-going/amiable/

Change log entry 55339
Processed by: monigeria (2014-12-26 12:58:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43641 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press
# 一錘子買賣 一锤子买卖 [yi1 chui2 zi5 mai3 mai4] /one-time deal/first and last deal/
+ 一錘子買賣 一锤子买卖 [yi1 chui2 zi5 mai3 mai4] /lit. fly-by-night one-off business deal/fig. to act recklessly, throwing all caution to the wind/

Change log entry 51673
Processed by: ycandau (2013-11-17 15:16:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43651 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press

Editor: Matic's wording.
suggested add /friendly feelings to 和气?
# 傷和氣 伤和气 [shang1 he2 qi5] /hurt sb.'s feelings/
+ 傷和氣 伤和气 [shang1 he2 qi5] /to damage a good relationship/to hurt sb's feelings/

Change log entry 51671
Processed by: ycandau (2013-11-17 15:01:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43662 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press
# 天上下刀子 天上下刀子 [tian1 shang4 xia4 dao1 zi5] /there are great difficulties / sth. terrible happens / (lit. knives rain down from the sky)/
+ 天上下刀子 天上下刀子 [tian1 shang4 xia4 dao1 zi5] /lit. knives rain down from the sky (idiom)/fig. (even if) the sky crumbles/

Change log entry 51536
Processed by: ycandau (2013-11-11 15:28:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43672 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press

Editor: it may seem strange but 心裡 is not part of this expression.
1. can be used without 心裡:
2. the use of 心裡 is indeed very idiomatic, but not specifically bound to 不是滋味
# 心裡不是滋味兒 心里不是滋味儿 [xin1 li5 bu4 shi4 zi1 wei4 r5] /to feel bad (because sth. happened)/
+ 不是滋味 不是滋味 [bu4 shi4 zi1 wei4] /to be upset/to feel disgusted/

Change log entry 49283
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-07-21 09:46:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43636 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press

Editor: 釋義:擅長、專精於某一種技藝的人;能力很强的人。(http://words.chinese-linguipedia.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=28184)
# 一把好手 一把好手 [yi1 ba3 hao3 shou3] /skilfull person/
+ 一把好手 一把好手 [yi1 ba3 hao3 shou3] /expert/dab hand/

Change log entry 49140
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-07-09 18:48:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43637 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press
# 一抓一大把 一抓一大把 [yi1 zhua1 yi1 da4 ba3] /a great deal of/a lot of/
+ 一抓一大把 一抓一大把 [yi1 zhua1 yi1 da4 ba3] /a dime a dozen/a great deal of/

Change log entry 47721
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-05-08 12:41:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43663 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press
# 天公不作美 天公不作美 [tian1 gong1 bu4 zuo4 mei3] /weather is not cooperative/there is bad weather/
+ 天公不作美 天公不作美 [tian1 gong1 bu4 zuo4 mei3] /the weather is not cooperating (idiom)/bad weather/

Change log entry 46128
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-02-16 09:45:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43645 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press

Editor: 不+多+见。Following Richard's suggestion and adding "often" to 多.


"I think "often" is also useful for the following examples:
- 不可多得
- 天性固然起一定的作用,但是我敢断定,主要是受益于多写日记。
- 既然多打电话可以保健,那么,接线生看来一定比较青春啰?没错!我认识 一些女接线生,看来都比实际年龄年轻,她的语声柔和,微带性感,听了还以为她只有二十多岁。"
# 不多見 不多见 [bu4 duo1 jian4] /not common/
- 多 多 [duo1] /many/much/a lot of/numerous/more/in excess/how (to what extent)/multi-/Taiwan pr. [duo2] when it means "how"/
+ 多 多 [duo1] /many/much/often/a lot of/numerous/more/in excess/how (to what extent)/multi-/Taiwan pr. [duo2] when it means "how"/

Change log entry 46046
Processed by: ycandau (2013-02-10 18:07:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43638 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press

# 一條道走到黑 一条道走到黑 [yi1 tiao2 dao4 zou3 dao4 hei1] /be stubborn, persistent/follow one's own way until
+ 一條道走到黑 一条道走到黑 [yi1 tiao2 dao4 zou3 dao4 hei1] /to stick to one's ways/to cling to one's course/

Change log entry 46045
Processed by: ycandau (2013-02-10 17:54:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43639 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press

Editor: have to stop somewhere
# 一百個放心 一百个放心 [yi1 bai3 ge4 fang4 xin1] /to have absolute trust/to not worry about a thing/

Change log entry 46044
Processed by: ycandau (2013-02-10 16:54:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43642 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press
# 三下五除二 三下五除二 [san1 xia4 wu3 chu2 er4] /quickly and easily/
+ 三下五除二 三下五除二 [san1 xia4 wu3 chu2 er4] /three, set five remove two (abacus rule)/efficiently/quickly and easily/

Change log entry 46039
Processed by: ycandau (2013-02-10 11:57:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43654 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press

1. it's not even a good translation
2. if anything, we would define 功夫到家
3. it's a construct anyway, nothing idiomatic here

# 功夫不到家 功夫不到家 [gong1 fu5 bu4 dao4 jia1] /not make enough effort/

Change log entry 46038
Processed by: ycandau (2013-02-10 11:46:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43658 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press

Editor: we have 闹着玩
# 可不是鬧著玩的 可不是闹着玩的 [ke3 bu4 shi4 nao4 zhao1 wan2 de5] /should not take sth. lightly/

Change log entry 46024
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-02-08 16:18:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43647 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press
# 不怕一萬,就怕萬一 不怕一万,就怕万一 [bu4 pa4 yi1 wan4, jiu4 pa4 wan4 yi1] /to be prepared just in case/
+ 不怕一萬,就怕萬一 不怕一万,就怕万一 [bu4 pa4 yi1 wan4 , jiu4 pa4 wan4 yi1] /better to be safe than sorry (proverb)/to be prepared just in case/

Change log entry 45968
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-02-05 08:49:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43635 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press

Editor: there are various way of writing this idiom: 一口吃成个胖子,一口吃成胖子,一口吃个胖子, but the latter seems to give me most verbatim results on Google.

It's also in the Tw 教育部辭典: 一口吃個胖子: (諺語)比喻急求成功。如:「做學問必須腳踏實地,務求融會貫通,不可囫圇吞棗,妄想一口吃個胖子。」

~ some more examples:


Conversely, 一口吃不成胖子 also seems to be used frequently, so I'll add it too.
# 一口吃成個胖子 一口吃成个胖子 [yi1 kou3 chi1 cheng2 ge4 pang4 zi5] /to get what you aim to with little effort or in a short time (lit. to get fat with one mouthful)/
+ 一口吃個胖子 一口吃个胖子 [yi1 kou3 chi1 ge5 pang4 zi5] /lit. to want to get fat with only one mouthful (proverb)/fig. to try to achieve one's goal in the shortest time possible/to be impatient for success/
# Editor adding:
+ 一口吃不成胖子 一口吃不成胖子 [yi1 kou3 chi1 bu4 cheng2 pang4 zi5] /lit. you cannot get fat with only one mouthful (proverb)/fig. learn to walk before you run/

Change log entry 45574
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-11 09:23:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43653 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press

Editor: 别 + 往心里去, so I thought it'd be better to define the latter only, as it's also used as such.

# 別往心裡去 别往心里去 [bie2 wang3 xin1 li5 qu4] /not take sth. seriously or personally/
+ 往心裡去 往心里去 [wang3 xin1 li5 qu4] /to take sth to heart/to take sth seriously/

Change log entry 45317
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-01 12:03:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43660 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press
# 哪兒呀 哪儿呀 [na3 r5 ya5] /used to express disagreement/

Change log entry 45107
Processed by: richwarm (2012-12-23 02:13:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43648 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press

Editor: Thanks, but this is a *sentence* which is composed of *words* you can find in CEDICT.
Nice and idiomatic, but not what we document in this dictionary.
# 不知怎麽的 不知怎么的 [bu4 zhi1 zen3 me5 de5] /don't know why/

Change log entry 44946
Processed by: ycandau (2012-12-15 15:03:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43883 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
+ 反氣旋 反气旋 [fan3 qi4 xuan2] /anticyclone/

Change log entry 44935
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-12-13 10:15:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43669 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press

Editor: it's a construct, plus I can't really seem to find many examples of its usage as such.
# 就他事兒多 就他事儿多 [jiu4 ta1 shi4 r5 duo1] /he is really hard to deal with/he is very troblesome/

Change log entry 44883
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-12-10 07:52:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43657 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press

Editor: per Rich's suggestion
# 半瓶子醋 半瓶子醋 [ban4 ping2 zi5 cu4] /amateur/dabbler/
+ 半瓶子醋 半瓶子醋 [ban4 ping2 zi5 cu4] /see 半瓶醋[ban4 ping2 cu4]/
- 半瓶醋 半瓶醋 [ban4 ping2 cu4] /dabbler/smatterer/
+ 半瓶醋 半瓶醋 [ban4 ping2 cu4] /dabbler/dilettante who speaks as though he were an expert/

Change log entry 44872
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-12-08 16:57:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43655 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press

Editor: already in C
# 包在我身上 包在我身上 [bao1 zai4 wo3 shen1 shang5] /I'm on it/leave it to me/

Change log entry 44835
Processed by: richwarm (2012-12-06 08:07:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43644 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press [Not sure about traditional]
# 下不來台 下不来台 [xia4 bu4 lai2 tai2] /(to put sb.) in a tight spot or awkward situation/
+ 下不來臺 下不来台 [xia4 bu4 lai2 tai2] /to be put on the spot/to find oneself in an awkward situation/

Change log entry 44753
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-12-02 14:06:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43667 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press


It's a cinch. I'll have the car repaired by Friday.

# 小事一樁 小事一桩 [xiao3 shi4 yi1 zhuang1] /nothing important/trivial matter/
+ 小事一樁 小事一桩 [xiao3 shi4 yi1 zhuang1] /trivial matter/a piece of cake/

Change log entry 44752
Processed by: vermillon (2012-12-02 13:49:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43671 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press
editor: this is a sentence.
# 開什麽玩笑 开什么玩笑 [kai1 shen2 me5 wan2 xiao4] /are you kidding me?/

Change log entry 44750
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-12-02 13:22:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43656 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press


Z: 十有八九: 1. 谓绝大多数。2. 犹言大致不差,差不离。

Eight or nine of the ten victims, labeled lackeys, were poor people.

Z: 十之八九: 比喻有极大的可能性。

In nine cases out of ten, these cases erupt too suddenly to be guarded against.

# 十有八九 十有八九 [shi2 you3 ba1 jiu3] /most likely/
+ 十有八九 十有八九 [shi2 you3 ba1 jiu3] /most likely/mostly (in 8 or 9 cases out of 10)/vast majority/
# Editor adding:
+ 十之八九 十之八九 [shi2 zhi1 ba1 jiu3] /most likely/mostly (in 8 or 9 cases out of 10)/vast majority/

Change log entry 44749
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-12-02 12:52:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43668 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press
# 小瞧人 小瞧人 [xiao3 qiao2 ren2] /to look down (upon sb.)/
+ 小瞧 小瞧 [xiao3 qiao2] /(coll.) to look down on/to underestimate/

Change log entry 44748
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-12-02 12:46:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43666 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press

Editor: already in cedict. Please check before submitting entries!
# 家常便飯 家常便饭 [jia1 chang2 bian4 fan4] /completely normal/

Change log entry 44747
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-12-02 12:09:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43659 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press
+ 吹牛皮 吹牛皮 [chui1 niu2 pi2] /to boast/to talk big/

Change log entry 44746
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-12-02 12:03:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43661 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press

Editor: already in cedict (多得是)
# 多的是 多的是 [duo1 de5 shi4] /there are many/

Change log entry 44745
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-12-02 11:57:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43664 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press

Editor: already in cedict
# 套近乎 套近乎 [tao4 jin4 hu5] /be friendly to sb./

Change log entry 44744
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-12-02 10:41:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43640 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press
# 一股腦兒 一股脑儿 [yi1 gu3 nao3 r5] /erhua variant of 一股腦|一股脑 [yi1 gu3 nao3]/completely/totally/all of it/
+ 一股腦兒 一股脑儿 [yi1 gu3 nao3 r5] /erhua variant of 一股腦|一股脑[yi1 gu3 nao3]/

Change log entry 44743
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-12-02 10:31:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43649 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press
# 不起眼兒 不起眼儿 [bu4 qi3 yan3 r5] /erhua variant of 不起眼兒|不起眼儿/non-eye catching/unattractive/
+ 不起眼兒 不起眼儿 [bu4 qi3 yan3 r5] /erhua variant of 不起眼[bu4 qi3 yan3]/

Change log entry 44742
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-12-02 10:29:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43646 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press
# 不對勁兒 不对劲儿 [bu4 dui4 jin4 r5] /erhua variant of 不對勁|不对劲/not in good condition/wrong/fishy/
+ 不對勁兒 不对劲儿 [bu4 dui4 jin4 r5] /erhua variant of 不對勁|不对劲[bu4 dui4 jin4]/

Change log entry 44741
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-12-02 10:21:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43643 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press

Editor: already in cedict
# 三天打魚,兩天曬網 三天打鱼,两天晒网 [san1 tian1 da3 yu2, liang3 tian1 shai4 wang3] /to do sth. irregularly or without perseverance (lit. to fish for three days and dry the nets for two)/
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