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Change log entry 56352
Processed by: ycandau (2015-02-24 17:24:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46623 - submitted by '15113278' >>
Also written as 一唱三嘆


"The style of this writing was unusually melancholic--it caused everyone to sigh deeply as they read it."
# 一倡三歎 一倡三叹 [yi1 chang4 san1 tan4] /(Describing any work of literature) So gracefully or emotionally written that it leaves the reader sighing unconsciously/
+ 一倡三歎 一倡三叹 [yi1 chang4 san1 tan4] /(of literature, music) deeply moving (idiom)/
+ 一唱三嘆 一唱三叹 [yi1 chang4 san1 tan4] /see 一倡三歎|一倡三叹[yi1 chang4 san1 tan4]/

Change log entry 56341
Processed by: ycandau (2015-02-23 16:03:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46586 - submitted by '15113278' >>

Editor: read your ref.
# 露水姻緣 露水姻缘 [lu4 shui3 yin1 yuan2] /lit. Dew Marriage/fig. Short lasting marriage/
+ 露水姻緣 露水姻缘 [lu4 shui3 yin1 yuan2] /casual romance/short-lived relationship/

Change log entry 56293
Processed by: ycandau (2015-02-17 16:06:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51067 - submitted by '15113278' >>
I'm not sure if that's the precise definition in english...

Editor: M has it, for the TV sense.
Also figuratively, tha'ts self-evident
# 墊檔 垫档 [dian4 dang4] /filler/
+ 墊檔 垫档 [dian4 dang4] /to fill a blank space/to fill a slot (in a newspaper column, a TV program etc)/

Change log entry 56242
Processed by: ycandau (2015-02-12 22:44:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46587 - submitted by '15113278' >>
# 游移不定 游移不定 [you2 yi2 bu4 ding4] /Oscillate/fluctuate (especially of one's opinions or emotions)/vacillate/
+ 游移不定 游移不定 [you2 yi2 bu4 ding4] /to oscillate without pause (idiom)/to fluctuate/(of thoughts) to wander/to waver/

Change log entry 56138
Processed by: ycandau (2015-02-03 20:47:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50714 - submitted by '15113278' >>

Editor: not uncharacteristically, there are several versions of the 2nd part of this 歇后语.
# 老鼠拉龜,無處下手 老鼠拉龟,无处下手 [lao3 shu3 la1 gui1 wu2 chu4 xia4 shou3] /Mice trying to pull a turtle- no clue where to start (idiom)/
+ 老鼠拉龜,無從下手 老鼠拉龟,无从下手 [lao3 shu3 la1 gui1 , wu2 cong2 xia4 shou3] /like mice trying to pull a turtle, nowhere to get a hand grip (idiom)/no clue where to start/

Change log entry 55383
Processed by: richwarm (2014-12-31 13:30:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46604 - submitted by '15113278' >>
"一夕數驚" in this case is used to describe the terror the family felt in one night by the interrogative methods their enemies were using to terrorize them.

10 Million hits on Google

Editor: In actual usage it doesn't seem to be about "one night", even though that's the literal meaning.
# 一夕數驚 一夕数惊 [yi1 xi1 shu4 jing1] /To have many scares in one night/
+ 一夕數驚 一夕数惊 [yi1 xi1 shu4 jing1] /one scare after another (idiom)/in a constant state of tension/

Change log entry 54821
Processed by: richwarm (2014-10-05 02:03:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46590 - submitted by '15113278' >>

He asked Buddha if women could achieve Buddhahood. "Yes," replied Buddha.

The 32-year-old Hung Tzu-chien was not so fortunate. While his younger brother's relationship grew into a marriage, his own ended after five years.

The United States and China have signed a deal to resolve a trade dispute over imports of Chinese clothing and textile products into the United States after the eighth round of discussions.

It took3? years of negotiations, interrupted by prolonged bouts of North Korean bolshiness, to produce the accord.


# 修成正果 修成正果 [xiu1 cheng2 zheng4 guo3] /fig. To reap the righteous fruit/lit. In Buddhism, to achieve the "Fruit of life" by adhering strictly to Buddhist values/ To obtain or reach a goal after sustained efforts/
+ 修成正果 修成正果 [xiu1 cheng2 zheng4 guo3] /to achieve Buddhahood through one's efforts and insight/to obtain a positive outcome after sustained efforts/to come to fruition/

Change log entry 54514
Processed by: richwarm (2014-07-28 00:59:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50931 - submitted by '15113278' >>
not only close plants arbitrarily and export capital, but also

Clad casually in a white short-sleeved shirt over a white T-shirt and army-green pants,

over the dinner table or in idle chit-chat

while other members of the audience danced to their hearts' content below the stage.

I am not a painter by profession, nor do I belong to any school. I paint as I please.

Chung, who thinks of herself as easygoing and uninhibited, says ...

[Birdwatcher] 並非我有耐心,而是我很隨性,
I'm not sitting there waiting for birds; I just go with the flow.

including youth vocabulary, a very casual usage of punctuation, and unconventional layouts that are used to create a certain attitude and flow

In cyber-literature, casual writing, endless dialogue and wacky goings-on are the norm.

He is very laid-back about these journeys

N ~ 随性 [suí xìng]
1. casual; unconcerned
2. arbitrary; random
# 隨性 随性 [sui2 xing4] /casual/
+ 隨性 随性 [sui2 xing4] /casual/laid-back/doing as one pleases/acting arbitrarily/

Change log entry 54424
Processed by: richwarm (2014-07-18 11:45:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51148 - submitted by '15113278' >>
# 聲名大噪 声名大噪 [sheng1 ming2 da4 zao4] /rise to fame/
+ 聲名大噪 声名大噪 [sheng1 ming2 da4 zao4] /to rise to fame/

Change log entry 54012
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-06-04 22:41:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46615 - submitted by '15113278' >>


LMA: 稱學識或技術不到家的人。也諷刺僅有一點知識或技術就自以為了不起的人。

- 难以启齿的一个笑话问题。(本人是个半桶水)
- 职场处理--当你的上司是个半桶水

The worst of this sorry bunch of semi-educated losers are those who seem to glory in being irritated by nouns becoming verbs.

Like me, many people go on to junior high school when they complete Chinese-language primary school, but the Chinese education we receive is incomplete, or as we say locally, "half a bucket of water,"
# 半桶水 半桶水 [ban4 tong3 shui3] /(Coll.) lit. Half a bucket a water/fig. Mediocre, not reaching a satisfactory level, half-educated, amateur/
+ 半桶水 半桶水 [ban4 tong3 shui3] /(coll.) (of one's skills, knowledge etc) limited/superficial/half-baked/sb with a smattering of knowledge (of sth)/dabbler/

Change log entry 54001
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-06-04 06:32:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51814 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
<< follow-up of change log entry 53162 >>
<< review queue entry 50261 - submitted by '15113278' >>

Editor: Z: 平庸而使用过多。

- 都市剧俗滥桥段
- 就把這些淺薄俗濫的情調傾泄到他們所謂「作品」裡去
- 等的人,把愛泡沫化了,「大愛無疆」那樣的說法為性的俗濫提供了藉口。
- 讨论一个俗滥的话题,凯文加内特的身体条件到底属于好还是


Isn't it an adjective?
- 俗濫 俗滥 [su2 lan4] /cliche/tacky/
+ 俗濫 俗滥 [su2 lan4] /clichéd/tacky/

Change log entry 53997
Processed by: richwarm (2014-06-04 02:54:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50989 - submitted by '15113278' >>
# 天差地遠 天差地远 [tian1 cha1 di4 yuan3] /polar opposites (idiom)/
+ 天差地遠 天差地远 [tian1 cha1 di4 yuan3] /poles apart (idiom)/entirely different/

Change log entry 53996
Processed by: richwarm (2014-06-04 02:26:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50902 - submitted by '15113278' >>

Editor: NC, K, A
# 告捷 告捷 [gao4 jie2] /Win/
+ 告捷 告捷 [gao4 jie2] /to win/to be victorious/to report a victory/

Change log entry 53759
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-05-04 16:46:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51197 - submitted by '15113278' >>


Gandhi was asked if a free India could achieve the same standard of living as Britain. His answer still resonates:

They cared only about whether the articles were meaningful, not how well the paper sold
# 擲地有聲 掷地有声 [zhi4 di4 you3 sheng1] /Having substance/
+ 擲地有聲 掷地有声 [zhi4 di4 you3 sheng1] /lit. if thrown on the floor, it will make a sound (idiom)/fig. (of one's words) powerful and resonating/to have substance/

Change log entry 53667
Processed by: vermillon (2014-05-03 09:31:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50929 - submitted by '15113278' >>
+ 追悼文 追悼文 [zhui1 dao4 wen2] /eulogy/

Change log entry 53630
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-04-27 13:59:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51147 - submitted by '15113278' >>



In addition to being a place for worship, it offers services such as marriage ceremonies, burials, counseling, instruction in Islam and Arabic, and public tours and lectures.

San Francisco is at the center of a new wave of artisan chocolatiers and this three-hour guided tour lets travelers sample local flavors and receive tips on tasting.

I helped out with tours this afternoon and in one group there was a person who was very interested in buying the house.

I guide tourists to attractions around Kaohsiung.

網站導覽 (Site Navigator)
# 導覽 导览 [dao3 lan3] /tour guide/
+ 導覽 导览 [dao3 lan3] /(visitor, tour, audio etc) guide/guided tour/(site) navigator/to guide/

Change log entry 53162
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-04-05 11:15:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50261 - submitted by '15113278' >>

Editor: Z: 平庸而使用过多。

- 都市剧俗滥桥段
- 就把這些淺薄俗濫的情調傾泄到他們所謂「作品」裡去
- 等的人,把愛泡沫化了,「大愛無疆」那樣的說法為性的俗濫提供了藉口。
- 讨论一个俗滥的话题,凯文加内特的身体条件到底属于好还是
# 俗濫 俗滥 [su2 lan4] /Cliche / Tacky/
+ 俗濫 俗滥 [su2 lan4] /cliche/tacky/

Change log entry 53080
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-03-29 20:02:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51157 - submitted by '15113278' >>

Editor: not just real estate, it seems.

- Motorola投资触控萤幕软件发展商Sensitive Object
- Mac软件发展商叫板盖茨1万美元赌Vista会再跳票

Seems like our 商 entry could use some revision, since there are various other *商 constructs out there...

GF: ②以买卖货物为职业的人。
皮货商 | 富商 | 客商 | 商贩

M: 做生意的人。如:「布商」、「米商」。
# 發展商 发展商 [fa1 zhan3 shang1] /(real estate) developer/
+ 發展商 发展商 [fa1 zhan3 shang1] /(real estate etc) developer/
# editor adding:
- 商 商 [shang1] /commerce/to consult/quotient/2nd note in pentatonic scale/
+ 商 商 [shang1] /commerce/merchant/dealer/to consult/quotient/2nd note in pentatonic scale/

Change log entry 53058
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-03-26 08:44:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51211 - submitted by '15113278' >>
于 changed to 於 for traditional entry
- 畢其功于一役 毕其功于一役 [bi4 qi2 gong1 yu2 yi1 yi4] /to accomplish the whole task at one stroke/
+ 畢其功於一役 毕其功于一役 [bi4 qi2 gong1 yu2 yi1 yi4] /to accomplish the whole task at one stroke/

Change log entry 53002
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-03-17 17:45:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46596 - submitted by '15113278' >>

Editor: looks like a Canto version of 哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出, which we already have in CEDICT.
# 啞仔食黃連:有苦自己知 哑仔食黄连:有苦自己知 [ya3 zai3 shi2 huang2 lian2 you3 ku3 zi4 ji3 zhi1] /lit. A mute boy eats Coptis seeds, only he knows the bitterness/fig. Used to describe a situation when only the person knows the pain or suffering he is in/

Change log entry 52867
Processed by: vermillon (2014-03-06 08:43:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51032 - submitted by '15113278' >>
editor: construct
# 目前為止 目前为止 [mu4 qian2 wei2 zhi3] /up until this moment/

Change log entry 52788
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-02-26 08:13:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51011 - submitted by '15113278' >>
戒治所: 2 million verbatim hits
戒毒所:374k verbatim hits


she was sentenced to a drug rehabilitation program. After she left the rehab center,

According to Su Wei-kuo, a secretary at the Taichung Drug Abstention and Treatment Center

# 戒治所 戒治所 [jie4 zhi4 suo3] /rehabilitation center/
+ 戒治所 戒治所 [jie4 zhi4 suo3] /drug rehabilitation center/

Change log entry 52785
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-02-25 15:38:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51002 - submitted by '15113278' >>

Editor: appears to be a Cantonese expression.

- 广州话:死鸡撑饭盖是什么意思?_百度知道
- 粤讲粤过瘾之死鸡撑饭盖
- http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/dictionary/words/32450/
# 死雞撐飯蓋 死鸡撑饭盖 [si3 ji1 cheng1 fan4 gai4] /(lit.) dead chicken resists the cooking-pot lid / (fig.) to fight to the bitter end, even if in the wrong/

Change log entry 52775
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-02-24 17:47:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50990 - submitted by '15113278' >>

Editor: thanks, this entry is already on the queue, pending changes.
# 來勁 来劲 [lai2 jin4] /in high spirits / enthusiastic/

Change log entry 52729
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-02-22 11:07:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50928 - submitted by '15113278' >>


"Injection brings an ecstatic, warm, glowing sensation, followed by relaxation and contentment. Within half a day withdrawal symptoms set in, with a craving for more. Development of tolerance, requiring ever greater amounts for the same effects, leads to drug addiction."

Every project we carry out – every playground we refurbish, every well we help dig, every adult we teach to read, every child we immunize against polio — makes the world we all live in a bit better, a bit healthier, a bit happier.

products that are produced naturally and without added hormones
# 施打 施打 [shi1 da3] /injection/
+ 施打 施打 [shi1 da3] /to inject (a vaccine etc)/

Change log entry 52717
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-02-21 11:24:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50932 - submitted by '15113278' >>
# 裂解 裂解 [lie4 jie3] /pyrolysis/
+ 裂解 裂解 [lie4 jie3] /pyrolysis/splitting (chemistry)/

Change log entry 52654
Processed by: vermillon (2014-02-15 15:41:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50345 - submitted by '15113278' >>
+ 燶 㶶 [nong2] /(dialect) to burn/to scorch/

Change log entry 52540
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-02-11 16:27:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50893 - submitted by '15113278' >>
# 壯碩 壮硕 [zhuang4 shuo4] /Sturdy / Strong/
+ 壯碩 壮硕 [zhuang4 shuo4] /sturdy/thick and strong/

Change log entry 52536
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-02-11 15:54:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50892 - submitted by '15113278' >>

Editor: M: 或稱為「內窺鏡」。

# 內視鏡 内视镜 [nei4 shi4 jing4] /Endoscope / Probe/
+ 內視鏡 内视镜 [nei4 shi4 jing4] /endoscope/
# editor adding:
+ 內窺鏡 内窥镜 [nei4 kui1 jin4] /endoscope/

Change log entry 52528
Processed by: vermillon (2014-02-11 09:20:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50889 - submitted by '15113278' >>
+ 等比 等比 [deng3 bi3] /geometric (of mathematical sequences or progressions)/

Change log entry 52519
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-02-10 14:32:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50888 - submitted by '15113278' >>


But no matter how watertight legislation and inspections are
# 天衣無縫 天衣无缝 [tian1 yi1 wu2 feng4] /lit. Heavenly clothes have no seams / (idiom) Flawless/
+ 天衣無縫 天衣无缝 [tian1 yi1 wu2 feng4] /lit. seamless heavenly clothes (idiom)/fig. flawless/

Change log entry 52518
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-02-10 14:26:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50887 - submitted by '15113278' >>
# 點閱率 点阅率 [dian3 yue4 lv4] /Click rate (for websites or online advertisements)/
+ 點閱率 点阅率 [dian3 yue4 lu:4] /click-through rate (for websites or online advertisements)/

Change log entry 52214
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-12-31 14:25:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46589 - submitted by '15113278' >>
# 皇帝不急,急死太監 皇帝不急,急死太监 [huang2 di4 bu4 ji2 ji2 si3 tai4 jian4] /lit. The emperor is not worried, but his eunuchs are worried to death/fig. Someone is not worried about a situation, but observers are very worried/
+ 皇帝不急急死太監 皇帝不急急死太监 [huang2 di4 bu4 ji2 ji2 si3 tai4 jian4] /lit. the emperor is not worried, but his eunuchs are worried to death (idiom)/fig. the observers are more anxious than the person involved/

Change log entry 51852
Processed by: ycandau (2013-11-26 17:10:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46617 - submitted by '15113278' >>

(In the link, there are several explanations)
# 一柱擎天 一柱擎天 [yi1 zhu4 qing2 tian1] /(Idiom) (Of one person's power) who can bear or solve the problem or situation/
+ 一柱擎天 一柱擎天 [yi1 zhu4 qing2 tian1] /lit. to support the sky as a single pillar (idiom)/fig. to take a crucial responsibility upon one's shoulders/

Change log entry 51849
Processed by: ycandau (2013-11-26 16:47:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46628 - submitted by '15113278' >>
# + 滿天星 满天星 [man3 tian1 xing1] /Gypsophila (Commonly referred to as "Baby's Breath flower")/
+ 滿天星 满天星 [man3 tian1 xing1] /Baby's Breath/Gypsophila paniculata/

Change log entry 51656
Processed by: ycandau (2013-11-16 13:27:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46605 - submitted by '15113278' >>
介 is an alternative form of 芥
When that is taken into consideration, this idiom speaks for itself
2.5 million hits on google
# 一介不取 一介不取 [yi1 jie4 bu4 qu3] /To reject a bribe, however small/ To not even take a penny (as a bribe)/
+ 一介不取 一介不取 [yi1 jie4 bu4 qu3] /to not even take a penny (as a bribe)/

Change log entry 51655
Processed by: ycandau (2013-11-16 12:31:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46606 - submitted by '15113278' >>
0.8 million hits on google
# 一手包辦 一手包办 [yi1 shou3 bao1 ban4] /(Of a situation) Taken care of or completed by a single person or entity/
+ 一手包辦 一手包办 [yi1 shou3 bao1 ban4] /to take care of a matter all by oneself/to run the whole show/

Change log entry 51654
Processed by: ycandau (2013-11-16 12:23:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46607 - submitted by '15113278' >>

# + 一木難支 一木难支 [yi1 mu4 nan2 zhi1] /(idiom) One wooden post alone cannot support a burden (Used to emphasize or describe the weakness of a single compared to a group)/
+ 一木難支 一木难支 [yi1 mu4 nan2 zhi1] /lit. a single post cannot prop up a falling house (idiom)/fig. one is helpless alone/

Change log entry 51652
Processed by: ycandau (2013-11-16 12:15:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46609 - submitted by '15113278' >>

# 一字褒貶 一字褒贬 [yi1 zi4 bao1 bian3] /Using concise, carefully chosen words for the sake of maximum impact/
+ 一字褒貶 一字褒贬 [yi1 zi4 bao1 bian3] /dispensing praise or blame with a single word (idiom)/concise and powerful style/

Change log entry 51651
Processed by: ycandau (2013-11-16 12:06:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46610 - submitted by '15113278' >>

1.8 million hits on google

headline of online news:
# 一字一淚 一字一泪 [yi1 zi4 yi1 lei4] /(Of or relating to text) being so powerful that a single word can cause the reader to cry/
+ 一字一淚 一字一泪 [yi1 zi4 yi1 lei4] /each word is a teardrop (idiom)/

Change log entry 51580
Processed by: ycandau (2013-11-13 00:36:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46588 - submitted by '15113278' >>

It comes from 《過封鎖線》, a novel by Mao Dun.

Editor: "half-baked" is tempting but not fitting.
Typical use is:

Of course it's *not* from Mao Dun, it's a natural expression in Chinese.
三日换本戏,半生不熟就上台... (1900)
# 半生不熟 半生不熟 [ban4 sheng1 bu4 shou2] /lit. Half raw, not cooked/fig. incomplete, underdeveloped/
+ 半生不熟 半生不熟 [ban4 sheng1 bu4 shou2] /underripe/half-cooked/(fig.) not mastered (of a technique)/clumsy/halting/

Change log entry 51481
Processed by: ycandau (2013-11-10 09:30:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49803 - submitted by '15113278' >>

Editor: not necessarily pejorative, can be "eating right"
# 揀飲擇食 拣饮择食 [jian3 yin3 ze2 shi2] /To be picky about what one eats and drinks/
+ 揀飲擇食 拣饮择食 [jian3 yin3 ze2 shi2] /to choose one's food carefully/to be picky/

Change log entry 50732
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-09-30 09:32:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46592 - submitted by '15113278' >>
# 屢敗屢戰 屡败屡战 [lu:3 bai4 lu:3 zhan4] /To continue fighting despite losing many times/
+ 屢敗屢戰 屡败屡战 [lu:3 bai4 lu:3 zhan4] /to keep on fighting despite continual setbacks (idiom)/

Change log entry 49524
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-05 11:43:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46597 - submitted by '15113278' >>
蒙古皇打仔: 大汗疊細汗

In this case, Khan sounds exactly like "sweat" in cantonese. "疊", or beat, in this case, also sounds like the word for dripping liquids.

Thus, "Big Khan beating Khan Jr." sounds like "Big drips and small drips of sweat. A play on words, often used colloqiually to describe a situation or event that causes one to sweat profusely.

Editor: 蒙古皇打仔 returns ~ 400 verb. hits. Wp also lists 铁木真打仔 as its alternative form, which is apparently Cantonese and appears on the 广州话歇后语 list: http://www.360doc.com/content/09/0716/15/178559_4295024.shtml.
# 蒙古皇打仔:大汗疊細汗 蒙古皇打仔:大汗叠细汗 [Meng3 gu3 Huang2 da3 zai3 da4 han4 die2 xi4 han2] /Lit. Genghis Khan beating his son Khan jr., big khan beating small khan/lit. Sweating profusely/

Change log entry 48686
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-06-11 08:54:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46611 - submitted by '15113278' >>
This idiom also implies that the person who is being described is very intelligent.


Editor: that's what 天才 implies.

M: 形容看書看得快。
# - 一目十行 一目十行 [yi1 mu4 shi2 hang2] /ten lines at a glance (idiom)/to read very rapidly/
# + 一目十行 一目十行 [yi1 mu4 shi2 hang2] /ten lines at a glance (idiom)/to read very rapidly/(of a person) extremely gifted or intelligent/
# editor adding:
+ 目下十行 目下十行 [mu4 xia4 shi2 hang2] /see 一目十行[yi1 mu4 shi2 hang2]/

Change log entry 48636
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-06-09 14:24:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46622 - submitted by '15113278' >>

It's vivid imagery like this that the Chinese language is capable of that makes me admire it so much...
# 一雨成秋 一雨成秋 [yi1 yu3 cheng2 qiu1] /(Used literally)When summer is near its end, and a rain brings the abrupt arrival of autumn/
+ 一雨成秋 一雨成秋 [yi1 yu3 cheng2 qiu1] /a sudden shower towards the end of summer brings abrupt arrival of autumn (idiom)/

Change log entry 48304
Processed by: vermillon (2013-05-28 14:05:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46613 - submitted by '15113278' >>
Mostly used to criticize oil used in restaurants, especially ones serving fast food.
1.5 million hits on google

Online news:

Cantonese TV news:
editor: we don't feel it really deserves an entry.
# 千年油 千年油 [qian1 nian2 you2] /lit. Thousand year oil/fig. Oil that has been used over and over/

Change log entry 47722
Processed by: vermillon (2013-05-08 12:41:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46620 - submitted by '15113278' >>
Identical to 入木三分
editor: that's already what "to hit the nail on the head" implies (if applied to criticism).
- 一針見血 一针见血 [yi1 zhen1 jian4 xie3] /lit. to draw blood on the first prick/fig. to hit the nail on the head/
# + 一針見血 一针见血 [yi1 zhen1 jian4 xie3] /lit. to draw blood on the first prick/fig. to hit the nail on the head/(describing criticism) Short, but effective and on the point/
+ 一針見血 一针见血 [yi1 zhen1 jian4 xie3] /lit. to draw blood on the first prick (idiom)/fig. to hit the nail on the head/

Change log entry 47577
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-05-02 10:38:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46668 - submitted by '15113278' >>
# 一臉茫然 一脸茫然 [yi1 lian3 mang2 ran2] /speechless/at a loss for words/
+ 一臉茫然 一脸茫然 [yi1 lian3 mang2 ran2] /puzzled/bewildered/

Change log entry 47553
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-04-30 17:16:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46583 - submitted by '15113278' >>
(From www.epochtimes.com.tw, news headline)
扁告陳肇敏加重誹謗 陳:據實以告


# 據實以告 据实以告 [ju4 shi2 yi3 gao4] /To report something directly according to facts/
+ 據實以告 据实以告 [ju4 shi2 yi3 gao4] /to report according to the facts/to tell the truth/to tell it like it is/

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