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Change log entry 24026
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-16 01:32:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24561 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
# Editor: does not mean stamp on its own
- 戳 戳 [chuo1] /to jab/to poke/to stab/to sprain/to blunt/to fuck (vulgar)/
# + 戳 戳 [chuo1] /to jab/to poke/to stab/to sprain/to blunt/to fuck (vulgar)/stand[onend-erectbiezaimenkouchuozhe!/2stamp[but郵戳?
+ 戳 戳 [chuo1] /to jab/to poke/to stab/to sprain/to blunt/to fuck (vulgar)/to stand sth upright/

Change log entry 24021
Processed by: richwarm (2009-12-16 00:22:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23464 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>

<< resubmitted review queue entry 22221 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
+ 判賠 判赔 [pan4 pei2] /to sentence (sb) to pay compensation/

Change log entry 24019
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-16 00:12:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24516 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
# Editor: does not mean "to hoard weapons" on its own nor does it mean hide
- 戢 戢 [ji2] /collect oneself/put away/
# original submission 戢 戢 [ji2] /collect oneself/restrain//put away[arms/storup/hide/conceal/surnam/
+ 戢 戢 [ji2] /to restrain oneself/to collect/to hoard/to store up/to cease/
+ 戢 戢 [Ji2] /surname Ji/

Change log entry 23985
Processed by: ycandau (2009-12-15 20:19:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21428 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
+ 綑綁 綑綁 [kun3 bang3] /variant of 捆綁|捆绑[kun3 bang3]/

Change log entry 23962
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-15 08:45:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24495 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
or xpnd chai
+ 柴電機車 柴电机车 [chai2 dian4 ji1 che1] /diesel-electric locomotive/

Change log entry 23961
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-15 08:42:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24497 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
# Editor:
# 柴油 is diesel but on its own 柴 does not have this meaning
- 柴 柴 [chai2] /firewood/surname Chai/
# + 柴 柴 [chai2] /firewood/skiny/notfleshy[ofmeat/por/shody/inferio/altopolct/diesl?/!surname Chai/
+ 柴 柴 [chai2] /firewood/lean (of meat)/thin (of a person)/
+ 柴 柴 [Chai2] /surname Chai/

Change log entry 23959
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-15 07:24:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24512 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
- 姒 姒 [si4] /surname Si/wife of older brother/
# 姒 姒 [si4] /!surname Si/wife of [husbnds]older brother/eldersiste[esp.wenbothmaried2samehusband/
+ 姒 姒 [si4] /wife or senior concubine of husbands older brother (old)/elder sister (old)/
+ 姒 姒 [Si4] /surname Si/

Change log entry 23958
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-15 07:20:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 22233 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
+ 鬧市 闹市 [nao4 shi4] /downtown area/city center/

Change log entry 23957
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-15 07:19:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24513 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
- 褒 褒 [bao1] /to praise/
+ 褒 褒 [bao1] /to praise/to commend/to honor/(of clothes) large or loose/

Change log entry 23956
Processed by: chad (2009-12-15 06:24:32 GMT)
Comment: official English name in Taiwan

<< review queue entry 22579 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
+ 刑事局 刑事局 [xing2 shi4 ju2] /Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB)/

Change log entry 23946
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-15 03:23:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24503 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
# Editor: Already split
# - 周 周 [zhou1] /complete/encircle/circuit/lap/week/cycle/all/every/attentive/thoughtful/the Zhou dynasty (1046 BCE-256 CE)/
# + 周 周 [zhou1] /complete/encircle/circuit/lap/week/cycle/all/every/attentive/thoughtful/helpfinancialyzhouji急/split?the Zhou dynasty (1046 BCE-256 CE)/

Change log entry 23945
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-15 03:21:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24502 - submitted by 'sven70' >>

Change log entry 23932
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-15 02:20:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24490 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
- 莒 莒 [ju3] /(fibrous plant)/
# + 莒 莒 [ju3] /old,齊人]taro(fibrous plant)/J-zhoustate/
+ 莒 莒 [ju3] /alternative name for taro (old)/Zhou Dynasty vassal state in modern day Shandong Province/

Change log entry 23930
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-15 01:57:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 22217 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
+ 摔破 摔破 [shuai1 po4] /to fall and smash into pieces/

Change log entry 23908
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-14 12:18:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24464 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
+ 蝰 蝰 [kui2] /see 蝰蛇|蝰蛇[kui2 she2]/
+ 蝰蛇 蝰蛇 [kui2 she2] /forest or meadow viper (Vipera russelii siamensis or similar)/

Change log entry 23892
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-14 07:47:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24437 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
# Editor: already in the dictionary
# 論據 论据 [l] /groundsof]argumnt/reasnin/

Change log entry 23882
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-14 05:37:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24426 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
- 海洛英 海洛英 [hai3 luo4 ying1] /heroin/
+ 海洛英 海洛英 [hai3 luo4 ying1] /heroin (narcotic) (loanword)/

Change log entry 23873
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-14 02:35:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23308 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
# Editor According to the 1986 简化字总表 this character is not simplified and is therefore correct as it stands
# - 囌 囌 [su1] /loquacious/nag/
# + 囌 囌《jianti! [su1] /loquacious/nag/

Change log entry 23868
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-13 23:56:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24394 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
# Editor:
# this revision was a concensus reached by several editors after careful research
# specifically:
# toweraloft/soar are covered by to rise high for the purposes of conciseness
# 凌 on its own does not mean ice cubes
# bully is covered by maltreat
# the meaning is to approach, it is not as strong as to invade
# I have removed the "old" tag because it is impossible to say whether the word is still used in this context
- 凌 凌 [ling2] /to approach/to rise high/thick ice/to insult or maltreat (old)/
# 凌 凌 [ling2] /to approach/to rise high/toweraloft/soar/ice[usu shapd i/cubs-cons/buly/invade/to insult or maltreat (old?)/
# 凌 凌 [Ling2] /surname Ling/
# 凌 凌 [Ling2] /surname Ling/
+ 凌 凌 [ling2] /to approach/to rise high/thick ice/to insult or maltreat/

Change log entry 23857
Processed by: ycandau (2009-12-13 22:27:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24395 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
a.noun tsems;)
- 箠 箠 [chui2] /to flog/to whip/
+ 箠 箠 [chui2] /variant of 棰|棰[chui2]/

Change log entry 23835
Processed by: ycandau (2009-12-13 17:38:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24362 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
yueyude toldmedis zi'dbe'ONLYTHERZ'-de yi-vrnt praps[@dangzai/macau]:(
- 凼 凼 [dang4] /pool/pit/ditch/cesspit/interchangeable with 氹[dang4]/
+ 凼 凼 [dang4] /pool/pit/ditch/cesspit/

Change log entry 23715
Processed by: ycandau (2009-12-12 14:04:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24338 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
- 退出 退出 [tui4 chu1] /to withdraw/to abort/to quit/
+ 退出 退出 [tui4 chu1] /to withdraw/to abort/to quit/to log out (xcomputing)/

Change log entry 23694
Processed by: ycandau (2009-12-12 11:24:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24305 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
ifelFOCUS'dbeADINcontent!![evnmysmaldic hasdis1!
othe abr4dadog:西高地
chule gaoshou:OWCANPPLKNO??[dadzwot1has dic4..
+ 梳理 梳理 [shu1 li3] /to comb/fig. to sort out/

Change log entry 23693
Processed by: ycandau (2009-12-12 11:18:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23277 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
- 踩道 踩道 [cai3 dao4] /to find the way by exploring/
# + 踩道 踩道 [cai3 dao4] lit.treadoutdapath/to find the way by exploring/thivz]reconoitrdalandbe4robin
+ 踩道 踩道 [cai3 dao4] /to scout/to reconnoitre/

Change log entry 23627
Processed by: laohu489 (2009-12-11 11:46:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24280 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
- 李 李 [li3] /plum/surname Li/
+ 李 李 [li3] /plum/
+ 李 李 [Li3] /surname Li/

Change log entry 23622
Processed by: richwarm (2009-12-11 10:14:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 21694 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
# - 說道 说道 [shuo1 dao4] /to say/to state/-x-x:links adj etc,fe -張-李gosip
# + 說道 说道 [shuo1 dao4] /to say/to state/-dao5:say/discus/a reasn
+ 說道 说道 [shuo1 dao5] /to discuss/reason (behind sth)/
- 說道 说道 [shuo1 dao4] /to say/to state/
+ 說道 说道 [shuo1 dao4] /to state/to say (the quoted words)/

Change log entry 23600
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-11 01:56:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24170 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
- 硬 硬 [ying4] /hard/stiff/strong/firm/
# + 硬 硬 [ying4] /hard/stiff/strong/firm/ to force someone to do something
# Editor: meaning is slightly different. Added a further definition
+ 硬 硬 [ying4] /hard/stiff/strong/firm/to manage to do sth with difficulty/good (quality)/able (person)/

Change log entry 23599
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-11 01:51:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24173 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
+ 帑藏 帑藏 [tang3 zang4] /state treasury, also written 帑臧|帑臧[tang3 zang1]/

Change log entry 23594
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-11 01:03:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24142 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
# Editor: cannot confirm any meaning beyond that shown
# 適人 适人 [s] /getmaryd2sb[ofwomn,clas?from2folow?/
+ 適人 适人 [shi4 ren2] /(said of a woman) to marry (old)/

Change log entry 23562
Processed by: ycandau (2009-12-10 19:03:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24172 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
- 帑 帑 [tang3] /treasury/
+ 帑 帑 [tang3] /state treasury/public funds/

Change log entry 23524
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-10 07:20:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 22996 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
+ 清算業務 清算业务 [qing1 suan4 ye4 wu4] /clearing bank/

Change log entry 23519
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-10 06:33:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24042 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
# Editor, thanks Sven, I didn't spot the missing space :)
- 所向披靡 所向披靡 [suo3 xiang4 pi1 mi3] /to sweep everything before one/to be invincible(idiom)/
+ 所向披靡 所向披靡 [suo3 xiang4 pi1 mi3] /to sweep everything before one/to be invincible (idiom)/

Change log entry 23498
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-10 03:24:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24004 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
# Editor: this is already in the dictionary
# 電台 电台 [d] /transceive無綫-/broadcstn/radiostatn廣播-/

Change log entry 23491
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-10 03:08:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24003 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
ifunclear-pl askme4ex!:)
- 拗 拗 [niu4] /stubborn/contrary/
# + 拗 拗 [niu4] /stubborn/contrary/turnbak
+ 拗 拗 [niu4] /stubborn/obstinate/
# Editor: cannot confirm turn back
- 拗 拗 [ao4] /bend/break in two/
# + 拗 拗 [ao3] /bend/break in two/ao4]hard2read[juzi-fayinbushun/disobey/forsopn撬
# Editor: 拗口means hard to pronounce - 拗 on it's own does not have this meaning
+ 拗 拗 [ao4] /to bend in two so as to break/to defy/to disobey/also pr. ao3/

Change log entry 23487
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-10 02:29:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23968 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
- 適 适 [shi4] /to fit/to suit/just now/
# + 適 适 [shi4] /to fit/to suit[abl/prope'oportunly/comftabl/@eas/go/folow/pursueget]mary[d[ofwomn/just now/vrnt4kuo4-fast
# Editor: cannot confirm "marry"
+ 適 适 [shi4] /to fit/suitable/proper/just (right)/comfortable/well/to go/to follow or pursue/also pr. Kuo4/
+ 適 适 [Shi4] /surname Shi/

Change log entry 23475
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-10 00:11:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23983 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
+ 出鞘 出鞘 [chu1 qiao4] /(of a sword etc) to unsheath/

Change log entry 23444
Processed by: ycandau (2009-12-09 17:39:01 GMT)
Comment: 挢 unyielding seems different from 矫 strong

<< review queue entry 23852 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
last2senses:我詞典們有矛盾。[wedeornt a.tagd2撟
- 撟 挢 [jiao3] /correct/
+ 撟 挢 [jiao3] /to raise/to lift/to pretend/counterfeit/unyielding/variant of 矯|矫[jiao3]/to correct/

Change log entry 23415
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-09 02:44:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23853 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
# 矯 矫 [jiao3] /to correct/to rectify/to redress/strong/brave/to pretend/to feign/affectation/
# 矯 矫 [jiao3] /to correct/to rectify/to redress/strong/brave/to pretend/to feign/affectation/
+ 矯 矫 [Jiao3] /surname Jiao/

Change log entry 23412
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-09 02:32:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23868 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
- 切 切 [qie1] /to cut/to slice/
# original submission: + 切 切 [qie1] /to cut in2parts/to slice/chop/tangnt/cy
# Editor: 切 does not mean cut in two - that would be 切成两半
# "chop" is a synonym for "cut" therefore superfluous
# "tangency" added
+ 切 切 [qie1] /to cut/to slice/tangency (mathematics)/

Change log entry 23404
Processed by: richwarm (2009-12-09 00:47:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23856 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
+ 絞刀 绞刀 [jiao3 dao1] /reamer/

Change log entry 23392
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-08 23:59:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23823 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
# Editor: embody is not the same as contain and is not the meaning of this word
- 涵 涵 [han2] /contain/
# + 涵 涵 [han2] /contain/embody/culvert
+ 涵 涵 [han2] /contain/culvert/

Change log entry 23391
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-08 23:57:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23824 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
- 院試 院试 [yuan4 shi4] /examination hall used for provincial imperial examinations during the Ming and Qing dynasties/
+ 院試 院试 [yuan4 shi4] /examination hall used for provincial imperial examinations in imperial China/

Change log entry 23390
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-08 23:55:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23827 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
- 售 售 [shou4] /to sell/
+ 售 售 [shou4] /to sell/to make or carry out (a plan or intrigue etc)/

Change log entry 23383
Processed by: ycandau (2009-12-08 22:11:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 22986 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
- 姑 姑 [gu1] /paternal aunt/husband's sister/for the time being (classical)/
+ 姑 姑 [gu1] /paternal aunt/husband's sister/husband's mother (old)/nun/for the time being (literary)/

Change log entry 23355
Processed by: ycandau (2009-12-08 10:04:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23803 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
- 慪 怄 [ou4] /annoyed/
+ 慪 怄 [ou4] /to annoy/to irritate/to be annoyed/to sulk/

Change log entry 23347
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-08 08:40:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23808 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
- 甌 瓯 [ou1] /bowl/cup/
+ 甌 瓯 [ou1] /(pottery) bowl or drinking vessel/
+ 甌 瓯 [Ou1] /old name for Wenzhou City 溫州市|温州市[Wen1 zhou1 shi4] in Zhejiang 浙江|浙江[Zhe4 jiang1]/

Change log entry 23346
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-08 08:01:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23028 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
- 吱 吱 [zi1] /(phonetic)/
+ 吱 吱 [zi1] /(of mice) to squeak/(of small birds) to chirp or peep (onomatopoeia)/
+ 吱 吱 [zhi1] /creaking or groaning sound (onomatopoeia)/

Change log entry 23345
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-08 07:52:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 22697 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
- 用 用 [yong4] /to use/
+ 用 用 [yong4] /to use/to employ/to have to/to eat or drink/expense or outlay/usefulness/hence/therefore/

Change log entry 23342
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-08 07:39:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23805 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
ithink=labld/MIStak[cantverify disurnam..
# Editor: Sven, not a mistake - it's a surname
= 毆 殴 [Ou1] /surname Ou/

Change log entry 23335
Processed by: feilipu (2009-12-08 06:27:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23779 - submitted by 'sven70' >>
nONvmydics[chekd4]av ou=xing4..:0
- 毆 殴 [ou1] /to beat up/surname Ou/
# Editor: tidied up, surname added
# 毆 殴 [ou1] /to beat up/hit[ppl/surname Ou/?
+ 毆 殴 [ou1] /to beat up/to hit sb/
+ 毆 殴 [Ou1] /surname Ou/

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