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Change log entry 39241
Processed by: ycandau (2012-01-05 20:04:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37859 - submitted by 'slacka' >>
Discussion of what "还可以" means which generally comes
out to OK, average,
not bad.
# 還可以 还可以 [hai2 ke3 yi3] /OK/so-so/

Change log entry 39240
Processed by: ycandau (2012-01-05 20:04:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37858 - submitted by 'slacka' >>
Is an article on the history of OK, which is translated to 还行

Editor: somebody has been reading the change log
# 還行 还行 [hai2 xing2] /OK/okay/so-so/

Change log entry 38941
Processed by: ycandau (2011-12-27 19:02:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37892 - submitted by 'slacka' >>
Describes "高仿" as high quality fake product. 所谓的高仿,其
Google has about 63,800,000 results for "高仿"
+ 高仿 高仿 [gao1 fang3] /imitation/quality fake/

Change log entry 38895
Processed by: vermillon (2011-12-27 12:34:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37899 - submitted by 'slacka' >>
Wikipedia, dictionary.com, and thefreedictionary.com all spell it without a "-".
The - is only used when referring to the air-conditioning process. It's also best
to change it for search consistency with 空气调节.
- 冷氣機 冷气机 [leng3 qi4 ji1] /air-conditioner/
+ 冷氣機 冷气机 [leng3 qi4 ji1] /air conditioner/

Change log entry 38616
Processed by: richwarm (2011-12-09 19:07:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37523 - submitted by 'slacka' >>
China Unicom will ask you 请不要挂机 when calling someone who has you
on call waiting.
Editor: ok ... although it's pretty self-evident, given that our definition of 挂 includes
"(of a telephone call) to hang up"
+ 掛機 挂机 [gua4 ji1] /to hang up (a phone)/

Change log entry 36045
Processed by: richwarm (2011-06-02 08:55:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 34934 - submitted by 'slacka' >>
Changed word order to match synonyms 宕机 and 死机. Also with a leading "("
it is unsearchable in English in many dictionaries.
- 當機 当机 [dang4 ji1] /(of a computer) to crash/to stop working/(loanword from English "down")/
+ 當機 当机 [dang4 ji1] /to crash (of a computer)/to stop working/(loanword from English "down")/

Change log entry 34835
Processed by: richwarm (2011-04-22 06:42:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 34207 - submitted by 'slacka' >>
Removed comma to conform to entry standards
- 凅 凅 [gu4] /dried up/dry/exhausted, tired/
+ 凅 凅 [gu4] /dried up/dry/exhausted/tired/

Change log entry 34397
Processed by: richwarm (2011-03-23 22:53:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 33804 - submitted by 'slacka' >>
All the other two synonyms use loanword. Both forms are
correct, but it's best to use the same form for search
consistency and loanword is more common.
- 借詞 借词 [jie4 ci2] /loan word/pretext/
+ 借詞 借词 [jie4 ci2] /loanword/pretext/

Change log entry 34396
Processed by: richwarm (2011-03-23 22:43:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 33802 - submitted by 'slacka' >>
"/" should be used to separate definitions. When used in the middle of a note it can cause search problems.
Editor: already processed from a separate submission
# - 當機 当机 [dang4 ji1] /to crash (of a computer/loan from English down)/to stop working/
# + 當機 当机 [dang4 ji1] /to crash (of a computer)/to stop working (loan word from English down)/
= 當機 当机 [dang4 ji1] /(of a computer) to crash/to stop working/(loanword from English "down")/

Change log entry 34395
Processed by: richwarm (2011-03-23 22:33:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 33801 - submitted by 'slacka' >>
"/" should be used to separate definitions. Should not be used in the middle of a note or can cause search problems.
- 當機 当机 [dang4 ji1] /to crash (of a computer/loan from English down)/to stop working/
# + 當機 当机 [dang4 ji1] /to crash (of a computer)/to stop working/(loan word from English down)/
+ 當機 当机 [dang4 ji1] /(of a computer) to crash/to stop working/(loanword from English "down")/

Change log entry 34344
Processed by: richwarm (2011-03-21 18:28:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 32131 - submitted by 'slacka' >>
I misspelled my original entry, because I confused it with Beijing slang. I have
further researched it and the correct term is 扣女. A google search for "扣女"
vs "扣妞" shows that 扣女 is much more common.
Editor: Already processed from a separate submission.
# - 扣妞 扣妞 [kou4 niu1] /(slang) to pick up girls/to chase after girls/
= 扣女 扣女 [kou4 nu:3] /(slang) to pick up girls/to chase after girls/

Change log entry 34343
Processed by: richwarm (2011-03-21 08:53:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 33771 - submitted by 'slacka' >>
The other two synonyms 帶走 and 狗食袋 use "take-out". Both form are correct, but it's best to use the
same form for search consistency.
- 外帶 外带 [wai4 dai4] /takeout (fast food)/(outer part of) tire/as well/besides/into the bargain/outer zone/
+ 外帶 外带 [wai4 dai4] /take-out (fast food)/(outer part of) tire/as well/besides/into the bargain/outer zone/

Change log entry 34325
Processed by: richwarm (2011-03-19 05:45:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 33737 - submitted by 'slacka' >>
I was confused when I created this entry. My chinese friend that taught me the slang, told me the
correct terms are 扣女(southern china) and 泡妞 (nothern china). 扣钮 is incorrect.
Editor: "扣女就是钓马子" ---- "扣妞" googles only 23k
- 扣妞 扣妞 [kou4 niu1] /(slang) to pick up girls/to chase after girls/
# + 扣女 扣女 [kou4 nu3] /(slang) to pick up girls/to chase after girls/
+ 扣女 扣女 [kou4 nu:3] /(slang) to pick up girls/to chase after girls/
# We have 泡妞:
= 泡妞 泡妞 [pao4 niu1] /to pick up girls/to play around with girls/to chase after girls/

Change log entry 32685
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-30 17:57:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31814 - submitted by 'slacka' >>
This term is commonly used in southern china. There are also many
instances of it's usage online.

Editor; many of these web uses are in fact misspellings of 扣钮.
+ 扣妞 扣妞 [kou4 niu1] /(slang) to pick up girls/to chase after girls/

Change log entry 31966
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-06 15:42:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31574 - submitted by 'slacka' >>
annoying is a better translation based on common usage of this word.
Editor: I like annoying
- 麻煩 麻烦 [ma2 fan5] /inconvenient/troublesome/to trouble or bother sb/to put sb to trouble/
+ 麻煩 麻烦 [ma2 fan5] /inconvenient/troublesome/annoying/to trouble or bother sb/to put sb to trouble/

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