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Change log entry 60205
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2016-02-12 13:55:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57458 - submitted by 'lunchbox' >>
see baidu baike: http://baike.baidu.com/view/807009.htm
or just do a google images search: https://www.google.com/search?q=变调夹
+ 變調夾 变调夹 [bian4 diao4 jia1] /capo/

Change log entry 56285
Processed by: ycandau (2015-02-16 17:11:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51345 - submitted by 'lunchbox' >>
You can guess from the word that it only applies to collections held by entities with the character 馆 in their name, almost all of which would be described as either a museum or a library.
look at the homepage for any Chinese library and you should find several instances of this word, probably a heading "馆藏目录" which in context would probably be properly translated as simply "catalog" in English.

Only then can we consider ways to incorporate it and other ebooks effectively into our services, collections, and web sites.

Editor: can be a verb
# 館藏 馆藏 [guan3 cang2] /holdings; collection (of a museum or library)/
+ 館藏 馆藏 [guan3 cang2] /to collect in a museum or library/museum collection/library holdings/

Change log entry 56173
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2015-02-07 14:53:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 53793 - submitted by 'lunchbox' >>
We have an entry for 黑曜岩which is correctly defined as "obsidian", but this word is also commonly used for the stone in the same contexts. I couldn't say which is more official or more common, but I can show some evidence:
baidu baike: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=YVGzKLJ6CuNKtjn3YX36YUVdt6L2K9JYfFsgop3A53vSSlFbWkB_V1AmvbrC7LSWvIsk98apLTr3xGeBNVJAUwO1tVkdIW9hFvpFCd090iS
baidu search: http://www.baidu.com/s?wd=%E9%BB%91%E6%9B%9C%E7%9F%B3&rsv_spt=1&issp=1&f=8&rsv_bp=0&rsv_idx=2&ie=utf-8&tn=baiduhome_pg&rsv_enter=1&rsv_sug3=9&rsv_sug1=3&rsv_sug2=0&inputT=6020&rsv_sug4=7399
# 黑曜石 黑曜石 [hei1yao4yan2] /Obsidian/
+ 黑曜石 黑曜石 [hei1 yao4 shi2] /obsidian (mining)/

Change log entry 56090
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2015-02-01 12:15:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50552 - submitted by 'lunchbox' >>
China State council listed it as national intangible cultural heritage, so it merits inclusion. I hesitate to include the pinyin in the English definition, but a quick google search shows that this name is in fact used in English. Many sources use "Changde Sixian Opera", but I think that's overly specific. I don't think it necessarily qualifies as opera
# 常德絲弦 常德丝弦 [Chang2de2 si1xian2] /Changde Sixian, a theatrical folk music style with singing in Changde dialect accompanied by traditional string instruments/
+ 常德絲弦 常德丝弦 [Chang2 de2 si1 xian2] /Changde sixian, theatrical folk music style with singing in Changde dialect accompanied by traditional string instruments/

Change log entry 55117
Processed by: richwarm (2014-11-21 06:35:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52609 - submitted by 'lunchbox' >>
This topic is most often refered to as simply "Legalism" in English. This dicitionary is designed as a Chinese to English dictionary but look-ups in the other direction should be made to work when practical. Also why not have a translation representing the most common form.

Editor: You haven't convinced me that 法家 means Legalism.
I don't think it means Legalism in the sentence 名家鄧析也曾被列入法家.
Certainly, other dictionaries prefer to define 法家 as a school rather than its ideology:
- Key: the Legalist school of thought
- New Century: Legalist school; Legalists
- ABC: Legalists
- New Age: Legalists; Legalist school

Similarly, ABC defines 儒家 as "Confucian school" and 儒教 as Confucianism.
# - 法家 法家 [Fa3 jia1] /Legalist School of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC) founded by Han Fei 韓非|韩非[Han2 Fei1] and Li Si 李斯[Li3 Si1], later adopted by Shang Yang 商鞅[Shang1 Yang1] whose reforms helped establish the supremacy of the Qin Dynasty 秦代[Qin1 dai4] (221-207 BC)/
# + 法家 法家 [Fa3 jia1] /Legalism/Legalist School of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC) founded by Han Fei 韓非|韩非[Han2 Fei1] and Li Si 李斯[Li3 Si1], later adopted by Shang Yang 商鞅[Shang1 Yang1] whose reforms helped establish the supremacy of the Qin Dynasty 秦代[Qin1 dai4] (221-207 BC)/

Change log entry 54614
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-08-17 09:08:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52363 - submitted by 'lunchbox' >>
wikipedia has info about the English for this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hallasan . It's the highest peak in South Korea.
Chinese usage at baidu baike - http://baike.baidu.com/view/349025.htm
# 漢拏山 汉拏山 [han4 na2 shan1] /Hallasan Mountain on Jeju island, South Korea, also known as Mount Halla./
+ 漢拿山 汉拿山 [Han4 na2 Shan1] /Hallasan Mountain or Mount Halla, highest mountain in South Korea/

Change log entry 54613
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-08-17 09:02:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52364 - submitted by 'lunchbox' >>
Another of the big three mountains of South Korea. see baidu baike - http://baike.baidu.com/view/362137.htm
# 智異山 智异山 [zhi4 yi4 shan1] /Jirisan Mountain in the southern region of South Korea/
+ 智異山 智异山 [Zhi4 yi4 Shan1] /Jirisan or Mount Chiri, mountain in the south of South Korea/

Change log entry 54607
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-08-16 16:31:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52360 - submitted by 'lunchbox' >>
Chinese likes to use the Hanja name of everything in South Korea, resulting in names with unique pronunciations, meaning that famous place names need a dictionary entry. San as you might guess means mountain in Korean, but without the apparent redundancy the definition isn't clear.
# 雪嶽山 雪岳山 [Xue3yue4shan1] /Seoraksan mountain near Sokcho, South Korea/
+ 雪嶽山 雪岳山 [Xue3 yue4 shan1] /Seoraksan mountain near Sokcho, South Korea/

Change log entry 54561
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-08-09 05:15:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50551 - submitted by 'lunchbox' >>
everything you ever needed to know about this food at http://baike.baidu.com/view/875451.htm
# 糖油粑粑 糖油粑粑 [tang2 you2 ba1ba1] /A sweet snack made from glutinous rice, sugar and honey common in Changsha, Hunan/
+ 糖油粑粑 糖油粑粑 [tang2 you2 ba1 ba1] /sweet snack made from glutinous rice, sugar and honey, common in Changsha 長沙|长沙[Chang2 sha1], Hunan/

Change log entry 53079
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-03-29 19:50:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50570 - submitted by 'lunchbox' >>
same as other figurative uses of "X奴" like "卡奴", "房奴" Chinese sources like to translate it as "child slave" but that's something completely different. there are clearly an infinite number of possible X奴
words, but this one is quite common, even a mainland TV show by this name.

ex. 媒体经常将他们比作“房奴”、“卡奴”,“孩奴”和“婚奴”

def: http://wenda.tianya.cn/question/09cd12fa1a6ae574
# 孩奴 孩奴 [hai2 nu2] /a slave to one's children/ Someone who is constantly working to pay for expenses related to a child, while neglecting their own needs or other responsibilities/
+ 孩奴 孩奴 [hai2 nu2] /"a slave to one's children", hard-working parents who would do everything to ensure their children's well-being, in disregard of their own needs/

Change log entry 52309
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-01-18 16:00:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50747 - submitted by 'lunchbox' >>
# 清倉大甩賣 清仓大甩卖 [qing1cang1 da4 shuai3mai4] /clearance sale/final closeout sale/fire sale/
+ 清倉大甩賣 清仓大甩卖 [qing1 cang1 da4 shuai3 mai4] /clearance sale/fire sale/

Change log entry 52308
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-01-18 15:48:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50748 - submitted by 'lunchbox' >>
one of the most prescribed drugs in US. I would have loved to be able to easily look this up when I arrived in China and didn't know how to get it.


please correct the formating. I wasn't sure if it should be one looong definition or split the brand names into seperate defs or what
# 丙酸氟替卡鬆 丙酸氟替卡松 [bing3 suan1 fu2 ti4 ka3 song1] /Fluticasone propionate, a drug used to treat asthma and hay fever/nosespray sold as "Flonase", "Flovent", "Flixonase", "Flixotide", "Fluticone", etc./
+ 丙酸氟替卡鬆 丙酸氟替卡松 [bing3 suan1 fu2 ti4 ka3 song1] /fluticasone propionate/

Change log entry 52146
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-12-23 15:02:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50548 - submitted by 'lunchbox' >>
it is useful for the user to know that this not how people express time today. Doesn't need a long explanation, just some indication that its special.
- 丑時 丑时 [chou3 shi2] /1-3 am/
# + 丑時 丑时 [chou3 shi2] /1-3 am in the old style of time reckoning/
+ 丑時 丑时 [chou3 shi2] /1-3 am (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)/

Change log entry 52145
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-12-23 15:00:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50549 - submitted by 'lunchbox' >>
just like the 12 earthly stems have a definition "9th of the 12 eartly stems" instead of just a simple gloss, "9", the same is needed here

Editor: Rich's suggestion
- 辰時 辰时 [chen2 shi2] /7-9 am/
# + 辰時 辰时 [chen2 shi2] /7-9 am in the old style of time reckoning/
+ 辰時 辰时 [chen2 shi2] /7-9 am (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)/
- 亥時 亥时 [hai4 shi2] /9-11 pm/
# + 亥時 亥时 [hai4 shi2] /9-11 pm in the old style of time reckoning/
+ 亥時 亥时 [hai4 shi2] /9-11 pm (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)/
- 卯時 卯时 [mao3 shi2] /5-7 am/
# + 卯時 卯时 [mao3 shi2] /5-7 am in the old style of time reckoning/
+ 卯時 卯时 [mao3 shi2] /5-7 am (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)/
- 申時 申时 [shen1 shi2] /3-5 pm/
# + 申時 申时 [shen1 shi2] /3-5 pm in the old style of time reckoning/
+ 申時 申时 [shen1 shi2] /3-5 pm (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)/
- 巳時 巳时 [si4 shi2] /9-11 am/
# + 巳時 巳时 [si4 shi2] /9-11 am in the old style of time reckoning/
+ 巳時 巳时 [si4 shi2] /9-11 am (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)/
- 未時 未时 [wei4 shi2] /1-3 pm/
# + 未時 未时 [wei4 shi2] /1-3 pm in the old style of time reckoning/
+ 未時 未时 [wei4 shi2] /1-3 pm (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)/
- 午時 午时 [wu3 shi2] /11 am-1 pm/
# + 午時 午时 [wu3 shi2] /11 am-1 pm in the old style of time reckoning/
+ 午時 午时 [wu3 shi2] /11 am-1 pm (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)/
- 寅時 寅时 [yin2 shi2] /3-5 am/
# + 寅時 寅时 [yin2 shi2] /3-5 am in the old style of time reckoning/
+ 寅時 寅时 [yin2 shi2] /3-5 am (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)/
- 酉時 酉时 [you3 shi2] /5-7 pm/
# + 酉時 酉时 [you3 shi2] /5-7 pm in the old style of time reckoning/
+ 酉時 酉时 [you3 shi2] /5-7 pm (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)/
- 子時 子时 [zi3 shi2] /11 pm-1 am/
# + 子時 子时 [zi3 shi2] /11 pm-1 am in the old style of time reckoning/
+ 子時 子时 [zi3 shi2] /11 pm-1 am (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)/

Change log entry 52140
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-12-22 15:27:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50595 - submitted by 'lunchbox' >>

Editor: CH: 也叫齿唇音。
# 唇齒音 唇齿音 [chun2chi3yin1] /labiodental (e.g. the consonant f in standard Chinese)/
+ 唇齒音 唇齿音 [chun2 chi3 yin1] /labiodental (e.g. the consonant f in standard Chinese)/
# editor adding:
+ 齒唇音 齿唇音 [chi3 chun2 yin1] /see 唇齒音|唇齿音[chun2 chi3 yin1]/

Change log entry 52117
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-12-20 09:48:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50569 - submitted by 'lunchbox' >>
this version appears to be the least popular though its the closest direct translation, but it's about the same number of hits in a google search as 南非茶. the Biadu baike article mentions the variant: 也因它是一种草本灌木,而被称为“红灌木茶”。

# 紅灌木茶 红灌木茶 [hong2 guan4 mu4 cha2] /rooibos tea / a tea made from South African redbush (Aspalathus linearis)/ also written 博士茶 or 南非茶/
+ 紅灌木茶 红灌木茶 [hong2 guan4 mu4 cha2] /rooibos tea/

Change log entry 52115
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-12-20 09:40:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50568 - submitted by 'lunchbox' >>
This one has some variants, but this version is very popular. It's the name of the wikipedia article and one of the baidu baike articles.
# 南非茶 南非茶 [Nan2 Fei1 cha2] /rooibos tea / a tea made from South African redbush (Aspalathus linearis)/ also written 博士茶 or 红灌木茶/
+ 南非茶 南非茶 [Nan2 fei1 cha2] /rooibos tea/

Change log entry 52114
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-12-20 09:38:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50567 - submitted by 'lunchbox' >>
Rooibos is translated a number of ways Baidu Baike even has a number of duplicate entries. a look at the articles suggests they refer to the exact same thing.
Here's an example of the word in the wild an importer of African stuff selling on taobao:
i'm not certain but my google searches lead me to believe that this is the most standard translation
# 博士茶 博士茶 [bo2shi4 cha2] /rooibos tea / a tea made from South African redbush (Aspalathus linearis)/
+ 博士茶 博士茶 [bo2 shi4 cha2] /rooibos tea/

Change log entry 52113
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-12-20 09:35:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50571 - submitted by 'lunchbox' >>
also refers to the vehicle in a race
"He blew a fortune on racing cars."
"Tom hot-rodded his car with a racing engine."
- 賽車 赛车 [sai4 che1] /auto race/cycle race/
+ 賽車 赛车 [sai4 che1] /auto race/cycle race/race car/

Change log entry 52094
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-12-18 21:05:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50550 - submitted by 'lunchbox' >>
see https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/翦伯赞
# 翦伯贊 翦伯赞 [Jia3n Bo2za4n] /Jian Bozan (1898-1968), prominent Chinese Marxist historian and vice-president of Bejing University 1952-1968/
# 翦伯贊 翦伯赞 [Jian3 Bo2 zan4] /Jian Bozan (1898-1968), Chinese Marxist historian and vice-president of Bejing University 1952-1968/
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