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Change log entry 23557
Processed by: ycandau (2009-12-10 17:58:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24177 - submitted by 'xiaoma' >>
Missing )
- 半封建半殖民地 半封建半殖民地 [ban4 feng1 jian4 ban4 zhi2 min2 di4] /semi-feudal and semi-colonial (the official Marxist description of China in the late Qing and under the Guomindang/
+ 半封建半殖民地 半封建半殖民地 [ban4 feng1 jian4 ban4 zhi2 min2 di4] /semi-feudal and semi-colonial (the official Marxist description of China in the late Qing and under the Guomindang)/

Change log entry 23482
Processed by: ycandau (2009-12-10 01:35:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23971 - submitted by 'xiaoma' >>
## segment 3 / 3
# + 歺 歺 [dai3] /vicious, depraved, bad/death/
+ 歺 歺 [dai3] /old variant of 歹|歹[dai3]/
# editor : not the best def, I'll leave at that FTTB
+ 氽湯 氽汤 [tun3 tang1] /to prepare a soup/
# + 么麼小醜 幺麽小丑 [yao1 mo2 xiao3 chou3] /a despicable wretch (idiom)/
# ed : already in the dict, by someone who copied from the same dictionary.
# don't copy defs from copyrighted sources !
# + 占優 占优 [zhan4 you1] /dominance/
# ed : already in the dict
# + 小平衕志 小平同志 [xiao3 ping2 tong2 zhi4] /comrade Deng Xiaoping (see 邓小平)/
# ed : useless entry, and fanti is wrong
# + 增幅 增幅 [zeng1 fu2] /growing rate/
+ 增幅 增幅 [zeng1 fu2] /growth rate/amplification/
# + 姆媽 姆妈 [m1 ma1] /mom/mother/
+ 姆媽 姆妈 [mu3 ma1] /mom/mother (dialect)/
- 幹麼 干麽 [gan4 ma2] /see 幹嘛|干嘛[gan4 ma2]/
+ 幹麼 干么 [gan4 ma2] /see 幹嘛|干嘛[gan4 ma2]/

Change log entry 23389
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-08 23:53:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23830 - submitted by 'xiaoma' >>
+ 哌嗪 哌嗪 [pai4 qin2] /piperazine (medicine)/

Change log entry 23374
Processed by: ycandau (2009-12-08 19:19:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23831 - submitted by 'xiaoma' >>
Simp. is also 蟑螂
- 蟑螂 蟑蜋 [zhang1 lang2] /cockroach/
+ 蟑螂 蟑螂 [zhang1 lang2] /cockroach/

Change log entry 23373
Processed by: ycandau (2009-12-08 19:19:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23832 - submitted by 'xiaoma' >>
Simp: main character is 螂, 蜋 is only a variant (Xiuzhen Hanyu Cidian)
- 螂 蜋 [lang2] /dragonfly/mantis/
+ 螂 螂 [lang2] /dragonfly/mantis/

Change log entry 22749
Processed by: rosswood40 (2009-12-03 18:22:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 22899 - submitted by 'xiaoma' >>
- 兮兮 兮兮 [xi1 xi1] /(particle used to exaggerate certain adjectives, in particular 神經兮兮, 髒兮兮, 可憐兮兮, and 慘兮兮)/
+ 兮兮 兮兮 [xi1 xi1] /(particle used to exaggerate certain adjectives, in particular 神經兮兮|神经兮兮, 髒兮兮|脏兮兮, 可憐兮兮|可怜兮兮, and 慘兮兮|惨兮兮)/

Change log entry 22572
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-01 23:19:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23200 - submitted by 'xiaoma' >>
Missing |
- 國航 国航 [guo2 hang2] /Air China/abbr. for 中國國際航空公司中国国际航空公司[Zhong1 guo2 guo2 ji4 hang2 kong1 gong1 si1]/
+ 國航 国航 [Guo2 Hang2] /Air China/abbr. for 中國國際航空公司|中国国际航空公司[Zhong1 guo2 Guo2 ji4 Hang2 kong1 Gong1 si1]/

Change log entry 22473
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-01 00:55:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23078 - submitted by 'xiaoma' >>
to be consistent with entry 悲歎
- 悲嘆 悲叹 [bei1 tan4] /sigh mournfully/lament/
+ 悲嘆 悲叹 [bei1 tan4] /to bewail/to sigh mournfully/to lament/

Change log entry 22333
Processed by: feilipu (2009-11-29 23:58:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 22909 - submitted by 'xiaoma' >>
+ 訴訟法 诉讼法 [su4 song4 fa3] /procedural law/

Change log entry 22295
Processed by: ycandau (2009-11-29 18:36:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 22900 - submitted by 'xiaoma' >>
- 動態助詞 动态助词 [dong4 tai4 zhu4 ci2] /aspect particle, such as 着|著 zhe5, 了 le5, 過|过/
+ 動態助詞 动态助词 [dong4 tai4 zhu4 ci2] /aspect particle, such as 着|著[zhe5], 了[le5], 過|过[guo4]/

Change log entry 21942
Processed by: ycandau (2009-11-25 17:45:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 22268 - submitted by 'xiaoma' >>
- 南冰洋 南冰洋 [Nan2 bing1 yang2] /the Antartic Ocean/
+ 南冰洋 南冰洋 [Nan2 bing1 yang2] /the Antarctic Ocean/

Change log entry 21941
Processed by: ycandau (2009-11-25 17:45:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 22269 - submitted by 'xiaoma' >>
- 南極洲半島 南极洲半岛 [Nan2 ji2 zhou1 ban4 dao3] /the Antartic Peninsula (jutting out towards South America)/
+ 南極洲半島 南极洲半岛 [Nan2 ji2 zhou1 ban4 dao3] /the Antarctic Peninsula (jutting out towards South America)/

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