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Change log entry 27547
Processed by: feilipu (2010-02-22 06:00:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 26905 - submitted by 'allenwlogue' >>
I believe this term also means "entrepreneurship." While this definition is currently implied, it isn't directly defined as such. Plus, Transparent Language and Mandarin Tools defines this term as entrepreneurship.
# Editor: It can indeed mean entrepreneurship but that is no reason to delete the entire existing entry
- 創業 创业 [chuang4 ye4] /to begin an undertaking/to start a major task/to initiate/to venture/venture/
# + 創業 创业 [chuang4 ye4] /entrepreneurship/
+ 創業 创业 [chuang4 ye4] /to begin an undertaking/to start a major task/to initiate/to venture/venture/entrepreneurship/
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