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Change log entry 56167
Processed by: ycandau (2015-02-05 17:30:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48575 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
I do realize that 份->分 is not in the official list of simplified character, so this entry is more of a suggestion. I'm submitting this based on the fact that we have a number of entries who use 份 as trad and 分 as simp:
('大部份', '大部分')
('份子', '分子')
('份子', '分子')
('恐怖份子', '恐怖分子')
('反動份子', '反动分子')
('積極份子', '积极分子')
I'm also not sure whether /variant of 分[fen4]/ should be removed from 份 份 [fen4]. Unfortunately I don't know of any parallel trad/simp sentences database that I could look at to support this proposed change.

Editor: because of irreconciliable differences between PRC and Tw, there is no real logical solution here. We have to live with it.
On the other hand it's not a big problem, because I think any serious student of Chinese is aware of this kind of small discrepancies (and anyone who feels concerned by fanti as much as by jianti is real SERIOUS--not checking this dict about it).

Some of this entries have been changed in the meantime. Not necessarily better.
# - 份 份 [fen4] /classifier for gifts, newspaper, magazine, papers, reports, contracts etc/variant of 分[fen4]/
# + 份 份 [fen4] /classifier for gifts, newspaper, magazine, papers, reports, contracts etc/
# + 份 分 [fen4] /variant of 分[fen4]/

Change log entry 51909
Processed by: ycandau (2013-12-01 17:30:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47859 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Proposed change based on the way 什么 and its variants are filed:
甚麼 甚么 [shen2 me5] /variant of 什麼|什么[shen2 me5]/
什麼 什么 [shen2 me5] /what?/who?/something/anything/
and on Unihan frequency data (4000 vs 3300)
Both ZDict and http://zd.chinesehelper.cn/256219.html list assorted as the meaning.
What do you think?
# - 甚 什 [shen2] /what/
# + 甚 什 [shen2] /assorted/also written 什[shen2]/
# + 什 什 [shen2] /assorted/
# Editor:
- 甚 什 [shen2] /what/
+ 什 什 [shen2] /what/
+ 甚 甚 [shen2] /variant of 什[shen2]/

Change log entry 50311
Processed by: richwarm (2013-09-13 11:19:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44252 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
It seems to me that commas are only used in the dictionary to add details, as in "Amsterdam, capital of Netherlands", whereas commas were used to separate definitions in this entry.

M: 殘廢的疾病。如聾、啞、跛足之類。今多作「廢」。
Z: 1. 痼疾,病长期不愈。2. 残废。

- 癈 癈 [fei4] /abrogate, terminate, discard/
# + 癈 癈 [fei4] /abrogate/terminate/discard/
+ 癈 癈 [fei4] /variant of 廢|废[fei4]/disabled/

Change log entry 50179
Processed by: vermillon (2013-09-06 10:04:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48261 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Overheard this in a restaurant lately; plenty of baidu hits, and I've based the literal translation of 好合 off the classical Chinese dictionary at http://humanum.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/Lexis/Lindict/ :
15. 好合 [hao3he2], v.i., live happily together: 夫婦好合 conjugal felicity, connubial happiness.
+ 百年好合 百年好合 [bai3 nian2 hao3 he2] /may you live a long and happy life together (wedding greeting)/

Change log entry 50146
Processed by: richwarm (2013-09-04 20:39:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46830 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
http://www.nciku.cn/search/zh/detail/%E6%94%B6%E4%BF%A1%E4%BA%BA/38345 and http://www.websaru.net/%E6%94%B6%E4%BF%A1%E4%BA%BA.html have 收信人; http://tw.dictionary.yahoo.com/dictionary?p=%E7%99%BC%E4%BF%A1%E4%BA%BA has 發信人; and http://tw.dictionary.yahoo.com/dictionary?p=%E5%AF%84%E4%BF%A1%E4%BA%BA and http://www.websaru.net/%E5%AF%84%E4%BF%A1%E4%BA%BA.html have 寄信人.

There's already a number of alternatives in cc-cedict, some of which seem less frequent than these ones (for example 寄信人 has 900k google hits, vs. 700k for 寄件人; similarly 发信人 has 9M hits, vs. 发件人). 发信人 and 收信人 are used on Wikipedia's email article : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%94%B5%E5%AD%90%E9%82%AE%E4%BB%B6

Editor: These terms present no challenge to understanding.
# 寄信人 寄信人 [ji4 xin4 ren2] /sender (of a message)/
# 發信人 发信人 [fa1 xin4 ren2] /sender (of a message)/
# 收信人 收信人 [shou1 xin4 ren2] /recipient (of a message)/

Change log entry 50078
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-31 08:50:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48580 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Fix simp based on https://zh.wikisource.org/zh/%E7%AC%AC%E4%B8%80%E6%89%B9%E5%BC%82%E4%BD%93%E5%AD%97%E6%95%B4%E7%90%86%E8%A1%A8
- 祕 祕 [mi4] /variant of 秘[mi4]/
+ 祕 秘 [mi4] /variant of 秘[mi4]/

Change log entry 50077
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-31 08:25:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48579 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Fix simplified form as per https://zh.wikisource.org/zh/%E7%AC%AC%E4%B8%80%E6%89%B9%E5%BC%82%E4%BD%93%E5%AD%97%E6%95%B4%E7%90%86%E8%A1%A8
- 燻 燻 [xun1] /variant of 熏[xun1]/
+ 燻 熏 [xun1] /variant of 熏[xun1]/

Change log entry 50008
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-28 09:51:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48443 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>

## segment 6 / 8
<< resubmitted review queue entry 48420 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
These 144 entries were obtained by matching the simplified/traditional pairs with Unihan simplification data, and then visually checking for each pair that the corrections looked sound. The entries in this list where those which didn't appear on the official list (probably because mostly are radical simplifications). I've tried to only include here 'obvious' mistakes (replacing a non-simplified radical with the simplified equivalent, for example). I probably have missed a few things given the time it took me to extract these, so it might require a little proofreading.


GF: ①名 腌制加工的鱼类食品。
②名 一种菜肴,把茄子等切碎,与米粉、面粉及其他作料拌和加工而成。
茄子鲊 | 扁豆鲊

# -魟 魟 [hong2] /ray (fish)/Taiwan pr. [hong1]/
# +魟 U+2b689 [hong2] /ray (fish)/Taiwan pr. [hong1]/
# -魟魚 魟鱼 [hong2 yu2] /skate (cartilaginous fish belonging to the family Rajidae)/stingray/
# +魟魚 U+2b689鱼 [hong2 yu2] /skate (cartilaginous fish belonging to the family Rajidae)/stingray/
- 魨 魨 [tun2] /leatherfish/
# + 魨 鲀 [tun2] /leatherfish/
+ 魨 鲀 [tun2] /pufferfish (family Tetraodontidae)/
- 鮓 鮓 [zha3] /preserved fish/
# + 鮓 鲊 [zha3] /preserved fish/
+ 鮓 鲊 [zha3] /salted fish/dish made with ground vegetables, flour and other condiments/
# editor adding:
+ 鮺 鲝 [zha3] /variant of 鮓|鲊[zha3]/variant of 苲[zha3]/
+ 苲 苲 [zha3] /see 苲草[zha3 cao3]/
+ 苲草 苲草 [zha3 cao3] /hornwort/
+ 金魚藻 金鱼藻 [jin1 yu2 zao3] /hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum)/
# -鮟 鮟 [an1] /see 鮟鱇[an1 kang1]/
# +鮟 U+29f7e [an1] /see 鮟鱇[an1 kang1]/
# -鮟鱇 鮟鱇 [an1 kang1] /anglerfish/
# +鮟鱇 U+29f7e鱇 [an1 kang1] /anglerfish/
# -鮟鱇 鮟鱇 [an1 kang1] /anglerfish/
# +鮟鱇 鮟U+29f8c [an1 kang1] /anglerfish/
- 鮦 鮦 [tong2] /snakefish/
+ 鮦 鲖 [tong2] /snakefish/
- 鮶 鮶 [jun1] /Sebastodes guntheri/
+ 鮶 鲪 [jun1] /Sebastodes guntheri/
# -鮸 鮸 [mian3] /Sciaena albiflora/otolithoidesmiiuy/
# +鮸 U+29f83 [mian3] /Sciaena albiflora/otolithoidesmiiuy/

Change log entry 49994
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-27 13:57:38 GMT)
Comment: << resubmitted review queue entry 48420 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
These 144 entries were obtained by matching the simplified/traditional pairs with Unihan simplification data, and then visually checking for each pair that the corrections looked sound. The entries in this list where those which didn't appear on the official list (probably because mostly are radical simplifications). I've tried to only include here 'obvious' mistakes (replacing a non-simplified radical with the simplified equivalent, for example). I probably have missed a few things given the time it took me to extract these, so it might require a little proofreading.
- 鲅 鲅 [ba4] /Chinese mackerel/
# + 鮁 鲅 [ba4] /Chinese mackerel/
+ 鮁 鲅 [ba4] /see 鮁魚|鲅鱼[ba4 yu2]/
# editor adding:
- 鮁 鲅 [bo1] /see 鮁魚|鲅鱼[bo1 yu2]/
- 鮁魚 鲅鱼 [bo1 yu2] /see 馬鮫魚|马鲛鱼[ma3 jiao1 yu2]/
+ 鮁魚 鲅鱼 [ba4 yu2] /Japanese Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus niphonius)/
# -鳷 鳷 [zhi1] /general term for jay/Garrulus lidthi/
# +鳷 U+2b6db [zhi1] /general term for jay/Garrulus lidthi/
# -鴃 鴃 [jue2] /shrike/
# +鴃 U+2b6de [jue2] /shrike/
# -鴗 鴗 [li4] /Alcedo bengalensis/
# +鴗 U+2b061 [li4] /Alcedo bengalensis/
- 鴷 鴷 [lie4] /woodpecker/
+ 鴷 䴕 [lie4] /woodpecker/
- 鵁 鵁 [jiao1] /Mycticorax prasinosceles/
# + 鵁 䴔 [jiao1] /Mycticorax prasinosceles/
# editor: "Mycticorax prasinosceles" returns very few verbatim hits.
+ 鵁 䴔 [jiao1] /a kind of aquatic bird/
- 鵷 鵷 [yuan1] /firebird/
+ 鵷 鹓 [yuan1] /firebird (mythology)/
# ##
# - 鶊 鶊 [geng1] /oriole/
# + 鶊 鹒 [geng1] /oriole/
# ##editor: already in C.
# -鶒 鶒 [chi4] /a kind of water bird/
# +鶒 U+2b6f6 [chi4] /a kind of water bird/
# -鶗 鶗 [ti2] /a kind of hawk/
# +鶗 U+2b6f8 [ti2] /a kind of hawk/
# -鶗鴂 鶗鴂 [ti2 jue2] /large hawk-cuckoo (Cuculus sparverioides)/
# +鶗鴂 U+2b6f8U+2b6de [ti2 jue2] /large hawk-cuckoo (Cuculus sparverioides)/
# editor: already in C:
# - 鶡 鶡 [he2] /crossbill/long-tailed pheasant/
# + 鶡 鹖 [he2] /crossbill/long-tailed pheasant/
# -鶬 鶬 [cang1] /oriole/
# +鶬 鸧 [cang1] /oriole/
# ###
- 鶹 鶹 [liu2] /large horned-owl/
# + 鶹 鹠 [liu2] /large horned-owl/
+ 鶹 鹠 [liu2] /see 鵂鶹|鸺鹠[xiu1 liu2]/
# editor adding:
+ 鵂鶹 鸺鹠 [xiu1 liu2] /collared owlet (Glaucidium brodiei)/
- 鷁 鷁 [yi4] /fishhawk bow or prow/
# + 鷁 鹢 [yi4] /fishhawk bow or prow/
# editor: err, no. GF: 古书上说的一种水鸟。
+ 鷁 鹢 [yi4] /a kind of aquatic bird/
- 鷊 鷊 [ni4] /pheasant/
# + 鷊 鹝 [ni4] /pheasant/
+ 鷊 鹝 [yi4] /pheasant/turkey/old variant of 鷁|鹢[yi4]/
+ 虉 虉 [yi4] /see 虉草[yi4 cao3]/
+ 虉草 虉草 [yi4 cao3] /reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea)/
- 鷫 鷫 [su4] /(ominous mythical bird)/teal/
+ 鷫 鹔 [su4] /see 鷫鸘|鹔鹴[su4 shuang1]/
# editor adding:
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 49991
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-27 12:38:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46884 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
I can't see "slang" in any of the reference works suggested; wouldn't colloquial be more accurate? Is this a loanword?

Editor: I guess it's ok to call it colloquial. Some other dicts (like GF) agree with it.
- 打的 打的 [da3 di1] /(slang) to take a taxi/to go by taxi/
+ 打的 打的 [da3 di1] /(coll.) to take a taxi/to go by taxi/

Change log entry 49989
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-27 09:21:31 GMT)
Comment: << resubmitted review queue entry 48426 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 5 / 8
<< resubmitted review queue entry 48420 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
These 144 entries were obtained by matching the simplified/traditional pairs with Unihan simplification data, and then visually checking for each pair that the corrections looked sound. The entries in this list where those which didn't appear on the official list (probably because mostly are radical simplifications). I've tried to only include here 'obvious' mistakes (replacing a non-simplified radical with the simplified equivalent, for example). I probably have missed a few things given the time it took me to extract these, so it might require a little proofreading.
# -餸 餸 [song4] /side dish/groceries (Cantonese)/
# +餸 U+2980c [song4] /side dish/groceries (Cantonese)/
# -饘 饘 [zhan1] /thick congee/
# +饘 U+2b5f4 [zhan1] /thick congee/
- 騂 騂 [xing1] /bay horse/
# + 騂 骍 [xing1] /bay horse/
+ 騂 骍 [xing1] /horse (or cattle) of reddish color/bay horse/
# - 騃 騃 [ai2] /stupid/idiotic/
# + 騃 U+2b624 [ai2] /stupid/idiotic/
# -騠 騠 [ti2] /spirited horse/
# +騠 U+2b628 [ti2] /spirited horse/
- 騤 騤 [kui2] /powerful/strong/
# + 騤 骙 [kui2] /powerful/strong/
+ 騤 骙 [kui2] /(of a horse) powerful/strong/
- 騧 騧 [gua1] /piebald horse/
+ 騧 䯄 [gua1] /piebald horse/
- 驌 驌 [su4] /(horse)/
+ 驌 骕 [su4] /see 驌驦|骕骦[su4 shuang1]/
- 驦 驦 [shuang1] /good horse/
+ 驦 骦 [shuang1] /see 驌驦|骕骦[su4 shuang1]/
# editor adding:
+ 驌驦 骕骦 [su4 shuang1] /(literary) good horse (old)/
- 魛 魛 [dao1] /the mullet/
# + 魛 鱽 [dao1] /the mullet/
+ 魛 鱽 [dao1] /Coilia ectenes/

Change log entry 49986
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-26 13:26:02 GMT)
Comment: << resubmitted review queue entry 48422 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 1 / 8
<< resubmitted review queue entry 48420 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
These 144 entries were obtained by matching the simplified/traditional pairs with Unihan simplification data, and then visually checking for each pair that the corrections looked sound. The entries in this list where those which didn't appear on the official list (probably because mostly are radical simplifications). I've tried to only include here 'obvious' mistakes (replacing a non-simplified radical with the simplified equivalent, for example). I probably have missed a few things given the time it took me to extract these, so it might require a little proofreading.

Editor: looks like 擽 was totally off.

MoE 異體字字典:1.擊打。2.衝擊。
- 嬃 嬃 [xu1] /elder sister/
# + 嬃 媭 [xu1] /elder sister/
+ 嬃 媭 [xu1] /(dialect) elder sister (old)/
# -嵼 嵼 [chan3] /winding mountain path/
# +嵼 U+21db4 [chan3] /winding mountain path/
# -噅 噅 [hui1] /to speak falsely or wrongly/ugly/
# +噅 U+20be0 [hui1] /to speak falsely or wrongly/ugly/
# - 嗹 嗹 [lian2] /chattering/
# + 嗹 U+2a84f [lian2] /chattering/
- 俔 俔 [xian4] /like/
# + 俔 伣 [xian4] /like/
+ 俔 伣 [qian4] /(old) like/as/
# -愚騃 愚騃 [yu2 ai2] /stupid/foolish/
# +愚騃 愚U+2b624 [yu2 ai2] /stupid/foolish/
- 擽 擽 [lu:e4] /tickle/ticklish, funny/
# + 擽 㧰 [lu:e4] /tickle/ticklish, funny/
+ 擽 㧰 [lu:e4] /(old) to beat/to pound/
# -方釳 方釳 [fang1 xi4] /(arch.) metal horn attached as shield to horse or to the axle of a chariot/
# +方釳 方U+28c3f [fang1 xi4] /(arch.) metal horn attached as shield to horse or to the axle of a chariot/
- 朱鹮 朱鹮 [zhu1 huan2] /ibis/toki or Japanese crested ibis (Nipponia nippon)/
+ 朱䴉 朱鹮 [zhu1 huan2] /ibis/toki or Japanese crested ibis (Nipponia nippon)/
- 殰 殰 [du2] /an abortion/stillborn/
+ 殰 㱩 [du2] /abortion/stillborn/

Change log entry 49984
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-26 12:44:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48417 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
确 seems to be the simplified form of 確, qnd we already have
確 确 [que4] /authenticated/solid/firm/real/true/

Editor: both M & Dr.eye have it, so I'd rather leave it.
# - 确 确 [que4] /authenticated/solid/firm/
# editor adding:
- 确 确 [que4] /authenticated/solid/firm/
+ 确 确 [que4] /variant of 確|确[que4]/variant of 埆[que4]/
- 埆 埆 [que4] /stony/
+ 埆 埆 [que4] /(of land) barren/stony/

Change log entry 49983
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-26 12:36:24 GMT)
Comment: << resubmitted review queue entry 48424 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 3 / 8
<< resubmitted review queue entry 48420 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
These 144 entries were obtained by matching the simplified/traditional pairs with Unihan simplification data, and then visually checking for each pair that the corrections looked sound. The entries in this list where those which didn't appear on the official list (probably because mostly are radical simplifications). I've tried to only include here 'obvious' mistakes (replacing a non-simplified radical with the simplified equivalent, for example). I probably have missed a few things given the time it took me to extract these, so it might require a little proofreading.
# -買餸 买餸 [mai3 song4] /to buy groceries (Cantonese)/
# +買餸 买U+2980c [mai3 song4] /to buy groceries (Cantonese)/
- 賵 賵 [feng4] /gift to the dead/
# + 賵 赗 [feng4] /gift to the dead/
+ 賵 赗 [feng4] /(literary) gift (of money etc) to a bereaved family/to contribute to funeral expenses/
# -蹻 蹻 [qiao1] /raise one's foot/
# +蹻 U+2b3cb [qiao1] /raise one's foot/
# -躝 躝 [lan2] /to pass/to step over/to creep/to twine round/
# +躝 U+2816c [lan2] /to pass/to step over/to creep/to twine round/
# -軏 軏 [yue4] /crossbar for yoking horses/
# +軏 U+2b404 [yue4] /crossbar for yoking horses/
# -軨 軨 [ling2] /lattice work on front and sides/
# +軨 U+2b409 [ling2] /lattice work on front and sides/
- 輈 輈 [zhou1] /beam/pole/shaft/
# + 輈 辀 [zhou1] /beam/pole/shaft/
+ 輈 辀 [zhou1] /(literary) shaft (of a cart)/cart/
# -輗 輗 [ni2] /clamps for crossbar of carriage/
# +輗 U+2b410 [ni2] /clamps for crossbar of carriage/
- 輬 輬 [liang2] /a hearse/a carriage/
# + 輬 辌 [liang2] /a hearse/a carriage/
# editor adding:
+ 轀輬 辒辌 [wen1 liang2] /(sleeping) carriage/hearse/
+ 輬 辌 [liang2] /see 轀輬|辒辌[wen1 liang2]/
# -輮 輮 [rou2] /wheel band/
# +輮 U+2b413 [rou2] /wheel band/

Change log entry 49978
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-26 08:40:51 GMT)
Comment: << resubmitted review queue entry 48424 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 3 / 8
<< resubmitted review queue entry 48420 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
These 144 entries were obtained by matching the simplified/traditional pairs with Unihan simplification data, and then visually checking for each pair that the corrections looked sound. The entries in this list where those which didn't appear on the official list (probably because mostly are radical simplifications). I've tried to only include here 'obvious' mistakes (replacing a non-simplified radical with the simplified equivalent, for example). I probably have missed a few things given the time it took me to extract these, so it might require a little proofreading.
- 訒 訒 [ren4] /slow in speech/
# + 訒 讱 [ren4] /slow in speech/
+ 訒 讱 [ren4] /(literary) slow in speech/
# -訑 訑 [yi2] /arrogant/mean/
# +訑 U+2b359 [yi2] /arrogant/mean/
# -詀 詀 [zhan1] /garrulous/to whisper/to joke/
# +詀 U+27baa [zhan1] /garrulous/to whisper/to joke/
# -詑 詑 [tuo2] /cheat/
# +詑 U+2b35f [tuo2] /cheat/
- 詗 詗 [xiong4] /clever/to gossip/to spy/
# + 詗 诇 [xiong4] /clever/to gossip/to spy/
+ 詗 诇 [xiong4] /(literary) to spy/to pry into/
- 諝 諝 [xu3] /deceit/knowledge/
# + 諝 谞 [xu3] /deceit/knowledge/
# editor: xu1
+ 諝 谞 [xu1] /(literary) ability and wisdom/scheme/stratagem/
# -謏 謏 [sou3] /to induce/
# +謏 U+2b372 [sou3] /to induce/
# -謏 謏 [xiao3] /small/
# +謏 U+2b372 [xiao3] /small/
# -譊 譊 [nao2] /wrangling, contention, to dispute/
# +譊 U+2b362 [nao2] /wrangling, contention, to dispute/
- 譸 譸 [zhou1] /to deceive/to lie/
# + 譸 诪 [zhou1] /to deceive/to lie/
+ 譸 诪 [zhou1] /(literary) to curse/to deceive/to lie/

Change log entry 49967
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-25 18:13:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48454 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 2 / 3
<< resubmitted review queue entry 48421 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Final submission based on automated filtering + manual analysis of the results. This list contains 25 changes that matching our dictionary with Unihan suggest, but I couldn't find evidence in the official simplification tables, and the simplified/traditional forms were most often sufficiently different so that I didn't include them in my previous submission. So this list is basically a draft listing entries which might need some work, but definitely not ready for inclusion in the dictionary.


Z: 同“漤”。

1. 把柿子放在热水或石灰水里泡几天,去掉涩味:这柿子是~过的,不涩。
2. 用盐腌一下青菜等,使去掉生味。
# -擣 擣 [dao3] /stir/to pound/
# +擣 U+22b4f [dao3] /stir/to pound/
- 洼 洼 [wa1] /winding ditch/
# + 窪 洼 [wa1] /winding ditch/
+ 洼 洼 [wa1] /variant of 窪|洼[wa1]/
# editor: MoE 異體字字典 says it's a variant. We'll follow it for now.
- 灠 灠 [lan3] /pickle fruits/
# + 灠 漤 [lan3] /pickle fruits/
+ 灠 灠 [lan3] /variant of 漤[lan3]/
# editor adding:
+ 灠 灠 [lan4] /variant of 濫|滥[lan4]/
+ 漤 漤 [lan3] /to soak (fruits) in hot water or limewater to remove astringent taste/to marinate in salt etc/to pickle/
# -玁 玁 [xian3] /long-snout dog/
# +玁 U+247a4 [xian3] /long-snout dog/
# - 穭 穭 [lu:3] /wild grain/
# + 穭 稆 [lu:3] /wild grain/
# editor: I don't know. 汉语大字典 & MoE 異體字字典 both list 稆 as a variant (like we do). I think i'd rather leave it as it is for now.
# - 筑 筑 [zhu4] /five-string lute/Taiwan pr. [zhu2]/
# + 築 筑 [zhu4] /five-string lute/Taiwan pr. [zhu2]/
# editor: no. 筑 in the flute sense remains the same in the trad. form.
# - 篘 篘 [chou1] /basket for straining/to strain/
# + 篘 U+25b20 [chou1] /basket for straining/to strain/
- 籔 籔 [sou3] /basket for draining rice/
+ 籔 䉤 [sou3] /basket for draining rice/
- 蔂 蔂 [luo2] /basket for carrying earth/
# + 虆 蔂 [luo2] /basket for carrying earth/
+ 蔂 蔂 [lei2] /basket for carrying earth/
# editor: it's pronounced lei2. Some dicts list 虆 as a variant of 蔂, but i'm not sure we can just change the trad./simp. forms here.
- 薀 薀 [yun4] /hippuris or mare's tail/
+ 薀 蕰 [yun4] /hippuris or mare's tail/

Change log entry 49966
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-25 16:39:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48444 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 2 / 2
<< resubmitted review queue entry 48427 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 6 / 8
<< resubmitted review queue entry 48420 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
These 144 entries were obtained by matching the simplified/traditional pairs with Unihan simplification data, and then visually checking for each pair that the corrections looked sound. The entries in this list where those which didn't appear on the official list (probably because mostly are radical simplifications). I've tried to only include here 'obvious' mistakes (replacing a non-simplified radical with the simplified equivalent, for example). I probably have missed a few things given the time it took me to extract these, so it might require a little proofreading.


GF: 鲙 = 鲙鱼 = 鳓
Z: (1) 同“脍”,细切肉 [minced meat]
(2) 鱼名,亦名鳓鱼 [Chinese herring]

Z: 鲿科鱼类的通称 [bagrid]
# -鯄 鯄 [qiu2] /Lepidotrigla strauchi/
# +鯄 U+29f81 [qiu2] /Lepidotrigla strauchi/
# -鯆 鯆 [fu3] /the skate or ray/
# +鯆 U+2b699 [fu3] /the skate or ray/
# ##
# - 鯕 鯕 [qi2] /coryphaena hippurus/
# + 鯕 鲯 [qi2] /coryphaena hippurus/
# ##editor: already in C.
- 鰜 鰜 [jian1] /a flounder/flatfish/
# + 鰜 鳒 [jian1] /a flounder/flatfish/
+ 鰜 鳒 [jian1] /flounder/flatfish/
# -鰤 鰤 [shi1] /Seriola qinqueradiata/yellow tail/
# +鰤 U+2b695 [shi1] /Seriola qinqueradiata/yellow tail/
- 鰼 鰼 [xi2] /loach/mudfish/
+ 鰼 鳛 [xi2] /loach/mudfish/
# -鱇 鱇 [kang1] /see 鮟鱇[an1 kang1]/
# +鱇 U+29f8c [kang1] /see 鮟鱇[an1 kang1]/
- 鱠 鱠 [kuai4] /chopped meat or fish/
# + 鱠 鲙 [kuai4] /chopped meat or fish/
+ 鱠 鲙 [kuai4] /see 鱠魚|鲙鱼[kuai4 yu2]/variant of 膾|脍[kuai4]/
# editor adding:
+ 鱠魚 鲙鱼 [kuai4 yu2] /Chinese herring (Ilisha elongata)/
# ##
- 鱨 鱨 [chang2] /(fish)/
# + 鱨 鲿 [chang2] /(fish)/
+ 鱨 鲿 [chang2] /Bagridae (catfish family)/
# -鱮 鱮 [xu4] /Hypophthalmichthys moritrix/
# +鱮 U+2b688 [xu4] /Hypophthalmichthys moritrix/

Change log entry 49965
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-25 16:23:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48445 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 1 / 2
<< resubmitted review queue entry 48426 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 5 / 8
<< resubmitted review queue entry 48420 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
These 144 entries were obtained by matching the simplified/traditional pairs with Unihan simplification data, and then visually checking for each pair that the corrections looked sound. The entries in this list where those which didn't appear on the official list (probably because mostly are radical simplifications). I've tried to only include here 'obvious' mistakes (replacing a non-simplified radical with the simplified equivalent, for example). I probably have missed a few things given the time it took me to extract these, so it might require a little proofreading.
- 韍 韍 [fu2] /kneepad/
+ 韍 韨 [fu2] /kneepad/
- 頲 頲 [ting3] /narrow forehead/
+ 頲 颋 [ting3] /narrow forehead/
- 颸 颸 [si1] /cool breeze of autumn/
+ 颸 飔 [si1] /cool breeze of autumn/
# -颾 颾 [sao1] /blowing of the wind/
# +颾 U+2966b [sao1] /blowing of the wind/
- 飀 飀 [liu2] /soughing of wind/
+ 飀 飗 [liu2] /soughing of wind/
# ##
# - 飣 飣 [ding4] /display food for show only/sacrifice/
# + 飣 饤 [ding4] /display food for show only/sacrifice/
# ##editor: already in C.
- 飥 飥 [tuo1] /(cake)/
+ 飥 饦 [tuo1] /(cake)/
# -飯餸 饭餸 [fan4 song4] /dishes (of food) (Cantonese)/
# +飯餸 饭U+2980c [fan4 song4] /dishes (of food) (Cantonese)/
- 餖 餖 [dou4] /set out food/
# + 餖 饾 [dou4] /set out food/
+ 餖 饾 [dou4] /to set out food/
# -餗 餗 [su4] /pot of cooked rice/
# +餗 U+2b5e7 [su4] /pot of cooked rice/

Change log entry 49962
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-25 08:57:55 GMT)
Comment: << resubmitted review queue entry 48422 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 1 / 8
<< resubmitted review queue entry 48420 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
These 144 entries were obtained by matching the simplified/traditional pairs with Unihan simplification data, and then visually checking for each pair that the corrections looked sound. The entries in this list where those which didn't appear on the official list (probably because mostly are radical simplifications). I've tried to only include here 'obvious' mistakes (replacing a non-simplified radical with the simplified equivalent, for example). I probably have missed a few things given the time it took me to extract these, so it might require a little proofreading.

# -濆 濆 [fen2] /edge of water/
# +濆 U+23e23 [fen2] /edge of water/
# -熉 熉 [yun2] /(yellow color)/
# +熉 U+24236 [yun2] /(yellow color)/
# -瑽 瑽 [cong1] /tinkling of jade pendants/
# +瑽 U+2aed0 [cong1] /tinkling of jade pendants/
- 璯 璯 [hui4] /jade ornament in the seams of cap/
+ 璯 㻅 [hui4] /jade ornament in the seams of cap/
- 璫 璫 [dang1] /pendant ornaments/
# + 璫 珰 [dang1] /pendant ornaments/
+ 璫 珰 [dang1] /(literary) pendant ornament/earring/eunuch/
# -痴騃 痴騃 [chi1 ai2] /stupid/foolish/
# +痴騃 痴U+2b624 [chi1 ai2] /stupid/foolish/
# -目瞤 目瞤 [mu4 run2] /eyelid twitch/
# +目瞤 目U+251a7 [mu4 run2] /eyelid twitch/
# -瞤 瞤 [shun4] /wink/twinkle/very short time/
# +瞤 U+251a7 [shun4] /wink/twinkle/very short time/
# -瞤息 瞤息 [shun4 xi1] /in a flash/twinkling/ephemeral/
# +瞤息 U+251a7息 [shun4 xi1] /in a flash/twinkling/ephemeral/
# -瞤 瞤 [run2] /twitch (muscle or eyelid)/
# +瞤 U+251a7 [run2] /twitch (muscle or eyelid)/

Change log entry 49961
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-25 08:49:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48463 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Other entries do not use full-with characters anymore (even for numbers we have 21三體綜合症), and full-width numbers are rather harder to type than normal ones.
- 美國51區 美国51区 [Mei3 guo2 wu3 shi2 yi1 qu1] /Area 51, USA/
# + 美國51區 美国51区 [Mei3 guo2 wu3 shi2 yi1 qu1] /Area 51, USA/
+ ! 美國51區 美国51区 [Mei3 guo2 Wu3 shi2 yi1 Qu1] /Area 51, USA/

Change log entry 49960
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-25 08:34:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48462 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
This was recently added, but this character is encoded as U+E816 (unicode 0xEE 0xA0 0x96), from the private use area block of unicode, with no guarantee that all fonts will render it as a hand component (and indeed the Wen Quan Yi ones do not). The correct reference is U+20087 (I submitted it as <<45338>> a while ago), but it falls outside of our supported range.
-   [xx5] /component in Chinese characters, occurring in 左, 有, 友 etc/see also 左字頭|左字头[zuo3 zi4 tou2]/

Change log entry 49953
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-24 23:35:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48419 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
I've programmed a script that goes through the dictionary and matches the simplified/traditional pairs with the unihan simplification data. This batch of 20 entries were obtained by manually filtering the results. I've verified each modified simplified form in the official simplification table, and for incorrect traditional forms I checked the Taiwan MoE dictionary.
- 㑇 㑇 [zhou4] /beautiful/
- 㑳 㑳 [zhou4] /beautiful/
# + 㑳 㑇 [zhou4] /beautiful/
+ 㑳 㑇 [zhou4] /(old) beautiful/clever/
- 勩 勩 [yi4] /toil/
# + 勩 勚 [yi4] /toil/
+ 勩 勚 [yi4] /(literary) toilsome/laborious/(of an edge etc) worn out/blunt/
- 卷帘門 卷帘门 [juan3 lian2 men2] /roll-up door/
+ 卷簾門 卷帘门 [juan3 lian2 men2] /roll-up door/
- 啢 啢 [liang3] /ounce/
# + 啢 唡 [liang3] /ounce/
+ 啢 唡 [liang3] /ounce (British imperial system) (old)/
- 嗊 嗊 [hong3] /sing/
+ 嗊 唝 [hong3] /sing/
- 嫿 嫿 [hua4] /tranquil/
+ 嫿 婳 [hua4] /tranquil/
- 巰 巰 [qiu2] /hydrosulfuryl/
+ 巰 巯 [qiu2] /hydrosulfuryl/
- 帘幕 帘幕 [lian2 mu4] /hanging screen/curtain over shop door (for privacy and serving as advertisement)/
+ 簾幕 帘幕 [lian2 mu4] /hanging screen/curtain over shop door (for privacy and serving as advertisement)/
- 帳帘 帐帘 [zhang4 lian2] /drapery/
+ 帳簾 帐帘 [zhang4 lian2] /drapery/
- 悮 悮 [wu4] /to impede/to neglect/to delay/
# +悞 悮 [wu4] /to impede/to neglect/to delay/
+ 悞 悮 [wu4] /to impede/to delay/variant of 誤|误[wu4]/
- 掗 掗 [ya4] /attach/brandish/hold/
+ 掗 挜 [ya4] /attach/brandish/hold/
- 椤 椤 [luo3] /tree fern/
# +欏 椤 [luo3] /tree fern/
# editor: should be luo2... and we already have 欏 椤 [luo2] /see .../
- 海淀圖書城 海淀图书城 [Hai3 dian4 tu2 shu1 cheng2] /Haidian book city/
# +海澱圖書城 海淀图书城 [Hai3 dian4 tu2 shu1 cheng2] /Haidian book city/
+ 海澱圖書城 海淀图书城 [Hai3 dian4 Tu2 shu1 cheng2] /Haidian Book City, Beijing book store/
# -淀 淀 [dian4] /shallow water/
# +澱 淀 [dian4] /shallow water/
# editor: I'm not sure that this sense uses 澱 as the trad. form.
- 瑲 瑲 [qiang1] /tinkling of gems/
# + 瑲 玱 [qiang1] /tinkling of gems/
+ 瑲 玱 [qiang1] /(onom.) tinkling of gems/
- 窵 窵 [diao4] /deep/distant/profound/
# + 窵 窎 [diao4] /deep/distant/profound/
+ 窵 窎 [diao4] /(literary) distant/deep/profound/
- 苹果酒 苹果酒 [ping2 guo3 jiu3] /cider/
+ 蘋果酒 苹果酒 [ping2 guo3 jiu3] /cider/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 49950
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-24 22:45:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48453 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 1 / 3
<< resubmitted review queue entry 48421 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Final submission based on automated filtering + manual analysis of the results. This list contains 25 changes that matching our dictionary with Unihan suggest, but I couldn't find evidence in the official simplification tables, and the simplified/traditional forms were most often sufficiently different so that I didn't include them in my previous submission. So this list is basically a draft listing entries which might need some work, but definitely not ready for inclusion in the dictionary.

Editor: I think 埯 should remain as it is. See dicts.


Z: 古同“采”,古代卿大夫的食邑。
- 噚 噚 [xun2] /fathom/
# + 噚 㖊 [xun2] /fathom/
+ 噚 㖊 [xun2] /fathom (1.83 meters) (old)/
# -圞 圞 [luan2] /round/
# +圞 U+2a8ae [luan2] /round/
# - 埯 埯 [an3] /hole in the ground to plant seeds in/to make a hole for seeds/to dibble/
# + 垵 埯 [an3] /hole in the ground to plant seeds in/to make a hole for seeds/to dibble/
- 埰 埰 [cai4] /allotment to a feudal noble/
# + 埰 采 [cai4] /allotment to a feudal noble/
+ 埰 埰 [cai4] /old variant of 采[cai4]/
# -㞞 㞞 [song2] /(coll.) semen/weak and incompetent/
# +㞞 U+2aa0a [song2] /(coll.) semen/weak and incompetent/
# -坎壈 坎壈 [kan3 lan3] /to meet with misfortune/
# +坎壈 坎U+21484 [kan3 lan3] /to meet with misfortune/
# -屩 屩 [jue1] /(old) hemp sandals/Taiwan pr. [jue2]/
# +屩 U+2aa17 [jue1] /(old) hemp sandals/Taiwan pr. [jue2]/
- 嶢 嶢 [yao2] /high/steep/to tower/
+ 嶢 峣 [yao2] /high/steep/to tower/
- 嶮 嶮 [xian3] /precipitous/rugged/
+ 嶮 崄 [xian3] /precipitous/rugged/
# -按蹻 按蹻 [an4 qiao1] /(old) massage/
# +按蹻 按U+2b3cb [an4 qiao1] /(old) massage/

Change log entry 49947
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-24 22:01:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 45683 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Use the same template for all of the ten Heavenly Stems, and fix links.
- 丙 丙 [bing3] /third of 10 heavenly stems 十天干/third in order/letter "C" or roman "III" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/propyl/
+ 丙 丙 [bing3] /third of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]/third in order/letter "C" or roman "III" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/propyl/
- 丁 丁 [ding1] /fourth of 10 heavenly stems 十天干/fourth in order/letter "D" or roman "IV" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/butyl/cubes (of food)/
+ 丁 丁 [ding1] /fourth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]/fourth in order/letter "D" or roman "IV" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/butyl/cubes (of food)/
- 干支 干支 [gan1 zhi1] /the 10 heavenly stems 十天干 and 12 earthly branches 十二枝/sexagenary cycle/
+ 干支 干支 [gan1 zhi1] /the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1] and twelve earthly branches 十二枝/sexagenary cycle/
- 庚 庚 [geng1] /age/seventh of the 10 Heavenly Stems 十天干/seventh in order/letter "G" or roman "VII" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/hepta/
+ 庚 庚 [geng1] /age/seventh of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]/seventh in order/letter "G" or roman "VII" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/hepta/
- 癸 癸 [gui3] /tenth of 10 heavenly stems 十天干/tenth in order/letter "J" or roman "X" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/deca/
+ 癸 癸 [gui3] /tenth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]/tenth in order/letter "J" or roman "X" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/deca/
- 己 己 [ji3] /self/oneself/sixth of 10 heavenly stems 十天干/sixth in order/letter "F" or roman "VI" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/hexa/
+ 己 己 [ji3] /self/oneself/sixth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]/sixth in order/letter "F" or roman "VI" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/hexa/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 49944
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-24 15:20:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48455 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 3 / 3
<< resubmitted review queue entry 48421 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Final submission based on automated filtering + manual analysis of the results. This list contains 25 changes that matching our dictionary with Unihan suggest, but I couldn't find evidence in the official simplification tables, and the simplified/traditional forms were most often sufficiently different so that I didn't include them in my previous submission. So this list is basically a draft listing entries which might need some work, but definitely not ready for inclusion in the dictionary.


GF: 〈文〉
动 咬。

GF: 古同“龈”。---> 龈= 牙龈。通称牙床。(也说齿龈。)
- 襬 襬 [bai3] /hem at the bottom of garment/
+ 襬 䙓 [bai3] /hem at the bottom of garment/
- 豶 豶 [fen2] /gelded pig/
+ 豶 豮 [fen2] /gelded pig/
- 齕 齕 [he2] /gnaw/
# + 齕 龁 [he2] /gnaw/
+ 齕 龁 [he2] /(literary) to gnaw/to bite/
- 齗 齗 [ken3] /gums (of the teeth)/to dispute/
# + 齗 龂 [ken3] /gums (of the teeth)/to dispute/
+ 齗 龂 [yin2] /old variant of 齦|龈[yin2]/
# editor adding:
- 齦 龈 [yin2] /gums/
+ 齦 龈 [yin2] /gums (of the teeth)/

Change log entry 49932
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-24 00:39:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48418 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Fix traditional (standard simplification) (also see http://tw.websaru.com/%E4%B8%8B%E7%A2%BA%E7%95%8C.html for this particular word)
- 下确界 下确界 [xia4 que4 jie4] /infimum (math.)/greatest lower bound/
+ 下確界 下确界 [xia4 que4 jie4] /infimum (math.)/greatest lower bound/

Change log entry 49931
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-23 21:58:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48425 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 4 / 8
<< resubmitted review queue entry 48420 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
These 144 entries were obtained by matching the simplified/traditional pairs with Unihan simplification data, and then visually checking for each pair that the corrections looked sound. The entries in this list where those which didn't appear on the official list (probably because mostly are radical simplifications). I've tried to only include here 'obvious' mistakes (replacing a non-simplified radical with the simplified equivalent, for example). I probably have missed a few things given the time it took me to extract these, so it might require a little proofreading.

Editor: M: 鈒 = 化學元素。鍺的舊譯。
- 酇 酇 [zan4] /group of 100 families/place name/
+ 酇 酂 [zan4] /group of 100 families/place name/
# - 釳 釳 [xi4] /(arch.) metal horn attached as shield to horse or to the axle of a chariot/
# + 釳 U+28c3f [xi4] /(arch.) metal horn attached as shield to horse or to the axle of a chariot/
- 鈃 鈃 [xing2] /long-necked wine flask/
+ 鈃 钘 [xing2] /long-necked wine flask/
# -鈇 鈇 [fu1] /axe/
# +鈇 U+2b4e7 [fu1] /axe/
- 鈒 鈒 [ji2] /germanium/
# + 鈒 钑 [ji2] /germanium/
+ 鈒 钑 [ji2] /germanium (old)/
- 銍 銍 [zhi4] /sickle/
+ 銍 铚 [zhi4] /sickle/
# -銶 銶 [qiu2] /single-headed pick/stone chisel/
# +銶 U+28c47 [qiu2] /single-headed pick/stone chisel/
- 鋙 鋙 [wu2] /hoe/
+ 鋙 铻 [wu2] /hoe/
- 錩 錩 [chang1] /metal utensil/mounting/fitting/
+ 錩 锠 [chang1] /metal utensil/mounting/fitting/
- 鍚 鍚 [yang2] /ornaments on headstall of horse/
+ 鍚 钖 [yang2] /ornaments on headstall of horse/
# -鎯 鎯 [lang2] /large hammer/
# +鎯 U+28c4d [lang2] /large hammer/
# - 鏦 鏦 [cong1] /spear/to plunge (with spear)/
# +鏦 U+2b4e9 [cong1] /spear/to plunge (with spear)/
# -鐄 鐄 [heng2] /bell/
# +鐄 U+28c51 [heng2] /bell/
# -鐏 鐏 [zun1] /butt end of spear/
# +鐏 U+28c54 [zun1] /butt end of spear/
- 鐶 鐶 [huan2] /(ancient weight)/metal ring/
+ 鐶 镮 [huan2] /(ancient weight)/metal ring/
- 鑕 鑕 [zhi4] /(executioner's) block/
+ 鑕 锧 [zhi4] /(executioner's) block/
- 鑱 鑱 [chan2] /sharp instrument for digging/
+ 鑱 镵 [chan2] /sharp instrument for digging/
- 闒 闒 [ta4] /door or window in an upper story/
+ 闒 阘 [ta4] /door or window in an upper story/
- 闠 闠 [hui4] /gate of market/
+ 闠 阓 [hui4] /gate of market/
- 闤 闤 [huan2] /wall around a market place/
+ 闤 阛 [huan2] /wall around a market place/

Change log entry 49930
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-23 21:49:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48423 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 2 / 8
<< resubmitted review queue entry 48420 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
These 144 entries were obtained by matching the simplified/traditional pairs with Unihan simplification data, and then visually checking for each pair that the corrections looked sound. The entries in this list where those which didn't appear on the official list (probably because mostly are radical simplifications). I've tried to only include here 'obvious' mistakes (replacing a non-simplified radical with the simplified equivalent, for example). I probably have missed a few things given the time it took me to extract these, so it might require a little proofreading.

Editor: 绖 and 䌹 were already in CEDICT.
# -睍 睍 [xian4] /goggle-eyed/
# +睍 U+2afa2 [xian4] /goggle-eyed/
- 硜 硜 [keng1] /obstinate/
+ 硜 硁 [keng1] /obstinate/
- 紬 紬 [chou2] /silk/
+ 紬 䌷 [chou2] /silk/
# -絅 絅 [jiong3] /monotone garment with no lining/
# +絅 䌹 [jiong3] /monotone garment with no lining/
# -絰 絰 [die2] /hempen cloth worn by mourner/
# +絰 绖 [die2] /hempen cloth worn by mourner/
# - 絺 絺 [chi1] /fine fibers of hemp/linen/
# + 絺 U+2b128 [chi1] /fine fibers of hemp/linen/
# -綀 綀 [shu1] /a kind of sackcloth/
# +綀 U+2620c [shu1] /a kind of sackcloth/
- 綌 綌 [xi4] /coarse hempen fabric/
+ 綌 绤 [xi4] /coarse hempen fabric/
- 綯 綯 [tao2] /bind/cord/twist/
+ 綯 绹 [tao2] /bind/cord/twist/
# -緰 緰 [yu2] /net/
# +緰 U+26215 [yu2] /net/
- 縕 縕 [yun1] /generative force/orange color/
+ 縕 缊 [yun1] /generative force/orange color/
- 縕 縕 [yun4] /hemp/vague/mysterious/
+ 縕 缊 [yun4] /hemp/vague/mysterious/
- 縳 縳 [zhuan4] /to tie up/
+ 縳 䌸 [zhuan4] /to tie up/
- 繸 繸 [sui4] /tassel/
+ 繸 䍁 [sui4] /tassel/
# -繻 繻 [xu1] /fine silk/
# +繻 U+26221 [xu1] /fine silk/
# -纁 纁 [xun1] /crimson/
# +纁 U+2b138 [xun1] /crimson/
# -脥 脥 [qian3] /pelvic cavity/lower abdomen/
# +脥 U+23370 [qian3] /pelvic cavity/lower abdomen/
- 薘 薘 [da2] /plantago major/
+ 薘 荙 [da2] /plantago major/
- 薳 薳 [wei3] /(arch.) type of grass/
+ 薳 䓕 [wei3] /(arch.) type of grass/
- 襏 襏 [bo2] /raincoat/
+ 襏 袯 [bo2] /raincoat/

Change log entry 49929
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-23 21:42:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48429 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 8 / 8
<< resubmitted review queue entry 48420 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
These 144 entries were obtained by matching the simplified/traditional pairs with Unihan simplification data, and then visually checking for each pair that the corrections looked sound. The entries in this list where those which didn't appear on the official list (probably because mostly are radical simplifications). I've tried to only include here 'obvious' mistakes (replacing a non-simplified radical with the simplified equivalent, for example). I probably have missed a few things given the time it took me to extract these, so it might require a little proofreading.
- 鸇 鸇 [zhan1] /sparrow hawk/swift/
+ 鸇 鹯 [zhan1] /sparrow hawk/swift/
- 鸏 鸏 [meng2] /tropic bird/
+ 鸏 鹲 [meng2] /tropic bird/
- 鹮 鹮 [huan2] /spoonbill/ibis/family Threskiornidae/
+ 䴉 鹮 [huan2] /spoonbill/ibis/family Threskiornidae/
- 龑 龑 [yan3] /high and bright/
+ 龑 䶮 [yan3] /high and bright/

Change log entry 49902
Processed by: vermillon (2013-08-23 07:32:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48264 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Plenty of baidu image hits: http://image.baidu.com/i?ie=utf-8&word=%E4%B8%8A%E4%B8%8B%E5%BA%8A
+ 上下床 上下床 [shang4 xia4 chuang2] /bunk bed/

Change log entry 49885
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-22 16:56:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48391 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Fix link
- 噶 噶 [ga2] /phonetic ga (used in rendering Tibetan and Mongolian sounds)/Tibetan Ge: language of Buddha/dialect final particle (esp. in Yunnan) similar to 了 le/
+ 噶 噶 [ga2] /phonetic ga (used in rendering Tibetan and Mongolian sounds)/Tibetan Ge: language of Buddha/dialect final particle (esp. in Yunnan) similar to 了[le5]/

Change log entry 49859
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-21 20:26:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48243 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Exemple: http://news.chengdu.cn/content/2009-11/20/content_136628.htm . Also on Yahoo! dictionary

Editor: Thank you.
- 行李箱 行李箱 [xing2 li5 xiang1] /suitcase/
# + 行李箱 行李箱 [xing2 li5 xiang1] /suitcase/trunk/baggage compartment/overhead bin/
+ 行李箱 行李箱 [xing2 li5 xiang1] /suitcase/baggage compartment/overhead bin/(car) trunk/boot/

Change log entry 49855
Processed by: vermillon (2013-08-21 12:43:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48334 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
As in 硬笔书法, calligraphy written using any tool but a brush, and 硬笔楷书. Has a Baidu baike article at http://baike.baidu.com/view/4218114.htm, which reads "硬笔主要包括钢笔、圆珠笔、蘸笔、铅笔、塑头笔、竹笔、木笔、铁笔等".

Side note: Photoshop uses the term 笔刷 to denote brushes (and thus 硬笔刷) (http://baike.baidu.com/view/414237.htm). Is that worth an entry? If so, here it is:
笔刷 筆刷 [bi3 shua1] /brush (imaging software)/
+ 硬筆 硬笔 [ying4 bi3] /generic term for hard writing instruments such as quill pens, fountain pens, ball pens and pencils, as opposed to writing brushes/

Change log entry 49842
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-21 09:16:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48294 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Based on the explanation of 卖场 on http://baike.baidu.com/view/460908.htm . Doesn't seem to appear in other sources, but would probably good to have because it doesn't seem obvious from 家居+卖场. richwarm pointed to http://www.asiatour.com/mandarin-chinese/ju-4.htm as well, which reads: "Nowadays, many Chinese furniture shops, especially large ones, no longer use 家具, but a new word to identify themselves, 家居. I have not seen it in a single dictionary, neither print nor electronic.". The reason for adding "both furniture mall" and "furniture store" is that it seems to be used for both single-owner shops and malls with plenty of furniture outlets.
I've added 卖场 as a separate entry.
+ 家居賣場 家居卖场 [jia1 ju1 mai4 chang3] /furniture store/furniture mall/

Change log entry 49839
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-21 09:07:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48271 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Part of 大卖场. Example sentences from iciba :
在此段工作时间, 我负责的是西安市的几大手机卖场这几个渠道.
本卖场是使用银行帐号,付款方式只接受填写汇款单或ATM转帐. 没有面交的服务唷.
Baidu baike article about this word: http://baike.baidu.com/view/460908.htm
# 賣場 卖场 [mai4 chang3] /market/store/
# Editor: your subsequent suggestion ~
# 賣場 卖场 [mai4 chang3] /market/store/mall (usually large and focusing on a specific type of products, as in 家居賣場|家居卖场[jia1 ju1 mai4 chang3])/
# Editor:
+ 賣場 卖场 [mai4 chang3] /market/store/mall (usually specializing in a particular product category such as furniture)/

Change log entry 49781
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-19 14:23:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48293 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Fix links, but do 吗[ma5] and 呢[ne5] express surprise?


GF: 表示疑问语气,相当于“呢”或“吗”。
是谁之过欤? | 子非三闾大夫欤?


GF: 古同“欤”。
XDHYCD: 同‘欤’。
- 歟 欤 [yu2] /(final particle expression doubt or surprise, similar to 吗 or 呢)/
# + 歟 欤 [yu2] /(final particle expression doubt or surprise, similar to 吗[ma5] or 呢[ne5])/
+ 歟 欤 [yu2] /(literary) (final particle similar to 吗[ma5], 呢[ne5] or 啊[a1])/
- 與 与 [yu2] /(same as 歟|欤, final particle expression doubt or surprise, similar to 吗 or 呢)/
# + 與 与 [yu2] /(same as 歟|欤[yu2], final particle expression doubt or surprise, similar to 吗[ma5] or 呢[ne5])/
+ 與 与 [yu2] /variant of 歟|欤[yu2]/

Change log entry 49776
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-19 11:51:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48250 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
From iciba:

35. Should I insert coins first?
要先投币吗 ?
48. We need to drop our fares into the fare box at the front.
Editor: We also have
投硬幣 投硬币 [tou2 ying4 bi4] /coin-operated/to insert a coin/
- 投幣 投币 [tou2 bi4] /coin-operated/
+ 投幣 投币 [tou2 bi4] /coin-operated/to insert coins/

Change log entry 49773
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-19 10:44:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48273 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Seen on dustbins in China, and seems to occur frequently in 环卫工人. Appears in ZDict.

Editor: Seems that 环卫 is often used in a narrower sense than the term "environmental sanitation".
(e.g. not including "efficient and safe animal, human, and industrial waste disposal" etc -- more like "keeping the streets clean and tidy")

... of sanitation workers are "urban beauticians."

The city centre is a well-ordered place, with streets continually swept by an army of workers in fluorescent orange vests.

And even public service employees, like school-crossing guards and sanitation workers.

Last day,I saw some cleaners cleaning the streets.

CIFIT, followed Fair Park, city sanitation departments at all levels have the city take action.
# 環衛 环卫 [huan2 wei4] /environmental sanitation/
# Editor:
+ 環衛 环卫 [huan2 wei4] /public cleanliness/(urban) sanitation/environmental sanitation/abbr. for 環境衛生|环境卫生[huan2 jing4 wei4 sheng1]/
+ 環境衛生 环境卫生 [huan2 jing4 wei4 sheng1] /environmental sanitation/abbr. to 環衛|环卫[huan2 wei4]/
+ 環衛工人 环卫工人 [huan2 wei4 gong1 ren2] /sanitation worker/

Change log entry 49742
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-18 14:16:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48267 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Seen on a cash register screen.

(from iciba) 2. Passengers should pay exact fares (no change is available) or use the Octopus Card.

This blog post is about this specific word, with a picture: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_494c202e0100vdqy.html

新华字典 defines it as 找零钱 (http://xh.5156edu.com/html5/34545.html)

# 找贖 找赎 [zhao3 shu2] /to give the change/
+ 找贖 找赎 [zhao3 shu2] /(dialect) to give change/

Change log entry 49739
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-18 12:58:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48272 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
An image search return almost only furniture pictures (https://www.google.com/search?q=%E5%AE%B6%E5%B1%85&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch), and 家居 appears in 家居卖场.
"household" was previously removed from the list of definitions, but I guess the original meaning was that of household in "household supplies".
Finally "unemployed" seems to me to suggest the specific meaning of not having a job, while the example quoted when introducin this change (他家居五年,学到的东西都忘掉了。) doesn't seem to suggest it.


Editor: I think they are probably mostly pictures of *homes* (which naturally contain furniture).

Here's an example of the text that goes with one of those "furniture pictures":
家居 doesn't mean furniture there.

Are you getting confused with 家具?

That quoted example was from New Century, used to illustrate its definition "stay at home without a job".
I think it does suggest not having a job.
It sounds to me like the person was unable to keep his skills up to date by working.

Other sources:
ABC ~ 家居 jiājū v. 〈wr.〉 stay at home; be unemployed ...
New Age ~ stay at home without any job
CCD says "stay idle at home; be unemployed"
# - 家居 家居 [jia1 ju1] /home/residence/to stay at home (unemployed)/
# + 家居 家居 [jia1 ju1] /home/residence/furniture/to stay idly at home/

Change log entry 49738
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-18 10:33:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48268 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Term used in photoshop (http://aadongman.com/uploads/allimg/100917/1_100917094053_1.gif), and in the baidu mobile app.
+ 圖層 图层 [tu2 ceng2] /layer (imaging)/

Change log entry 49732
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-18 08:09:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48251 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
There's an advertisement in the BJ subway these days that reads "不想出门买东西?". Also from iciba :
3. I was silly to get out in the cold without a coat.
18. We don't go out much these days.
19. He's just gone out; he'll be back soon.
他刚出门, 一会儿就回来.
- 出門 出门 [chu1 men2] /to go on a journey/away from home/exit door/to go out of the door/
+ 出門 出门 [chu1 men2] /to go on a journey/away from home/exit door/to go out/

Change log entry 49725
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-17 14:25:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48241 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
None of the reference works mention "beginner's luck"; has someone already heard it used in that sense?

Editor: I'd say it was probably a bit of guesswork that it could be extended to that sense.
- 馬到成功 马到成功 [ma3 dao4 cheng2 gong1] /instant success/beginner's luck/
# + 馬到成功 马到成功 [ma3 dao4 cheng2 gong1] /to win instant success/
+ 馬到成功 马到成功 [ma3 dao4 cheng2 gong1] /to win instant success (idiom)/

Change log entry 49723
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-17 13:53:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48252 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Fix broken link

Editor: I think the entry for 輕軌 should contain the definition.
It seems much more common than the longer term.
# - 輕軌 轻轨 [qing1 gui3] /light rail/transit system: underground, at street level or elevated/streetcar/metro/abbr. for 輕型軌道交通|轻型轨道交通/
# + 輕軌 轻轨 [qing1 gui3] /abbr. for 輕型軌道交通|轻型轨道交通/
# + 輕型軌道交通 轻型轨道交通 [qing1 xing2 gui3 dao4 jiao1 tong1] /light rail/transit system (underground, at street level or elevated)/streetcar/metro/
- 輕軌 轻轨 [qing1 gui3] /light rail/transit system: underground, at street level or elevated/streetcar/metro/abbr. for 輕型軌道交通|轻型轨道交通/
+ 輕軌 轻轨 [qing1 gui3] /light rail/transit system (underground, at street level or elevated)/streetcar/metro/abbr. for 輕型軌道交通|轻型轨道交通[qing1 xing2 gui3 dao4 jiao1 tong1]/
+ 輕型軌道交通 轻型轨道交通 [qing1 xing2 gui3 dao4 jiao1 tong1] /light rail/transit system (underground, at street level or elevated)/streetcar/metro/abbr. to 輕軌|轻轨[qing1 gui3]/

Change log entry 49722
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-17 13:41:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48254 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
I don't think I've ever seen "laundry-shop" before. Also, http://www.thefreedictionary.com/launderette lists launderette as BE only, perhaps /self-service laundry/ is better?

Editor: I think most people are familiar with either "laundromat" or "launderette" and use those terms rather than "self-service laundry."

Wp ~ "A self-service laundry... is a facility where clothes are washed and dried. They are known in the United Kingdom as launderettes or laundrettes, and in the United States, Canada, and Australia as laundromats."

CEDICT's guidelines say to use US spelling and terminology.
- 洗衣店 洗衣店 [xi3 yi1 dian4] /laundry-shop/
+ 洗衣店 洗衣店 [xi3 yi1 dian4] /laundry (commercial establishment)/
# - 自助洗衣店 自助洗衣店 [zi4 zhu4 xi3 yi1 dian4] /laundromat/launderette/
# + 自助洗衣店 自助洗衣店 [zi4 zhu4 xi3 yi1 dian4] /self-service laundry/

Change log entry 49720
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-17 06:52:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48253 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Fix links
- 黏貼 黏贴 [nian2 tie1] /to glue to/to paste onto/to stick on/also written 粘貼|粘贴/
+ 黏貼 黏贴 [nian2 tie1] /to glue to/to paste onto/to stick on/also written 粘貼|粘贴[zhan1 tie1]/
- 粘貼 粘贴 [zhan1 tie1] /to stick/to affix/to adhere/to paste (as in "copy and paste")/Taiwan pr. [nian2 tie1]/also written 黏貼|黏贴/
+ 粘貼 粘贴 [zhan1 tie1] /to stick/to affix/to adhere/to paste (as in "copy and paste")/Taiwan pr. [nian2 tie1]/also written 黏貼|黏贴[nian2 tie1]/

Change log entry 49716
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-16 15:56:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48238 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Found in all the reference works
# 油船 油船 [you2 chuan2] /(oil) tanker/tank ship/oiler/
+ 油船 油船 [you2 chuan2] /(oil) tanker/tank ship/

Change log entry 49708
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-16 07:56:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48232 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Fix links. Also, the definition of 虰蛵|虰蛵[ding1 xing2] reads "less common word for dragonfly 蜻蜓", perhaps it should be modified?
- 虰蛵 虰蛵 [ding1 xing2] /less common word for dragonfly 蜻蜓/
+ 虰蛵 虰蛵 [ding1 xing2] /variant of 蜻蜓[qing1 ting2], dragonfly/

Editor: we only mark characters/compounds as "variants" when both their pronunciation and meaning are the same. I think your original submission is ok.
- 蜻 蜻 [qing1] /see 蜻蜓, dragonfly/
+ 蜻 蜻 [qing1] /see 蜻蜓[qing1 ting2]/
- 蜓 蜓 [ting2] /see 蜻蜓, dragonfly/
+ 蜓 蜓 [ting2] /see 蜻蜓[qing1 ting2]/
- 蛵 蛵 [xing2] /see 虰蛵, less common word for dragonfly/
+ 蛵 蛵 [xing2] /see 虰蛵[ding1 xing2]/

Change log entry 49707
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-16 07:53:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48233 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Remove 'a'
- 通票 通票 [tong1 piao4] /a through ticket/
+ 通票 通票 [tong1 piao4] /through ticket/

Change log entry 49706
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-16 07:52:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48234 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Split definitions

Editor: I don't see any mention of "sword" in the dicts I checked (Z、 中华字海、汉语大字典、漢語大字典、MoE 異體字字典), plus some of them say it's pronounced as zhi2 and zhi1. Since it's a rare archaic character, I'll just opt for what Z says.

Z: [zhi2]
1. 古同“埴”,黏土。
2. 聚合。
- 戠 戠 [shi4] /a sword. potter's clay. to gather/
# + 戠 戠 [shi4] /a sword/potter's clay/to gather/
+ 戠 戠 [zhi2] /to gather/old variant of 埴[zhi2]/

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