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Change log entry 54054
Processed by: richwarm (2014-06-10 01:17:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51824 - submitted by 'dcecile' >>
I'm not sure how best to modify this entry, but hopefully this now shows that 鍵 also serves the common meaning of "a key used to unlock something"
Editor: As you wrote separately, the Far East dictionary says "key (to a door or on a musical instrument, etc.)"
I don't know what they were thinking, but it's not the usual Chinese word for the key to a door.
(although the *Japanese* do use 鍵 for the 'door key' meaning)

We also found that Guifan has ②名〈文〉钥匙。 in its definition.
But most dictionaries exclude that sense.
Here are a few examples:

鍵 ①key (of a piano/computer/etc.) ②〈chem.〉 bond ③〈wr.〉 bolt (of door)

1 机 key (轴键 shaft key)
2 key (of a typewriter,piano,etc. )
3 化 bond
# - 鍵 键 [jian4] /key (on a piano or computer keyboard)/button (on a mouse or other device)/chemical bond/linchpin/
# + 鍵 键 [jian4] /key (for a lock)/key (on a piano or computer keyboard)/button (on a mouse or other device)/chemical bond/linchpin/

Change log entry 54020
Processed by: richwarm (2014-06-06 07:31:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51822 - submitted by 'dcecile' >>
There was an extra space after the "CL:" keyword
- 課 课 [ke4] /subject/course/CL: 門|门[men2]/class/lesson/CL:堂[tang2],節|节[jie2]/to levy/tax/form of divination/
+ 課 课 [ke4] /subject/course/CL:門|门[men2]/class/lesson/CL:堂[tang2],節|节[jie2]/to levy/tax/form of divination/

Change log entry 54019
Processed by: richwarm (2014-06-06 07:30:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51823 - submitted by 'dcecile' >>
Proper formatting for 傈僳[li4 su4] reference
- 傈 傈 [li4] /Lisu ethnic group of Yunnan, see 傈僳/
# + 傈 傈 [li4] /Lisu ethnic group of Yunnan, see 傈僳[li4 su4]/
+ 傈 傈 [li4] /Lisu ethnic group of Yunnan/see 傈僳[Li4 su4]/

Change log entry 54018
Processed by: richwarm (2014-06-06 07:14:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51825 - submitted by 'dcecile' >>
Using two sentences seems awkward here

Editor: I think we normally do it like this:
/definition/see also .../
- 胡志明 胡志明 [Hu2 Zhi4 ming2] /Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969), former Vietnamese leader. See also 胡志明市[Hu2 Zhi4 ming2 shi4]/
# + 胡志明 胡志明 [Hu2 Zhi4 ming2] /Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969), former Vietnamese leader (see also 胡志明市[Hu2 Zhi4 ming2 shi4])/
+ 胡志明 胡志明 [Hu2 Zhi4 ming2] /Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969), former Vietnamese leader/see also 胡志明市[Hu2 Zhi4 ming2 shi4]/
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