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Change log entry 41014
Processed by: ycandau (2012-04-26 16:33:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 39787 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
Shouldn't 片 be fourth tone?

Editor: it's 1st tone if you erhua it.
Saying this means just "wood chip" is misleading.
- 木片 木片 [mu4 pian1] /wood chip/CL:塊|块[kuai4],片[pian4]/
# + 木片 木片 [mu4 pian4] /wood chip/CL:塊|块[kuai4],片[pian4]/
+ 木片 木片 [mu4 pian4] /flat piece of wood/wood chip/CL:塊|块[kuai4],片[pian4]/

Change log entry 40237
Processed by: ycandau (2012-02-19 17:38:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38654 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
My Taiwanese interlocutors had no idea what hui4 lu4 was! They say it's
pronounced hui4 luo4 in TW.

Editor: No. This word is heard a lot in the media, so it's unlikely that
anybody would be unfamiliar with the standard pronunciation huilu.

A drift of lu towards luo, lou, lao, in all words, can be experienced
everywhere in China.
# - 賄賂 贿赂 [hui4 lu4] /to bribe/a bribe/
# + 賄賂 贿赂 [hui4 lu4 (Taiwan pr. hui4 luo4)] /to bribe/a bribe/

Change log entry 39383
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-01-09 20:35:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38161 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
correcting spelling :)

Editor: spinal cord = 脊髓
- 神經索 神经索 [shen2 jing1 suo3] /spinal chord/
# 神經索 神经索 [shen2 jing1 suo3] /spinal cord/
+ 神經索 神经索 [shen2 jing1 suo3] /nerve cord/

Change log entry 39374
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-01-09 09:00:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38165 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
correcting spelling :)
- 脊髓炎 脊髓炎 [ji3 sui3 yan2] /myelitis/inflammation of spinal chord/
+ 脊髓炎 脊髓炎 [ji3 sui3 yan2] /myelitis/inflammation of spinal cord/

Change log entry 39373
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-01-09 08:59:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38164 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
correcting spelling :)
- 發聲器官 发声器官 [fa1 sheng1 qi4 guan1] /vocal organs/vocal chords/
+ 發聲器官 发声器官 [fa1 sheng1 qi4 guan1] /vocal organs/vocal cords/

Change log entry 39372
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-01-09 08:37:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38163 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
correcting spelling :)
- 發音器官 发音器官 [fa1 yin1 qi4 guan1] /vocal organs/vocal chords/
+ 發音器官 发音器官 [fa1 yin1 qi4 guan1] /vocal organs/vocal cords/

Change log entry 39370
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-01-09 08:29:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38162 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
correcting spelling :)
- 延髓 延髓 [yan2 sui3] /medulla oblongata (part of hind brain continuing the spinal chord)/
# 延髓 延髓 [yan2 sui3] /medulla oblongata (part of hind brain continuing the spinal cord)/
+ 延髓 延髓 [yan2 sui3] /medulla oblongata (part of the hindbrain continuing into the spinal cord)/

Change log entry 39369
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-01-09 08:25:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38166 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
correcting spelling :)
- 脊髓 脊髓 [ji3 sui3] /spinal chord/
# 脊髓 脊髓 [ji3 sui3] /spinal cord/
+ 脊髓 脊髓 [ji3 sui3] /spinal cord/medulla spinalis/

Change log entry 37234
Processed by: richwarm (2011-09-16 22:42:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36355 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
Sorry, I somehow left out 性 in my last suggestion! Although I guess you could also do an entry for 退行 as "regress"?


to regress 催眠术令人年龄退行
to recede 对星系退行速度超光速的理解
to degenerate:
"Huntington's disease, ... is a neurodegenerative genetic disorder" [Wikipedia]
and from the Chinese Wp article you quoted ...

I don't know what you mean by "regressive disease". There are far fewer google hits for "regressive disease" than
"degenerative disease". One of the examples of "regressive disease" says:

"obesity is a 'regressive disease'–disproportionately affecting the poor and minorities."

Was that the sense of "regressive" you intended?
# 退行性 退行性 [tui4 xing2 xing4] /regressive (e.g. of disease)/
+ 退行 退行 [tui4 xing2] /to recede/to degenerate/to regress/
+ 退行性 退行性 [tui4 xing2 xing4] /degenerative/retrograde/

Change log entry 35642
Processed by: ycandau (2011-05-23 17:36:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 34685 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
I don't know about the shampoo meaning, but I've always seen this used for
"body wash", like liquid body soap to use in the shower.
- 沐浴乳 沐浴乳 [mu4 yu4 ru3] /shampoo/
# + 沐浴乳 沐浴乳 [mu4 yu4 ru3] /shampoo/ /body wash (liquid soap)/
+ 沐浴乳 沐浴乳 [mu4 yu4 ru3] /body wash (liquid soap)/

Change log entry 35193
Processed by: ycandau (2011-05-09 17:07:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 34336 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
Heard on the Popup Chinese podcast about GI Joe. I think shell and grenade are almost the same thing anyway? (Granted, I'm not a military expert!)
Editor: shell and grenade are not the same thing of course. I think gas grenade should be 毒氣手榴弹, but it would be abbreviated to 毒氣彈, so OK.
- 毒氣彈 毒气弹 [du2 qi4 dan4] /poison gas shell/
+ 毒氣彈 毒气弹 [du2 qi4 dan4] /poison gas shell/poison gas grenade/

Change log entry 35191
Processed by: ycandau (2011-05-09 17:00:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 34337 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
Also heard on the Popup Chinese podcast about GI Joe.
Editor: I don't know much about GI Joe. But a rocket-propelled grenade seems a strange concept.
The word exist as plain "rocket" though.
# 火箭彈 火箭弹 [huo3 jian4 dan4] /rocket-propelled grenade/
+ 火箭彈 火箭弹 [huo3 jian4 dan4] /rocket (artillery)/

Change log entry 34702
Processed by: ycandau (2011-04-09 11:29:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 33863 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
I often see this in explanations of English grammar on PTT and saw that it wasn't in this dictionary!
+ 子句 子句 [zi3 ju4] /clause (grammar)/

Change log entry 33520
Processed by: ycandau (2011-01-13 20:08:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 28215 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
I think this is how it is written in Taiwan. I double-checked at wikipedia http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E5%8D%A1%E5%A1%94%E5%B0%94
Ka3 ta3 er3 is used by Chinese, and Ka3 da2 is used by Taiwanese. I also checked with Taiwanese acquaintances.
+ 卡達 卡达 [Ka3 da2] /Qatar/

Change log entry 32885
Processed by: ycandau (2010-12-07 18:43:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31208 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
double-checked this on wiki sites
Editor: well, just a construct for a rather short-lived movement
# 傷痕文學 伤痕文学 [shang1 hen2 wen2 xue2] /scar literature/

Change log entry 32382
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-21 18:32:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31060 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
this is the way Taiwanese people refer to styrofoam, as in packing peanuts, takeout containers, etc
+ 保麗龍 保丽龙 [bao3 li4 long2] /styrofoam/

Change log entry 30758
Processed by: richwarm (2010-09-20 10:22:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30693 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
pretty common word!

Editor: "eye line" (rather than "eyeliner") -- example: "为眼部
描绘出精确,清晰的眼线... Creates a clear,
precise line around the eyes..." [jukuu]

English usage example for "eye line": "An advanced liquid
eyeliner with a convenient brush pen that is easy to
apply and create eye lines in any desired thickness."
- 眼線 眼线 [yan3 xian4] /police informer/
# + 眼線 眼线 [yan3 xian4] /police informer/eyeliner (make-up)/
+ 眼線 眼线 [yan3 xian4] /informer/snitch/spy/scout/(cosmetic) eye line/
# Editor: added the following
+ 眼線液 眼线液 [yan3 xian4 ye4] /eyeliner (cosmetics)/
= 眼線筆 眼线笔 [yan3 xian4 bi3] /eyeliner (cosmetics)/

Change log entry 30165
Processed by: richwarm (2010-08-12 20:42:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29815 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
I thought it might be good to clarify, to differentiate between other ways to say "comment"

Editor: I don't think you can say that 留言 can't mean "leave one's comments" in non-Internet contexts.
For example, in the context of 留言簿 I think 留言 can be understood as "leaving comments."
On the other hand, I think we can add a noun sense of 留言, as in
- 留言 留言 [liu2 yan2] /to leave one's comments/to leave a message/
# + 留言 留言 [liu2 yan2] /to leave one's comments (eg on a blog or guestbook on the internet)/to leave a message/
+ 留言 留言 [liu2 yan2] /to leave a message/to leave one's comments/message/

Change log entry 30020
Processed by: richwarm (2010-08-05 08:53:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29861 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
People in Taiwan say 支. I don't know about in the PROC~
- 手機 手机 [shou3 ji1] /cell phone/cellular phone/mobile phone/CL:部[bu4]/
+ 手機 手机 [shou3 ji1] /cell phone/mobile phone/CL:部[bu4],支[zhi1]/

Change log entry 29698
Processed by: richwarm (2010-07-12 07:00:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29142 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
you can find this on FedEx, post office, etc websites
+ 追蹤號碼 追踪号码 [zhui1 zong1 hao4 ma3] /tracking number (of a package shipment)/

Change log entry 29376
Processed by: feilipu (2010-07-01 00:38:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29297 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
"home plate" is much more common
- 本壘 本垒 [ben3 lei3] /home base/
+ 本壘 本垒 [ben3 lei3] /home base/home plate (in baseball)/

Change log entry 29156
Processed by: ycandau (2010-06-16 21:26:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29058 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
I've never heard anyone (here in Taiwan) say 熱水瓶 to talk about a thermos; 熱水瓶 refers to the hot water dispensers that practically every Taiwanese has in their kitchen.
Editor: although 保溫瓶 is the preferred word, 熱水瓶 is easily understood everywhere, including Taiwan, as thermos.
The hot-water dispenser kind (where you press some button to pour water) is in fact also a thermos; originally you poured hot water into it, and the dispensing system was simply some mechanical, air-pressure system. I had one when I was younger.
Human progress being what it is, what you find know is an appliance which combines an electric water boiler with the thermos bottle and the dispensing system. It is called 電動熱水瓶 or simply 電熱水瓶.
Of course, these days, you don't see many thermos bottles around, so when you say 熱水瓶 it is understood to be short for 電熱水瓶.
But 熱水瓶 still means "thermos bottle", and often designates the old plain kind, check for web images
- 熱水瓶 热水瓶 [re4 shui3 ping2] /thermos bottle/vacuum bottle/CL:個|个[ge4]/
+ 熱水瓶 热水瓶 [re4 shui3 ping2] /thermos bottle/vacuum bottle/hot water dispenser (appliance)/CL:個|个[ge4]/

Change log entry 29152
Processed by: richwarm (2010-06-16 19:29:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29059 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
I realised that my own entry had a typo :] The tone for "fa" was wrong.

Editor: Well, I have to say, I didn't detect the mistake when I processed the submission 囧
- 護髮乳 护发乳 [hu4 fa1 ru3] /hair conditioner/
+ 護髮乳 护发乳 [hu4 fa4 ru3] /hair conditioner/

Change log entry 28836
Processed by: richwarm (2010-05-31 10:29:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 28755 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
This expression is most common in Taiwan (compared to the already existing entries for "shampoo").
# 洗髮乳 洗发乳 [xi3 fa4 ru3] /(hair) shampoo/
+ 洗髮乳 洗发乳 [xi3 fa4 ru3] /shampoo/

Change log entry 28835
Processed by: richwarm (2010-05-31 10:25:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 28754 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
I've never seen 护发素 used in Taiwan--护发乳 is much more common (or the only word in use)
+ 護髮乳 护发乳 [hu4 fa1 ru3] /hair conditioner/

Change log entry 28425
Processed by: richwarm (2010-05-06 20:45:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 28322 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
seen on several Taiwanese blogs
+ 頭紗 头纱 [tou2 sha1] /wedding veil/gauze headscarf or veil/

Change log entry 28027
Processed by: richwarm (2010-03-28 02:25:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 27567 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
I double-checked this with the Chinese wikipedia entry for estrogen, here: http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%9B%8C%E6%80%A7%E6%BF%80%E7%B4%A0
# 雌性激素 雌性激素 [ci2 xing4 ji1 su4] /female sex hormone / estrogen/
+ 雌性激素 雌性激素 [ci2 xing4 ji1 su4] /estrogen/
- 雌激素 雌激素 [ci2 ji1 su4] /estrogen (oestrogen)/
+ 雌激素 雌激素 [ci2 ji1 su4] /estrogen/
+ 動情素 动情素 [dong4 qing2 su4] /estrogen/

Change log entry 27910
Processed by: ycandau (2010-03-20 12:34:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 27611 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
it's spelt "ginseng", not "ginsen"
Editor: and pinyin, and no indication that it means "huge" with this pronunciation
- 蔘 蔘 [sen1] /ginsen/huge/
# + 蔘 蔘 [sen1] /ginseng/huge/
+ 蔘 蔘 [shen1] /ginseng/

Change log entry 27703
Processed by: ycandau (2010-03-09 13:53:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 27394 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
(more natural English than the original)
- 美夢成真 美梦成真 [mei3 meng4 cheng2 zhen1] /dream comes true/
+ 美夢成真 美梦成真 [mei3 meng4 cheng2 zhen1] /a dream come true/

Change log entry 26027
Processed by: richwarm (2010-01-19 00:10:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 26245 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
to differentiate between this and the verbs with a "remember"-like meaning

Editor: good point, and thanks for prefixing the "to".
- 召回 召回 [zhao4 hui2] /recall/
+ 召回 召回 [zhao4 hui2] /to recall (a product, an ambassador etc)/

Change log entry 25474
Processed by: feilipu (2010-01-05 02:28:18 GMT)
Comment: # Editor: well spotted :)
<< review queue entry 25560 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
"撬" in the original version must have been a typo.
- 雪橇 雪橇 [xue3 qiao1] /sledge/bobsled/
- 雪撬 雪撬 [xue3 qiao4] /sled/sledge/sleigh/
+ 雪橇 雪橇 [xue3 qiao1] /sled/sledge/sleigh/bobsled/

Change log entry 25333
Processed by: ycandau (2010-01-02 19:24:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 25396 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
sometimes pronounced luo4 li2
- 酪梨 酪梨 [lao4 li2] /avocado (Persea americana)/
+ 酪梨 酪梨 [lao4 li2] /avocado (Persea americana)/Taiwan pr. luo4 li2/

Change log entry 13241
Processed by: rosswood40 (2009-08-15 04:54:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12874 - submitted by 'loreleileigh' >>
- 耳環 耳环 [er3 huan2] /ear-ring/CL:隻|只[zhi1],對|对[dui4]/
+ 耳環 耳环 [er3 huan2] /earring/ear-ring/CL:隻|只[zhi1],對|对[dui4]/
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