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Change log entry 37932
Processed by: ycandau (2011-10-29 20:13:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35404 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
Sentence: "她虎起了臉,推開他的手。", in: 张爱玲。秧歌, page 7.
In this sentence "虎起脸" has the meaning of "take a fierce look" which corresponds to the last of the definitions.
Reference: The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary, FLTRP.

Editor: 虎 means "tiger", /brave/vigorous/ are just (evident) connotations. Is anyone so dense that he has to check a dict to get the meaning of "the Five Tiger Generals"?

虎臉 however is a specific expression, you are right to mention it
- 虎 虎 [hu3] /tiger/CL:隻|只[zhi1]/
+ 虎 虎 [hu3] /tiger/CL:隻|只[zhi1]/brave/vigorous/to look ferocious/

Change log entry 36732
Processed by: richwarm (2011-07-10 07:10:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35386 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
Sentence: "隔壁的一爿店堂裏四壁蕭然, 只放著一張方桌, (...).", in: 张爱玲。秧歌, page 5.
(1) http://tw.dictionary.yahoo.com/dictionary?p=%E5%9B%9B%E5%A3%81%E8%95%AD%E7%84%B6
(2) The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary, FLTRP

Editor: It seems to me, and your example seems to show, that it is about the bareness of the *walls*, and does not imply that
there is nothing *inside* them (i.e. in the room).
# 四壁蕭然 四壁萧然 [si4 bi4 xiao1 ran2] /four walls are dreary (idiom)/four bare walls with nothing inside/
+ 四壁蕭然 四壁萧然 [si4 bi4 xiao1 ran2] /four bare walls/

Change log entry 36728
Processed by: richwarm (2011-07-09 12:37:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35387 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
Sentence: "那機器是個緣漆的小洋鐵盒子, 大概本來是一隻洋油桶, 裝了一隻柄, 霍霍搖著。" in: 张爱玲。秧歌,page 5.
References: (1) The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary, FLTRP.
(2) http://baike.baidu.com/view/970055.htm
# 羊油 羊油 [yang2 you2] /imported oil/kerosene/
+ 羊油 羊油 [yang2 you2] /sheep's fat/suet/mutton tallow/
# Editor: added the following ~
+ 羊毛脂 羊毛脂 [yang2 mao2 zhi1] /lanolin/wool oil/
+ 洋油 洋油 [yang2 you2] /imported oil/kerosene/

Change log entry 36629
Processed by: ycandau (2011-06-30 18:36:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35384 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
Sentence: "另一爿店櫃台上一刀刀的草紙堆積如山。", in: 張愛玲。秧歌, page 4.
References: (1) http://baike.baidu.com/view/106081.htm, (2) The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary, FLTRP.
# 草紙 草纸 [cao3 zhi3] /toilet paper/rough straw paper/
+ 草紙 草纸 [cao3 zhi3] /rough straw paper/toilet paper/brown paper/

Change log entry 36455
Processed by: ycandau (2011-06-20 17:56:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35385 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
Sentence: "隔壁的一爿店堂裏四壁蕭然, 只放著一張方桌, (...).", in: 张爱玲。秧歌, page 5.
Reference: The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary, FLTRP
+ 蕭然 萧然 [xiao1 ran2] /desolate/empty/

Change log entry 36118
Processed by: ycandau (2011-06-05 20:35:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35001 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
1) Sentence: 这对小德是个好消息,因为他前天在半决赛里对阵费德勒,耗尽了体力,甚至在比赛后开玩笑地说,(...) Article on Rafael Nadal in ELLE China
2) http://baike.baidu.com/view/1949057.htm
# 耗盡 耗尽 [hao4 jin4] /to exhaust/to use up/
+ 耗盡 耗尽 [hao4 jin4] /to exhaust/to use up/to deplete/to drain/

Change log entry 36109
Processed by: ycandau (2011-06-05 08:51:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35000 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
1) Sentence: 然后,2010年4月,红土场赛季开始了,他一路过关斩将,赢下了所有三场大师赛,最后一场的对于是费德勒。(Article on Rafael Nadal in ELLE China)
2) http://baike.baidu.com/view/77402.htm
# 紅土 红土 [hong2 tu3] /red soil/clay/laterite/
+ 紅土 红土 [hong2 tu3] /red soil/laterite/

Change log entry 36108
Processed by: ycandau (2011-06-05 08:49:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 34998 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
1) Sentence: (...) 会在看电影时抽泣的铁汉运动员,被耐克花了巨款请来代言品牌、却在北京奥运会获得金牌之前,被人发现正自己在洗衣房里洗球衣的巨星。(Article about Rafael Nadal in ELLE China)
2) Sentence: 而他也从贝克汉姆那里接过了Armani内裤的广告代言。(Article about Rafael Nadal in ELLE China)
3) http://tw.dictionary.yahoo.com/dictionary?p=%E4%BB%A3%E8%A8%80
# 代言 代言 [dai4 yan2] /to speak on behalf of/to endorse/endorsement/
+ 代言 代言 [dai4 yan2] /to be a spokesperson/to be an ambassador (for a brand)to endorse/

Change log entry 36107
Processed by: ycandau (2011-06-05 08:32:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 34999 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
1) Sentence: 这七年来,每逢纳达尔到纽约参加美国公开赛的时候,他都会去世贸遗址"归零地"祭奠。(Article on Rafael Nadal in ELLE China)
2) http://baike.baidu.com/view/1325011.htm
+ 歸零地 归零地 [Gui1 ling2 di4] /Ground Zero/

Change log entry 36053
Processed by: ycandau (2011-06-02 18:51:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 34944 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
1) Sentence: 比如他告诉我,有一群神通 广大的
魔法师 ,要是我比赛打得不顺就会让天下雨。(Interview with Rafael Nadal in ELLE China)
2) http://baike.baidu.com/view/54116.htm
+ 魔法師 魔法师 [mo2 fa3 shi1] /magician/wizard/sorcerer/

Change log entry 36052
Processed by: ycandau (2011-06-02 18:50:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 34947 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
1) Sentence: 我的一举一动 只是为赢得比赛,除此之外 ,
我只是个普通人而已 。(Interview with Rafael Nadal in ELLE China)
2) http://baike.baidu.com/view/256733.htm
3) http://tw.dictionary.yahoo.com/dictionary?p=%E4%B8%80%E4%B8%BE%E4%B8%80%E5%8A%A8
4) Google translator
# 一舉一動 一举一动 [yi1 ju3 yi1 dong4] /every move/every movement and every action (idiom)/
+ 一舉一動 一举一动 [yi1 ju3 yi1 dong4] /every movement/each and every move/

Change log entry 36051
Processed by: ycandau (2011-06-02 18:47:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 34949 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
1) Sentence: 到世界各地巡回 比赛,拥有让人艳羡 的广告合同 ……这些会让你对他人 的需要更敏感 吗?(Interview with Rafael Nadal in ELLE China)
2) http://baike.baidu.com/view/358901.htm
3) http://tw.dictionary.yahoo.com/dictionary?p=%E8%89%B3%E7%BE%A1
4) Google translator
+ 艷羡 艳羡 [yan4 xian4] /to envy/to admire/

Change log entry 25709
Processed by: mdbg (2010-01-10 13:46:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 25718 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
I do not understand why the meaning 'letter' has been removed from 信. It can be found in any other dictionary.

Editor: added letter to the front, removed some definitions and reordered the rest
- 信 信 [xin4] /true/confidence or trust/sign or evidence/message/information/to believe/to profess faith in/at will/random/
+ 信 信 [xin4] /letter/mail/to trust/to believe/to profess faith in/truthful/confidence/trust/at will/at random/

Change log entry 24878
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-29 06:17:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23820 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
# Editor: construct - fire+attack
# 火攻 火攻 [huo3 gong1] /fire attack/

Change log entry 24770
Processed by: miles (2009-12-27 10:36:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24670 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
of a vehicle (car, bus, etc.)
+ 開走 开走 [kai1 zou3] /to go (of car, train etc)/to drive off/

Change log entry 24728
Processed by: ycandau (2009-12-27 01:06:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21719 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
- 這次 这次 [zhe4 ci4] /present/now/current/

Change log entry 24551
Processed by: ycandau (2009-12-24 18:54:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24665 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
+ 毛絨玩具 毛绒玩具 [mao2 rong2 wan2 ju4] /plush toy/cuddly toy/

Change log entry 24331
Processed by: ycandau (2009-12-19 14:53:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24668 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
Supplementary English definition which emphasizes the act of destroying an object.
- 打碎 打碎 [da3 sui4] /shatter/
+ 打碎 打碎 [da3 sui4] /to shatter/to smash/to break into pieces/

Change log entry 24051
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-16 07:01:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21117 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
- 捲曲 卷曲 [juan3 qu3] /to curl (hair)/curly/
+ 捲曲 卷曲 [juan3 qu3] /to curl (hair)/to crimp/to roll up/curly/

Change log entry 22783
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-04 00:07:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21710 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
邊...邊 Doing two things simultaneously, e.g. 边吃边谈 talk while eating.
- 邊 边 [bian1] /side/edge/margin/border/boundary/CL:個|个[ge4]/
+ 邊 边 [bian1] /side/edge/margin/border/boundary/CL:個|个[ge4]/simultaneously/

Change log entry 22403
Processed by: feilipu (2009-11-30 07:42:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 22764 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
used e.g. in 精明强干 (intelligent and capable, idiom)
+ 強幹 强干 [qiang2 gan4] /competent/capable/

Change log entry 22206
Processed by: ycandau (2009-11-28 19:18:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 22751 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
- 北 北 [bei3] /north/
+ 北 北 [bei3] /north/to be defeated (classical)/

Change log entry 22199
Processed by: ycandau (2009-11-28 13:04:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 22667 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
- 下雨 下雨 [xia4 yu3] /rainy/
+ 下雨 下雨 [xia4 yu3] /to rain/rainy/

Change log entry 22144
Processed by: feilipu (2009-11-28 00:27:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 22666 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
military term
+ 翼側 翼侧 [yi4 ce4] /flank (military)/

Change log entry 21937
Processed by: feilipu (2009-11-25 07:49:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21911 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
- 池 池 [chi2] /pond/reservoir/
+ 池 池 [chi2] /pond/reservoir/moat/

Change log entry 21882
Processed by: richwarm (2009-11-24 08:58:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21913 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
+ 攻取 攻取 [gong1 qu3] /to attack and seize/

Change log entry 21630
Processed by: haton (2009-11-21 21:02:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21720 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
- 電影 电影 [dian4 ying3] /movie/film/CL:片[pian4],幕[mu4],場|场[chang3]/
+ 電影 电影 [dian4 ying3] /movie/film/CL:部[bu4],片[pian4],幕[mu4],場|场[chang3]/

Change log entry 21510
Processed by: richwarm (2009-11-19 05:42:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21137 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
- 混亂 混乱 [hun4 luan4] /confusion/chaos/
+ 混亂 混乱 [hun4 luan4] /confusion/chaos/disorder/

Change log entry 21450
Processed by: richwarm (2009-11-18 10:11:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21176 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
normally for two persons
+ 標準間 标准间 [biao1 zhun3 jian1] /standard (hotel) room/two-person room of standard size and amenities/abbrev. to 标间/
+ 標間 标间 [biao1 jian1] /abbrev. for 標准間|标准间[biao1 zhun3 jian1], standard (hotel) room/

Change log entry 21440
Processed by: richwarm (2009-11-18 01:29:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21048 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
+ 雙面 双面 [shuang1 mian4] /double-sided/two-faced/double-edged/reversible/

Change log entry 21420
Processed by: ycandau (2009-11-17 18:08:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21429 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
- 交 交 [jiao1] /to deliver/to turn over/to make friends/to intersect (lines)/to pay (money)/
+ 交 交 [jiao1] /to hand over/to deliver/to pay (money)/to turn over/to make friends/to intersect (lines)/

Change log entry 21378
Processed by: feilipu (2009-11-16 09:42:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21045 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
+ 亞克力 亚克力 [ya4 ke4 li4] /acrylic/

Change log entry 21339
Processed by: feilipu (2009-11-16 01:29:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21171 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
+ 牆紙 墙纸 [qiang2 zhi3] /wallpaper/

Change log entry 21335
Processed by: ycandau (2009-11-16 01:12:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21035 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
- 雙向 双向 [shuang1 xiang4] /interactively/
+ 雙向 双向 [shuang1 xiang4] /bidirectional/two-way/interactive/

Change log entry 21331
Processed by: ycandau (2009-11-16 01:00:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21136 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
- 認真 认真 [ren4 zhen1] /earnest/serious/to take seriously/to take to heart/
+ 認真 认真 [ren4 zhen1] /conscientious/earnest/serious/to take seriously/to take to heart/

Change log entry 21318
Processed by: ycandau (2009-11-15 21:37:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21140 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
- 勞累 劳累 [lao2 lei4] /toil/
+ 勞累 劳累 [lao2 lei4] /tired/exhausted/worn out/to toil/

Change log entry 21307
Processed by: ycandau (2009-11-15 19:50:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21053 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
- 正面 正面 [zheng4 mian4] /front/positive/direct/open/
+ 正面 正面 [zheng4 mian4] /front/obverse side/right side/positive/direct/open/

Change log entry 21299
Processed by: ycandau (2009-11-15 18:36:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21168 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
- 一陣 一阵 [yi1 zhen4] /a burst/a fit/a peal/
+ 一陣 一阵 [yi1 zhen4] /a burst/a fit/a peal/a spell (period of time)/

Change log entry 21298
Processed by: ycandau (2009-11-15 18:35:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21169 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
+ 小雨 小雨 [xiao3 yu3] /light rain/drizzle/

Change log entry 21296
Processed by: ycandau (2009-11-15 17:00:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21179 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
- 張開 张开 [zhang1 kai1] /to stretch/to extend/
+ 張開 张开 [zhang1 kai1] /to open up/to spread/to extend/

Change log entry 21289
Processed by: feilipu (2009-11-15 07:59:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21138 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
- 慎 慎 [shen4] /cautious/
+ 慎 慎 [shen4] /careful/cautious/

Change log entry 21283
Processed by: richwarm (2009-11-15 04:50:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21118 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
- 纏繞 缠绕 [chan2 rao4] /twisting/to twine/to pester/to bother/
+ 纏繞 缠绕 [chan2 rao4] /twisting/to twine/to wind/to pester/to bother/

Change log entry 21276
Processed by: richwarm (2009-11-15 04:18:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21134 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
e.g. 所谓"A",是指 ... (what is called "A", means ... / by "A" we mean ...)
- 所謂 所谓 [suo3 wei4] /so-called/
+ 所謂 所谓 [suo3 wei4] /so-called/what is called/

Change log entry 21274
Processed by: richwarm (2009-11-15 04:10:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21132 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
+ 嚴明 严明 [yan2 ming2] /strict and impartial/firm/

Change log entry 21272
Processed by: richwarm (2009-11-15 03:58:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21111 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
- 風乾 风干 [feng1 gan1] /to hang sth out to dry/
+ 風乾 风干 [feng1 gan1] /to air-dry/to season (timber, etc.)/air-dried/air-drying/

Change log entry 21267
Processed by: richwarm (2009-11-15 03:21:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21135 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
- 考察 考察 [kao3 cha2] /to inspect/on-the-spot investigation/
+ 考察 考察 [kao3 cha2] /to inspect/to observe and study/on-the-spot investigation/

Change log entry 21259
Processed by: feilipu (2009-11-15 00:29:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21144 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
Phaseolus vulgaris
+ 芸豆 芸豆 [yun2 dou4] /kidney bean/

Change log entry 21253
Processed by: ycandau (2009-11-14 13:52:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21033 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
+ 壓電 压电 [ya1 dian4] /piezoelectricity (physics)/

Change log entry 21246
Processed by: ycandau (2009-11-14 12:27:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21041 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
Example: 目视分辨率720 dpi x 720 dpi (visual/apparent resolution)
+ 目視 目视 [mu4 shi4] /visual/

Change log entry 21218
Processed by: feilipu (2009-11-14 10:01:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21034 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
+ 快照 快照 [kuai4 zhao4] /snapshot/photo/

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