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Change log entry 56846
Processed by: ycandau (2015-03-30 16:11:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52177 - submitted by 'jekbradbury' >>
not especially obvious from the constituent characters, and a very common word ever since the introduction of license plate auctions and lotteries in major Chinese cities a few years ago
# 上牌 上牌 [shang4 pai2] /acquire license plate/
+ 上牌 上牌 [shang4 pai2] /to obtain a license plate/

Change log entry 56362
Processed by: ycandau (2015-02-28 09:48:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52228 - submitted by 'jekbradbury' >>
Sorry, I don't know how to format this properly
from here: http://news.qianlong.com/28874/2014/07/15/7804@9741101.htm

吃拿卡要 [chīnáqiǎyào]
1. Abuse of power that involves going to expensive dinners at somebody else's expense, taking, demanding, and coercing bribes
现代汉语规范词典 (1个结果)
吃拿卡要 [chīnáqiǎyào]
1. 指凭借职权而吃请、贪占、刁难、索要等不正之风和违法行为。
2. "卡"这里不读kǎ。
# 吃拿卡要 吃拿卡要 [chi1 na2 qia3 yao4] /eat-take-obstruct-demand/eating at others' expense, taking and demanding bribes/abuse of power/
+ 吃拿卡要 吃拿卡要 [chi1 na2 qia3 yao4] /dinner invitations, grabbing, obstructing and demanding bribes/all kinds of abuse of power/

Change log entry 54488
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-07-26 14:17:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52175 - submitted by 'jekbradbury' >>
See also www.sheitc.gov.cn, the website of one such commission
# 經信委 经信委 [Jing1 xin4 wei3] /Economy and Informatization Commission/
+ 經信委 经信委 [Jing1 Xin4 Wei3] /Economy and Informatization Commission/

Change log entry 54414
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-07-17 10:38:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52176 - submitted by 'jekbradbury' >>
+ 力帆 力帆 [Li4 fan1] /Lifan Group (auto manufacturer in Chongqing)/

Change log entry 54413
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-07-17 10:35:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52178 - submitted by 'jekbradbury' >>
This seems to be the single most common word used in official-corruption stories in Chinese media these days
- 落馬 落马 [luo4 ma3] /lit. to fall from a horse/fig. to suffer a setback/to come a cropper/
# + 落馬 落马 [luo4 ma3] /lit. to fall from a horse/fig. to suffer a setback/to come a cropper/to be sacked (e.g. for corruption)/
+ 落馬 落马 [luo4 ma3] /(lit.) to fall from a horse/(fig.) to suffer a setback/to come a cropper/to be sacked (e.g. for corruption)/

Change log entry 54380
Processed by: richwarm (2014-07-17 07:30:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52182 - submitted by 'jekbradbury' >>
Source: my native-speaker coworkers who laughed at me when I translated zhuoqiu as table tennis in http://weekly.caixin.com/2014-07-04/100699450.html
Editor: M: 一種球類運動。英語table tennis翻譯而來。約於十九、二十世紀間起源於英格蘭。玩法是張網於長方桌上,兩人用球拍對拍乒乓球。分單打和雙打。以先得到二十一分為勝一局,一般比賽採三局二勝或五局三勝制。

1. [臺] 一種球類運動。十九、二十世紀間發源於英格蘭。雙方在長方桌兩側,中間以網子隔開,以球拍對拍乒乓球,讓對方未能接到球則得分。分單打與雙打。新制以先得到十一分者為勝一局。
2. [臺] 桌球運動用的球。圓形空心,直徑4公分,以賽璐璐製成,呈白色或橙色。∥也作「乒乓球」。陸即「乒乓球」。

Table tennis,在中國大陸、香港、马来西亚或新加坡稱為乒乓球,在台灣稱為桌球。
Cue sports,在中國大陸稱為台球,在台灣稱為撞球,在香港、新加坡和马来西亚稱為桌球。

B ~ 台球也叫桌球(港澳的叫法)、撞球(台湾的叫法)。
- 桌球 桌球 [zhuo1 qiu2] /table tennis/billiard/pool/snooker/
# + 桌球 桌球 [zhuo1 qiu2] /billiards/pool/snooker/(old) table tennis/
+ 桌球 桌球 [zhuo1 qiu2] /(HK, Singapore, Malaysia) billiards/pool/snooker/(Tw) table tennis/table tennis ball/

Change log entry 54379
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-07-17 05:43:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52180 - submitted by 'jekbradbury' >>
+ 華潤 华润 [Hua2 run4] /China Resources (company name)/

Change log entry 54377
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-07-17 05:41:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52179 - submitted by 'jekbradbury' >>
# 長三角 长三角 [Chang2 san1 jiao3] /Yangtze River Delta/
+ 長三角 长三角 [Chang2 San1 jiao3] /Yangtze River Delta/abbr. for 長江三角洲|长江三角洲/
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