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Change log entry 73671
Processed by: richwarm (2021-10-23 00:39:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69395 - submitted by 'inquisikitty' >>
The meaning of annotate/note is more likely 註

Editor: Our entry for 注 indicates that it's a variant of 註, so from our point of view, having an entry for either 注釋 or 註釋 means that the other is its variant.

Still, it's nice to choose the one that is "more likely".

But in this case, it's not clear that 註釋 is more likely. For example, "Taiwan Panorama" articles use both forms with no clear preference for one or the other.
E.g. 1) 又捨棄注釋,讓讀者能先就自己的感受去瞭解古蘭經。
2) 近二十年來有關民國史的論文,幾乎沒有一篇文章的註釋未引用『傳記文學』的資料

Google results (with "verbatim" option):
"註釋" site:.tw - 421,000
"注釋" site:.tw - 944,000
# - 注釋 注释 [zhu4 shi4] /marginal notes/annotation/to annotate/to add comments to text/
# + 註釋 注释 [zhu4 shi4] /marginal notes/annotation/to annotate/to add comments to text/
By MDBG 2024
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