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Change log entry 71365
Processed by: richwarm (2021-01-30 00:19:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65640 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
As I said in a different submission, I think 癞(疮/子) has probably been used for any kind of similar skin disease, in dogs this is likely mange.

① mangy dog
② loathsome creature

1 mangy dog
2 loathsome creature


1. 皮肤上长癞癣的狗。也称为「癞狗」。
2. 比喻不要脸,卑鄙无耻的人。也称为「癞狗」。

名 身上长着癞疮、毛秃皮厚的狗; 比喻品质卑劣的人。

1 身患顽癣、毛秃皮厚的狗。
| 鲁迅《半夏小集》:假使我的血肉该喂动物, 我情愿喂狮虎鹰隼, 却一点也不给癞皮狗们吃。
2 比喻卑鄙龌龊的人。
| 曹禺《王昭君》:你这个癞皮狗, 你还在陪着我的儿子。

Please take this trouser-sniffer back!

丁老壮和白狮子下了车。他们检查了一下锯角黑牛的鼻子,又一块儿对着暗夜撤了泡尿。望着南方隐绰的一点儿山影争辩了一会儿。丁老壮说那是什么山,白狮说不是。白狮骂道:“狗屎。”丁老壮骂道:“白癞皮狗 。”

粗野的放荡继续了半个多月,他酗酒,到乱石沟去找私娼,在饭馆里大吃大闹,请一切认识的人喝酒。后来他对这粗野也厌恶了。“我是一个混蛋!一只癞皮狗 !”他对自己说,走回到闷热的观音殿的阁楼里来躺下,开始溺游到无益的幻想里去,给自己描绘着一个高雅、愉快、华美的生活。

“你这个癞皮狗 ,黑了心肠的王八蛋——我一回国,马上就给你写了信,以后是三天一封,五天一笺,怎么没给你写信?!你不情不义地抛开我,还反诬我没给你写信。你的良心叫狗吃了呀?”娜达莎说着委屈地呜呜哭出声儿来。

“癞皮狗 ,你骂谁?”王胡轻蔑的抬起眼来说。
# 癩皮狗 癞皮狗 [lai4 pi2 gou3] /mangy dog/loathsome person/
+ 癩皮狗 癞皮狗 [lai4 pi2 gou3] /mangy dog/(fig.) loathsome person/

Change log entry 71347
Processed by: richwarm (2021-01-27 10:23:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64872 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* I've never seen the sense "luck" and I suspect at least an "(old)" tag would be in order, but since it is in both LAC and MoE with examples and quotations it seems wrong not to include it.

n. the divine force that created the universe; Nature

divine force that created the universe; Nature
create the universe (or the world)

1. 福分;运气。
| 有无子嗣,乃各人的~。
2. 指创造万物的神。
| ~弃我,竟如此耶?

1. 运气。
| 元.官大用《范张鸡黍.第一折》:「这是各人的造物,你管他怎么!」
| 《水浒传.第三二回》:「我的造物只如此偃蹇!只为杀了一个烟花妇人,变出得如此之苦! 」
2. 一种创造、主宰万物的力量。
| 宋.陆游〈鹧鸪天.家住苍烟落照间〉词:「元知造物心肠别,老却英雄似等闲。」
| 《聊斋志异.卷一.叶生》:「人生世上,祇须合眼放步,以听造物之低昂而已。」

1 动 古代指创造万物
| 天公造物。
2 名 古代指创造万物的神。

所以神造物的时候,一切都是好的, 这是真实的.
So when God created , it is true that all existed was good.

God creates, while we can at best compare, organize and fuse.

As long as the Creator's whip doesn't fall hard across China's back she'll always stay the same, unwilling to budge a single hair on her body. (Lyell)
Ah, until lashed on the back by the Creator's whip, China will always remain the way she is, absolutely refusing to change a single hair on her body! (Yangs)
China will never change - never has done. Even Creation didn't change a hair on its head. (Lovell)

The Creator is really too reckless. I shall have to oppose him, although perhaps I shall really be helping him. (Lyell)
The Creator goes too far. I cannot but oppose him, although this may be abetting him instead. (Yangs)
Well, if I can't beat the Creator, I might as well join him in his little game of willful destruction. (Lovell)

"造物 的道理真是神秘莫测,像玫瑰那样娇艳的花偏偏要生刺,"张若兰指着盛开的深红色花朵说。

身体各部分配合比例的均匀完美,竟至于此极。可是她并不节食,也不运动。造物 自然赋予她如此的完美,奈何!奈何!时代正在改变,木兰的思想也新了,她不像一般新娘那样,两眼下垂不敢仰视,她也并不紧绷着脸不敢笑。
# 造物 造物 [zao4 wu4] /luck/divine creation of all things/god (as the creator of all things)/the Creator/
+ 造物 造物 [zao4 wu4] /luck/to create the universe/god (as the creator of all things)/the Creator/

Change log entry 71346
Processed by: richwarm (2021-01-27 09:43:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65427 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
f.e. likewise; in the same way

IDIOM likewise; in the same way

| 南朝梁.萧统〈文选序〉:「风云草木之兴,鱼虫禽兽之流,推而广之,不可胜载矣。」
| 唐.杜牧〈送卢秀才赴举序〉:「三者治矣。推而广之,可以治天下。」

The urgent need now is to spread their principles and practices at home and to other countries.

Its method should be widely spreaded to stimulate the modernization of literature.

Not only is this a good method for developing science and the arts, but, applied more widely, it is a good method for all our work.

Charity begin at home, but shall not end there.

推论的谬误: 把有关个别人的已知事实,推而广之应用于全体人口,从而得出的错误结论。
fallacy of composition: A wrong conclusion reached by taking a known fact about individuals and projecting it to apply to the entire population.

To go to the next level, after the 200-300 tribal communities of, say, the Amis people--to take a hypothetical case--have their assemblies, they can form an alliance of assemblies, which can in turn discuss the items for which the Amis should enjoy self-government, and which can also formally establish an Assembly of the Amis Nation, draft the relevant regulations for establishment of the autonomous government, and begin preparatory work for the actual formation of that government. Only in this way would the Amis achieve genuine self-rule.
Looking beyond that, the assemblies of the 12 Aboriginal nations could then organize an "Assembly of the Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan," which would coordinate or negotiate with the central government.

Kao Hsi-lin, another artist friend, developed the idea further: people needn't limit themselves to making masks; they could use rice straw to produce all kinds of handicrafts, everything from paintings and dolls to traditional straw huts. With a little promotion, rice-straw handicrafts could become a distinctive local industry.

> Despite the undeniable fact that those scars had the good fortune to be attached to Ah Q's body, strange to say, he didn't seem to think them particularly worth bragging about. And so it was that he shunned the word "scabies" and any other word sounding even remotely like it. He later expanded the scope of this taboo until it included words like "bright" and "shiny" and—still later—even "lamp" and "candle." (Lyell)
> Although these were on his own head, apparently Ah Q did not consider them as altogether honourable, for he refrained from using the word “ringworm” or any words that sounded anything like it. Aer he improved on this, making “bright” and “light” forbidden words, while later still even “lamp” and “candle” were taboo. (Yangs)
> Although they were of his own revered body's making, Ah-Q felt them unworthy of him and for this reason came to view as taboo the word 'ringworm', or anything that sounded like it. In time, the scope of this linguistic prohibition steadily broadened: first to 'shiny', then 'bright', extending a little later on to 'lamp' or 'candle'. (Lovell)
+ 推而廣之 推而广之 [tui1 er2 guang3 zhi1] /to apply sth more broadly/by logical extension/and, by extension,/

Change log entry 71345
Processed by: richwarm (2021-01-27 09:35:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65105 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* "to look down on other people" -- it's not really a verb but I'm having trouble putting this in the form of adjective. Arrogant, conceited, self-important... it's not really any of these, it's really about being looking down on other people, which is a result of those traits but not the same. "To see others as undeserving of one's attention/admiration"?

| 元.无名氏《渔樵记.第三折》:「今日做了官,就眼高了。」

形 眼光高; 要求高
| 贵人眼高
| 找工作要从实际出发, 不能太眼高了。

眼光高。比喻藐视, 看不起或要求高。
| 鲁迅《故乡》:忘了?这真是贵人眼高。
| 冰心《我的朋友的母亲》:你是太眼高了, 不是我说你, ‘越挑越眼花!’

> Thus, "Compasses" was more than a little put out with me. She looked at me with utter disdain and the kind of smile that one might wear upon discovering a Frenchman who had never heard of Napoleon or an American who didn't know who Washington was.
Her laugh was cold. "Forgot, huh? Case of the higher you go, the snootier you-" (Lyell)
> However, the Compass was extremely indignant and looked at me most contemptuously, just as one might look at a Frenchman who had never heard of Napoleon or an American who had never heard of Washington, and smiling sarcastically she said:
“You had forgotten? But naturally I must be beneath your notice....” (Yangs)
> She gazed on me with aggrieved contempt - as if I were a Frenchman who had never heard of Napoleon, or an American who knew nothing of Washington.
'Forgotten? Me?' she said, a sarcastic smile on her face. 'Well, aren't we the busy, important one now ... (Lovell)



新绿死后,大蓝为了照顾孩子,拒绝谈恋爱,直到和新绿生的两个孩子能够独立生活,才和外公为它买回的大黄结婚。大蓝眼高 得很,年轻的小公鸟它看不上,年龄大的公鸟不容易买到,鸟市上如果有,也往往呆头呆脑,大蓝也嫌弃。

足球和武术在越南是最受国家重视和大众喜爱的运动项目。越南足球也有等级联赛,水平有限,可球迷却很眼高 ,只认国际比赛,不免冷落了国内比赛的球市。

The same survey showed that more than half of unemployed people were unwilling to take up available work because of low pay. This might be taken to mean that many people have inflated expectations, and have succumbed to a philosophy of wanting to find well-paid, cushy jobs close to home.

more than half of unemployed college grads are unemployed for "non-structural" reasons, like excessively high expectations or unwillingness to stick to one thing.

NC - "眼高 to have grandiose/high aims"
# 眼高 眼高 [yan3 gao1] /to look down on other people/to be too demanding/
+ 眼高 眼高 [yan3 gao1] /haughty/contemptuous/to have high expectations/

Change log entry 71330
Processed by: richwarm (2021-01-25 22:47:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65402 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* MoE has different entries for xíngzhuàng and xìngzhuàng, but both seem to describe the same thing (?). LAC says xìnɡzhuànɡ is the TW pronunciation, other dictionaries only have xíngzhuàng.
* ABC's two senses seem the same to me.
* LAC sense “履历;事迹” is used by Lu Xun in Ah Q but doesn't seem very common, even the example in LAC seems a paraphrase from Ah Q. HDC has a couple more examples from classical literature. In this sense the definition “background” isn't wrong but it can mean different things.

① brief obituary
② brief biography of the deceased

brief biography of a deceased person (usu. accompanying an obituary notice)

1. 旧时叙述死者家世、籍贯、生卒年月、生平事迹的文章,多随讣告分送亲友。也作「行述」。
2. 履历;事迹。
| 对他先前的~也很渺茫。

| 南朝梁.刘勰《文心雕龙.书记》:「体貌本原,取其事实,先贤表谥,并有行状,状之大者也。」
| 唐.李翶〈百官行状奏〉:「由是事失其本,文害于理,而行状不足以取信。」


名 <文> 专门记述死者家世、籍贯、生卒年月和生平概略的文章。


行状(xíng zhuàng),称“状”,以后称之“行状”或“行述”(也谓之“事略”)。叙述死者世系、生平、生卒年月、籍贯、事迹的文章,常由死者门生故吏或亲友撰述,留作撰写墓志或史官提供立传的依据。

One of the biographical styles in ancient China, the posthumous biography played different roles in its history of development.

> Not only is there a certain vagueness surrounding Ah Q's given name, family name, and place of origin, but there is also a great deal of uncertainty regarding his "official resumé" (Lyell)
> In addition to the uncertainty regarding Ah Q's surname, personal name, and place of origin, there is even some uncertainty regarding his “background.” (Yangs)
> It was not only Ah-Q's name and place of origin that were shrouded in mystery - but also the details of his early life. (Lovell)

> When the busy season came, to be sure, people's minds would turn to Ah Q, but what they would think about was his ability to work and not the particulars of his "resume." Once the busy season was over they would have forgotten his very existence, not to mention the details of his past career. (Lyell)
> Thus whenever people had work to be done they would remember Ah Q, but what they remembered was his service and not his “background.” By the time the job was done even Ah Q himself was forgotten, to say nothing of his “background.” (Yangs)
> When people were in a hurry to get something done, therefore, they remembered Ah-Q - but only the odd jobs he could do for them, and not his life history. And as soon as they were no longer in such a hurry, Ah-Q - and his elusive biographical details - were quickly forgotten. (Lovell)
- 行狀 行状 [xing2 zhuang4] /person's background/
# + 行狀 行状 [xing2 zhuang4] /(old) brief biography of a deceased person, generally as an obituary/one's past experience/one's past record/Taiwan pr. [xing4 zhuang4]/
+ 行狀 行状 [xing2 zhuang4] /(literary) brief obituary/one's past experience/one's past record/Taiwan pr. [xing4 zhuang4]/

Change log entry 71328
Processed by: richwarm (2021-01-25 22:15:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63789 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
【Wikipedia: 方孔钱】

【Wikipedia: Cash (Chinese coin)】
Cash was a type of coin of China and East Asia, used from the 4th century BC until the 20th century AD, characterised by their round outer shape and a square center hole (方穿, fāng chuān). (…) Generally most cash coins were made from copper or bronze alloys, with iron, lead, and zinc coins occasionally used less often throughout Chinese history.

☞ 铜钱

n. copper cash

NOUN copper cash


| 《史记.卷三○.平准书.太史公曰》:「黄金以溢名,为上币;铜钱识曰半两,重如其文,为下币。」
| 《儒林外史.第三九回》:「山洞里嵌着一块雪白的石头,不过铜钱大。」

名 古代用铜铸的辅币。圆形, 中间有方孔。

☞ 方孔钱



☞ 孔方兄

n. money; cash

Brother Square Hole—money (so called from the appearance of a former coin which was pierced with a square hole)

| 他为官清廉,不为~所惑。

| 《金瓶梅.第五六回》:「孔方兄,孔方兄,我瞧你光闪闪响当当的无价之宝,满身通麻了。」
| 明.凌蒙初《红拂记.第三出》:「他不过向孔方兄告得个长头假。」

名 对钱的戏称(旧时的铜钱中间有方孔)
| 这种人爱的只是孔方兄。
# 銅錢 铜钱 [tong2 qian2] /cash (old Chinese type of coin)/
# 方孔錢 方孔钱 [fang1 kong3 qian2] /cash (old Chinese type of coin)/
# 孔方兄 孔方兄 [kong3 fang1 xiong1] /(colloquial, humorous) cash (old Chinese type of coin)/money/
+ 銅錢 铜钱 [tong2 qian2] /copper coin (round with a square hole in the middle, used in former times in China)/
+ 方孔錢 方孔钱 [fang1 kong3 qian2] /round coin with a square hole in the middle, used in former times in China/
+ 孔方兄 孔方兄 [kong3 fang1 xiong1] /(coll., humorous) money (so named because in former times, Chinese coins had a square hole in the middle)/

Change log entry 71291
Processed by: richwarm (2021-01-22 09:08:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64926 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. significant Chinese birthday (e.g., 60th/70th/etc.)

major birthday (such as the 50th, 60th, etc. of an older person)

| 八十~。

1. 重大的生日。一般指五十岁以上逢十的寿辰。如:「他祖父上月过七十大寿,贺客盈门,极为热闹。」
2. 高寿。
| 《儒林外史.第四回》:「老伯母的大事,我们做子姪的理应效劳,想老母这样大寿归天,也罢了!」

名 敬词, 一般指老年人逢十的寿辰
| 七十大寿。

After all, eighty was a special birthday, another decade lived or endured, just as you choose to look at it.

United Kingdom: two artillery gun salutes honoring Prince Charles on his 60th birthday.

I would like to propose a toast to Mr. Smith on his sixtieth birthday.

> Old Lady Ninepounder has long since celebrated the grand occasion of her eighth decade of longevity. She is still as dissatisfied and healthy as ever. (Lyell)
> Old Mrs. Ninepounder celebrated her eightieth birthday some time ago and is as full of complaints, as hale and hearty as ever. (Yangs)
> Now well past her eightieth birthday, old Mrs Nine-Pounds enjoys the same healthy ill-temper as always, (Lovell)

九斤老太自从庆祝了五十大寿以后,便渐渐的变了不平家,常说伊年青的时候,天气没有现在这般热,豆子也没有现在这般硬;总之现在的时世是不对了。 1v3呐喊08
> Ever since the grand occasion of her fiftieth birthday, Mrs. Ninepounder had gradually become something of a kvetch.She would often say that back in her youth, the weather wasn't as hot as it was now. The beans were not as hard either. In sum, there was something wrong with everything in the world today. (Lyell)
> Since Old Mrs. Ninepounder's celebration of her fiftieth birthday she had gradually become a fault-finder, for ever complaining that in her young days the summer had not been so hot nor the beans so tough as now. In a word, there was something wrong with the present-day world. (Yangs)
> Since she had celebrated the great milestone of her fiftieth birthday, Mrs Nine-Pounds’s general sense of grievance against the world had been steadily growing: the weather was much hotter than it had been when she’d been young, she became fond of saying; the beans much harder. Everything, in sum, was wrong with the here and now. (Lovell)
+ 大壽 大寿 [da4 shou4] /(polite) birthday making the beginning of new decade of life for an older person, especially over 50 years old (e.g. 60th or 70th birthday)/

Change log entry 71287
Processed by: richwarm (2021-01-22 00:30:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67089 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* I've noticed 运算数 also being used to refer to operands in programming, but it seems, 操作数 is more common and canonical in this case.

【Wikipedia Operator (computer programming)】
In computer programming, operators are constructs defined within programming languages which behave generally like functions, but which differ syntactically or semantically.
Common simple examples include arithmetic (e.g. addition with +), comparison (e.g. "greater than" with >), and logical operations (e.g. AND, also written && in some languages).


In mathematics an operand is the object of a mathematical operation, i.e., it is the object or quantity that is operated on.

1. 操作符是嵌在每一条指令中的,换句话说,指令系统的每一条指令都有一个操作符。我理解是计算机系统中的术语。(...)
2. 运算符是数学中的术语。主要是指数之间的运算方式。如 + - * / %,但不包括 = (赋值)这样的操作符。

Pertaining to elements of source code ( statements, commands, operators ), capable of being executed or controlling execution in a particular computer system.

Rules that govern the order in which operators are applied to operands, e. g., consider a + b + c, the expression is ambiguous unless it is understood that multiplication has precedence over addition.

Let's look at another example of why we might use the not operator.

在编程语言中,作为操作符使用的一种保留字,如AND, READ和DO
In a programming language,a reserved word that is available for use as an operator; for example, AND, READ and DO.
+ 操作符 操作符 [cao1 zuo4 fu2] /operator (computing)/
+ 操作數 操作数 [cao1 zuo4 shu4] /operand (computing)/
+ 運算數 运算数 [yun4 suan4 shu4] /operand (math.)/

Change log entry 71276
Processed by: richwarm (2021-01-20 06:10:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64973 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Studio, production company and distributor are different businesses, but based on dictionary definitions and actual usage it seems 片商 is (or has been) used for all three.

[制片 redirects to 制片公司 which is linked to the English article "production company"]

n. film distributor; movie dealer M:²wèi 位

| 几位~看好这部电影剧本,争相出资拍摄。


Japanese movie producers confirmed that it was going to release in Japan. It was the first Chinese animation film released in Japan.
["Distributors" would probably be a better translation here.]

According to Screen Digest, the major studios' entire slate of 132 films from 2006 is set to lose $1.9 billion in cash over the five-year cycle of cinema, DVD, TV and new media.

So we began the process of talking to Hollywood studios and were able to get all the major studios to license their movies for rental.

Without the backup of this subsidy, studios would be unwilling to invest in film-making at all.

The "crowd" doesn't just mean the investors or studio bosses but also the members of the panels allotting government grants to supplement a film's budget.

Embarrassing as it may seem, such a paltry sum has nonetheless become the source of fierce controversy within the film community here in Taiwan. People in the motion picture industry argue that the requirement that grant winners show their films overseas is unfair. The grant issuers, meanwhile, are finding themselves caught in the crossfire between the individuals who make films and the companies that produce them. For the ten years they've been issued, the grants have been the subject of endless debate: Are they life-saving injections for an imperiled industry, or harmful "fixes" to which the film community has become addicted?

The Taiwan film industry has fallen on hard times, and the few films that do get made here have traditionally had no choice but wait passively for their own turn in theaters. Yet some films have refused to have their fortunes tied to the old theater-chain system and have instead turned to festivals organized by film companies or members of the film community themselves.

Later, the New Wave directors would take a turn toward the austere and claustrophobic, to the detriment of ticket sales. With production companies losing interest in financing money-losing projects, the government’s Domestic Film Guidance Fund became the industry’s backstop.

Taiwanese film faces a difficult struggle in an environment dominated by the film industries of Hong Kong and the West. Taiwan's film output has dropped from 163 films in 1988 to only 29 last year, and studios and producers are unanimous in their attitude toward making films in Taiwan: "It's not easy."

Editor: "film studio" has two senses
- a place where motion pictures are made
- a company that produces motion pictures

In your examples, I think it's the latter, isn't it?
And that sense is the same as "movie production company", right?
If so, your three senses can be reduced to just two, since the first two glosses would be equivalent.
# 片商 片商 [pian4 shang1] /film studio/movie production company/film distributor/
+ 片商 片商 [pian4 shang1] /movie production company/film distributor/

Change log entry 71274
Processed by: richwarm (2021-01-20 04:35:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61044 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
征收土地 is to expropriate land, which makes 征收 to expropriate.

Farmers' land rights are not adequately protected against local government takings.

Displaced farmers are offered alternative plots in lieu of the land acquired by the government

Compensation for land expropriation should fully cover the value or function of the expropriated land.

Editor: Seems unlikely 征收 would be used for the levying of *fines*.
- 徵收 征收 [zheng1 shou1] /to levy (a fine)/to impose (a tariff)/
# + 徵收 征收 [zheng1 shou1] /to levy (a fine)/to impose (a tariff)/to expropriate/
+ 徵收 征收 [zheng1 shou1] /to levy (a tax)/to expropriate/

Change log entry 71250
Processed by: richwarm (2021-01-12 21:58:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67096 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* “Interval” is a word that is generally only used in maths, or in scientific/formal context, but 区间 is used more widely. In contexts where “interval” would not be a good translation, the most common translation is likely "range".

Overall monthly bills in the $25-$30 range, including early customers who signed up for the $30/month unlimited plan before it was discontinued.

The question, of course, is whether those highs will become a new trading range or a distant memory if markets tumble

The price ended up at top of this range, as a small group of “cornerstone” investors committed themselves to buying large numbers of shares.

Note that even though we get the solution of the sizes for each of the columns and rows, the requirements may have been given in ranges of columns and rows. (IBM)

The testing covered the range of temperatures experienced in high-ambient-temperature countries; further details were provided in the report. (UN)

A clear illustration of the “regime change” that has taken place in the oil market is the current rebound in prices to around the $50 level (the likely ceiling of the new trading range). (Project Syndicate)

Thus, available figures for the number of research personnel per one million inhabitants range between 30 for the Syrian Arab Republic and 230 for Kuwait in 1997, while comparable figures in the developed countries are generally in the range of a few thousand per million. (UN)

1) In the linear sense, it has a special sense related to transportation:

Only four of the trains have been kept in operation, however, functioning mainly as early-morning connecting services for students.

2) It also has a two-dimensional sense (i.e. area/region).

because of forbidding topography or traditional taboos, some untouched areas were left between the hunting grounds.

The research team randomly selected 11 sections of road in the park, and at night compared the numbers of male frogs inside and outside the ditches. They found that in each ten meter by 0.5 meter segment, the number of male frogs ranged from seven to 16 in the ditch, while there were only an average of 0.2 outside.

One particularly fun element of the project is the creative divination machine Eslite has borrowed, skillfully decorated, and put on rotating display in all their bookstores.
- 區間 区间 [qu1 jian1] /interval (math.)/
# + 區間 区间 [qu1 jian1] /interval (math.)/range/
+ 區間 区间 [qu1 jian1] /delimited area/defined section of a train or bus route/numerical range/(math.) interval/

Change log entry 71209
Processed by: richwarm (2020-12-22 21:02:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64532 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Wenlin and Pleco have zàohuo as the pronunciation.
* I'm not very convinced 灶火 means kitchen, the only example I've seen (from MoE) still makes sense (and means the same) if you take it to mean stove. Other Chinese dictionaries only have the sense “stove” and Pleco and ABC clearly copied the same definition.

n. 〈topo.〉
① kitchen
② kitchen range; cooking stove

1 kitchen range; cooking stove
2 kitchen

1. 指灶。用砖土或石块砌成,用来烧火做饭的设备。
| ~上正蒸着一笼馒头。

| 元.李文蔚《圯桥进履.第一折》:「等的天色将次晚,趓在人家灶火边,若是无人撞入去,偷了东西一道烟。」

名 <口> 灶①。[名 烧火做饭的设备]

Big-bolt adjusts the fire. He takes up the jade green package and the torn, red-splotched lantern shade and shoves all of it into the stove. A red-black flame shoots up and the teashop is permeated with a strange aroma. (Lyell)
Mending the fire in the stove, Old Shuan put the green package and the red and white lantern paper into the stove together. A red-black flame flared up, and a strange odour permeated the shop. (Yangs)
After firing up the stove, Shuan stuffed the jade green parcel and the torn red-and-white lantern paper inside. A reddish-black flame flared up, filling the room with a curious fragrance. (Lovell)

一个火头军用刺刀扎着一块马肉,伸到灶火 里去烤,烤得马肉像知了一样鸣叫。

人们还说,这大妈是“革命的五大员”:第一,她是炊事员。在她家里抗战人员来往不断,她家的灶火 ,每天要烧十几顿饭。只要你是抗日战士,有饭蹲下就吃。
+ 灶火 灶火 [zao4 huo5] /stove/kitchen/

Change log entry 71097
Processed by: richwarm (2020-11-07 21:05:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67091 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
In computer science and networking in particular, a session is a temporary and interactive information interchange between two or more communicating devices, or between a computer and user.
在计算机科学领域来说,尤其是在网络领域,会话(session,Microsoft Windows 中文版譯作工作階段)是一种持久网络协议,在用户(或用户代理)端和服务器端之间建立关联,从而起到交换数据包的作用机制,session在网络协议(例如telnet或FTP)中是非常重要的部分。

Instead of dragging data across the network several times, the session bean lets us achieve our goals with a single transaction on the server

When a session does not enter a transaction, all work done within that session on the data store is immediately committed on each method call.

In Web application programming, session management is complex and awkward.

You would type your user ID and password at the login prompt, and the system would spawn a new login shell for your session.

Editor: used as a verb





- 會話 会话 [hui4 hua4] /conversation/CL:個|个[ge4],次[ci4]/
# + 會話 会话 [hui4 hua4] /conversation/(computing) session/CL:個|个[ge4],次[ci4]/
+ 會話 会话 [hui4 hua4] /(language learning) conversation/dialog/to converse (in a non-native language)/(computing) session/CL:個|个[ge4],次[ci4]/

Change log entry 70956
Processed by: richwarm (2020-10-21 05:22:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61915 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v.o. cherish paper with writing on it
preserve waste paper with writings on it; cherish paper bearing written or printed words

The storage of sutras was also related to the collection and treasuring of printed paper in areas like Dunhuang and Gaochang since ancient times.


# 敬惜字紙 敬惜字纸 [jing4 xi1 zi4 zhi3] /to cherish paper with writting/to preserve paper with writing/
+ 敬惜字紙 敬惜字纸 [jing4 xi1 zi4 zhi3] /to treasure written material as a cultural resource (idiom)/

Change log entry 70873
Processed by: richwarm (2020-10-03 22:16:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67090 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
In database technologies, a rollback is an operation which returns the database to some previous state. Rollbacks are important for database integrity, because they mean that the database can be restored to a clean copy even after erroneous operations are performed. They are crucial for recovering from database server crashes; by rolling back any transaction which was active at the time of the crash, the database is restored to a consistent state.

The transaction log is stored as a sequential disk file (or sometimes in a raw partition) and will generally only be written to, not read from, except in the case of rollback or recovery.

This setup allows the application to more easily commit or rollback any changes to an object graph.

If any ordered item cannot be fulfilled, the procedure rolls back the order entry.

Dirty read— One transaction reads changes made by another transaction that hasn't yet been committed. This is very dangerous, because those changes might later be rolled back.



以P桿開球,球凌空越過旗位落地,然後再順著斜坡回滾至洞內, ...

# 回滾 回滚 [hui2 gun3] /(computing) to roll back /rollback/
+ 回滾 回滚 [hui2 gun3] /(computing) to roll back/rollback/(sports) (of a ball) to roll back/to bounce back due to backspin/

Change log entry 70864
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-30 23:37:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65259 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v. affirm; assert
n. an accepted argument

NOUN accepted argument
| 孤证难成定说。
| One single example can hardly count.
| 这种病的起因尚无定说。
| The cause of the disease is still a matter of dispute.
VERB affirm; assert; insist
| 她定说她讲的是实话。
| She insisted she was telling the truth.

| 这种昆虫是否有害,尚无~
| 此事没弄清楚之前,不可妄下~。


名 确定的说法; 结论。

金铨道:“你这话有些说不过去,人家送丫头,为什么你定说 是送姨太太呢?”

这一层在《西周书》里也可看得明白。明明是周武王打了天下,但周公不那样说,定说 是上帝为周有了个文王,才给周以大命。可是周公这番思想和理论,其实也并没有说错,而且可以说在中国后代历史上也一向发生了大影响。

> She told me that ever since she'd started packing, Second Sister Yang-the Beancurd Beauty-had never let a single day pass without coming by. Just the day before yesterday she had retrieved a dozen or so plates from the pile of rice-stalk ashes. After questioning my mother, Second Sister Yang concluded that they must have been hidden there by Runtu so that he could make off with them when he came for the other stuff. (Lyell)
> Mother said that ever since our family started packing up, Mrs. Yang from the beancurd shop had come over every day, and the day before in the ash-heap she had unearthed a dozen bowls and plates, which after some discussion she insisted must have been buried there by Runtu, so that when he came to remove the ashes he could take them home at the same time. (Yangs)
> While they'd been packing up the house, Mother reported, the Bean-Curd Beauty had been round every day. The day before yesterday, she had picked out from the pile of ashes a dozen dishes and bowls, which, she declared after some discussion... (Lovell)

Editor: further evidence of the noun sense ~





# 定說 定说 [ding4 shuo1] /to affirm/to assert/
+ 定說 定说 [ding4 shuo1] /to affirm/to assert/generally accepted view/

Change log entry 70827
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-22 07:22:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64802 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* General sense "policeman" is not in current usage (used in late Qing/early Republic, I think, very common on May 4th literature).
* I have found no evidence of ABC's verb sense.

n[oun]. 〈trad.〉 policeman M:ge/míng/²wèi 个/名/位 ]
v[erb]. inspect; patrol

1 patrolling police; patrolman
2 DATED policeman
| 治安巡警
| public order policeman (or patrolman)

1. 旧时指警察;现指负责巡逻治安的警察。

1. 巡查警备。
| 《梁书.卷二十二.太祖五王传.鄱阳王恢传》:「每夜自巡警,高祖嘉其劳 苦。」
| 《宋史.卷二五○.王彦升传》:「此夕巡警甚困,聊就公一醉耳。」
2. 旧指警察。

名 旧时通称警察; 现专指负责治安巡逻的警察。

In an interview Friday, Yu said he was traveling with his wife in a consulate vehicle when he saw a patrol car with flashing lights behind him.

The project will collect information on the flow of vehicles using installed road sensors, cameras and first-hand reports, like those from police patrols.

A highway patrol officer stopped a speeding motorist. "Don't you know the blinking lights and siren mean?" he demanded.

The traffic safety agency said it was working with the Florida Highway Patrol in the inquiry into Mr. Brown’s fatal accident. The agency cautioned that the opening of an investigation did not mean it believed there was a defect in the vehicle being examined.

The officers received training in police procedures but are not sworn patrol officers and do not carry weapons.

The arrest on Sunday of the fund manager, Xu Xiang, nicknamed Big Xu, followed what could easily have been an American story line. He was apprehended near the exit of the 22-mile Hangzhou Bay Bridge in eastern China, and the highway patrol closed the bridge’s entrances and exits for more than half an hour, according to the official Hangzhou Daily.

> I have found no evidence of ABC's verb sense.
They copied it faithfully from Far East, as recorded in a note in ABC's entry.

It's also in the MoE definition you quoted, and in HDC (巡查警戒).
- 巡警 巡警 [xun2 jing3] /police officer/
+ 巡警 巡警 [xun2 jing3] /police patrol/patrol officer/police officer (old)/

Change log entry 70825
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-22 03:25:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64988 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
※ 水炮

n. water cannon


A water cannon is a device that shoots a high-velocity stream of water. Typically, a water cannon can deliver a large volume of water, often over dozens of meters. They are used in firefighting, large vehicle washing, riot control, and mining.

Witnesses in Tehran said riot police used tear gas, batons and water cannons to disperse supporters of defeated presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi.

Police officers in civilian clothes playing the role of protesters brace themselves as they are hit by water cannons during a civil disturbance management competition by the Philippine police at Manila's Rizal Park Sunday.

※ 人群管理特别用途车、水炮车


人群管理特别用途车(英语:Specialised crowd management vehicles),俗称“水炮车”,是香港警务处(下称“警方”)采购的车辆,共以1659万港元购买三辆。水炮车配备喷水装置,在有需要时用以驱散使用暴力冲击的示威人士,或制止严重危害公共安全及公共秩序的行为,并在为达至以上目的时,在示威人士与警察之间制造安全距离,减少示威者和警察因正面冲突而受伤的机会。

It has been reported that all of the three specialised crowd management vehicles (commonly known as "water cannon vehicles") purchased by the Police with a budget of $27 million will be delivered to Hong Kong by the end of this month.
据报,警方斥资2 700万元购买的三辆人群管理特别用途车(俗称「水炮车」),将于本月底全部运抵香港。
The Police were granted funding in 2015-16 for procuring three specialised crowd management vehicles (SCMV) with water spray devices in order to handle riots or illegal acts that may occur during large-scale and prolonged public assemblies more effectively.
ZH https://sc.isd.gov.hk/TuniS/www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201806/13/P2018061300422.htm?fontSize=1
EN https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201806/13/P2018061300435.htm

That an apparent weakness such as a lack of leaders could be an asset must be a thrill for protesters. So, too, must be holding one’s own with minimal, often homemade, equipment against police officers armed with sophisticated anti-riot gear and now three new huge water-cannon vehicles.

By nightfall, the police had sprayed clouds of tear gas in three busy districts on Hong Kong’s main island and arcs of blue-dyed water from cannons mounted on trucks. Battalions of riot police officers were patrolling the streets of major commercial districts as if they were battlefields, and protesters were setting fires at intersections and the entrances to shuttered subway stations.

【9.29遊行】水炮車沿路噴藍色水滅火、清路障 警兩新招清場
水炮車路試、訓練已完成 機動部隊副校:警員受訓時全部曾親身試威力
暴徒使用燃烧弹直接攻击警察 水炮车一度被点燃

用途: [yong4 tu3] --> [yong4 tu2]
+ 水炮 水炮 [shui3 pao4] /water cannon/
# 人群管理特別用途車 人群管理特别用途车 [ren2 qun2 guan3 li3 te4 bie2 yong4 tu3 che1] /specialized crowd management vehicle, a riot control vehicle equipped with a water cannon, commonly known as water cannon vehicle 水炮車|水炮车[shui3 pao4 che1]/
# 水炮車 水炮车 [shui3 pao4 che1] /water cannon vehicle, common name for specialized crowd management vehicle 人群管理特別用途車|人群管理特别用途车[ren2 qun2 guan3 li3 te4 bie2 yong4 tu3 che1]/
+ 人群管理特別用途車 人群管理特别用途车 [ren2 qun2 guan3 li3 te4 bie2 yong4 tu2 che1] /specialized crowd management vehicle, a riot control vehicle equipped with a water cannon, commonly known as water cannon vehicle 水炮車|水炮车[shui3 pao4 che1]/
+ 水炮車 水炮车 [shui3 pao4 che1] /water cannon vehicle, common name for specialized crowd management vehicle 人群管理特別用途車|人群管理特别用途车[ren2 qun2 guan3 li3 te4 bie2 yong4 tu2 che1]/

Change log entry 70751
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-16 21:43:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65924 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
| 夏衍《观剧偶感》:讽喻之妙, 在于诛心。

譬如李纲与太学正秦桧有相当交情,一直认为他议论英发,心思缜密,是不可多得的人才。太学中的几个朋友与秦桧打过交道,吃过暗亏,不能同意他的意见。李纲因为他们拿不出多少真凭实据,单凭几句诛心 的空话就替秦桧下结沦,也不肯同意他们的不同意见,双方又形成了相持不决的僵局。

> He often employed his dirtylookism to punish such miscreants. Occasionally he would voice a loud comment to show that he knew what a couple was "really up to," no matter how innocent their behavior might seem on the surface. And occasionally—if the place was isolated—he'd throw a pebble at them from behind. (Lyell)
> In order to correct such people, he would glare furiously, pass loud, cutting remarks, or, if the place were deserted, throw a small stone from behind. (Yangs)
> He was always disciplining them with his Angry Glare, or with a few sentences of penetrating criticism; if there was nobody else about, he would cast a pebble at them from behind. (Lovell)
# 誅心 诛心 [zhu1xin1] /to expose sb's true motives/to criticize sb's motives/
+ 誅心 诛心 [zhu1 xin1] /to criticize sb for what one believes to be their ulterior motive/

Change log entry 70713
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-14 04:31:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64908 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Judging from the definitions on Chinese dictionaries 蝮蛇 is one specific species of snake, it doesn't refer to venomous snakes in general. 百度百科 gives the scientific name Agkistrodon halys. Wikipedia says this is a taxonomic synonym for both “Gloydius halys, a.k.a. the Siberian pit viper” and “Gloydius saxatilis, a.k.a. the Amur viper”. Wikipedia redirects 蝮蛇 to 蝮亚科 — Crotalinae i.e. pit vipers (“蝮亚科(学名Crotalinae)是蝰蛇科的一个亚科,统称蝮蛇”). While Wenlin has a one-word definition (“adder”), the editing mode (thanks @richwarm for letting me know about the extra information there) shows a number of remarks mentioning “Pallas pit viper”, which seems to imply people at Wenlin Ins. think it refers to this specific species. According to Wikipedia “Pallas pit viper” is one of the common names for Gloydius halys.

In conclusion, I believe 蝮蛇 refers primarily to Gloydius halys, although it may also be used to refer to any pit viper 蝮亚科.

n. adder

pit viper


名 毒蛇, 体长60—90厘米, 头三角形, 灰褐色, 有斑纹。生活在平原及低山区, 捕食蛙、鸟、鼠等。
- 蝮蛇 蝮蛇 [fu4 she2] /venomous snake/
+ 蝮蛇 蝮蛇 [fu4 she2] /Siberian pit viper (Gloydius halys)/pit viper/

Change log entry 70710
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-14 04:04:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65810 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
cf. 数字

* Only Pleco says it means amount, rather that numeral, number. GF explicitly excludes the "amount" sense.

n. numeral; figure; digit

number; amount
| 数目(字)很大的一笔钱
| a huge amount of money

1. 表示数目的字。汉字的数字有大写和小写两种:「零壹贰参肆伍陆柒捌玖拾佰仟」等为大写;「○一二三四五六七八九十百千」等为小写。
2. 表示数目的符号。如阿拉伯数字、罗马数字。也作「数码」。


名 数字①②。
[① 名 表示数目的字。汉字的数字有小写和大写两种。小写为○一二三四五六七八九十百千; 大写为零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖拾佰仟。万、亿等通用于大小写。
②名 表示数目的符号, 如阿拉伯数字、罗马数字等。(也说数目字。)]

Children taught in Chinese find it easier to learn numerals and can do their calculations much easier and faster.

Let your child practice writing numbers and letters on paper.

The interior floor indicator has a red numeral display backlight which is not very visible.

The numbers in my article refer to the footnotes.

> His head was so jam-packed with crisscrossed pieces of firewood he thought it was going to burst: 5, 5, 25-a chaos of arabic numerals was indelibly stamped across the front of his brain. (Lyell)
> His head seemed to be bursting as if filled to the brim with sharp faggots. Five fives are twenty-five — scattered Arabic numerals were still imprinted on his brain. (Yangs)
> His head now felt swollen, stuffed full of firewood. #2 5 x 5 = 25... Arabic numerals crowded his brain. (Lovell)

Editor: I'm not so sure that it can't mean "amount".
1) GF often "explicitly excludes" certain usages that it deems incorrect, but which in fact have substantial usage.
2) New Century defines 数目字 as "same as 数字" and its sense #3 of 数字 is "quantity; amount".
3) There's this quote from Mao Dun's "Midnight":
"Seventy or eighty brokers, together with their hundred-odd assistants and innumerable speculators, produced between them such a deafening pandemonium of shouting and bidding that no ordinary ear could have made anything of it."
+ 數目字 数目字 [shu4 mu4 zi4] /numeral/digit/number/figure/

Change log entry 70694
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-12 07:09:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62624 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
| 这是一本人生哲学~,要好好研读。

名 重要的著作
| 要著简介。

n. necessary/effective step/measure; an important move

| 派兵驻守为边防第一~
| 最~,不是距离,而是心中有彼此。
+ 要著 要著 [yao4 zhu4] /important book/
# 要著 要着 [yao4 zhuo2] /important (measure)/
+ 要著 要着 [yao4 zhuo2] /important thing/crucial thing/

Change log entry 70693
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-12 06:54:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62505 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
f.e. ①in sharp contrast; no ambiguity at all ②right and wrong clearly distinguished
| 他一向都是黑白分明。
| He always clearly distinguishes between right and wrong.

with black and white sharply contrasted; in sharp contrast
| 两种态度, 黑白分明。
| The two attitudes stand in sharp contrast.

1. 黑色、白色区分明显。如:「斑马身上的颜色黑白分明,煞是好看。」
2. 比喻是非善恶分明。
| 汉.董仲舒《春秋繁露.保位权》:「黑白分明,然后民知所去就。」
| 《清史稿.卷三六四.汤金钊传》:「朝有诤臣,使朕胸中黑白分明,无伤于政体, 不胜欣悦!」也作「白黑分明」。
3. 形容眼睛清澈明亮。如:「小孩子的眼睛黑白分明,心地天真无邪。」

1. 黑色和白色区分明显。
| 她那双眼睛清澈明亮,~。
2. 比喻对是非善恶清楚明白。
| 他的个性一向~,嫉恶如仇

她一面拍手,一面使劲蹦,把两绺鬈发 从她的教友会的小帽里震落了下来,黑白分明地衬在她的白围巾上。
She gave such a bound from the floor, as she clapped her little hands, that two stray curls fell from under her Quaker cap, and lay brightly on her white neckerchief.

While the travelers resting under the pavilion and trees are carefree and comfortable. The clear hues of black and white produce a impressive effect.

This is not a relationship that fits neatly into the black and white categories like friend or rival.

Nothing is clear in our world. Nothing happens the way we expect it to.
# 黑白分明 黑白分明 [hei1 bai2 fen1 ming2] /black and white clearly contrasted (lit.)/in clear contrast/to distinguish clearly right from wrong/
+ 黑白分明 黑白分明 [hei1 bai2 fen1 ming2] /black and white clearly contrasted/(fig.) unambiguous/black-and-white/in sharp contrast/to distinguish clearly right from wrong/

Change log entry 70640
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-06 05:07:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64994 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Almost always “万夫不当之勇”, which should (maybe) also be added.

f.e. very brave

| 此人武艺高超,有~之勇。

| 元.无名氏《连环计.第二折》:「老夫想来他权势重大,况兼吕布有万夫不当之勇。」
| 清.孔尚任《桃花扇.第一三出》:「俺左良玉立功边塞,万夫不当,也是天下一个好健儿。」

| 郭沫若《孔雀胆》:阿奴, 你的万夫不当之勇, 就这样被一两个阴险的奸贼葬送了!


小燕子就笑著看乾隆,说:“皇阿玛!你笑够了没有?笑够了,我就告诉你,你被我骗了!刚刚是故意说错,来让你笑一笑的!我看的是水浒传,里面有一个李逵,手舞两把大斧,有万夫不当 之勇!对了吗?”

较之步行者,湖人在中锋位置上占据优势。有万夫不当 之勇的“大鲨鱼”奥尼尔对付里克·史密茨有些轻而易举。
# 萬夫不當 万夫不当 [wan4 fu1 bu4 dang1] /lit. unbeatable by even 10.000 men/extremely brave and strong/
+ 萬夫不當 万夫不当 [wan4 fu1 bu4 dang1] /lit. unbeatable by even 10,000 men (idiom)/fig. extremely brave and strong/

Change log entry 70516
Processed by: richwarm (2020-08-31 10:16:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63912 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
The translation "warm up wine" is fairly obvious, but:
1) 温 by itself rarely means "to warm up" in modern Chinese, that why Chinese dictionaries use expressions like 加温 or 加热.
2) As a noun, 温酒 is just 酒 that has been warmed up, however 酒 isn't what in the West is called wine, but especially 黄酒 or 白酒, possibly other kinds of "Chinese wine". To the best of my knowledge mulled wine is not normally called 温酒, although I've seen it translated as 热酒 and 热红酒.

v.o. warm up wine

1. 使酒变热。
| 她正在~。
2. 温热的酒。
| 这种药必须~送服。

| 《北史.卷三五.王慧龍傳》:「今溫酒及炙肉,用石炭、木灰火、竹火、草火、麻荄火,氣味各不同。」

动 把酒放在热水中烫热。
名 温热的酒。


自从道君皇帝邀师师出逃,经她严词拒绝以后,这个皇帝在她心中才是真正死透了,因而她的行动就更加没有拘束。邢倞家中还有位夫人,始到邢家去,就帮助夫人做菜温酒 。

土司太太身上却没有这样的味道。她叫人在茶壶里烫酒,用温酒 吞下了几个鸦片姻泡,她又叫人温第二杯酒,在这空当里,她又叫我弯下腰,吻了吻我的额头,悄声说:“这一下,我生的儿子是不是傻子我都不用操心了。”

你爸也检讨啦,两个老头子,说起过去的艰难都落泪了。后来,你爸说,现在是好日子,不提伤心事,他硬叫你叔将你婶和娃娃都叫来,两家喝个团圆酒。你爸又叫我炒菜温酒 。

另外几件不在禁上的,左边三件小的是觯,大的叫“盉”(音禾),右边的一件叫“斝”(音贾)。盉和斝是盛酒用的,也可以温酒 。
+ 溫酒 温酒 [wen1 jiu3] /to warm up wine/wine served warm, generally referring to Chinese wine such as 黃酒[huang2 jiu3] and 白酒[bai2 jiu3]/

Change log entry 70496
Processed by: richwarm (2020-08-30 09:46:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65278 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* ABC's region tag "PRC" seems plainly wrong to me. 山地同胞 appears mostly on Taiwanese sources and (according to Wikipedia) was used mostly during early KMT rule.
* 山胞 is abbreviation of 山地同胞 but it seems more common than the original expression.

※ 山地同胞

n. 〈PRC〉 Taiwan aborigines (most of whom live in mountainous regions)


During the early period of Chinese Nationalist Kuomintang (KMT) rule the terms Shandi Tongbao (山地同胞) "mountain compatriots" and Pingdi Tongbao (平地同胞) "plains compatriots" were invented, to remove the presumed taint of Japanese influence and reflect the place of Taiwan's indigenous people in the Chinese Nationalist state.
[Chinese Wikipedia redirects 山地同胞 to 台湾原住民族]

On the speckled screen, the title "Portrait of the Exquisite People" is the first thing to appear--"Exquisite People" being the name given to the mountain aboriginals by the Japanese.

Even more important than art, perhaps, is cultural communication--helping us get to know the culture of the nine aboriginal people, who walk the same earth and breath the same air as we. With the contemporary scene as a forum, a dialogue has begun between the mountains and the plains.

The 10 aboriginal tribes in Taiwan are mostly to be found in remote mountain areas, and have traditionally earned a living from hunting and farming.

社会本来就是一个大型的染缸,人人称羡之余,竞相效法。甚至有人在办丧事时,都要高价请人来段销魂艳舞,才能令活者顺心,死者瞑目。由这些山地同胞 身上,我看到了人间社会阴暗的一面,有一阵子,我曾想去山地为他们服务。

对这个“九族文化村”,当地舆论看法也不尽一致。当晚我们在电视里就看到一场围绕“九族文化村”而展开的争论,山地同胞 对展示他们的习俗来赚钱颇有不满。

※ 山胞

① residents of mountainous areas
②〈TW〉 the indigenous people of Taiwan



Sun Moon Lake is an internationally renowned tourist attraction. President Chiang Kai-shek loved this place and often came here for retreat and meditation. A village here with a museum of Taiwan's aborigine people is one attraction of the lake. Songs and dances of these mountaineers are regularly presented. Their handicraft products are also available for purchase.

Summer Camp for Aborigine City kids

Of the total population of 36,000 people, roughly 90% of residents can trace their ancestry to Kwangtung province in southeast mainland China. They are of the Hakka group of Chinese, while the remaining 10% are made up of Chinese from Fukien province and the original aborigine groups.

Last May a minor news item made the local papers: A Taiwan aborigine who didn't know what orchids were was said to have collected a big sackful of them from the mountains near Taitung to feed his pigs with.

他怎么也想不通,他是在无人管理的深山野林里砍的,何罪之有?山胞都为他鸣不平,一致谴责所谓的法律。法律的制定,缺乏从山地实际出发,无视山胞的生活形态和传统习俗。法律的制定,也没有征求山胞 的意见,事后又缺乏宣传,山胞对法律有陌生感、恐惧感和疏离感,这对法律来说,是一种莫大的讽刺。

这时,那几个山地人都坐在离火很近的地方,靠在一堆儿打盹。火光照亮了他们的脸,这三个山胞 都很年轻,脸上没有野性的代表——刺青。显然他们也被文明所陶冶了。在这火光之下,以黑夜的山林为背景,她觉得他们都很漂亮。或者他们混杂了一些荷兰人的血统,眼眶微凹而额角和颞骨都比内地人高些,但他们确实是很漂亮的!
# 山地同胞 山地同胞 [shan1 di4 tong2 bao1] /Taiwanese indigenous peoples/Taiwanese aborigine/indigenous Taiwanese person/
# 山胞 山胞 [shan1 bao1] /Taiwanese indigenous peoples/Taiwanese aborigine/indigenous Taiwanese person/abbr. for 山地同胞[shan1 di4 tong2 bao1]/
+ 山地同胞 山地同胞 [shan1 di4 tong2 bao1] /(dated) Taiwanese indigenous peoples/Taiwanese aborigine/
+ 山胞 山胞 [shan1 bao1] /(dated) Taiwanese indigenous peoples/Taiwanese aborigine/abbr. for 山地同胞[shan1 di4 tong2 bao1]/

Change log entry 70463
Processed by: richwarm (2020-08-26 23:35:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62678 - submitted by 'sl89' >>

副 姑且用来
| 聊以解嘲
| 聊以充饥。

She diverted herself with talking to her baby.

No. I'm considering marrying a civil servant just to console myself.

The waiting seemed interminable and was relieved only by my attempts to identify the little stirrings and noises of animal life that I could hear.

It was already hard for us to imagine a man who fed himself almost solely on plain noodle every day would be strong enough to handle any physical labor.

The couple became estranged around five years ago, and Inge now claims to be living on food stamps in the United States.

1) 聊 here means "slightly". I've tried to convey that with the phrase "to some extent".

2) I don't think "get away with one's responsibilities" is the expression we were looking for with 聊以塞责.
"get away with ..." would be better combined with a negative expression like "... *not* fully carrying out one's responsibilities".

3) "relaxation" is lousy definition for 聊以解闷.
Here are some examples:


但是前几天闲得无聊,就把这部剧找来,随性刷了几集聊以解闷,想不到开场把我怔住了! 要不是人物在说粤语,鬼都不晓得这是一部港剧!

# 聊以 聊以 [liao2 yi3] /to try sth with the purpose of/
# Editor:
+ 聊以 聊以 [liao2 yi3] /to use it (or do it) for the purpose of (allaying hunger, relieving boredom etc) to some extent/
- 聊以解悶 聊以解闷 [liao2 yi3 jie3 men4] /relaxation/
+ 聊以解悶 聊以解闷 [liao2 yi3 jie3 men4] /to use it for the purpose of relieving the tedium to some extent/
- 聊以塞責 聊以塞责 [liao2 yi3 se4 ze2] /just to get away with one's responsibilities/in order to get off the hook/
+ 聊以塞責 聊以塞责 [liao2 yi3 se4 ze2] /in order to minimally fulfill one's responsibilities/in order to get off the hook/

Change log entry 70461
Processed by: richwarm (2020-08-26 08:13:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65006 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. 〈wr.〉
① commander in chief
② high Qing military officer

commander in chief; generalissimo

1. 军队的主帅。
| 皇帝任命他为~,领兵抗敌。
2. 清代对总督的尊称。北洋军阀的首领亦称大帅。
| ~张作霖
| 吴佩孚~。

1. 军队的主将。
| 《后汉书.卷四一.宋均传》:「蛮夷震怖,即共斩其大帅而降,于是入贼营,散其众,遣归本郡,为置长吏而还。」
2. 清代对总督的敬称。
| 《二十年目睹之怪现状.第七二回》:「藩台此时也朵了,垂手说道:『这个只求大帅格外设法!』」

名 主帅。

> There's something else you people ought to know. The defender of the throne this time is none other than General Zhang. And General Zhang is a descendant of the famous Yan general Zhang Fei. He has an eighteen-foot spear and courage enough to take on ten thousand men! Who can stand up to a man like that? ” He raised his two hands and held them apart, slightly cupped and parallel, as if they grasped an invisible eighteen-foot spear. He lunged toward Sister Bayi and demanded, “Can you stand up to him? ” (Lyell)
> I'd have you know the new Protector is General Zhang, who's descended from Zhang Fei of the former State of Yan. With his huge lance eighteen feet long, he dares take on ten thousand men. Who can stand against him?” Raising both hands as if grasping a huge invisible lance, he took a few swift paces towards Widow Ba Yi. “Are you a match for him?” (Yangs)
> and it’ll be Zhang Xun, the emperor’s own general, Zhang Fei’s own descendant, at their head, taking on ten thousand men at a time with his eighteen-foot lance. No one can stop him’ He bore down on Mrs Ba Yi, clenching his fists in the air, as if wielding an invisible spear: ‘No one!’ (Lovell)

When he was a secretary at the office of the provincial military governor, the marshal's caltrop mustache was so impressive that it looked like it had been transplanted from a Jen-tan medicine advertisement.

三月中,宋朝廷调整了军事机构,任种师道为河北宣抚使,驻在黄河北岸的滑州,统筹两河军事。任西军大将、姚平仲的父亲姚古为河东路制置使,将兵救太原,任种师中为河北制置副使,将兵救中山、河间各地。当时称为三大帅 。
# 大帥 大帅 [da4 shuai4] /(old) commanding general/commander-in-chief/(Qing dynasty) title of the governor-general/
+ 大帥 大帅 [da4 shuai4] /(old) commanding general/commander-in-chief/(Qing dynasty) title for a governor-general (provincial military governor) 總督|总督[zong3 du1]/

Change log entry 70451
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-08-24 07:52:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65344 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v. bring on a beating


> Everybody who heard about this agreed that Ah Q had been too reckless, that he had gone looking for a beating, for more than likely he wasn't named Zhao in the first place. And supposing he was? What with Master Zhao living right there in the area, he shouldn't have been dumb enough to say so. (Lyell)
> All who heard this said Ah Q was a great fool to ask for a beating like that. Even if his surname were Zhao — which wasn't likely — he should have known better than to boast like that when there was a Mr. Zhao living in the village. (Yangs)
> When news of the incident got about, everyone declared that this time Ah-Q had gone too far, that he had been asking for his beating. Likely as not, he was about as closely related to Mr Zhao as he was to the emperor. And even if they were related, he shouldn't have shot his big mouth off about it. (Lovell)

燕少玉深深呼出一口气,好似减轻了内心不少负担。拍回凤环,缓慢的转过身来,道:“那边的人可清理光了?”盲圣略一沉思,方想开口,拔山神牛刚已抢先道:“他娘的,只来了十几个不中用的龟孙子,那里招打 ,早就死光了,俺只道这里还有热闹,却不想也是冷清清的。”

沙成山冷冷的道:“少来!你会为你的敌人设想?姑娘,你别再啰嗦了,快说!”女子重重的道:“好,我说,她母子被囚……被囚……”沙成山已不耐的举起手来,道:“你在招打 ?”女子道:“在水中央,在山之巅!”沙成山猛一怔,咬牙道:“你真是不想活了?那就休怪沙某出手了!”
+ 招打 招打 [zhao1 da3] /to ask for a beating/

Change log entry 70441
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-08-23 08:07:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65432 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v.o. 〈trad.〉 use a tabooed name

1 DATED defy by mentioning the name of the superior
| 古时候, 直呼皇帝名字是犯讳的。
| It was considered irreverent to call the emperor’s name in ancient times.
2 violate a taboo
| 你偏偏要提他出丑的事, 这不是成心犯讳吗?
| Aren’t you putting your foot in it by mentioning that scandal of his?

1. 旧指不避尊长的名讳。
| 古代官名~,是很忌讳的。
2. 犯忌。
| 坐船不能说「翻」,否则就~了。

| 《南史.卷二三.王亮传》:「下官以犯讳被代,未知明府讳。」

1 动 旧指不避讳尊长的名讳。
2 动 犯忌。

> Whether it was intentional or not, if anyone should violate this taboo, Ah Q would seethe with anger until every last one of his scabies scars would flush its deepest red. Then he would size up his opponent: if it happened to be someone who stuttered so badly that he couldn't get the second word out after the first, Ah Q would curse him up one side and down the other; if it was someone so puny and weak that he could hardly stand, Ah Q would start a fight. And yet, strange to tell, in all such encounters Ah Q somehow still managed to come out the loser more often than not. (Lyell)
> Whenever this taboo was disregarded, whether intentionally or not, Ah Q would fly into a rage, his ringworm scars turning scarlet. He would look over the offender, and if it were someone weak in repartee he would curse him, while if it were a poor fighter he would hit him. #3Yet, curiously enough, it was usually Ah Q who was worsted in these encounters, (Yangs)
> Any flaunting of the taboo - whether deliberate or accidental - provoked first the controversial scars to glow a furious red. Ah-Q would then size up his adversary: the dull-witted he would subject to a tongue-lashing; the weak he would punch in the nose. The curious thing, though, was how often -in fact, almost always - Ah-Q came off worse. (Lovell)

蔡幺妹点头附和道:“爹生前曾多次背后向我说起过那位仇大哥,说他有如一只卧虎,是个真正的英雄好汉,只是不明他的来路。爹还一再告诫我休去探他身世,说这是‘犯讳 ’的。要是他还在店里,我就去求他。”

有了上海的租界,——那时叫作“洋场”,也叫“夷场”,后来有怕犯讳 的,便往往写作“彝场”——有些才子们便跑到上海来,因为才子是旷达的,那里都去;君子则对于外国人的东西总有点厌恶,而且正在想求正路的功名,所以决不轻易的乱跑。

秦始皇名政,秦人连“正”字都要避讳,正月是改称“端月”。他们却用了“匡正”这个动词,故意来犯讳 ,表示是秦始皇自己的口气,使扶苏和蒙恬不得怀疑。
+ 犯諱 犯讳 [fan4 hui4] /to use the tabooed name 名諱|名讳[ming2 hui4] of hierarchical superiors (old)/to violate a taboo/to use a taboo word or character/

Change log entry 70438
Processed by: richwarm (2020-08-23 00:44:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64581 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
p.w. the region beyond Shanhaiguan

beyond the Pass


关口以外的地区:① 山海关以东、以北的东北地区。② 嘉峪关以西的地方。即今甘肃西部及新疆省地区。

名 指山海关以东或嘉峪关以西的地区。
# 關外 关外 [Guan1 wai4] /beyond the Pass, i.e. the region east of Shanhaiguan 山海關|山海关[Shan1 hai3 guan1] or the region west of Jiayuguan 嘉峪關|嘉峪关[Jia1 yu4 guan1]/
# Editor:
+ 關外 关外 [Guan1 wai4] /beyond the pass, i.e. the region north and east of Shanhai Pass 山海關|山海关[Shan1 hai3 guan1] or the region west of Jiayu Pass 嘉峪關|嘉峪关[Jia1 yu4 guan1]/
- 山海關 山海关 [Shan1 hai3 guan1] /Shanhai pass, the Eastern pass of the Great Wall/Shanhaiguan district of Qinhuangdao city 秦皇島市|秦皇岛市[Qin2 huang2 dao3 shi4], Hebei/
+ 山海關 山海关 [Shan1 hai3 guan1] /Shanhai Pass in Hebei, at the eastern terminus of the Ming dynasty Great Wall/Shanhaiguan district of Qinhuangdao city 秦皇島市|秦皇岛市[Qin2 huang2 dao3 shi4], Hebei/
- 嘉峪關 嘉峪关 [Jia1 yu4 guan1] /Jiayuguan prefecture-level city in Gansu/
+ 嘉峪關 嘉峪关 [Jia1 yu4 guan1] /Jiayu Pass in Gansu, at the western terminus of the Great Wall/Jiayuguan prefecture-level city in Gansu/

Change log entry 70430
Processed by: richwarm (2020-08-22 02:00:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65988 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* CEDICT's entry for 粟 does say "goose pimples" but it seems it's only in the expression 起粟 it has this meaning. The Chinese dictionaries that have this sense for 粟 also have entries for 起粟.



> After Ah Q had sat there for a while, his skin started to break out in goosebumps—he was cold. #2 Though it was spring, the nights were still quite chilly and it was certainly no time to be going around bare-chested. (Lyell)
> After Ah Q had been sitting down for a time, he broke out in goose-flesh and felt cold, because although it was spring the nights were still chilly and not suited to bare backs. (Yangs)
> After sitting there a while, Ah-Q began to feel goose bumps prickling his skin. The spring nights were still not warm enough to go comfortably bare-chested. (Lovell)


"goose pimples" is "UK usage" according to Oxford; and MW and AHD treat "goose bumps" as the primary term for it.

"get goose bumps" and "get goosebumps" are far more common than "get goose pimples" according to Google.
# 起粟 起粟 [qi3 su4] /to get goose pimples/
+ 起粟 起粟 [qi3 su4] /to get goose bumps/
- 粟 粟 [su4] /grain/millet/goose pimples/
+ 粟 粟 [su4] /grain/millet/goose bumps/

Change log entry 70387
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-08-14 16:08:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64910 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* “to fall in line by rank” — an attempt to convey the MoE sense “依等第顺序排列。”, after ABC's fall in line (by rank/etc.).

v[erb].o[bject construction].
① fall in line (by rank/etc.)
② arrange turns of work

arrange (shifts, runs, classes or grades, etc.) in order; schedule

| 园区门口有~计程车,让民众方便搭乘。

| 《儒林外史.第三五回》:「过了奉天门,进到奉天殿,里面一片天乐之声,隐隐听见鸿胪寺唱:『排班』。」

动 安排上班、值班等的先后顺序。

Every morning, the Chief Concierge will review all limousine bookings for next day for arranging drivers' duty roaster.

The challenges of attendance tracking management include the need for flexible shift or roster plans, control of labor costs and real-time attendance monitoring and analysis.

For example, the third-grade special education class has eight students, with 15 parents taking turns coming in to give a hand.

Police work is carried out every day around the clock, and involves a variety of tasks: directing traffic, patrolling a beat, working the night shift, or exploring their patch to better understand the habits of residents. This work is planned a month in advance and set down in shift schedules.

Especially early on in the movement, when these large protests were frequent, we had to assign shifts to people because we didn’t want any one person to be stuck outdoors in the sun or the rain for 13 hours or longer.

Walmart denied that it had treated its employees unfairly or had pressured them to accept the new schedules. Rebecca Lui, a spokeswoman, said that the vast majority of its work force supported the new system, and that employees were free to keep their old schedules.

Editor: thanks, seems like we've already added this word to CEDICT.
# 排班 排班 [pai2 ban1] /to fall in line by rank/to assign work shifts/to schedule work shifts/

Change log entry 70373
Processed by: richwarm (2020-08-13 05:58:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65418 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
f.e. extremely ridiculous

| 野人献曝,~。


> Since he thought so well of himself, Ah Q considered the other villagers simply beneath his notice. He went so far with this that he even looked down his nose at the village's two Young Literati. (Lyell)
> Ah Q, again, had a very high opinion of himself. He looked down on all the inhabitants of Weizhuang, thinking even the two young “scholars” not worth a smile, (Yangs)
> Ah-Q had a robust sense of his own self-worth, placing the rest of Weizhuang far beneath him in the social scale. Even the village's two aspiring young scholars - the Zhao and Qian sons - he considered with haughty contempt. (Lovell)

但如说得远大一点,人性总是一样的,无论怎么特殊,难道真有好死恶生的民族么?抓住一种国民,说他有好些拂人之性的地方,不管主意是好或是坏,结果只是领了题目做文章的八股老调罢了,看穿了是不值一笑 的。


他跑腿化钱,并不是浪费。即使那些东西是那么破烂不堪,但是想想看吧,全国里有谁,有谁,收藏着一百多家山东的小名家呢?没有第二份儿!连日本人都来参观,哼,他的这点收藏已使他有了国际的声誉!他闭上了眼,细细的,反复前后的想,想把这点事看轻,看成不值一笑 的事体。然而,这却千真万确,日本人注意到他的收藏是一点也不假。
+ 不值一笑 不值一笑 [bu4 zhi2 yi1 xiao4] /of no value/worthless/

Change log entry 70250
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-29 07:41:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64560 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* The only sense on most dictionaries is "to sprain".
* Of the ones I have, only 现代汉语大词典, indicates more meanings. The first corroborates CEDICT's current definition with an example. It also the only one not considered dialect by this dictionary.
* The third is the one Lu Xun seems to use and the one I was looking for, but translations vary and in some cases "limping" could be a possible translation". More quotations with translation below.
* The fourth, "克制, 忍住", I haven't seen anywhere else and I'm not adding at the moment.
* MoE redirects to 蹩躠; a word that is only defined in the same dictionary.

v. sprain (an ankle/wrist)

sprain (one's ankle or wrist)
| 他走路不小心, 蹩了脚。
| He missed his step and sprained his foot.

1. 〈口〉指扭伤(脚腕等)。
| 不小心~了脚。


动 某些地区指扭伤脚腕等
| 当心把脚蹩了。

1 跛, 瘸。
|徐兴业《金瓯缺》:种师道蹩着右脚(那是在臧底河一战中被西夏人射伤, 以致成为轻微的残疾), 撩起因为拐脚走路, 因而显得不太合身的袍服。
| 周立波《暴风骤雨》:正锅配好灶, 歪锅配蹩灶。
2 方言。扭转;扭伤。
| 丁玲《母亲》:丫头老妈都忍俊不住, 悄悄地蹩着腰。
3 方言。躲躲闪闪地走动。
| 鲁迅《药》:他便退了几步, 寻到一家关着门的铺子, 蹩进檐下, 靠门立住了。
4 用同“憋”。克制, 忍住。
| 刘绍棠《青枝绿叶》:满囤嫂用袄袖擦把汗, 刚要说:‘从鸡叫…’满囤瞪她一眼, 就蹩了回去。
| 郭小川《致青年公民》:谈话中夹带着蹩不住的笑声。

He retreats a few paces, finds his way to a closed store, slips in under the eaves, and takes up a position beside the door. (Lyell)
He walked back a few steps to stand under the eaves of a shop, in front of its closed door. (Yangs)
He slunk back under the eaves of a shop, leaning against its bolted door. (Lovell)

This is a man who spends all his days in the teashop, the first to arrive and last to leave. He sidles in behind a corner table facing the street. No one answers. (Lyell)
He was one of those who spend all their time in teahouses, the first to come in the morning and the last to leave. Now he had just stumbled to a corner table facing the street, and sat down. But no one answered his question. (Yangs)
All day, every day he spent in the teahouse, always the first to arrive and the last to leave. Today, he had chosen the corner table nearest the street. Everyone ignored him. (Lovell)

Knowing full well that the man who had sneaked up behind him could be none other than his old friend and card-playing crony Third Huang, Gao tensed his neck muscles and wouldn't let his head budge. (Lyell)
He did not move, however, knowing from the voice and action that it was his old friend Huang San, with whom he played mahjong, who had tiptoed in. (Yangs)
He chose not to honour this approach by turning round: he knew both voice and hand belonged to his old gambling partner, Huang San, who must have limped quietly up behind him. (Lovell)

Holding the child in her arms, Old Amah scurries along under the eaves of the stores. (Lyell)
Amah carried over the child, flitting under the shade of the eaves. (Yangs)
Still holding the child in her arms, the old amah scurried along in the shade beneath the eaves of houses. (Lovell)

> MoE redirects to 蹩躠; a word that is only defined in the same dictionary
It's in Grand Ricci and HDC as well.
- 蹩 蹩 [bie2] /limp/
+ 蹩 蹩 [bie2] /to limp/to sprain (an ankle or wrist)/to move carefully, as if evading a danger/to scurry/

Change log entry 70239
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-07-28 09:14:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65419 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Unlike ABC/Pleco say, the object of 崇奉 is a deity, not a religion. LAC's example sentences are good usage illustrations: “儒家崇奉孔子”、“佛教崇奉释迦牟尼”.

v. believe in (a religion); worship

believe in (a religion); worship

| 儒家~孔子
| 道教~三清道祖
| 佛教~释迦牟尼。

| 《初刻拍案惊奇.卷七》:「玄宗虽崇奉道流,那惠妃却笃信佛教,各有所好。」
| 《老残游记.第九回》:「甚则说崇奉他的教,就一切罪孽消灭;不崇奉他的教,就是魔鬼入宫。」

动 崇敬信奉
| 破除迷信, 不再崇奉鬼神。

So, this is the entrance to Parthenon that it was a temple to the goddess, Athena.

They worshipped Jesus as the Son of God, and openly preached the good news.

To ensure the safety of fishermen on the sea, people began to worship a new goddess.

本文就这个问题作了一些初步的探讨。 认为道家的“道”给人们提供了终极关怀 ,这是道教崇奉老子为教主的内在根据 ;
Basing on a preliminary study of the question, this paper proposes that, the Tao of philosophic Taoism provides ultimate concern, which is the innate basis for the religious worship for Laozi as its hierarch.

After [Guan Yu] died, he was given posthumous titles by many emperors and was greatly revered by later generations, finally becoming a major deity of Buddhism and Daoism due to his virtue and patriotism, and his exemplary speech and behavior, which was unfailingly proper and just.

The Lord in Heaven worshipped by T'ienti Teachings Association is the God who created the universe.
+ 崇奉 崇奉 [chong2 feng4] /to believe in (a deity or other supernatural being)/to worship/

Change log entry 70095
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-07-16 08:08:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64608 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
☞ 瘐毙

v. 〈wr[itten].〉 die of disease (of a prisoner)

(of a prisoner) die of hunger or disease

动 <文> 指囚犯因受刑、饥寒或疾病而死于狱中。

On the left lie the bodies of criminals who have either been executed or died in prison. Paupers are buried on the right. (Lyell)
Left of the path, executed criminals or those who had died of neglect in prison were buried. Right of the path were paupers' graves. (Yangs)
To the left of this natural boundary line were buried the bodies of the executed and those who had died in prison; to the right lay the mass graves into which the town's poor were sunk. (Lovells)

* * *

☞ 瘐死

v. 〈wr[itten].〉 die of hunger/disease (of prisoners)

(of a prisoner) die of hunger or disease

| 今系者或以掠辜,若饥寒~狱中,何用心逆人道也(《汉书‧卷八‧宣帝纪》)。


动 瘐毙。

由于条件太差, 好多犯人瘐死狱中.
Due to bad conditions, many prisoners died in the prison.
+ 瘐斃 瘐毙 [yu3 bi4] /to die of hunger or disease (of a prisoner)/
+ 瘐死 瘐死 [yu3 si3] /to die of hunger or disease (of a prisoner)/

Change log entry 70084
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-14 06:49:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62432 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
attr. of vital importance; of great value

1. 重的一头;重要的部分。
| 他抬的是~
| 词条释义在词典中占~。
2. 作用大的;重要的。
| ~论文
| ~节目。

1 名 分量重的一端或重要的部分
| 我抬重头
| 他的戏在全剧中占重头。
2 区别 比喻最有力或最重要的
| 重头人物
| 重头戏。

Congress heads into the Easter recess this week with one big piece of business – healthcare reform – largely out of the way.

And the king of these stories is the story of the werewolf.

There's no need for a shopping spree, a few key items or accessories can transform your wardrobe into a spring sensation.

Rocketdyne's next major development was its first all-new design, the S-3D, which had been developed in parallel to the V-2 derived A series.

(At first I assumed 重头 was a typo for 从头, and, indeed, I can't find it on any Chinese dictionary, but I can find many usage examples and discussions.)



In a survey commissioned by Reader’s Digest in 2006, through a randomized, scientific selection process, over 71% of those surveyed (who were married) said they would marry their partner again.

Setting up a cross-compiler toolchain from scratch is not an easy task: it involves downloading the sources, patching, configuring, compiling, setting up headers, installation, and much, much more.

At the end of the day, read over your list and ask yourself, Did I do anything that created a measurable change toward each goal?

Upon finishing she has to spin six times and then hit a beer can with the bat, if she misses she will have to start again
+ 重頭 重头 [zhong4 tou2] /main/most important/essential/
# 重頭 重头 [chong2 tou2] /anew/from the beginning/
+ 重頭 重头 [chong2 tou2] /anew/from the beginning/(in poetry and song) repetition of a melody or rhythm/

Change log entry 70071
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-13 02:18:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65937 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* I wonder if it shouldn't be shìde since sìde is usually given as the TW pronunciation for 似的; but, since Wenlin has "fēiyěsì de" that is all I can submit for now.

v[erb].p[hrase]. at lightning speed; swiftly

| 《老殘遊記二編.第五回》:「泰安縣裡家人知道不妥,忙向老姑子託付了幾句,飛也似的下山去了。」

The boat shot out of the harbor like a bird and the next morning Franz disembarked at Porto-Ferrajo.

Kicking his chair aside, he dashed out of the room.

Just at that moment a flaring light lit up the room from outside and in the glare Tseng Tsang-hai saw several men, each with a torch in his hand.

> Using large plantain leaves for fans, the old folks and the men sat on the stools and chatted. Children darted lickety-split from place to place or squatted under the tallow trees playing toss-catch. (Lyell)
> The old folk and the men sat on the low stools, fanning themselves with plantain-leaf fans as they chatted. The children raced about or squatted under the tallow trees playing with pebbles. (Yangs)
> The elderly and the men took their seats, wielding large plantain-leaf fans and idly chatting, while the children skittered about or squatted beneath the tallow trees, tossing pebbles. (Lovell)


> "I wonder if it shouldn't be shìde since sìde is usually given as the TW pronunciation for 似的"

According to the (hidden) notes in the Wenlin entry, they got that entry from a source whose abbreviated name was "twf", which looks suspiciously like a Taiwanese source.
Anyway, there are websites that say it's shìde, so I'm going with that.
# 飛也似的 飞也似的 [fei1 ye3 si4 de5] /lit. as if flying/very fast/
+ 飛也似的 飞也似的 [fei1 ye3 shi4 de5] /lit. as if flying/very fast/

Change log entry 70058
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-11 11:52:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65437 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Also “汽灯” in LAC, GF and 现代汉语大词典.

n. safety light

1. 一种戴有防风罩的手提煤油灯。
| 这盏~应该可以点到天亮。
2. 汽灯。

| 《海上花列传.第四回》:「当中挂着一盏保险灯,映着四壁,像月洞一般。」

名 带防风罩的手提煤油灯。

"Oh, so that's it, there's a kerosene lamp here—no wonder!" (Lyell)
“So there is a paraffin lamp here,” (Yangs)
'Oh ... a lamp!” (Lovell)


里边没人应声,他们就走了进去。这两间草房通连着,南边是一条贴山炕,地下有个连着炕沿的锅台,墙上挂着保险灯 、鞭子和水壶。

后来,他又找来三个农民一起进行挖掘。他们打开墓门,发现里面黑洞洞的。大家都害怕,谁也不敢进去。又过了一两天,他们决定打着火把和煤油保险灯 进去探险。
《人民日报》 2000年

Editor: I didn't quite understand what this "protective cover" was supposed to be.
I mean, all kerosene lamps have a glass chimney, if that's what "protective cover" refers to.
Wp ~ "Kerosene lamps have a wick or mantle as light source, protected by a glass chimney".
So I figured maybe the "cover" is just the glass chimney that all kerosene lamps have (except perhaps in ancient times).
Grand Ricci's definition implies just that:
"literally, secure lamp : kerosene lamp."
i.e. 保险灯 is just another name for kerosene lamp (it seems to me).

There's a picture of a 保险灯 on this page.
It seems to be exactly what I'd call a "kerosene lamp".
It has a glass chimney. I wouldn't describe that as a "protective cover".

Compare that 保险灯 with the kerosene lamps on this page:
# 保險燈 保险灯 [bao3 xian3 deng1] /kerosene lamp with protective cover to shield from the wind/
+ 保險燈 保险灯 [bao3 xian3 deng1] /kerosene lamp/

Change log entry 70057
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-11 10:58:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64237 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* I think Wenlin/ABC's definition “endure humiliation to carry out an important mission” corresponds to the expression 忍辱负重, not to 负重 by itself.

v[erb] o[bject construction]
① shoulder a heavy load
② endure humiliation to carry out an important mission

1 carry a heavy load on one's back
| 负重训练
| weight training
2 shoulder a heavy task

1. 背(ㄅㄟ bēi)着重物。
| ~行军
| ~竞走。
2. 担负重任。
| 忍辱~。

| 唐.李善.注:「明君之御民,若乘奔而无辔,履冰而负重也。」

1 动 背(bēi)着重物
| 负重行军。
2 动 担负重任
| 忍辱负重。
+ 負重 负重 [fu4 zhong4] /(lit. and fig.) to carry a heavy load/to carry a heavy burden/

Change log entry 70019
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-06 11:52:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65213 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
VERB see the world; enrich one's experience
| 这次出国见了大世面。
| The trip abroad was a real eye-opener.

v.o. see the world; enrich one's experience

| 在大风大浪中经风雨,~。

| 《红楼梦.第一六回》:「可恨我小几岁年纪,若早生二三十年,如今这些老人家也不薄我没见世面了。」

指到社会上去熟悉情况, 增长见识。

Chelsea started pushing to go to camp when she was only five, saying she wanted to see the world and have adventures.

We Communists ought to face the world and brave the storm, the great world of mass struggle and the mighty storm of mass struggle.

I am just an ignorant country girl!

You are a sophisticate.

He 's always acting the experienced man having seen everything .

You won't see life if you stay at home for ever.

He is a person with a very limited outlook.To the best of his knowledge, the world is just as large as the mouth of a well.

"What's the difference between planting crops and digging at an archaeological site?" inquires an unthinking visitor. Old Dong is startled for a second, then looks disgusted at the foolishness of the query. He slowly replies, "No difference." He ponders for half a beat, then adds: "You have to be a little more careful digging up old sites

The origins of the term "Taike"--literally "Taiwan guest" or "Tai guy"--are obscure. It is generally believed to have been in use in the 1960s at the earliest, when gangs of second-generation immigrants from the mainland would use it as a slur against Fujianese and Hakka people whose families had already been in Taiwan for many generations. It carried a sense of superiority against what the gangs saw as the unfashionable, unworldly country bumpkin locals who couldn't speak "proper" Mandarin. The term is heard many times in the Edward Yang film A Brighter Summer Day, which takes the immigrant village culture of that era as its backdrop.

> My initial exposure was during the first year of the Republic, when I first arrived in Beijing. A friend said, "Beijing Opera is the best there is. Why not go and broaden your horizons a bit?” (Lyell)
> The first time was in 1912 when I was new to Beijing. A friend told me Beijing had the best opera and that seeing it was an experience not to be missed. (Yangs)
> The first time was in 1912, the first year of the Republic. I'd just arrived in Beijing, and a friend told me I should go, just for the experience - Beijing opera being the best in the country. (Lovell)

> "On the other hand, I gotta remember that next to me, Wei Villagers are just a bunch of hicks. They've never even seen how bigheads are fried in town. (Lyell)
> But the Weizhuang villagers were really ignorant rustics who had never seen fish fried in town. (Yangs)
> Though the people of Weizhuang, of course, were still village idiots: think of it - they didn't even know how people fried fish in town! (Lovell)

Editor: 世面 is usually combined with 见, but often something comes between the two words.
Other times 世面 is the object of another verb such as 接觸 or 識 (rather than 见). (See examples below.)
So it's useful to have a good definition of 世面, and I've taken the opportunity to tweak our definition.

I feel that "to gain real-world experience" is a bit misleading in that it sounds too much like the situation where someone puts the skills they learned in the classroom into practice in a workplace setting. Also, I think "worldly-wise" matches 见过世面 all right, but isn't quite apt for 见世面.


your kids are going to grow up to be provincials ignorant of the larger world,

It was a real eye-opener for the untraveled young Chang-mei.

As the youngest daughter in her family, and her father's chosen successor, she was taken along whenever he went to see friends or acquaintances, so she could get a feel for the larger world from an early age.

He feels that "creativity" develops after encountering different cultures and experiences, and seeing different sides of the world around us.
# 見世面 见世面 [jian4 shi4 mian4] /to see the world/to gain real-world experience/to broaden one's horizons/to be worldly-wise/
+ 見世面 见世面 [jian4 shi4 mian4] /to see the world/to broaden one's horizons/
- 世面 世面 [shi4 mian4] /aspects of society/the world/
+ 世面 世面 [shi4 mian4] /the wider world/diverse aspects of society/

Change log entry 70017
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-06 07:48:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65215 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v. select; choose

VERB choose; pick; select

| ~精粟
| ~吉日。

| 《儒林外史.第一○回》:「央媒拜允,一是二位老爷拣择;或娶过去,或招在这里,也是二位老爷斟酌。」
| 《红楼梦.第五五回》:「若是凤姐前,他便早已献勤,说出许多主意,又查出许多旧例来,任凤姐儿拣择施行。」

动 <文> 挑选
| 拣择精粟。

When resting, they lay down their bamboo pole, sit on top of it and casually choose an extra-tender lotus root "spear" or a rather older "blunt knife" and chew large mouthfuls of it to quench their thirst.

Times change. Zhang Qian's day is long gone, and the global village is upon us. Thanks to the WTO, many citizens of the world can pick and choose from a dazzling array of fruits, vegetables, flowers and seafoods.

The Qianlong era Muslim Jin Tianzhu said: "Other religions have found us inexplicable for thousands of years. Some say we are unorthodox, and have made up our rules. They say we speak strangely, wear strange clothes, and have a strange diet. They don't know which god we worship. They say we meet at night, and break up in the morning, that men are mingling with women. These doubts are all because there have been no explanations." The reason for the misconceptions was that "People haven't studied our books."

Mother said that we ought to see to it that he got as much of what we weren't going to take with us as possible. So we told him to take whatever he wanted. (Lyell)
Mother said that we should offer him all the things we were not going to take away, letting him choose for himself. (Yangs)
Anything we didn't need to take with us, Mother said, we should give him; he could take whatever he wanted. (Lovell)
# 揀擇 拣择 [jian3 ze2] /(literary) to select/to pick/to chose/
+ 揀擇 拣择 [jian3 ze2] /(literary) to select/to choose/

Change log entry 70015
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-07-06 06:16:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62672 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v. prepose ◆n. preposition- ◆attr. ①prepositional ②pre-

Which ranges of bytes can be lead bytes depends on the code page in use.

Based on there features, the paper develops an account for the constraints on adjectives and participles as premodifiers in English noun phrase

双引号支持转义序列使用一个前置反斜杠(\)并支持在字符串中使用 #{}操作符计算表达式。
Double quotes allow escape sequences that use a leading backslash ( \ ) and also allow evaluation of expressions within the strings using the #{} operator.

These are ultra low noise, high headroom preamps that can hold their own, even against expensive standalone boutique-style preamps.

The same design could be used in both Ferrari’s front and mid-engined cars.

Determine how many leading zeros you want the integer value to display.

In this paper, a new kind humidifying fan with pre-fixed spraying nozzles has been developed on the basis of original axial fan.

I did some more research and found this interesting blog article with YouTube video about why Kenmore Front Load Washers Fail.

Another developer, Total Immersion, has come up with Magic Mirror, a clever use for that front iPad camera that lets users “try on” various outfits, hairdos and accessories.

The system approaches previously reported systems in terms of preamplifier noise and the base line noise level.

You must of course verify , for every expression involving partial functions, that the arguments satisfy the corresponding preconditions.

The contract also has preconditions that require clients to pass in an amount greater than or equal to zero to both withdraw() and deposit().

The articles are preposed in most languages.

This front LCD performs various functions in addition to showing people what they look like.

However, because of various reasons, the preparatory process is often a formality.
+ 前置 前置 [qian2 zhi4] /to place before/frontal/leading/pre-/

Change log entry 69990
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-07-03 13:42:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65065 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
① in a certain amount
② like this

1 so; such; in this way; like that
| 泉水清如许。
| The spring water is so clear.
2 so much; so many
| 枉费如许工力
| have wasted so much labour

1. 若干、有些。如:「如许钱」。
2. 如此、这样。
| 《南史.卷七二.文学传.卞彬传》:「徒有八尺围,腹无一寸肠,面皮 如许厚,受打未讵央。」
| 宋.范成大〈盘龙驿〉诗:「行路如许难,谁能不华发。」

1 代 如此; 这样
| 成绩辉煌如许。
2 代 这么些; 这么多
| 破费如许钱财。

> I had never dreamed that the world was so full of so many new and marvelous things. Just to think that the seashore had all those wonderful colored shells to offer! And even watermelons had a danger-filled story behind them that I'd never suspected. All I'd known was that you buy them in fruit stores. (Lyell)
> I had never known that all these strange things existed: at the seashore were shells all the colours of the rainbow; watermelons had such a dangerous history, yet all I had known of them before was that they were sold in the greengrocer's. (Yangs)
> I still had so much to discover: seashells of every colour, dangerous goings-on around watermelons ... Until then, they'd just been something you bought at a fruit stall. (Lovell)

How do you remain so cool in such hot weather?

As we passed the expensive restaurant, father hurried us along saying that it was well beyond our means to have dinner at such a fancy place.

I am not sure such data does exist.

Never has our great motherland been so prosperous as it is today.

As with many other physical quantities, the mass of a body can be measured in several different ways.
+ 如許 如许 [ru2 xu3] /(literary) like this/such (as this)/this much/these many/

Change log entry 69989
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-07-03 13:32:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64798 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
f.e. halt; Halt!

1 halt
| 立定!
[word of command] Halt!
2 (-//-) stand firm
| 立定脚跟
| gain a foothold; become established
3 resolutely determine
set one’s resolve

1. 停下脚步;站定。
| ~脚跟
| ~跳远
| 人们都~了围着看。
2. 军事或体操口令,命令队伍或个人停止前进并就地立正。
| ~!向右转!

1. 停下不动。
| 《儒林外史.第四九回》:「轿子冲着大门立定,只见大门里粉屏上贴着红纸朱标的『内阁中书』的封条。」
2. 立意决定。
| 《红楼梦.第七七回》:「王夫人问之再三,他三人已是立定主意,遂与两个姑子叩了头,又拜辞了王夫人。」

1 动 停住脚步; 站住
| 立定跳远。
2 动 军事或体操口令, 命令队伍或个人停止前进并就地立正。
3 动 拿定; 确定
| 立定意向
| 立定主张。

The colonel ordered "Halt!"

全排注意, 立定!
Platoon, halt!

大家立定,他也许还走; 大家已走,他也许多站一会儿; 他似乎听不见那施号发令的锣声。
When everyone stops he keeps going, when everyone moves forward, he remains still, as if he does not hear the commands clashed out on the gong.

Finally, Asian economies must maintain their resolve and determination to restructure and reform with the help of the IMF and other multilateral agencies.

The lack of access to information even caused some of them to contract SARS and die. Immediately, it became Tan’s ambition to work in news media.

Once outside the temple, the children stop running, join hands, and make their leisurely way homeward. Smiling, they put their voices together and sing, making up the words as they go along: (Lyell)
After scampering out of the temple the children came to a halt. Holding hands, they sauntered slowly home, spluttering with laughter as they sang in chorus a song they had just made: (Yangs)
Once clear of the temple, the children paused, linked hands, and slowly made their way home, giggling a few extemporized snatches of song: (Lovell)

队伍行进到离大桑树五步远时,指导员喊了“立定 ”的口令,队伍却立不定,好象惯性难收,一群熟悉的面孔凑上来。

入了站,他急忙要下去,又不敢跳车,走到车门又走了回来。刚回来,车立定 了,他赶紧又往外跑,恰好和上来的旅客与脚夫顶在一处,谁也不让步,激烈的顶着。

看我们同时代者的画,也着实看得不少了,可是能达到像他这样的调和谐整地截取自然的地步的,却也不多。所以我就立定 了主意,想暂时站在那里,等他朝转头来的时候,可以看一看地的面貌。
+ 立定 立定 [li4 ding4] /to stop/to halt/halt!/to hold resolutely (of a view, an aspiration etc)/

Change log entry 69985
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-07-03 06:39:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65938 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* 胞衣 seems far more common (295,000 Google results vs. 22,500 for 衣胞)
* Wenlin gives the pronunciation as "yībao(r)", but most dictionaries have yībāo.

n. placenta

(human) afterbirth; placenta

| 《金瓶梅.第四○回》:「用著頭生孩子的衣胞,拏酒洗了,燒成灰兒。」

名 胞衣。


立着生,产妇出血却是很多,很多平产因此变成了难产,生到半路产妇没有力气了,也没有救急的方法,母子就很容易死掉了。此外,衣胞 不下来,过去说是衣胞沾着了心。
《 人民日报》1949年08月02日

北大还是传播马克思主义的最早基地、中国共产党诞生的衣胞 之地和我党早期活动的重要场所。

猪出生时要求作到“三全、五防、四准备”。三全是母猪生产安全、小猪全活、全壮;五防是防止母猪流产,防止母猪吃衣胞 或小猪(母猪应多喂钙质),防止小猪生后得脐带风,防止压死小猪,防止回奶(母猪产后二天内不要大喂,并加喂一些投奶饲料);四准备是作好临产准备(禁用麦草垫窝),猪窝消毒准备(用艾子火),刀剪消毒准备,饲料准备等。

Editor: since it's a less common word I'll just link it to the more common one.
# 衣胞 衣胞 [yi1 bao1] /placenta/same as 胞衣[bao1 yi1]/
+ 衣胞 衣胞 [yi1 bao1] /see 胞衣[bao1 yi1]/

Change log entry 69953
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-07-01 14:15:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62633 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v.p. ①drive; whip on; spur ②order about

1 drive; whip on
2 order about
| 任人驱策
| allow oneself to be ordered about

| 《聊斋志异.卷十.神女》:「但有驱策,敢不惟命!」

| 任人~
| ~自己,力争上游。

China is also being driven by national pride.

“在极度需要的驱策下,他才去那里偷食物” (约瑟夫·康拉德)。
"Urged by an extreme necessity, he had come there to steal food" (Joseph Conrad).

Accordingly, Deng interfered the enlarged Military Affairs Committee conference in 1958 and urged Peng Dehuai to launch harsh attacks on the so-called "dogmatism" within the PLA.

They mourned, they wept, and went away, and came again, driven by their hearts to the sepulchre.
+ 驅策 驱策 [qu1 ce4] /to urge (sb to do do sth)/to drive (sb to take an action)/

Change log entry 69952
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-07-01 14:14:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65459 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. 〈trad.〉 the three sacrifices (pig, sheep, cow)

three domestic animals (i.e. cattle, sheep, and pigs, formerly used as sacrificial offerings)


1. 古代祭祀用的牛、羊、豕三种牺牲。
| 《孝经.纪孝行》:「虽日用三牲之养,犹为不孝也。」
| 宋.邢昺.疏:「三牲,牛、羊、豕也。」
| 《抱朴子.内篇.道意》:「太牢三牲,曷为济焉!」
2. 俗称为鸡、鱼、豕。
| 唐.韩愈〈太学博士李君墓志铭〉:「五谷三牲,盐醯果蔬,人所常御。」

名 古代指祭祀用的牛、羊、猪。后也以猪、鸡、鱼作为三牲, 称为小三牲。

湘潭韶山地方议决客来吃三牲, 即只吃鸡、鱼、猪
In Shaoshan, Hsiangtan County, it has been decided that guests are to be served with only three kinds of animal food, namely, chicken, fish and pork.

In a paper entitled "Turtle Worshipping in Ancient China," Ling Chun-sheng, the first director of the Institute of Ethnology of the Academia Sinica, wrote that Taiwan's dough turtle tradition comes from the southern Fujian coast. For early Han settlers in Taiwan, putting food on the table was most important. Since people enjoyed eating turtle meat in the here and now, they figured it shouldn't be any different in the hereafter. Turtles joined oxen, sheep and pigs as one of the animals most commonly used as offerings in ceremonies honoring ancestors. At first living turtles were used in these ceremonies. After the ceremonies they would be released. But later, when it became hard to find living turtles, turtles made from flour and all kinds of other substances began to be used in their place.

In front of the temple, a drama troupe playing the roles of spirits and deities is warming up the crowd, while villagers slaughter fowl and swine to prepare for a "three sacrifices" offering.

First, a complete offering of an ox, sheep, and pig should be made when worshiping heaven, and the meat should be uncooked.
# 三牲 三牲 [san1 sheng1] /the three sacrificial animals: originally cow, sheep and pig; later pig, chicken and fish/
+ 三牲 三牲 [san1 sheng1] /the three sacrificial animals (originally cow, sheep and pig; later pig, chicken and fish)/

Change log entry 69947
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-07-01 10:43:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64316 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. written admonition to the emperor

| 《汉书.卷八八.儒林传.王式传》:「臣以三百五篇谏,是以亡谏书。」

| 《汉书•儒林传·王式》:「臣以三百五篇谏,是以亡谏书。」
| 唐韩翃《送夏侯校书归上都》诗:「此回将诣阙,几日谏书成。」
| 宋朱熹《送张彦辅赴阙》诗:「问君此去谈何事,袖有谏书三万字。」
+ 諫書 谏书 [jian4 shu1] /written admonition from an official to his sovereign (old)/

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