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Change log entry 19818
Processed by: nickc (2009-10-30 13:53:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 19684 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 電鳗 电鳗 [dian4 man2] /electric eel/

Change log entry 13046
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-26 22:18:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12618 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 12556 - submitted by 'feilipu' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 12492 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
- 全國人民代表大會 全国人民代表大会 [quan2 guo2 ren2 min2 dai4 biao3 da4 hui4] /National People's Congress/
+ 全國人民代表大會 全国人民代表大会 [quan2 guo2 ren2 min2 dai4 biao3 da4 hui4] /(Chinese) National People's Congress/abbreviated to 人大[ren2 da4]/

Change log entry 13045
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-26 22:18:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12496 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 喘粗氣 喘粗气 [chuan3 cu1 qi4] /breathe deeply/

Change log entry 13039
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-26 09:25:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12500 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 迎接挑戰 迎接挑战 [ying2 jie1 tiao3 zhan4] /to meet a challenge/

Change log entry 13038
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-26 09:22:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12493 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
- 人大 人大 [ren2 da4] /(China) National People's Congress/
+ 人大 人大 [ren2 da4] /(China) National People's Congress/abbreviated form of 全国人民代表大会|全國人民代表大會[quan2 guo2 ren2 min2 dai4 biao3 da4 hui4]/

Change log entry 13037
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-26 09:19:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12621 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 12620 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 12619 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 12494 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ ! +A片 A片 [A pian4] /adult movie/pornography/

Change log entry 12903
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-13 21:08:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12433 - submitted by 'feilipu' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 12432 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
- 仨 仨 [sa1] /three (of)/
+ 仨 仨 [sa1] /three (variant)/

Change log entry 12890
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-10 22:14:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12431 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
another new character ;)
+ 嗵 嗵 [tong1] /thump (onoma.)/thud/

Change log entry 12889
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-09 10:11:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12416 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 打撲克 打扑克 [da3 pu1 ke4] /to play cards/to play poker/

Change log entry 12886
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-08 10:36:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12409 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 校內 校内 [xiao4 nei4] /a Chinese social network widely seen as a plagiarised imitation of Facebook/

Change log entry 12837
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-06 00:43:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12355 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
fix typo
- 注音一式 注音一式 [zhu4 yin1 yi1 shi4] /Mandarin Phonetic Symbols 1/Bopomofo/abbreviation of: 國語注音符號第|国语注音符号第 [guo2 yu3 zhu4 yin1 fu2 hao4 di4 yi1 shi]/
+ 注音一式 注音一式 [zhu4 yin1 yi1 shi4] /Mandarin Phonetic Symbols 1/Bopomofo/abbreviation of: 國語注音符號第|国语注音符号第 [guo2 yu3 zhu4 yin1 fu2 hao4 di4 yi1 shi4]/

Change log entry 12817
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-05 10:24:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11589 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 國語注音符號第一式 国语注音符号第一式 [guo2 yu3 zhu4 yin1 fu2 hao4 di4 yi1 shi4] /Mandarin Phonetic Symbols 1/Bopomofo/official name of the phonetic system of writing Chinese used in Taiwan/abbreviated to 注音一式 [zhu4 yin1 yi1 shi4]/

Change log entry 12815
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-05 10:23:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11590 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 注音一式 注音一式 [zhu4 yin1 yi1 shi4] /Mandarin Phonetic Symbols 1/Bopomofo/abbreviation of: 國語注音符號第|国语注音符号第 [guo2 yu3 zhu4 yin1 fu2 hao4 di4 yi1 shi]/

Change log entry 12814
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-05 10:15:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12318 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
it's not in Gansu but next to it.In the past (nationalist period) it was part of Gansu, but that's it.
- 寧夏回族自治區 宁夏回族自治区 [Ning2 xia4 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 qu1] /Ningxia Hui autonomous region (Ningsia) in Gansu, abbr. 宁, capital Yinchuan 銀川|银川/
+ 寧夏回族自治區 宁夏回族自治区 [Ning2 xia4 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 qu1] /Ningxia Hui autonomous region (Ningsia) East of Gansu, abbr. 宁, capital Yinchuan 銀川|银川/

Change log entry 12767
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-02 11:46:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12271 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
- 射 射 [she4] /to shoot/to allude to/radio- (chem.)/
+ 射 射 [she4] /to shoot/to launch/to allude to/radio- (chem.)/

Change log entry 12766
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-02 11:46:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12274 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 濱江 滨江 [bin1 jiang1] /riverside/river front/

Change log entry 12764
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-02 10:52:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12270 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
- 劍橋 剑桥 [Jian4 qiao2] /Cambridge, university city in south England/
+ 劍橋 剑桥 [Jian4 qiao2] /Cambridge, a famous university city in the East of England/

Change log entry 12763
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-02 10:42:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12269 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
oops, missed out the English name
- 新儒家 新儒家 [xin1 ru2 jia1] /a social and politial movement founded in 1920s China that combines aspects of Western and Eastern philosophy/
+ 新儒家 新儒家 [xin1 ru2 jia1] /New Confucianism/a social and political movement founded in 1920s China that combines aspects of Western and Eastern philosophy/see 當代新儒家|当代新儒家/

Change log entry 12749
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-01 17:49:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12239 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
- 塵埃落定 尘埃落定 [chen2 ai1 luo4 ding4] /the dust settles (idiom); complicated things become clear in the end/
+ 塵埃落定 尘埃落定 [chen2 ai1 luo4 ding4] /the dust settles (idiom)/to settle down/to have decided on a certain conclusion/complicated things become clear in the end/

Change log entry 12748
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-01 17:48:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12250 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 有聲讀物 有声读物 [you3 sheng1 du2 wu4] /audiobook/recording of a person reading the text of a book/

Change log entry 12744
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-01 10:38:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12237 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 新儒家 新儒家 [xin1 ru2 jia1] /a social and politial movement founded in 1920s China that combines aspects of Western and Eastern philosophy/

Change log entry 12743
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-01 10:34:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12236 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
- 現代新儒家 现代新儒家 [xian4 dai4 xin1 ru2 jia1] /Modern New Confucianism/see 當代新儒家/
+ 現代新儒家 现代新儒家 [xian4 dai4 xin1 ru2 jia1] /Modern New Confucianism/see 新儒家/

Change log entry 12742
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-01 10:34:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12063 >>
+ 當代新儒家 当代新儒家 [dang1 dai4 xin1 ru2 jia1] /Contemporary New Confucianism/see 新儒家/

Change log entry 12741
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-01 10:31:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11951 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 街道辦事處 街道办事处 [jie1 dao4 ban4 shi4 chu4] /sub-district office/neighborhood official/an official who works with local residents to report to higher government authorities/

Change log entry 12740
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-01 10:28:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12064 >>
refers to the same movement as 當代新儒家
+ 現代新儒家 现代新儒家 [xian4 dai4 xin1 ru2 jia1] /Modern New Confucianism/see 當代新儒家/

Change log entry 12737
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-01 09:56:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11702 - submitted by 'feilipu' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 11583 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
typo corrected
+ 干煸土豆絲 干煸土豆丝 [gan4 bian1 tu3 dou4 si1] /dry-fried potato slices (typical Chinese dish)/

Change log entry 12735
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-01 09:54:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12232 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
- 人肉搜索引擎 人肉搜索引擎 [ren2 rou4 sou1 suo3 yin3 qing2] /human flesh search engine, a large-scale collective effort to find details about a person or event (Internet slang)/
+ 人肉搜索引擎 人肉搜索引擎 [ren2 rou4 sou1 suo3 yin3 qing2] /human flesh search engine/a large-scale collective effort to find details about a person or event (Internet slang)/

Change log entry 12734
Processed by: nickc (2009-07-01 09:54:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12231 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
- 人肉搜索 人肉搜索 [ren2 rou4 sou1 suo3] /human flesh search engine, a large-scale collective effort to find details about a person or event (Internet slang)/
+ 人肉搜索 人肉搜索 [ren2 rou4 sou1 suo3] /human flesh search/a large-scale collective effort to find details about a person or event (Internet slang)/see 人肉搜索引擎/

Change log entry 12648
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-30 15:37:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11772 >>
corrected error, put full form
+ 波士頓紅襪 波士顿红袜 [bo1 shi4 dun4 hong2 wa4] /Boston Red Sox (baseball) team/

Change log entry 12646
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-30 15:33:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11966 >>
logo on their homepage, and chinese wikipedia, both think the 网 isn't part of the name.
+ 聚友 聚友 [ju4 you3] /MySpace (social network name)/

Change log entry 12644
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-30 15:29:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12150 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 摩托羅垃 摩托罗垃 [mo2 tuo1 luo2 la1] /Motorola (company)/

Change log entry 12617
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-30 11:45:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11925 >>
+ 機運 机运 [ji1 yun4] /chance and opportunity/

Change log entry 12616
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-30 11:44:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11967 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 河蟹 河蟹 [he2 xie4] /river crab/internet censorship (sounds similar to 'harmonious' 和諧|和谐 which is blocked by the great firewall, see 和谐社会)/

Change log entry 12615
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-30 11:43:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12042 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 蘇珊・波伊爾 苏珊・波伊尔 [su1 shan1 · bo1 yi1 er3] /Susan Boyle (1961-); a famous competitor in a UK reality TV competition/

Change log entry 12614
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-30 11:42:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12125 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
- 予 予 [yu2] /I/
+ 予 予 [yu2] /I (used by emperor)/me/variant of 餘|余, surplus/

Change log entry 12558
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-29 23:14:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12062 >>
+ 不致 不致 [bu2 zhi4] /not in such a way as to/not likely to/

Change log entry 12556
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-29 23:12:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12058 >>
+ 曾祖父母 曾祖父母 [ceng2 zu3 fu4 mu3] /great-grandparents/

Change log entry 12555
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-29 22:58:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12054 >>
+ 菁華 菁华 [jing1 hua2] /the cream/essence/the quintessence/

Change log entry 12554
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-29 22:55:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12053 - submitted by 'feilipu' >>
+ 判據 判据 [pan4 ju4] /criterion/criteria/

Change log entry 12552
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-29 22:38:53 GMT)
+ 人品 人品 [ren2 pin3] /moral standing/moral quality/character/personality/appearance/(Informal) looks/bearing/

Change log entry 12551
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-29 17:35:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12070 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
wow, new character to the dict :)
+ 噔 噔 [deng1] /thud (ono.)/thump/

Change log entry 12550
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-29 16:28:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12067 - submitted by 'albert' >>
can someone please help confirm the traditional? I know the simplified is right.
+ 鑔 镲 [cha3] /(small) cymbal/type of percussion instrument/

Change log entry 12549
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-29 16:26:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12069 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
- 宴請 宴请 [yan4 qing3] /to invite sb to dinner/
+ 宴請 宴请 [yan4 qing3] /to entertain (for dinner)/to invite to dinner/

Change log entry 12547
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-29 15:44:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12068 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 中華字海 中华字海 [zhong1 hua2 zi4 hai3] /the name of the largest Chinese character dictionary available for print/

Change log entry 12544
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-29 15:09:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12065 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 孤雁 孤雁 [gu1 yan4] /a lonely wild goose/a solitary wild goose/

Change log entry 12543
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-29 03:32:19 GMT)
- 防寒服 防寒服 [fang2 han2 fu2] /overcoat/winter wear/
+ 防寒服 防寒服 [fang2 han2 fu2] /overcoat/down jacket/winter wear/

Change log entry 12542
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-29 03:25:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11973 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 11972 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 11968 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 和諧社會 和谐社会 [he2 xie2 she4 hui4] /harmonious society/a term used by PRC leadership from 2004, blocked by internet filters/see 和谐/

Change log entry 12539
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-29 03:23:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12050 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 駝色 驼色 [tuo2 shai3] /light tan (color)/camel-hair color/

Change log entry 12538
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-29 03:22:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12045 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
- 主食 主食 [zhu3 shi2] /main food/staple/
+ 主食 主食 [zhu3 shi2] /main food/staple (rice and noodles)/

Change log entry 12529
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-28 13:59:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12046 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 酒水飲料 酒水饮料 [jiu3 shui3 yi3 liao4] /drink (on a menu)/

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