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Change log entry 68574
Processed by: richwarm (2019-11-01 20:57:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65110 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
feel free to improve my wording

Wp: 懒人包,字面意义是让没时间、精力的懒人也能使用的封包。指有人热心的将一个事件整理成简要、完整的说明,以利于一般人快速了解[1]。始源于网络上为了要解决因为争议混乱,而不方便民众掌握参与的问题,事后有热心的人将事件始末、时序、位置与主要论点等相关资料,整理打包成简要之图、文内容,让阅者快速了解;而现在也精进到了传媒的新闻动态、影片记录等多元方式呈现,也做论坛与商业行销,各地区都广泛在使用。

LA: 一種網路傳播文體。在最短時間內,使人快速知道事件核心議題及來龍去脈。例 「新聞懶人包」、「懶人包論壇」。

First appearance in TP was Jan. 2010.
This reference (PTT鄉民大百科) says the word was around in 2007.

Kuan Chung-hsiang, an assistant professor in the Department of Communication and Graduate Institute of Telecommunications at National Chung Cheng University, offers the following example: The speed and convenience of the Internet, although helpful in getting more people in touch with public affairs, may also mislead a netizen into thinking that by simply entering into a "package for the lazy" (links to background information and media reports about controversial topics or social movements organized for easy perusal), clicking "enter" to sign some online petition, or by tuning into a real-time broadcast from some protest scene, he or she is "already doing my part in the movement."

First he joined forces with likeminded bloggers like Zhu Xiao Cao and Portnoy, and they organized related links under the heading "Lo Sheng information package for the lazy," so that other interested cyberfriends could get up to speed on the issue in a short time. After that he brought into play his expertise in architecture, and in the brief space of an afternoon, using architectural drawings along with an accessible comic book style approach, came up with 3D images of "90% conservation" and "41% conservation" of Lo Sheng. Thus he transformed this complicated and long-simmering issue into something everyone could understand at a glance, successfully enabling it to spread like wildfire on the Internet.

PTT’s boards are also known for humorous coinages, often involving Mandarin characters that sound somewhat similar to Taiwanese expressions or English words such as “loser.”

「圖文不符」創立一年多來,執行超過 150 件資訊設計作品,總觸及人數高達 2,500 萬人次以上,粉絲專頁有九萬多人追蹤。團隊製作的資訊圖表與懶人包,如「別被颱風娘的外表給騙了!」、「捷運緊急防身術──讓我們來談談隨機殺人事件」等,不僅與社會議題緊密扣連,而且還超吸睛,在網路社群中掀起波瀾。
The collective Simpleinfo has been in existence for more than a year, and it has handled the design of more than 150 infographics, which have attracted more than 25 million views. Its Facebook page has more than 90,000 followers. Its information charts and simple breakdowns of complex topics (“Don’t Be Fooled by a Typhoon’s Good Looks!” or “Let’s Talk About Random Killings: The Art of Emergency Self-Defense on the Metro”) are socially relevant and easy to understand, and they have created quite a splash among netizens.
# 懶人包 懒人包 [lan3 ren2 bao1] /(news, story etc) at a glance/brief summary (of news, a story, a movie etc)/
+ 懶人包 懒人包 [lan3 ren2 bao1] /(Tw) (neologism c. 2007) information presented in easily assimilable form (digest, summary, infographic etc)/

Change log entry 60198
Processed by: vermillon (2016-02-11 11:32:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57453 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
(Taiwan slang) --> (slang) (Tw)
- A A [A] /(Taiwan slang) to steal/
+ !+ A A [A] /(slang) (Tw) to steal/
# - 傍 傍 [bang4] /near/approaching/to depend on/(slang) to have an intimate relationship with sb/Taiwan pr. [pang2], [bang1], [bang4]/
# + 傍 傍 [bang4] /near/approaching/to depend on/(slang) to have an intimate relationship with sb/Taiwan pr. [pang2], [bang1], [bang4]/
- 炒飯 炒饭 [chao3 fan4] /fried rice/(Taiwan slang) to have sex/
+ 炒飯 炒饭 [chao3 fan4] /fried rice/(slang) (Tw) to have sex/
- 帶賽 带赛 [dai4 sai4] /(Taiwan slang) to bring bad luck/
+ 帶賽 带赛 [dai4 sai4] /(slang) (Tw) to bring bad luck/
- 督進去 督进去 [du1 jin4 qu4] /(Taiwan slang) to stick "it" in/to thrust inside/
+ 督進去 督进去 [du1 jin4 qu4] /(slang) (Tw) to stick "it" in/to thrust inside/
- 怪咖 怪咖 [guai4 ka1] /(Taiwan slang) loony/freak/
+ 怪咖 怪咖 [guai4 ka1] /(slang) (Tw) loony/freak/
- 哈棒 哈棒 [ha1 bang4] /(Taiwan slang) to give a blowjob/
+ 哈棒 哈棒 [ha1 bang4] /(slang) (Tw) to give a blowjob/
- 唬爛 唬烂 [hu3 lan4] /(Taiwan slang) to bullshit/to fool/
+ 唬爛 唬烂 [hu3 lan4] /(slang) (Tw) to bullshit/to fool/
- 機車 机车 [ji1 che1] /locomotive/train engine car/scooter (Tw)/(Taiwan slang) hard to get along with/a pain in the ass/damn!/crap!/
+ 機車 机车 [ji1 che1] /locomotive/train engine car/scooter (Tw)/(slang) (Tw) hard to get along with/a pain in the ass/damn!/crap!/
- 靠北 靠北 [kao4 bei3] /(lit.) to cry over one's dad's death (Minnan: khàu-pē)/(Taiwan slang) to rattle on/to carp/stop whining!/shut the hell up!/fuck!/damn!/
+ 靠北 靠北 [kao4 bei3] /(lit.) to cry over one's dad's death (Minnan: khàu-pē)/(slang) (Tw) to rattle on/to carp/stop whining!/shut the hell up!/fuck!/damn!/
- 靠腰 靠腰 [kao4 yao1] /(lit.) to cry from hunger (Minnan: khàu-iau)/(Taiwan slang) to whine/shut the hell up!/fuck!/damn!/
+ 靠腰 靠腰 [kao4 yao1] /(lit.) to cry from hunger (Minnan: khàu-iau)/(slang) (Tw) to whine/shut the hell up!/fuck!/damn!/
- 盧 卢 [lu2] /(old) rice vessel/black/old variant of 廬|庐[lu2]/(Taiwan slang) troublesome/fussy/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 54077
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-06-14 10:03:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51854 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
Wp: 輸家男又稱魯者男、魯家男、卢瑟、魯蛇、撸涩、擼瑟等(朝鮮語:루저남、英语:Loser Man、Loser Guy、Loser Boy)是東亞著名的网上諷刺语的一种,本义是「失败者」。

- 自嘲 “矮穷丑” 台湾叫“鲁蛇”意近大陆“屌丝”
+ 魯蛇 鲁蛇 [lu3 she2] /(Taiwan slang) loser (loanword)/
By MDBG 2024
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