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Change log entry 71826
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-19 07:02:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65264 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* MoE has pronunciation cīsuī, but it isn't supported by any other source.
* Other than as part of the expression “暴戾恣睢”, 恣睢 may be more classical than simply literary. I've only seen it used once on modern work -- by Lu Xun, quoted below.
* I haven't seen the second sense in any modern source, but it's likely classical and attested with citations in at least two dictionaries -- I see no reason not to include it.

v. 〈wr[itten].〉
① be reckless/unbridled
② be extremely conceited

reckless; unbridled
See 暴戾恣睢

1. 〈书〉任意胡作非为;放纵蛮横。
| 盗蹠日杀不辜,肝人之肉,暴戾~,聚党数千人横行天下,竟以寿终(《史记‧卷六十一‧伯夷列传》)。
2. 〈书〉放任自得的样子。
| 夫尧既已黥汝以仁义,而劓汝以是非矣,汝将何以游夫遥荡~转徙之涂乎(《庄子‧大宗师》)。

1. 形容暴横、放纵。
| 《史记.卷六一.伯夷传》:「盗蹠日杀不辜,肝人之肉,暴戾恣睢,聚党数千人横行天下,竟以寿终。」
| 《后汉书.卷五二.崔骃传》:「黎、共奋以跋扈兮,羿、浞狂以恣睢。」
2. 自得的样子。
| 《庄子.大宗师》:「夫尧既已黥汝以仁义,而劓汝以是非矣。汝将何以游夫遥荡恣睢,转徙之涂乎?」

形 <文> 任意胡作非为

> And yet, just to keep that from happening, I wouldn't want them to have this vagabond life of mine, any more than I'd want them to have Runtu's barren one. Still less would I want them to muddle through the hedonistic lives other people lead. (Lyell)
> But again I would not like them, because they want to be one, to have a treadmill existence like mine, nor to suffer like Runtu until they become stupefied, nor yet, like others, to devote all their energies to dissipation. (Yangs)
> or to suffer numbly like Runtu - nor to anaesthetize themselves with self-indulgence, as others did ... (Lovell)
+ 恣睢 恣睢 [zi4 sui1] /(literary) reckless/unbridled/self-indulgent/conceited/overly pleased with oneself/

Change log entry 71823
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-19 06:29:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64993 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Sense large-scale war (大规模的战争/大战事) seems more historical than dated.
* Sense large/strong army may be dated.
* Sense "soldier" isn't necessarily dated as PLC says or derogatory as LAC says, but it's connotation seems to shifted over the course of 20th century: pre-WWII it seems to be a common word for "soldier, foot soldier" and generally refers to Chinese soldiers, but since WWII it seems to have been associated with American GIs, "美国大兵", and as consequence it's usage as declined as it's mostly used to refer to American soldiers, as in the PRC title for the film Saving Private Ryan —抢救雷恩大兵. I think that's why some Chinese people can feel it sounds derogatory, because it's used to refer to (hostile) foreign soldiers, not to Chinese military people.

① soldiers; foot soldiers M:ge/míng 个/名
② big battle
③ imperial troops
④ large army

1 DATED soldier
2 LITERARY numbers of troops
| 大兵压境
| a large number of (enemy) troops threatening the border

1. 士兵(含贬义)。
| 美国~。
2. 声势浩大的军队。
| ~压境。
3. 〈书〉大规模的战争。
| 妖星出,天下~将起(《宋书‧卷二十四‧天文志二》)。

1. 国家的军队。
| 《儒林外史.第三九回》:「萧云仙又叫一百兵丁埋伏在山凹里,只听山头炮响,一齐呐喊起来,报称大兵已到,赶上前来助战。」
2. 雄厚的兵力。
| 《文选.陈琳.檄吴将校部曲文》:「日忘一日,以至覆没,大兵一放,玉石俱碎。」
| 《文选.钟会.檄蜀文》:「若偷安旦夕,迷而不反,大兵一放,玉石俱碎。」
3. 大战事。
4. 士兵。

1 名 士兵。
2 名 指人数众多、声势浩大的军队
| 大兵压境。

Soldiers will be arriving here any minute! (Lyell)
The Imperial Army will be here any time now. (Yangs)
But the army's still coming (Lovell)

Remembering what he had suffered at the hands of those soldiers he could well picture what prison would be like.

Tom Hanks was brilliant in the movie Saving Private Ryan. He might get another Oscar nomination this year.

Taiwan's agricultural produce once again took a sharp turn. This was easy to understand, because before Zheng Chenggong came, Taiwan only had a population of 100,000 people. Once Zheng arrived, he brought with him many immigrants. The army alone amounted to 70,000 people. So Zheng Chenggong ordered that sweet potatoes be planted, so that the army could at least be fed before they worried about other considerations.

he stories she chooses to tell all tend to involve love that is in some way on the edge. Examples include the tale of a man's secret love for a friend's wife and the suffering he experiences as a result of never being able to give it expression; of a woman going to war in the Persian Gulf and worrying that she will die there[...]
+ 大兵 大兵 [da4 bing1] /soldier/large army/powerful army/large-scale war (old)/

Change log entry 71822
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-19 05:49:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65740 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
洋学堂 is the name given in the late Qing period to schools teaching subjects similar to those taught in the West, rather than the Confucian classics traditionally taught in Chinese schools. Most translations I see seem deceiving to me: "Western learning/Western studies" sounds like students would be studying the West (like "Asian studies"); "foreign-run school" is just wrong, it doesn't have to be foreign-run and certainly most weren't; "foreign academy" sounds like a modern international/foreign private school...


| 巴金《家》:这都是给洋学堂教坏了的。

In my student days, when I went back to the village and saw that the peasants were against the " foreign-style school", I, too, used to identify myself with the general run of " foreign-style students and teachers" and stand up for it, feeling that the peasants were somehow wrong.

Look at your uncle Ke-ting. He never went to school, he only studied at home with a tutor. But he reads the classics very well, and he writes better than any of you."

If you don't want to take my word for it, ask him. He's just returned from a foreign-run academy in Beijing. (Lyell)
If you don't believe me, ask him! He's just come back from the foreign school in Beijing. (Yangs)
If you don't believe me, ask him - he's just back from one of those foreign academies in . (Lovell)

> Some time back, this lad had gone off to town and attended one of those new fangled academies where they taught foreign things along with Chinese subjects. After that, somehow or other, he'd sailed off to Japan. By the time he came back half a year later he was walking stiff-legged, just the way foreigners do, and his queue was gone! That was enough to send his mother into a good dozen fits of wailing and his dear wife had thrice tried to drown herself in the well. (Lyell)
> After studying in a foreign-style school in the city, it seemed he had gone to Japan. When he came home half a year later his legs were straight and his queue had disappeared. His mother wept bitterly a dozen times, and his wife tried three times to jump into the well. (Yangs)
> Some time past, he had gone off to town to enrol in one of the newfangled Academies of Western Learning, then somehow gone off again to Japan. Six months later, he was back, goose-stepping like a foreigner and his queue gone with the fairies. His mother had wept inconsolably, while his wife had tried to commit suicide three times by jumping into the well. (Lovells)

姨的发言才具有实质性的意义,不像三舅,善罢甘休能怎么样,不善罢甘休又能怎么样?一听老姨的话,奶奶才害了怕。她不怕秀春的三舅,别看他在省里念过洋学堂 ,她倒是觉得这个没念过洋学堂的老姨,旗鼓相当,不好对付。
+ 洋學堂 洋学堂 [yang2 xue2 tang2] /school after the Western model, teaching subjects such as foreign languages, math, physics, chemistry etc (old)/

Change log entry 71820
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-19 05:41:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65358 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
It's not really equivalent to the western “gentry”.

n. influential families of a prefecture


指郡中为众人所仰望的贵显家族, 如陇西李氏、太原王氏、汝南周氏等。
| 鲁迅《阿Q正传》:第四, 是阿Q的籍贯了。倘他姓赵, 则据现在称郡望的老例, 可以照《郡名百家姓》上的注解, 说是‘陇西天水人也’。


> If his family name were definitely Zhao then I could follow the custom, so popular in present-day biographical writing, of naming the ancient district from whence his family hailed. That way, basing myself on the standard reference, The Hundred Surnames and Their Places of Origin, I could assert with confidence that our Ah Q doth a Tianshui man of Longxi be. Trouble is, since it's somewhat doubtful that Zhao was his family name in the first place, how can I assert with any degree of certainty where his family came from? (Lyell)
> If his surname were Zhao, then according to the old custom which still prevails of classifying people by their district, one might look up the commentary in The Hundred Surnames and find “Native of Tianshui in Gansu.” But unfortunately this surname is open to question, with the result that Ah Q's place of origin must also remain uncertain. (Yangs)
> If we could be sure his surname was Zhao, we could trace him back to the province from which the clan originated. A quick glance through our old school copy of the Hundred Surnames would leave him 'A Native of Tianshui, Gansu Province'. But as we have no reliable information about his surname, neither can we fix on his birthplace. (Lovells)

这些新房的主人,往往喜欢在大门的门额上嵌入辉缘石,或镌刻“颍川衍派”或“江夏世家”或“西河故郡”等字样,这就是一种郡望 的标志。人们只要一看这种郡号,便知这家主人的姓氏,其祖先来自何方。

Editor: Quotes from some of my references ~

Routledge Handbook of Imperial Chinese History:
"It argues that, from the Western Wei, Northern Zhou, and Sui through the Early Tang, the central government was continuously dominated by a group of upper-class people with choronyms in Guanzhong and Long (Gansu). [...]
choronym (junwang 郡望), one's ancestral place, often an indicator of prominence"

Title: 唐代士人の郡望について (On the "Chun Wang" (郡望) of the Gentry in T'ang Dynasty)
Author: 竹田 龍兒 (Takeda Ryuji)

"It was a much favored ritual to address a person using first his native province and then his family name."

郡望: 宋姓郡望主要有京兆郡、西河郡、廣平郡、敦煌郡、河南郡、弘農郡、扶風郡、樂陵郡、江夏郡等。其中,西河、廣平、敦煌、河南、扶風為古代宋氏五大郡望。


1) "During the medieval period, the choronym coupled with the surname became a standard way of distinguishing the superior social status of locally influential families."
2) "... her epitaph also records the family's choronym; she is identified as Taiyuan Guo 太原郭. This practice of recording choronyms continued into later eras and was especially important throughout the Tang."
3) "The term 'choronym' refers to the combination of a surname and a distinctive geographical location (usually the name of a commandery) where the family first established its economic, political, and cultural influence. The choronym became a condensed way of communicating great clan status in biographical and genealogical works, including epitaphs."
4) "powerful families can be identified through inscriptions that record numerous individuals sharing the same choronym-surname combination
5 "Only Hedong Commandery, the choronym of Liu Dai's son-in-law, was located further west in Si Province 司州 (southern Shanxi). Many of these choronyms were used to name émigré commanderies (qiaojun 僑郡) or prefectures (qiaox- ian 僑縣) established in the South"
6) What does this detailed list of six generations of genealogy and marriage alliances, with special emphasis on office holding and regions of origin (choronyms), tell us about early medieval attitudes toward the indicators of elite status?
-- from "Entombed Epigraphy and Commemorative Culture in Early Medieval China" by Timothy M. Davis

<< a government student of the eighteenth generation, also reports that "our lineage had its origin in Fanyang."* Footnote: * Fanyang is the junwang 郡望(choronym) of the Zous. >>
--from "Confucian Rituals and Chinese Villagers"

JUNWANG 郡望 (prominent clan in the commandery; choronym): in the Six Dynasties and Sui-Tang period, the social status of officials and scholars came to be judged by the prominence of their ancestral clan in a commandery or junwang. The best known clans included the Cuis of Qinghe 清河崔, the Lus of Fanyang 范陽盧, the Lis of Zhaojun 趙郡李, the Zhengs of Xingyang 滎陽鄭, and the Wangs The best known clans included the Cuis of Qinghe 清河崔, the Lus of Fanyang 范陽盧, the Lis of Zhaojun 趙郡李, the Zhengs of Xingyang 滎陽鄭, and the Wangs of Taiyuan 太原王.
"Historical Dictionary of Medieval China" By Victor Cunrui Xiong"

"This paper is focused on the historical comparison between the Chinese choronym system (Junwangzhidu) and the Korean choronym system (Pon’gwanchedo), which respectively existed in Chinese history from ancient to T’ang times and in Korean history from the traditional period to modern times."

【Abstract】 Modern dictionaries of Chinese define the meaning of Chun-wang as the Chinese choronym to the elite families of the prefecture.And these definitions of Chtin-wang heavily influence modern scholars who study Chinese choronyms.But I think these definitions of Chtinwang should be carefully re-considered.Because,in Chinese historiographies,the word Chtinwang means the registry of the ancestor rather than the elite families.Even in the examples which modern dictionaries present to explain the meaning of Chtin-wang the stated example also means the registry of the ancestor.
A research of the meaning of "native place" in Modern Chinese Dictionary

"What this celebrated association recalls is the medieval Chinese practice of associating a powerful clan with a specific place-name at the prefectural level (junwang 郡望, translated as “choronym” by David Johnson). In both cases the place-name functioned to convey the clan’s prestige."
* David Johnson, Medieval Chinese Oligarchy, p. 30. Following the format of the Chinese phrase junwan, we may call Huizhou lineages’ practice of associating lineage with village names “chunwang 村望.”
- 郡望 郡望 [jun4 wang4] /(old) gentry/
# + 郡望 郡望 [jun4 wang4] /(old) locally well-known and respected family/
+ 郡望 郡望 [jun4 wang4] /choronym (a family's region of origin, used as an indicator of superior social status in a choronym-surname combination) (Note: In medieval times, an influential clan would refer to itself using a combination of choronym and surname as an indication of elite status. For example, the Tang writer Han Yu 韓愈|韩愈[Han2 Yu4] is also known as 韓昌黎|韩昌黎[Han2 Chang1 li2], where 韓|韩[Han2] is his surname and 昌黎[Chang1 li2] is his family's ancestral prefecture 郡[jun4].)/

Change log entry 71797
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-15 07:40:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65385 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
on. sound of clanging/gurgling/etc.

| 溪水哗哗地流。
| The stream went gurgling on.
| 铁门哗的一声拉上了。
| The iron gate was pulled to a close with a clang.

1. 拟声词。模拟下雨、水流、东西散落等的声音。
| 雨~啦啦地下不停
| 碗盘稀里~啦地碎了一地。
2. 叹词。表示惊讶。
| ~!爆米花洒了满地。


拟声 模拟水流淌、下雨等的声音
| 雨哗哗地下个不停
| 眼泪哗哗地流。

she whispered, as a sweet madness swept over her. She tossed her head and sped out of the booth, tapping her heels like castanets, snapping open her black silk fan to its widest.

They paddled easily along while water gurgled on each side of the boat.

The young women clenched their teeth and fought down their panic. They did not let their hands tremble. The oars plashed loudly, steadily through the water.

Wow! How beautiful! Wow! So many gifts!

哗,老天! 我打到大奖了!
Oh my God, I just hit the jackpot!

哗, 你的盘子里几乎没什么东西.
Gee. You've hardly got anything on your tray.

Wow, that sounds pretty bad. But it's what this movie is driving towards.

Feng Yi-kang of the Shining Sound Workshop says, "It's like--whoosh!--you've opened the lid of a crock pot, and everyone's just rushed forth."

Some geography teachers in Taiwan thoroughly admire the way mainland textbooks use folk songs, slang and other vernacular forms of language to express geographical phenomena, such as "Four seasons on the same mountain, walk 5 km and you enter a different climate"; "The hot spring gurgles like a bubbling cauldron of boiling water"; or "If you want to get rich, first build roads." Many experts are discussing how such elements could be used in Taiwan's teaching materials.

他开了门,将盆里的脏水"哗 "地泼了。

打开水龙头,水就“哗哗哗 ”地流出来,中央有热浴池,墙边则是冷浴池,我就像活蹦乱跳的乌鱼一样在水里“扑通扑通”地到处乱跳,直到被三哥抓着手,用搓澡巾全身上下地搓。

阿小苦恼地翻了个身,在枕头那边,雨还是哗 哗下,一盆水对准了她浇下来。
- 嘩 哗 [hua1] /crashing sound/
+ 嘩 哗 [hua1] /(onom.) bang/clang/sound of gurgling, splashing or flowing water/(interjection expressing surprise) wow/

Change log entry 71778
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-13 11:16:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64730 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
VARIANT OF 号啕​〔號啕〕 háotáo
VERB cry loudly; wail
| 号啕大哭
| cry loudly; weep and wail




宝儿的呼吸从平稳变到没有, 单四嫂子的声音也就从呜咽变成号咷。

人们捧着一颗沉重的心爬上了各自的眠床,而在睡梦中,他们发泄了他们的忿怒、咒骂和号咷 。
+ 號咷 号咷 [hao2 tao2] /variant of 號啕|号啕[hao2 tao2]/
# extra:
+ 嚎啕 嚎啕 [hao2 tao2] /variant of 號啕|号啕[hao2 tao2]/

Change log entry 71775
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-12 07:17:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64354 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* 反面教员 seems to be used only in the PRC and to have its origin in party-speak.

☞ 反面教员

n. sb. who can be taken as negative example

teacher by negative example

| 他的错误行为让人引以为戒,可作为我们的~。

☞ 反面教材

n. negative example

negative example which may serve as a lesson; bad experience which teaches us what not to do

| 炫富行为,是标准的~
| 他好大喜功,导致事业失败收场,成为创业者的~。

The Rightists are very good teachers by negative example.

Let them stay on in their own unit but strip them of their political capital, isolate them and use them as teachers by negative example.

Previously there were the Ching government, Yuan Shih-kai and the Northern warlords, and then there was Chiang Kai-shek. They were all fine teachers by negative example.

Greece is held up as a cautionary tale, and every uptick in the interest rate on U. S. government bonds is treated as an indication that markets are turning on America over its deficits.

The political turmoil in Thailand over the past two years has almost given us a counter - example.

It is a classic example of how not to design a new city centre.

China Uses ‘House of Cards’ as Illustration of West’s Corruption

Yet, despite these welcome modifications to a dress style that served as an unwitting tutorial on how not to wear a suit, Mr. Spicer has stuck to his attention-grabbing neckwear, ties not only carnival-barker garish but also manifestly wrong in other ways.
+ 反面教員 反面教员 [fan3 mian4 jiao4 yuan2] /(PRC) teacher by negative example/sb from whom one can learn what not to do/
+ 反面教材 反面教材 [fan3 mian4 jiao4 cai2] /negative example/sth that teaches one what not to do/

Change log entry 71739
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-09 05:12:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65411 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Apparently a village temple, not a monastery.
* ABC says 土 in 土谷祠 stands for “earth god”, while 现代汉语大词典 says 土地神, which ABC also defines as “god of earth” but 现代汉语大词典 explains this is “守护某个地方的神” the god that protects a place/area/locality. I can see many different translations online: God of the land, Town-god, land god, City Protector, Village God, etc. TP has “local tutelary god” and “tutelary god”. On the Wikipedia entry for Tudigong it says: “Tudigong (土地公 "Lord of the Soil and the Ground") or Tudishen (土地神 "God of the Soil and the Ground"), also known simply as Tudi (土地 "Soil-Ground") is a tutelary deity of a locality and the human communities who inhabit it in Chinese folk religion”. LAC and Baidu Baike also say 土地神 is the same as 土地公.
* In published Ah Q translations, we can find Land-and-Grain Temple (Lyell), Tutelary God (Yangs) and Temple of Earth and Grain (Lovell).
* 五谷神 may be the same as 五谷母 (see Baidu Baike) — which would make it a goddess, not a god — but it isn't on any dictionary I have.

n. temple for the earth and grain gods

土地庙。土谷, 指土地神和五谷神。
| 鲁迅《阿Q正传》:阿Q没有家, 住在未庄的土谷祠里。

> Looking somewhat lost, he made his way back to the Land-and-Grain Temple. After collecting himself a bit, he realized that his pile of silver dollars had disappeared. (Lyell)
> Feeling as if something were amiss he walked back to the Tutelary God's Temple, and by the time he had calmed down again he realized that his pile of dollars had gone. (Yangs)
> After taking himself back, rather nonplussed, to the Temple of Earth and Grain, he recovered his wits sufficiently to discover his pile of money was gone. (Lovell)

> Having complied with the five conditions laid down by the sheriff, Ah Q went back to the Land-and-Grain Temple just as he always did. But after the sun went down that night, he gradually became aware that something was not quite right in this world of his. (Lyell)
> After Ah Q had kowtowed and complied with the Zhao family's terms, he went back as usual to the Tutelary God's Temple. The sun had gone down, and he began to feel that something was wrong. (Yangs)
> By the time Ah-Q - his dues paid - made his way back to the Temple of Earth and Grain, the sun had gone down, and he was beginning to feel a slight malaise. (Lovell)

※ 土地公

* Wikipedia has it as Tudigong but it appears as Tudi Gong in many other sources (e.g. Encyclopaedia Britannica).

n. god of earth

| 台湾庙里几乎都供有~。


Tudigong (土地公 "Lord of the Soil and the Ground") or Tudishen (土地神 "God of the Soil and the Ground"), also known simply as Tudi (土地 "Soil-Ground") is a tutelary deity of a locality and the human communities who inhabit it in Chinese folk religion.


【Encyclopaedia Britannica】
Tudi Gong, (Chinese: “Lord of the Place,” “Earth Lord,” or “Earth God”) Wade-Giles romanization T’u-ti Kung, in Chinese religion, a god whose deification and functions are determined by local residents.

Along the way he has witnessed much land development, with considerable consequences for the local Earth Lords.

So they built him a little temple outside the village, about the same size as most shrines to the god of the earth.

※ 土地神

n. god of earth



The worship of local tutelary gods, such as Taiwan's Earth Lords and the "Old Uncle Earth" of the Hakkas, reflects the belief that Mother Earth, rather than being just a cold lump of dirt and rock, is a living entity that gives birth and can feel pain.

Legend has it that Goulong, son of the Water God and grandfather of Kuafu (whose body became the mountains and rivers of the world), was honored as the first tutelary god due to the help he provided early agriculturists in settling virgin territory. He was first conceived of as an expert old farmer, and later as a faithful old servant.
- 土穀祠 土谷祠 [tu3 gu3 ci2] /local monastery/
+ 土穀祠 土谷祠 [tu3 gu3 ci2] /temple dedicated to the local tutelary god 土地神[tu3 di4 shen2] and the god of cereals/
- 土地公 土地公 [tu3 di4 gong1] /Tudi Gong, the God of the earth/
+ 土地公 土地公 [Tu3 di4 Gong1] /Tudi Gong, the local tutelary god (in Chinese folk religion)/
# 土地神 土地神 [Tu3 di4 Shen2] /local tutelary god (in Chinese folk religion)/same as 土地公|土地公[Tu3 di4 Gong1]/
+ 土地神 土地神 [Tu3 di4 Shen2] /local tutelary god (in Chinese folk religion) (same as 土地公|土地公[Tu3 di4 Gong1])/

Change log entry 71724
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-08 04:55:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64468 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
The meaning of 攫取 is "to seize", "grab", "capture", not to "rob" or "pillage", which gives a very different mental image. I imagine in some cases the words in the current definition might not be a bad translation, but this should be clear from context. See the examples below, many would look ridiculous the translator followed our current definition. Notice that seizing a city and plundering a city are very different things. This word isn't even necessarily negative.

VERB seize; grab
| 攫取暴利
| rake in exorbitant profits
| 攫取别国的资源
| seize the resources of other countries

| 老鹰~猎物
| 从生活中~灵感
| 强盗~财物
| ~他人研究成果。

1. 夺取。如:「双方竞争激烈,都想攫取冠军锦标。」
2. 抓取。
| 《喻世明言.卷一三.张道陵七试赵升》:「约莫更深,忽听得一阵狂风,白虎神早到。一见真人,便来攫取。」
| 《二十年目睹之怪现状.第四六回》:「他说问明了,便不必劳驾,代我来回话罢。说罢,攫取了那张亲供便走。」

动 夺取; 掠取
| 八国联军把圆明园的珍宝攫取一空
| 攫取暴利。

Dolphins have many little pointed teeth. They use them to grab fish and squid. Then they swallow them whole.

The economic pie was shrinking, so everyone was reaching for the biggest slice while there was still something left to grab.

A fledgling white-tailed kite [bottom] grabs a vole from its father 100 feet above the ground in mid-flight.

We have all been desensitized to the federal power grabs, because they have been so sudden and so sweeping.

The lady conspired to seize supreme power.

Its tax captures most of the surplus above the cost of production.

A weaker currency allows German manufacturers to grab market share.

They were like hawks watching for an opportunity to snatch their prey from under the very claws of their opponents.

在土耳其即将垮台的时候,俄国看到了攫取君土坦丁堡的大好时机。 俄国的这项打算当时得到大不列颠和法国的同意。
In the imminent fall of Turkey, Russia saw a golden opportunity to acquire Constantinople --a plan which met with the approval of Great Britain and France.

Their purpose is to mislead the public and create confusion in an attempt to realize their dream of dis-membering China, seizing Tibet and finally subverting socialist China.

Editor: a valuable correction -- thanks
- 攫取 攫取 [jue2 qu3] /to plunder/to loot/robbery/pillage/
+ 攫取 攫取 [jue2 qu3] /to seize/to capture/to grab/

Change log entry 71689
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-01 08:47:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64348 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
☞ 檄文

n. 〈trad.〉
① official call to arms
② official denunciation of the enemy
③ war proclamation

war proclamation; declaration of war
public denunciation
檄书​〔檄書〕 xíshū


| 《汉书.卷八三.朱博传》:「博口占檄文曰:『府告姑幕令丞,言贼发不得,有书。』」
| 《三国演义.第五回》:「望兴义师,共泄公愤;扶持王室,拯救黎民。檄文到日,可速奉行!」

名 古代用于征召、声讨、晓谕等的政府文告; 特指声讨、揭发罪行的文告
| 讨贼檄文
| 声讨党八股的檄文。

☞ 檄书

①〈wr.〉 official call to arms
② official denunciation of enemy
③ war proclamation

VARIANT OF 檄文 xíwén
war proclamation; declaration of war
public denunciation


| 《汉书.卷八三.朱博传》:「博口占檄文曰:『府告姑幕令丞,言贼发不得,有书。』」
| 《三国演义.第五回》:「望兴义师,共泄公愤;扶持王室,拯救黎民。檄文到日,可速奉行!」

There is a second camp that is happy to use the 1980s as a purely partisan call to arms.

It is an anti-Western polemic, designed to wake up Americans and Europeans by making them angry.

The Communist and Workers' Parties of nine European countries have established their Information Bureau and issued a call to the people of the world to rise against the imperialist plan of enslavement.

Zhu Yuan-zhang’s War Proclamation of the Northern Expedition and Imperial Edict of Punishment-remitting are two important documents published during the early stage of Ming Dynasty.

New periodicals, study societies and political organizations sprang up. The journals ran critical political commentary; experimental works of literature; iconoclastic essays by Chinese intellectuals lambasting traditional values; and translations of works by Western, Japanese and Russian thinkers.

“Xu has written a challenge from the cultural heart of China to the political heart of the Communist Party,” said Geremie R. Barmé, an Australian scholar of China who is translating Mr. Xu’s essay. “Its content and culturally powerful style will resonate deeply throughout the Chinese party-state system, as well as in the society more broadly.”
“许章润写了一篇中国文化核心挑战共产党政治核心的檄文,”澳大利亚学者白杰明(Geremie R. Barmé)说,他正在翻译许章润的文章。“其内容以及强有力的文风将在中国的整个党国制度、乃至更广泛的社会中产生深刻的共鸣。”
# 檄文 檄文 [xi2 wen2] /(old, now used fig.) official call to arms/official denunciation/
# 檄書 檄书 [xi2 shu1] /(old, now used fig.) official call to arms/official denunciation/
+ 檄文 檄文 [xi2 wen2] /(old, now used figuratively) official call to arms/official denunciation/
+ 檄書 檄书 [xi2 shu1] /(old, now used figuratively) official call to arms/official denunciation/

Change log entry 71687
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-01 08:17:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64992 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* I know this can be seen as 喝+道 ("to shoutingly say"?), but that's no different from many other verbs in the dictionary. This sense is quite common, much more than the sense defined. By defining the common sense before the historical one we make a much more useful definition.

Stamping his feet in anger, Sevenpounder picked up the bowl. He squeezed the crack shut, and examined it. -“Little fucker!” he shouted (Lyell)
Sevenpounder jumped to his feet and picked up the broken bowl. Having fitted the pieces together he examined it, swearing, “Mother's!” (Yangs)
Springing to his feet, Seven-Pounds gathered up the pieces and fitted them together. Swearing as he inspected the damage, (Lovell)鲁迅《风波》

你竟敢这样跟我说话?。 '他喝道。
How dare you speak tome like that?. ' he thundered.

He gave a start and shouted, "Who wants her to find me a job?

When the teacher entered the classroom and saw two boys fighting, he cried to them: " Knock it off!"

The sentry shouted, "Stand off, or I'll shoot. "
- 喝道 喝道 [he4 dao4] /(of yamen bailiffs etc) to walk ahead of an official, shouting at pedestrians to clear the way/
# + 喝道 喝道 [he4 dao4] /to shout/to yell/(of yamen bailiffs etc) to walk ahead of an official, shouting at pedestrians to clear the way (old)/
+ 喝道 喝道 [he4 dao4] /to shout (i.e. to say in a loud voice) (usually followed by the words that were shouted)/(old) (of yamen bailiffs etc) to walk ahead of an official, shouting at pedestrians to clear the way/

Change log entry 71673
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-27 06:45:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65991 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* MoE says this a specific ritual on 三月三日 and Lu Xun also mentions this day on the passage quoted below, but 现代汉语大词典 seems to indicate it doesn't have to be this specific ritual. 汉语大词典's examples on http://www.guoxuedashi.com/hydcd/340900f.html do tend to mention at least 三月. It seems there was a ritual performed on the 3rd day of the 3rd lunar month of which the purpose was 祓除, but 祓除 doesn't necessarily refer only to this specific ritual (?).

1. 古代三月三日至水邊戒浴,以除不祥。
| 《周禮.春官.女巫》:「女巫掌歲時祓除釁浴。」
| 漢.鄭玄.注:「歲時祓除,如今三月上巳,如水上之類。」
2. 掃除、洗滌。
| 《國語.周語上》:「是故祓除其心,以和惠民。」

【现代汉语大词典 】
1 除灾去邪之祭。
2 清除;消除。如:祓除旧习。

The story behind this work is that in 353, Wang Xizhi invited 41 guests to join him at the Orchid Pavilion by a small, meandering stream for the purification rites of spring.

The Zhao family was to hire Daoist priests to exorcise the ghosts of people who had hanged themselves—cost to be borne by Ah Q. (Lyell)
Ah Q must pay for the Taoist priests whom the Zhao family had called to exorcize evil spirits. (Yangs)
To cover the costs of the Daoist priest that the Zhaos had hired to exorcize evil spirits. (Lovell)

这一带地方,每逢春季桃花水下时,本来是男女嬉游之所,人人手里举着兰草,说是祓除 不祥,其实是唱着柔靡的歌,发泄他们一冬天窒闷的情绪。

自汉到魏晋,几乎都是说百姓(郭虞、徐肇)的女儿夭折,认为是不祥之事,每逢这天,大家到江河边去洗盥,以祓除 病灾。这种祭祀活动,恐怕最早还是老百姓搞起来的,或者说是一种自发的群众活动。

在周代,巫术迷信颇为流行,每年春天,三月的“上已”(上旬的“已”日),女巫在河边举行为人们除灾去病的仪式,叫“祓除 ”,也称“修禊”。禊有清洁的含义,选址河边,取洗去积秽、祛除不祥的意思。
聂鑫森《文汇报 》2002-5-14【曲水流觞】

希腊亚里斯多德说文学有“祓除 ”作用,或译为净化作用。譬如有一个人受了社会的侮辱和损害,常觉愤懑不平,渴求报复。但当他看了《水浒传》之后,仿佛他所仇恨的人已被梁山泊的英雄好汉杀死了,一腔久郁的闷气出了,便觉心平气和了。
苏雪林 《文学作用与人生》
[Here probably a translation of catharsis in Aristotle's Poetics, which literally means purification.]
# 祓除 祓除 [fu2 chu2] /(of evil, spirits, etc) to expel/to cleanse/to to purify (through ritual) /(or habits) to get rid of/
+ 祓除 祓除 [fu2 chu2] /to exorcize (evil spirits)/to purify through ritual/to rid oneself of (a bad habit)/

Change log entry 71620
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-20 22:40:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65267 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. intimate biography

1 intimate biography
2 DATED book on exegesis of classics

1. 古代经学家专用以解释经义的书。
| 《春秋~》
| 《韩诗~》。
2. 一种叙述遗闻逸事的传记小说。
| 《汉武~》。

1. 古人专门解释经义的书,与广引事例、推广本义的外传相对。如《左传》为《春秋》的内传。
2. 一种传记。以记述遗闻逸事为主。如《隋书经籍志》有《汉武内传》三卷。

Fire and Fear: The Inside Story of Mike Tyson (by Jose Torres)

> But there are so many! Why, just for biographies alone there are enough titles hanging around to make your head swim: narrative biography, autobiography, private biography, public biography, supplementary biography, family biography, biographical sketch. Trouble is -- not one of them fits. (Lyell)
> There are many types of biography: official biographies, autobiographies, unauthorized biographies, legends, supplementary biographies, family histories, sketches . . . but unfortunately none of these suited my purpose. (Yangs)
> Lives are written in a myriad forms: as official biographies of the great and good (archived within our celestial empire's dynastic histories), autobiographies, legends, unauthorized biographies, as footnotes, genealogies, biographical sketches ... I have regretfully discarded them all. (Lovell)
+ 內傳 内传 [nei4 zhuan4] /biography recounting apocryphal anecdotes and rumors/(old) book of exegesis of a classic/

Change log entry 71619
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-20 22:28:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65009 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
cf. 扬长而去

adv. swaggeringly

1. 掉头不理、大模大样的样子。
| 情人当街吵架,男方骑车~而去。
2. 发挥长处、优点。
| ~避短。

1. 掉头不理,大模大样的样子。
| 《红楼梦.第五八回》:「又哭道:『我也不便和你面说,你只回去背人悄问芳官就知道了。』说毕,扬长而去。」
| 《文明小史.第一○回》:「说罢,领了众人,扬长而去。」

1 动 发扬长处、优点
| 使用人才, 应该扬长、用长。
2 副 大模大样地
| 扬长而过
| 扬长过市。

At last, it puts forward development suggestions for making best one of the advantages and bypassing the disadvantages, seizing opportunities and meeting challenges.

So Mr. Obama should reconsider his apparent decision to let the previous administration get away with crime.

太蠢季泽脱下了他那湿濡的白香云纱长衫,潘妈绞了手巾来代他揩擦,他理也不理,把衣服夹在手臂上,竟自扬长 出门去了,临行的时候向祥云道:“等白哥儿下了学,叫他替他母亲请个医生来看看。

而且他他掉过头吩咐他的女儿淑英道:“二女,你好好陪你琴姐耍。”于是扬长 地往里面走了。觉民气恼地望着克明的背影在阴暗中转进了过道,低声骂了一句:“真糊涂!”

> At this point, however, Seventh Master was not interested in conducting a queue survey. Having made his way through the crowd, he abruptly changed course and disappeared behind the tallow trees shouting, “Can any of you stand up to him?” Finally he stepped up on the single-plank bridge and haughtily strode away. (Lyell)
> However, without making a careful inspection Seventh Master passed through the group, dived behind the tallow trees and with a parting “Think you're a match for him!” strode on to the one-plank bridge and swaggered off. (Yangs)
> Without stopping to investigate anyone else's coiffure, Mr Zhao cut through the lot of them and vanished back below the tallow canopy. 'No one!” he repeated, before striding out, head high, along the log bridge. (Lovell)
# 揚長 扬长 [yang2 chang2] /with swagger/ostentatiously/to develop good qualities/
+ 揚長 扬长 [yang2 chang2] /with swagger/ostentatiously/to make the best use of one's strengths/

Change log entry 71608
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-20 00:52:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65061 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
ABC and Pleco say 鹁鸪 is a wood pigeon (Columba palumbus).
LAC, GF and XHDC say it is the same as 鹁鸠 (Streptopelia turtur -- European turtle dove (BDBK), more likely Streptopelia orientalis -- oriental turtle dove; which according to WP has the Chinese common names: 山斑鸠 (entry title), 山鸠, 金背鸠, 金背斑鸠, 麒麟斑, 麒麟鸠, 雉鸠, 棕背斑鸠, 东方斑鸠, 绿斑鸠, 山鸽子, 花翼, 大花鸽 and 大花斑, and to BDBK: 山斑鸠 (entry title), 斑鸠, 金背斑鸠, 麒麟鸠, 雉鸠, 麒麟斑 and 花翼)
LAC, MoE, GF and BDBK say it is the same as 水鹁鸪 -- only defined in LAC with the same definition as 鹁鸪.
MoE says it is the same as 勃姑 and 祝鸠. The first is likely just a different spelling, and neither is in any dictionary, including MoE itself.
BDBK says it is the same as 斑鸠 -- the Streptopelia genus (WP and BDBK) (CEDICT: turtledove). Several but not all species in the genus are called turtle doves.

* I think we can ignore the English definition "wood pigeon" since it is a different species and genus of anything I can find in Chinese.
* My best guess is that 鹁鸪, 鹁鸠 and 水鹁鸪 can be used for any bird of the Streptopelia genus, although it is more likely to refer to the oriental turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis), likely simply called turtle dove in a Chinese context.
* I also suggest changing the 斑鸠 definition, most sources agree it isn't one specific species.

n. 〈zoo.〉 wood pigeon



| 宋.陆游〈小园〉诗:「村南村北鹁鸪声,水刺新秧漫漫平。」

名 鸟, 羽毛灰色, 天将下雨或刚晴时, 常在树上咕咕地叫。




A little bit of everything -bluebacks, hornchicks, paddychicks, pigeons . . ." (Lyell)
There are all kinds: wild pheasants, woodcocks, woodpigeons, bluebacks....” (Yangs)
# I've caught all sorts: wild pheasants, woodcock, wood pigeons, bluebacks ...” (Lovell)

我们认为童话是儿童文学中最富有幻想的一种形式,它的题材范围应该是十分广阔的,只要有实际生活的基础,有新时代的思想感情,古人、动物和工、农、兵,是可以写入童话的。这里我们选了三篇:《鹁鸪》是从民谚“夜里想起千条路,日里变成懒鹁鸪 ”发展出来的故事,讽刺只想不做,得过且过的懒汉。

羿的心不觉跳了一跳,赶紧勒住马。“阿呀!鸡么?我只道是一只鹁鸪 。”他惶恐地说。

时候,竹里鹁鸪相对鸣和,不紧不慢,一声一声,伴和着暮春将尽时的江南细雨。小时候,我就爱听鹁鸪 的叫声。我问爸爸,鹁鸪叫唤个什么?在田里拿着锄忙着活儿的爸说,它在叫“盖盖——草屋”。我侧耳细听,那倒是确实的。

> "I also suggest changing the 斑鸠 definition, most sources agree it isn't one specific species."
But neither is "turtledove".
# 鵓鴣 鹁鸪 [bo2 gu1] /genus Streptopelia/turtle dove/oriental turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis)/
# 鵓鳩 鹁鸠 [bo2 jiu1] /genus Streptopelia/turtle dove/oriental turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis)/
# 水鵓鴣 水鹁鸪 [shui3 bo2 gu1] /genus Streptopelia/turtle dove/oriental turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis)/
+ 鵓鴣 鹁鸪 [bo2 gu1] /turtle dove or similar bird/oriental turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis)/
+ 鵓鳩 鹁鸠 [bo2 jiu1] /turtle dove or similar bird/oriental turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis)/
+ 水鵓鴣 水鹁鸪 [shui3 bo2 gu1] /turtle dove or similar bird/oriental turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis)/

Change log entry 71599
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-02-19 07:08:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64231 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
① sketch
② lay foundation

1 sketch a plan, picture, etc.
| 这篇文章我先打个底子, 再请你修改。
| I’ll make a draft of the essay and then ask you to revise it.
2 lay a foundation
| 学英语应该在小学就打好底子。
| Learners of English should be given a good grounding in primary school.

1. 画草图或写草稿。
| 这份设计图先~,再根据您的要求修改。
2. 奠定基础。
| 要想学习更艰深的溜冰技巧,需先~。

1. 画草图或起草稿
| 如:「这篇文章你不妨先打底子,过几天我再来看看。」
2. 奠定基础。
| 如:「要想学好提琴,必须打好底子。」

1 画底样或写草稿; 比喻奠定基础
| 不打底子, 直接画
| 小学课程是为以后学习打底子的。
2 垫底
| 这道扣肉用芋头打底子。

Learners of English should be given a good grounding in primary school.

Make a rough sketch before you draw.

I'll make a draft of the essay and then ask you to revise it.

中式教育底子打得好, 基础牢固.
The Chinese type education background hits well, the foundation is reliable.

To this end, we must build up reserve strength and lay foundations in all fields of endeavor.

The paint in the room is peeling away already: you can't have prepared the surface properly.
+ 打底子 打底子 [da3 di3 zi5] /to sketch/to draft/to lay the foundation/

Change log entry 71597
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-19 05:50:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65266 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* 立德 isn't usually used without reference to 三不朽, but 立言 and 立功 are, having acquired more general meanings (theory, "render meritorious service").
* I have submitted 立功 some time ago (not yet processed), having read it without relation to the other two and not knowing its history. I would update the definition to reference 三不朽.

※ 三不朽
n. 〈wr.〉 the three imperishables (one's virtue, achievements, and teachings)
| 古代士大夫多将~作为人生追求的目标。
| 宋.杨万里〈跋写真刘敏叔八君子图〉诗:「古人三不朽,诸老一一中。」

※ 立德
v.o. achieve virtue
| ~先于立言
| ~为人生根本。
2. 做合乎道德的事;树立道德形象。
| ~守信
| 还是先从~做起。
| 《左传.襄公二十四年》:「太上有立德,其次有立功,其次有立言。」
| 《文选.何晏.景福殿赋》:「故将立德,必先近仁。」
动 树立道德楷模
| 立德守信
| 修身立德。

※ 立言
① write to express one's ideas
② achieve glory/immortality from one's writing
expound one's ideas in writing; achieve glory by writing
| 立德先于~
| ~有信,立身有行
| 为时代~。
| 《左传.襄公二十四年》:「太上有立德,其次有立功,其次有立言,虽久不废。」
| 《儒林外史.第一八回》:「文章是代圣贤立言,有的一定的规矩。」
1 动 <文> 著书立说
| 立德立功立言。
2 动 立论
| 立言应实事求是, 力求公允。

Many Scholars have reduced Sima Qian′s academic orientation simply to Taoism or Confucianism, for they seemed to have neglected Sima Qian′s claim to establish his own school of thought.

Liu An as a vassal king, influenced by the social ethos, wrote books to demonstrate his theory. He attempted to set up a utopia that he dreamed or for Han dynasty.

Most of the time he states rather than conveys, and gossips rather than writes.

In 1965 he wrote “On Abstract Art,” in Wen ­Hsing Magazine. It was the first real examination of abstract art published in Taiwan. Subsequently he published a series of articles in other magazines, including Oriental Magazine and Young Lion Monthly, introducing Western art to local readers. He introduced his collection of Aboriginal art through columns published in the United Daily News and the Independence Evening Post. He has also published his ideas on art in book form, in The Sayings of Chen Cheng-­hsiung on Art.

> but whenever it's come right down to it, I've always had second thoughts. Goes to show I'm not the kind of writer who Forgeth words of immortalitie / For generations yet to be. Besides, if you're going to get your words to last all that long, they've got to be about someone worth remembering all that long in the first place. Then the man gets remembered because of the words, and the words because of the man.And then after a while people gradually lose track of which one's remembered because of which. Knowing all of this, why did I finally settle on the likes of Ah Q for a biography? Guess the devil made me do it. (Lyell)
> But while wanting to write I was in some trepidation too, which goes to show that I am not one of those who achieve glory by writing; for an immortal pen has always been required to record the deeds of an immortal man, the man becoming known to posterity through the writing and the writing known to posterity through the man — until finally it is not clear who is making whom known. But in the end, as though possessed by some fiend, I always came back to the idea of writing the story of Ah Q (Yangs)
> but time and again have quailed before the difficulty of the task - evidence enough that I am no seeker after literary fame. A biographer hungry for glory must find his own genius mirrored by the genius of his subject, both clinging to each other in the quest for immortality, until no one is sure whether the brilliance of the man is celebrated because of the brilliance of the biography, or vice versa. Contrast my own humble fixation - like that of a man possessed - on recording the life of Ah-Q. (Lovell)


1) I'm not clear on why you included "argument; theory" in the definition of 立言.
Let me know if I've missed something.

2) distinguish oneself from one's writing ➝
distinguish oneself through one's writing
+ 三不朽 三不朽 [san1 bu4 xiu3] /the three imperishables, three ways to distinguish oneself that aren't forgotten by history: through one's virtue 立德[li4 de2], one's service 立功[li4 gong1] and one's writings 立言[li4 yan2] (from the Zuo Zhuan 左傳|左传[Zuo3 Zhuan4])/
+ 立德 立德 [li4 de2] /to distinguish oneself through virtue (one the three imperishables 三不朽[san1 bu4 xiu3])/
# 立言 立言 [li4 yan2] /to distinguish oneself from one's writing (one the three imperishables 三不朽[san1 bu4 xiu3])/argument/theory/to expound one's theory/
+ 立言 立言 [li4 yan2] /to distinguish oneself through one's writing (one the three imperishables 三不朽[san1 bu4 xiu3])/to expound one's theory/
# Extra:
- 立功 立功 [li4 gong1] /to render meritorious service/to make worthy contributions/to distinguish oneself/
+ 立功 立功 [li4 gong1] /to render meritorious service (one the three imperishables 三不朽[san1 bu4 xiu3])/to make worthy contributions/to distinguish oneself/

Change log entry 71587
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-02-18 08:45:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64055 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* cf. 走马灯 https://cc-cedict.org/editor/editor.php?handler=QueryDictionary&querydictionary_search=%E8%B5%B0%E9%A9%AC%E7%81%AF, the original meaning is the same so it makes sense to use the same definition
* “Chaser lights” isn't on any dictionary but many results can be found for LED走马灯 , that clearly are what in English would be called LED chase (or chaser/chasing) lights.
* While it's easier to find examples for news tickers, 新闻跑马灯, 跑马灯 aren't just used for news as LAC notes.
* Only MoE says 跑马灯 is another name for 跑竹马, I'm not adding it since I can't find any other reference.

1. 一种供观赏的花灯。用彩纸剪成人骑着马等形象,贴在灯里特制轮子上,轮子因烛火热气升腾所造成的对流空气而转动,人马形象也随之绕圈转动。这种灯过去常在元宵节张挂赏玩。形容人匆忙地来往不停(用于比喻时多含贬义)。也作「走马灯」。
| 领导班子经常更换,像~似的。
2. 一种不断移动的字幕呈现方式。使有限空间得以提供更多讯息给读者,多用于电视新闻、街头广告等。
| 发生重大灾害时,电视常用~提供即时讯息给民众。




【Wikipedia: Chase (lighting)】https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chase_(lighting)
【Wikipedia: News ticker】https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/News_ticker

Cities and businesses are the ones you're always hearing about, because they have the skyscrapers and the big marquees.

"I'm waiting for the rest of it, " they'd say. Clearly they expected more of the flashy ads and busy text of other search pages of the 1990s.

The idea is that on this painter's website PHP will call out values in order to display them as a "What's New" news ticker.

Similarly, they ignored entertaining diversions on the screen, such as moving images or scrolling news reports, because these usually did not contribute information relevant to the assignments.

对吉林战士出逃事件,一早上搜遍了各大网络,凤凰、新浪、搜狐、铁血、华龙、文汇等等,首页都无法找到,昨天已公开的专题页面只能通过历史记录进入,央视新闻频道的跑马灯 也没见最新进展。
# 跑馬燈 跑马灯 [pao3 ma3 deng1] /lantern with carousel of paper horses, rotating under convection, used at Lantern Festival 元宵節|元宵节/chaser lights/self-scrolling horizontal text display, such as a news ticker/
+ 跑馬燈 跑马灯 [pao3 ma3 deng1] /lantern with carousel of paper horses, rotating under convection, used at Lantern Festival 元宵節|元宵节[Yuan2 xiao1 jie2]/chaser lights/self-scrolling horizontal text display, such as a news ticker/

Change log entry 71586
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-18 08:44:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64715 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Literally "to arrive" but at least in modern usage it better corresponds to the Chinese “到了”, which is very easy to understand in context but very difficult to convey in English (at least for me) if for nothing else because it can be used both to introduce an event that happened in the past or that may/will happen in the future. Something like "by the time I/he/she/it/we/they arrived/arrived some place", "when some time comes/came" or "when something happens/happened".

| 《水浒传.第一一回》:「大官人是识法度的,不到得肯挟带了出去?」

| 到得民国, 官总算说是没有了捐班。
| 鲁迅《各种捐班》

Sister Shan studied him with care: his breathing seemed to have smoothed out considerably. But later that afternoon he suddenly opened his eyes and cried out, "Ma!” (Lyell)
Fourth Shan's Wife watched him closely, and he did seem a good deal quieter. In the afternoon he suddenly opened his eyes and called, “Ma!” (Yangs)
Mrs Shan studied his face, which now seemed much more peaceful. Early in the afternoon, he suddenly opened his eyes, cried out 'Mama', (Lovell)

"When we got to the gravesite, sure enough, the river water had eaten away at the bank until it was less than two feet from the mound. (Lyell)
When we reached the grave, sure enough, the river was encroaching on it and the water was less than two feet away. (Yangs)
When we reached the burial site, we found the river had indeed been eating away at the bank, and was now less than two feet from the grave, (Lovell)

During the second half of the day, the big barred door opened once again. Ah Q was hauled out and taken to the courtroom. Up front an old man, head shaved clean, sat on a dais. (Lyell)
That afternoon he was dragged out through the grille and taken to a big hall, at the far end of which sat an old man with a cleanly shaven head. (Yangs)
Later that afternoon, he was yanked back out through the barred wooden door and into a large hall, at the far end of which sat an old man, his head shaved perfectly smooth. (Lovell)

几回的内战使他们有了丰富的经验,一听见军队快到,就理箱子,卷铺盖,往上海跑;到得 上海,不管一百块一间楼面,十块二十块宿一宵旅馆,总之是得庆更生;待传说打仗结束了,重又扶老携幼,拖箱带笼回转来。

其后汉族南下,与这些土人杂婚,就成了无诸种族,系在春秋战国,吴越争霸之后。到得 唐朝,大兵入境;相传当时曾杀尽了福建的男子,只留下女人,以配光身的兵士;故而直至现在,福州人还呼丈夫为“唐晡人”,晡者系日暮袭来的意思,同时女人的“诸娘仔”之名,也出来了。

到得 我十一岁时,回到故乡的福州,在我祖父的书桌上看到了林琴南老先生送给他的《茶花女遗事》,使我对于林译外国小说引起了广泛的兴趣,那时只要我手里有几角钱,就请人去买林译小说来看,这又使我知道了许多外国的人情世故。

When a heavy rain fell in the high mountains 50 years ago, it took a week for the water to arrive at the lower reaches of the various drainage basins.
+ 到得 到得 [dao4 de2] /to arrive (some place or time)/

Change log entry 71584
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-18 08:25:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65425 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
癞, 癞疮 , 癞子, etc. -- these words have probably been used for any kind of skin disease or skin condition similar (visually, not medically) to leprosy, scabies or favus, especially the ones associated with uncleanliness or poverty, I'm just trying to submit what I have supporting evidence for.

cf. 黄癣

* Chinese dictionaries say it's 黄癣, favus, not leprosy, scabies or impetigo. The confusion with leprosy is historical, according to Wikipedia.
* Often 癞疮疤, which can be interpreted as 癞/疮疤, rather then 癞疮/疤, but most Chinese dictionaries say although 癞 by itself means leprosy (麻风), in many regions is (was) a common word for favus (黄癣) and, from context "favus scars" (and the way they are described) seem much more common than "leprosy scars". (癞子 also means favus.)

n. 〈med.〉
① leprosy
② scabies

scabies; impetigo

名 黄癣。

|许杰《改嫁》:面色是金黄的, 头上生着一头的癞疮。

> Now every last scabies scar on Ah Q's head flushed scarlet. He hurled his jacket to the ground and spat with disgust. "Hairy beast!" (Lyell)
> All Ah Q's ringworm patches turned scarlet. He flung his jacket on the ground, spat, and swore, “Hairy worm!” (Yangs)
> 'Hairy slug!” he spat, his ringworm scars scarlet, throwing his jacket to the ground. (Lovell)

the most annoying of which was an assortment of shiny scars that had been left on his scalp by an attack of scabies. (Lyell)
The most annoying were some patches on his scalp where at some uncertain date shiny ringworm scars had appeared. (Yangs)
The most annoying of which was the perfidious emergence on his scalp of a number of gleaming ringworm scars. (Lovell)

这六塔村很小,一共不过十几份人家,癞六伯是其中之一。我童年时候,看见他约有五十多岁,身材瘦小,头上有许多癞疮 疤。因此人都叫他癞六伯。

那癞子突地惨然呼道:“平……”反身扑到南宫平怀里。南宫平紧紧抱着他的身子,亲着他头上癞疮 ,再也看不到他的丑怪,嗅不到他的脏臭,因为他已知道这最脏、最丑、最臭的癞子,就是那最真、最香、最美的梅吟雪。
+ 癩瘡 癞疮 [lai4 chuang1] /favus (skin disease)/

Change log entry 71582
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-18 06:50:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65321 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
| 《三国演义.第一七回》:「却说袁术在淮南,地广粮多,又有孙策所质玉玺,遂思僭称帝号。」

| 鲁迅《阿Q正传》:总而言之, 这一篇也便是‘本传’, 但从我的文章着想, 因为文体卑下, 是‘引车卖浆者流’所用的话, 所以不敢僭称。

Other writers have pointed out that between the end of the 11th Century and the start of the 12th Century there were antipopes and some of the legitimate papacies were not in Rome.

More than this, the pope has been given the very titles of Deity.

> When you come right down to it, what I'm writing here is going to be the only standard biography of Ah Q you'll find anywhere. Of course I don't dare forget my place and call it that, for the style is "vulgar" and the language I've cast it in is not the language of the classics but rather the "vile vernacular of mere rickshaw boys and peddlers. (Lyell)
> In short, this is really a “life,” but since I write in vulgar vein using the language of hucksters and pedlars, I dare not presume to give it so high-sounding a title. (Yangs)
> This effort of mine, I can only conclude, is the standard, official biography of the man; and yet the debased vulgarity of its content and characters causes me to shy, appalled, from such presumption. (Lovell)

先有人说,上星期是我们技术部老大哥生日!我们的老大哥王二,万岁!万岁!万万岁!我乍听时几乎晕过去,一切不受惩罚的幻想都破灭了。到了这个地步,心里挺平静。在我看来,僭称 万岁的事最严重,一有人提就死定了。

“飘客”玄劫微微一点头,道:“‘奇人侠士’不敢僭称 ,玄某对这孩子十分喜爱,确有这份心意……”
柳残阳 《关山万里飘客》
+ 僭稱 僭称 [jian4 cheng1] /to give sb or sth a title one has no authority to give/
# Extra:
- 僭 僭 [jian4] /to usurp/
+ 僭 僭 [jian4] /(bound form) to overstep one's authority/

Change log entry 71562
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-17 01:09:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65217 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. huge steelyard

large steelyard (usu. worked by three persons — two lifting the steelyard on a shoulder pole and the third adjusting the weight)


名 一种大型杆秤。用时把扁担或棍子从秤毫中穿过, 由两个人抬着称重物
| 这担菜得用抬秤称。

Visual aid:

He selected a few things that very afternoon-two long tables, an incense burner, some candlesticks, and a set of scales. (Lyell)
That afternoon he picked out a number of things: two long tables, four chairs, an incense-burner and candlesticks, and one balance. (Yangs)
That afternoon, he chose two rectangular tables, four chairs, an incense-burner and candlesticks and a large steelyard. (Lovell)

经过了这些个时候,天上已经发白,大门外咚咚咚三声炮响,震天动地的,门外有人呐了一声喊。于是就进来两个壮汉,斜肩各披了一条红绸子,夺过那杆淋了鸡血的大秤,向外面就走。所有在祠堂里的人,除了走不动的老人,或者过小的小孩子,都跟随大秤,一齐拥到大门外来。小秋虽是不解这抬秤 的作用何在,但是他们重视这杆秤,却可想而知。心里在这时,自然也有些害怕。不过为了好奇心,也就不免随着这一大群人,跟了出来。到了大门口时,天色已经大亮,只见那两个抬秤的壮汉,尽管在前面走,这里大队的壮丁,将矛子举了几举,一齐跟了他后面走去。

A couple of links with pics ~


# 抬秤 抬秤 [tai2 cheng4] /a kind of large steelyard which requires two people to be lifted and operated/

Change log entry 71561
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-17 01:00:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65217 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. huge steelyard

large steelyard (usu. worked by three persons — two lifting the steelyard on a shoulder pole and the third adjusting the weight)


名 一种大型杆秤。用时把扁担或棍子从秤毫中穿过, 由两个人抬着称重物
| 这担菜得用抬秤称。

Visual aid:

He selected a few things that very afternoon-two long tables, an incense burner, some candlesticks, and a set of scales. (Lyell)
That afternoon he picked out a number of things: two long tables, four chairs, an incense-burner and candlesticks, and one balance. (Yangs)
That afternoon, he chose two rectangular tables, four chairs, an incense-burner and candlesticks and a large steelyard. (Lovell)

经过了这些个时候,天上已经发白,大门外咚咚咚三声炮响,震天动地的,门外有人呐了一声喊。于是就进来两个壮汉,斜肩各披了一条红绸子,夺过那杆淋了鸡血的大秤,向外面就走。所有在祠堂里的人,除了走不动的老人,或者过小的小孩子,都跟随大秤,一齐拥到大门外来。小秋虽是不解这抬秤 的作用何在,但是他们重视这杆秤,却可想而知。心里在这时,自然也有些害怕。不过为了好奇心,也就不免随着这一大群人,跟了出来。到了大门口时,天色已经大亮,只见那两个抬秤的壮汉,尽管在前面走,这里大队的壮丁,将矛子举了几举,一齐跟了他后面走去。
# 抬秤 抬秤 [tai2 cheng4] /a kind of large steelyard which requires two people to be lifted and operated/
+ 抬秤 抬秤 [tai2 cheng4] /large steelyard usu. operated by three people – two to lift it using a pole, and one to adjust the counterweight/

Change log entry 71558
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-16 06:55:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62713 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* I'm not sure if “装饰性建筑物, 形状像碉堡” is exactly what would be called a bridge tower in English; I'm submitting it because that's how CE dictionaries translate it.
* “Gateway” isn't in dictionaries but I see 桥头堡 is being used to translate the also figurative sense of gateway. Probably an extension of the figurative sense that is in the other dictionaries. In several of the examples below 桥头堡 would be more clearly translated as gateway.

n. ①〈mil.〉 bridgehead ②〈archi.〉 bridge tower M:⁴zuò 座

bridge tower
3 stronghold for attack

1. 军事上指攻击部队的先头部队,在河川或隘路的彼岸所设之阵地,可用以掩护主力的 渡河或进出隘路,或用为尔后作战的基地者。
2. 泛指进攻时的据点

1. 军事上为控制重要的渡口、桥头而设立的据点或碉堡。
2. 泛指作为进攻时的据点。
3. 设在桥两端装饰用的碉堡型建筑物。

1 名 战争中为控制桥梁、渡口而在桥头设立的碉堡或据点
| 攻占桥头堡。
2 名 建在大桥桥头的装饰性建筑物, 形状像碉堡。
3 名 泛指作为进攻的据点和前沿阵地。

But the port, where great loads of iron ore arrive, is bustling, and Beijing has designated the shipping terminal as the "Eastern bridgehead of the new Euro-Asia continental bridge."

It was also the strategic bridgehead for Qin and later the Qin Dynasty to control the vast oriental market.

The central and east European countries can serve as a gateway to China-EU cooperation.

Zhukov, seeing that the Japanese were attacking the bridgehead, decided to counterattack by flanking the enemy.

The UK, the bridge tower of the world, has stable politics and very inclusive.

Feidong serves not only as the east gate of Hefei, but also as the bridgehead for the "eastward development", moreover, it is a golden place for the "Yangtze River Delta Economy" to extend westward!

Lianyungang, as the bridgehead of the new Euro-Asia land bridge in the east, products can be shipped directly to the European market through the international transit transport containers.

Xinjiang is a key area of western development and the bridgehead of opening to the west.

Editor: I don't think it's a "stronghold to be attacked", is it?
I think it's a stronghold from which one launches an attack further into enemy territory.
(As GF says, 作为进攻的据点. And PLC says "stronghold for attack".)

More examples
徐莉玲將公司裡較好的櫃位提供給本土設計師,和當時主要百貨公司將好櫃位提供給高業績廠商的作法截然不同,不過卻為芝麻百貨和後來的中興百貨建立起特色。另一方面,徐莉玲也在敦化南路和忠孝東路口,規畫了一個名為「Designer Gallery」的設計師服飾賣場,更成為當時本土設計師的橋頭堡。
Hsu Li-ling gave the better sites to local designers, a strategy markedly different from that of the main department stores who at that time gave such space to those manufacturers with the best track records. This gave the Sesame Store, and its successor the Sunrise Department Store, a distinctive style of its own. Hsu also drew up a scheme for the Designer Gallery, a designer clothes store at the corner of Tunhua South Road and Chunghsiao East Road which was to serve as a bridgehead for local designers.

Located in the north-center of Miaoli County, between the Pachiaotung Mountains and the Houlung River, Kungkuan served as a bridgehead for the Hakka migration to the rich farmlands of the Holung flood plain.

Taihoku Imperial University was established by the Japanese colonial government in 1928, one of nine imperial universities in Japan at the time and the first comprehensive university in Taiwan. Japan, engaged in an expansionist drive in the wake of the ­Meiji Restoration, saw Tai­hoku Imperial University as a bridgehead in the academic front of its Southward Advance Policy; accordingly, no effort was spared in ensuring the school boasted the best spatial planning, research facilities, and faculty.

Communist China says that 1997 will be the return of sovereignty over Hong Kong. But we diehard loyalists to the ROC feel as if we are losing a bridgehead in the struggle for world peace. In order to continue to exist in Hong Kong, we have no choice but to bow to fate, however unwilling we may be, and seek a space.
# 橋頭堡 桥头堡 [qiao2 tou2 bao3] /bridgehead/bridge tower/(fig.) stronghold to be attacked/gateway/
+ 橋頭堡 桥头堡 [qiao2 tou2 bao3] /bridgehead (military)/stronghold serving as a base for advancing further into enemy territory/bridge tower (ornamental structure at either end of a bridge)/(fig.) gateway (place that provides access to other places beyond it)/bridgehead (key location serving as a base for further expansion)/

Change log entry 71556
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-16 04:36:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65442 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
① ingenious expedient
② 〈Budd.〉 doctrine of profound argumentation

| 大家齐心协力,共商~
| 养心~。

| 《文明小史.第一三回》:「也罢!你们几个暂且在我衙门里等一会儿,我此刻去见两司,大家商议一个妙法。」

名 巧妙的方法
| 克敌制胜的妙法。

The best way to regain face was to put on a show of indifference, to let people know he wasn't worried about his job.

So far there is no magic bullet for economic woes.

Although he didn't usually care for that hoary aphorism, it now seemed to contain a miraculous solution to all his problems.

Besides venerating the sun and giving it a prominent place in their mythologies, ancient peoples also devised various ingenious methods of observing the sun, in order to predict the changing seasons and increase agricultural harvests. China's guibiao sundials, the pyramids of Egypt and Britain's Stonehenge are all related to solar observation.

> Having subdued his foes with such ingenious strategems, Ah Q would go happily off to the wineshop and down a few bowls. He would banter with some, squabble with others, and then on the crest of fresh victories, would make his way happily back to the Land-and-Grain Temple, put his head down on his pillow, and go to sleep. (Lyell)
> After employing such cunning devices to get even with his enemies, Ah Q would make his way cheerfully to the tavern to drink a few bowls of wine, joke with the others again, quarrel with them again, come off victorious again, and return cheerfully to the Tutelary God's Temple, there to fall asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow. (Yangs)
> Once Ah-Q's enemies had been trounced by such ingenious means, he would trot happily off to the tavern, down a few bowls of wine, crack a few jokes, start a few arguments and, victorious again, return happily to the Temple of Earth and Grain, where he would lay his head down and go straight to sleep. (Lovell)

> Kuoting and the others quickly glance at each other and realize that there really is no good way of handling the situation other than to follow the ingenious scheme that Fifth Auntie Hui's "croaked ghost of a husband" once came up with. (Lyell)
> Kuoting and the rest eyed each other, unable to improve on her old man's plan. (Yangs)
> Glancing around at each other, Kuoting and the others tacitly agreed that the only course open to them was the one already tried by the Late Unlamented. (Lovell)
+ 妙法 妙法 [miao4 fa3] /brilliant plan/ingenious method/perfect solution/

Change log entry 71553
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-16 02:32:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64933 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* “facial features of a noble man” — GF say it is specifically a protruding forehead 隆起的前额 that is seen as feature of the royalty 帝王之相, but I have no example of this sense, which is likely historical — even MoE doesn't have it.
* GF “古代匈奴单于祭天的地方。” — also an interesting historical sense for which I have seen no evidence.
* The expression “坐龙庭” isn't on any dictionary but I think it should be, the meaning “to be the reigning emperor”, “to ascend to the (imperial) throne” isn't obvious from it's parts 坐+龙庭.

① imperial court
② facial features of a noble man

imperial court
| 坐龙廷
| sit on the imperial throne; be an emperor

1 名 古代匈奴单于祭天的地方。
2 名 指朝廷。
3 名 相面的人把隆起的前额叫龙庭, 认为是帝王之相。

Sevenpounder slowly raised his head, sighed, and said, “The Emperor's on the Dragon Throne again.” (Lyell)
Sevenpounder slowly raised his head and sighed. “There's an emperor again on the Dragon Throne.” (Yangs)
Seven-Pounds slowly looked up at them all. 'The emperor's back,' he sighed. (Lovell)

Keeping her eye on Seventh Master Zhao, Sister Sevenpounder put on her best smile. “Since the Emperor has ascended the Dragon Throne, when is he going to announce the general amnesty?” she asked cheerily. (Lyell)
Watching Seventh Master's expression, Mrs.Seven-Pounder forced a smile. “Now that there's an emperor on the throne, when will there be a general amnesty?” she asked (Yangs)
Mrs Seven-Pounds beamed obsequiously, keeping close watch on their guest. 'So when will we hear about the amnesty?' (Lovell)

He was like the Emperor of China, who sat glorying in himself, unaware that his fairest provinces were being wrested from him.
Theodore Dreiser, Sister Carrie

Editor: figurative example for 坐龙庭 ~
毛泽东,如何坐龙庭? [...] 李志绥感叹説:“我始终无法了解毛的冷漠,也许他目睹过多死亡,因此对人类对苦痛变得无动于衷。”也许正因为这种冷酷,才使他战胜无数对手,坐上龙庭。
+ 龍庭 龙庭 [long2 ting2] /imperial court/
# extra entry, as suggested in the submission
+ 坐龍庭 坐龙庭 [zuo4 long2 ting2] /to be the reigning emperor/to ascend to the imperial throne/

Change log entry 71551
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-16 01:59:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64389 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
cf. 耐心; 不耐烦

Although I see it often translated as "patient" it doesn't mean exactly the same thing. Compare the Chinese definitions for 耐心 (不急躁,不厌烦) with the definitions for 耐烦, below. 耐心 mostly corresponds to the English word "patient" but 耐烦 is trickier to translate. My feeling is that 耐心, patient, is generally related to time, to waiting, while 耐烦 is about being able to endure something, no matter how short a time it takes.

(耐烦 is almost always used in the negative, and "impatient" does seem a better translation for 不耐烦 than "patient" is for 耐烦. I wonder why that is, or if I'm even right about that.)

* Possibly related to the aside above: there's an entry for 不耐烦, is it necessary when most dictionaries already note 耐烦 is usually used in the negative? (Currently we have "耐烦: patient" and "不耐烦: impatient".)

Also, defining an adjective with "not its opposite" in brackets looks a bit silly.

① patient
| 他不耐烦地说…
| He said impatiently ...
② able to bear; endure

[usu. in the negative] patient
| 显出不耐烦的样子
| show signs of impatience
be patient enough to bear
| 谁耐烦你的絮叨?
| Who can bear your endless chatter?

| 别不~
| 教育孩子要~。


形 忍耐性强, 不怕烦(多用于否定)
| 伺候病人要十分耐心, 可不要不耐烦。

| 你为什么总是对我不耐烦?
| Why are you always impatient with me?


| 《喻世明言.卷三六.宋四公大闹禁魂张》:「众人不奈烦,入去他房里看时,只见缚着一个老儿。」

Besides, I haven't heard anything from Shanghai for half a year now. Distant water won't put out a nearby fire. Who's got time to sit around and wait for them anyway?”. (Lyell)
And for half a year I've had no word about royalties. Distant water can't put out a nearby fire. Just have to lump it.” (Yangs)
Anyway, I haven't heard anything from them for six months now. Distant water won't put out nearby fire. I can't wait for ever.” (Lovells)

said Mother Liu, looking at her impatiently. (Lyell)
Amah Liu glanced with irritation at her face. (Yangs)
Mrs Liu glanced impatiently at her. (Lovell)

Now I was really out of patience. I curled my lips in contempt and walked away. (Lyell)
My patience exhausted, I scowled and made off. (Yangs)
I walked off, scowling. (Lovell)

It seemed to me I was a long way from ever becoming manager. Besides, my boss never wrote "fennel-flavored beans" on the checks anyway. I was amused, but running out of patience too. I answered in an offhand way meant to show that I didn't really care one way or the other. "Who needs you to teach me? Isn't it a grass radical on top with the character 'back,' like in the phrase 'back and forth,' on the bottom?" (Lyell)
It seemed to me I was still very far from owning a shop; besides, our employer never entered hui-xiang peas in the account book. Amused yet exasperated, I answered listlessly: Who wants you as a teacher? "Isn't it the character hui with the grass radical?" (Yangs)
Personally, I thought I was a long way off becoming a manager; and anyway, the present incumbent never included aniseed beans in the accounts. The whole thing was ridiculous. 'Keep your characters to yourself,' I retorted sulkily. 'Anyway, it's just ? hui, the hui for "return", with the grass radical on top, isn't it?” '

他说话声音很细小,好似不大耐烦 和小学生们说话。

1) <quote> "impatient" does seem a better translation for 不耐烦 than "patient" is for 耐烦. I wonder why that is, or if I'm even right about that. <unquote>

Here's my take on that:
I think
- 耐心 means "patient" in the sense "prepared to spend plenty of time to achieve something" (or the noun "preparedness to ...")
e.g. 「做有機沒有捷徑,必須耐心用時間換取土地健康。」“There are no shortcuts when you farm organically. You’ve got to gradually nurse the soil back to health,”
- 耐煩 means "patient" in a sense more like "able to put up with something aggravating".
And "impatient" is usually opposite to the 2nd of the above two types of patience.

<quote> There's an entry for 不耐烦, is it necessary? <unquote>
Yes, I think so, because, as discussed above, 不耐烦 can be glossed as "impatient", but "patient" has shades of meaning that need to be differentiated.
As you yourself say, 耐烦 "doesn't mean exactly the same thing" as "patient".

2) There are only two examples in the submission where 耐烦 is not preceded by 不.
Here are a few more:
- 台灣應該對中共耐煩些
- 員工必需心臟超強、耐操耐煩才行。
- 谁耐烦和一家子谈恋爱!
- 一个石膏人头,一朵假花,要一回又一回地描画,谁耐烦?
- 而且,关心这种评价的人也不会很多,有谁耐烦来听一个中学生的胡说八道呢?

3) <quote> defining an adjective with "not its opposite" in brackets looks a bit silly. <quote>
Yes. The editor did that because "patient" on its own could be a noun, and he wanted to make it clear it was meant as an adjective.
Your solution ("to be patient") is better, but I'm dropping that gloss since "put up with" conveys the meaning more precisely for affirmative usage, and the entry for 不耐烦 covers negative usage.

4) There's an interesting discussion of "patience" in Chinese here:

5) I don't think 不耐烦 is a noun ("impatience") as indicated in our entry, so I'll remove that gloss from the definition.
- 耐煩 耐烦 [nai4 fan2] /patient (not impatient)/
# + 耐煩 耐烦 [nai4 fan2] /(often used in the negative) to be able to bear/to be able to endure/to be patient/
+ 耐煩 耐烦 [nai4 fan2] /to put up with (sth disagreeable)/
- 不耐煩 不耐烦 [bu4 nai4 fan2] /impatience/impatient/
+ 不耐煩 不耐烦 [bu4 nai4 fan2] /impatient/to lose patience/

Change log entry 71549
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-15 23:22:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64840 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* “officers and soldiers” — this should be more clear for anyone who isn't familiar of the distinction of officers and (enlisted) men. Maybe leave “officers and men” because it is a good translation in context, but it should be clear to anyone that here “men” means (rank and file) soldiers.

guān-bīng: n. officers and men
guānbīng: n. government troops

1 officers and men
| 官兵一致
| unity between officers and men
2 DATED government troops

| 荣民之家都是国家退除役~组成的
| 台风后~都出来重整市容。

| 《三国演义.第二回》:「贼以为官兵至,尽弃财物奔走。」

1 名 军官和士兵的合称
| 官兵团结一致。
2 名 旧指政府的军队
| 起义军与官兵作战。

My grandmother once told me that the common people were put in a real bind then: the ones who let their hair grow out were killed by the government troops, and the ones who still did their hair up in the queue were killed by the Long Hairs! (Lyell)
My grandmother told me how hard it was in those days for common citizens; those who didn't shave off the hair over their temples were killed by government troops, those with queues were killed by the Long Hairs. (Yangs)
I remember my grandmother telling me about those times - about how bad they were. If you let your hair grow, the government soldiers killed you; if you didn't, the Taipings did. (Lovell)

Basketball, as one of traditional sport events in the army, is popular among the officers and soldiers.

In our camp all the officers and soldiers mess together.

Land has been allotted to all Red Army officers and men who are natives of the border area, but it is rather difficult to allot land to those from other parts of the country.

Since the conflict in the Bosnia-Herzegovina broke out in February, 1992, France has always stationed about 4000 officials and soldiers in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

With regard to military democracy, in periods of training there must be mutual instruction as between officers and soldiers and among the soldiers themselves;
- 官兵 官兵 [guan1 bing1] /officers and men/
+ 官兵 官兵 [guan1 bing1] /(military) officers and soldiers/officers and men/(old) government troops/

Change log entry 71546
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-15 22:37:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64476 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* In the sense "wine cup", Chinese dictionaries appear to define 大白 as a synonym for "wine cup" (酒杯), Wenlin says "a kind of wine cup" which seems more natural to me, but that's not what I'm seeing.

come out into the open
| 真相终于大白了。
| The truth finally came out into the open.
① a kind of wine cup
② whiting (plaster)

| 大白浆
| whitewash
VERB come out; become known
| 真相已大白于天下。
| The truth has become known to all.

1. (事情经过缘由)完全显露出来。
| ~于世
| 真相~。
2. 酒杯。
| 浮一~(浮:罚)。
3. 〈口〉粉刷墙壁用的白垩。

1. 较土粉子为白的土块。可以用来粉刷墙壁。
2. 完全清楚。如:「你应该把他的恶行公诸于天下,使真相得以大白。」
3. 酒杯。
| 汉.刘向《说苑.卷一一.善说》:「魏文侯与大夫饮酒,使公乘不任为觞政,曰:『饮不釂者,浮以大白。』」
| 宋.张元干〈贺新郎.梦绕神州路〉词:「举大白,听金缕。」

1 名 <口> 粉刷墙壁用的白垩(è)
| 买点儿大白刷墙。
2 动 (事情的经过缘由)全部显露出来
| 千古谜团, 大白于世 | 真相大白。

Truth will come at last , and liars always, fail!

It brought the scandal to light.

The scandal came to light when the politician was seen with the lady.

It will not be long before we know the truth.

To avoid certain facts, you can put on blindfolds for a while, but in the end they will still see the light of day.

* * *

大白(英语:Baymax)是漫威漫画中的一个虚构超级英雄。由Steven T. Seagle和Duncan Rouleau创作,首次出现在《太阳火与超能陆战队》#1。


Editor: I think movie characters are mostly beyond our scope -- something that can be left to Wikipedia to document.
You'd need to make a case that this one is exceptional in a way that makes it particularly relevant to China.
+ 大白 大白 [da4 bai2] /to be revealed/to come out (of the truth)/chalk (for whitening walls)/(old) wine cup/
# 大白 大白 [Da4 bai2] /Baymax (character from Disney movie Big Hero 6)/

Change log entry 71533
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-14 23:26:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64939 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Chinese dictionaries distinguish two pronunciations, ABC makes no such distinction.
* LAC and MoE separate two senses that seem the same to me: when 何为 is used in a rhetorical question is means "it's no use; there's no point", that is just the sense "what for" used rhetorically. I'm following these dictionaries in separating literal and rhetorical usage.
* In the sense "what is" is can be seen as classically trained construct: 何 what + 为 is, but it should be defined as it is used in modern Chinese. It is no different from 何时 or 何处.
* I didn't find the senses "what for" and "why" in modern texts.

※ héwéi

① why
② what is/are ...?

1. 什幺是。
| ~温室效应?
2. 〈书〉做什幺。
| 卿不候奏请,辄入长安,意欲~(《三国演义‧第九回》)?
3. 〈书〉反问语气,表示「又如何」。
| 人生如寄,多忧~(《文选‧曹丕‧善哉行》)。

1. 做什么、干什么。
| 《后汉书.卷一四.宗室四王三侯传.齐武王縯传》:「本起兵图大事者,伯升兄弟也,今更始何为者邪?」
| 唐.韩愈〈汴泗交流赠张仆射〉诗:「新秋朝凉未见日,公早结束来何为?」
2. 什么是。如:「何为三大洋、五大洲?」
3. 反问的语气,表示没有什么用。
| 《文选.曹丕.善哉行》:「人生如寄,多忧何为?」
| 《文选.曹植.赠白马王彪诗》:「太息将何为?天命与我违。」

※ héwèi
| 荆蛮非我乡,~久滞淫(《文选‧王粲‧七哀诗二首之二》)?
| 《文选.王粲.七哀诗二首之二》:「荆蛮非我乡,何为久滞淫?」

Child labor is notoriously difficult to measure or even to define.

Who or what is 'buddha'?

But the question is: what is Elite?
+ 何為 何为 [he2 wei2] /what is/(old) what for/(in a rhetorical question) it's no use/
+ 何為 何为 [he2 wei4] /(old) why/

Change log entry 71527
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-14 02:19:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64401 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
cf. my related submission: 铜钱; 方孔钱; 孔方兄

Chinese dictionaries generally describe two senses for this word: 1. cash 铜钱 coin of large denomination; and 2. (the more obvious) large sum of money.

* “high denomination of banknotes or coins” — to my knowledge, when related to denomination, 大钱 is specifically cash 铜钱, not other types of currency and Chinese dictionaries indicate this is a coin, not a banknote. Also this is coin, a countable noun (examples below), it doesn't refer to high denomination currency in general.
* “lots of money/a big sum (e.g. a bribe)/” — is there a difference between “lots of money” and “a big sum (of money)”? What's the point of mentioning “a bribe”?

① big sum of money
② old Chinese coin

1 DATED copper coin; money in general
2 big (or heavy, real) money
| 去沿海城市赚大钱
| go to coastal cities to earn big money
3 high-denomination bills (or bank notes)
| 把大钱兑换成零钱
| break (or change) the bills into smaller denominations

1. 旧指价值较高的钱币。今泛指钱。
| 百元~
| 这幅画值不了几个~。
2. 大笔的钱。
| 挣~
| 赚~。

1. 价值较高的钱币。
| 《国语.周语下》:「景王二十一年,将铸大钱。」
| 三国吴.韦昭.注:「贾侍中曰:『大钱者,大于旧,其价重也。』」
2. 大笔的钱。
| 《儒林外史.第二一回》:「人家拿大钱请先生教子弟,还不肯读;像你小檀越偷钱买书念,这是极上进的事。」

1 名 旧指面值大、分量重的一种铜钱; 今泛指钱
| 值不了几个大钱。
2 名 大笔的钱
| 他在做大买卖, 挣大钱。

The price was set at twelve strings of cash, a thousand to the string. (Lyell)
The price charged was twelve thousand cash. (Yangs)
It cost her twelve thousand coppers. (Lovell)

Go over to the desk and look at the colloquial language poetry I've done. See how many blank spaces there are on every page-probably wouldn't bring in more than three dollars for the lot. (Lyell)
Look at all the blank spaces in that volume of vernacular poems I wrote. I'm afraid it'll only fetch three hundred dollars. (Yangs)
Just take a look at my free verse: almost every other word's a space. I probably wouldn't get more than three hundred coppers for a whole book. (Lovell)

Fortunately, since it was already spring, he didn't need his cotton quilt all that much anymore, and so he hocked it for two thousand coppers so as to fulfill the five conditions. (Lyell)
Luckily it was already spring, so it was possible to do without his padded quilt which he pawned for two thousand cash to comply with the terms stipulated. (Yangs)
But as, by happy coincidence, it was spring, he was able to do without his cotton quilt, which he pawned for two thousand coppers, enabling him to fulfil the demands of the peace treaty. (Lovell)

Blueskin Ah-five did not show up all day, and consequently the manager of the Prosperity had to hire two porters whom Sister Shan paid two hundred and ten coppers apiece.#2They carried the coffin to the potter's field, found a place for it, and covered it with a mound. (Lyell)
Since Blue-skinned Awu did not turn up all day, the landlord of Prosperity Tavern hired two porters for Fourth Shan's Wife at 210 large coppers each, who carried the coffin to the public graveyard and dug a grave. (Yangs)
Since Ah-wu failed to show up, the manager of the Universal Prosperity hired two bearers - at a cost of two hundred and ten coppers each - on Mrs Shan's behalf, to carry the coffin to its final resting place in a pauper's grave. (Lovell)

爹每天赚的二、三十个大钱 ,养活自己也困难,哪能再拖上一个女儿。有人劝他把女儿卖了。

翠翠带着点做作问:“是什么人的?”“是什么人的?住在山上的王团总的。我听人说是那中寨人为女儿作嫁妆的东西,好不阔气,包工就是七百吊大钱 ,还不管风车,不管家什!”


He's got a position where he is able to knock down good money.

You are working for chicken feed. Work here and earn big money.

一个农民用同情的腔调议论着:“废了。不中用了。不过也不用愁,这驴很胖,卖到屠宰组,会得一笔大钱 。”

于是就把这一批母鸡继续饲养,第二年一开春又养了一批小鸡。果然蛋价上涨,三杠子赚了大钱 ,喜不自胜。
- 大錢 大钱 [da4 qian2] /high denomination of banknotes or coins/lots of money/a big sum (e.g. a bribe)/
# + 大錢 大钱 [da4 qian2] /cash coin of high denomination (old Chinese type of coin)/large sum of money/
+ 大錢 大钱 [da4 qian2] /large sum of money/old Chinese type of coin of high denomination/

Change log entry 71492
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-09 04:49:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62655 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Not very sure about my definition but the quotations illustrate well how the word is used.

n. 〈mil.〉 main/principal force

main (or principal) force


| 电子产业是带动出口成长的~。

1 名 作战的主力部队。
2 名 泛指起主要作用的力量
| 农民工已成为建筑业的主力军。

Young, educated consumers who are driving much of the organic market have no interest in eating crops derived from a laboratory, he said.

In places such as China, shark-fin soup could once only be afforded by the elite, but the growing numbers of middle-class people in the country has driven up demand.

Courtesy of the Great Recession, men are no longer dominators in the labor force.

Single men are the majority leading this trend, with 60 percent of them spending meal times plugged into something.

Well, women now make up the majority of college and grad school students, even in many areas in science and technology traditionally considered to be men’s domains.

Editor: More examples ~

I whole-heartedly agree with this idea. The ``post-80s" are a rapidly developing group with amazing potential as consumers. They will be the main force of consumption in the future. Any enterprise or business person with any foresight will not overlook this group of consumers.

Fans of the novels of Jin Yong probably all know that in one of his books, the main force resisting Yuan tyranny is a group of Chinese said to be of the "Ming religion," which the author says comes from the Persian Gulf region.

Li Dan said: "The field of China-Africa cooperation will be broader and more diverse. While there is government leadership, the role of the market and enterprise will be the main driver.

According to the "First Work Trend Insight" a report released by LinkedIn in August this year, workers born after 95 stayed in their first job for an average of 7 months, far lower than the post-80s and post-90s groups, making them the largest driver for workers who “flash quit”.

Women farmers are the backbone of African agriculture.

First, women under 40, the main cohort of traders, were banned from markets, which have since been closed.

从年龄结构看,22 ~35岁人群是离婚主力军,...
From age structure, the main forces of the divorce group aged from22 to 35;
# 主力軍 主力军 [zhu3 li4 jun1] /main force (mil.)/the strongest or most representive group/
+ 主力軍 主力军 [zhu3 li4 jun1] /main force (military)/(fig.) the group or element with the most impact/mainstay/main cohort/

Change log entry 71489
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-09 01:40:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65066 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. spring tide; highest tide occurring at fixed times

spring tides

| 每年的~总会吸引无数观潮者。

| 《浮生六记.卷四.浪游记快》:「余亦从之驰逐,倦则卧,引至园田成熟处,每一字号圈筑高隄,以防潮汛。」

名 每年定期出现的大潮
| 每年中秋潮汛到来时, 人们纷纷去钱塘江边观潮。


The semi-diurnal range (the difference in height between high and low waters over about half a day) varies in a two-week cycle. Approximately twice a month, around new moon and full moon when the Sun, Moon, and Earth form a line (a configuration known as a syzygy), the tidal force due to the Sun reinforces that due to the Moon. The tide's range is then at its maximum; this is called the spring tide. It is not named after the season, but, like that word, derives from the meaning "jump, burst forth, rise", as in a natural spring.

While the big tides on August 3rd and August 15th of the lunar calendar approach again before your eyes, new typhoons and rain storms may come at any time, making one worry about the danger.

"Out there by the seashore just before the spring tides, you'll see a whole bunch of jumperfish hoppin' around all over the place. They've got these two little legs on'em just like frogs and . . ." (Lyell)
“On our shore, when the tide comes in, there are lots of jumping fish, each with two legs like a frog....” (Yangs)
'We've jumping fish at the seashore, too, lots of them when the tide's in, with legs like frogs.” (Lovell)

饭店的房屋的骨格,同我的胸腔一样,肋骨已经一条一条的数得出来了。幸亏还有左侧的一根木椽,从邻家墙上,横着支住在那里,否则怕去秋的潮汛 ,早好把它拉入了江心,作伍子胥的烧饭柴火去了。
+ 潮汛 潮汛 [chao2 xun4] /spring tide/

Change log entry 71475
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-08 07:50:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64108 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* “utterance” looks a bit out of place but I can't think of a better replacement. Pronouncements, declarations, statements, etc. are generally formal; words, remarks, etc. aren't necessarily spoken. This expression refers specifically to something that is spoken in public but not necessarily in a formal setting.
* Also used adjectively: 语惊四座的.

f.e. The words startle all present.

IDIOM words startle all present
| 发言人语惊四座。
| The speaker’s words electrified the listeners.


而这样的"语惊四座"早就不是第一次了。 布什总统经常在某些重要场合让听众为他笨拙的措辞大跌眼镜。
But it is not the first time that Mr Bush has raised eyebrows with his homespun choice of words to articulate pivotal moments in his presidency.

A good introduction is very important. Think: how can you grab the audiences' attention? A startling statement, a quotation or a statistic?

Mr. Bloeckman suddenly cleared his throat and said in a loud, distinct voice:
“On the contrary. When a man speaks he's merely tradition. He has at best a few thousand years back of him. But woman, why, she is the miraculous mouthpiece of posterity.”
In the stunned pause that followed this astounding remark, Anthony choked suddenly on an oyster and hurried his napkin to his face. Rachael and Muriel raised a mild if somewhat surprised laugh, in which Dick and Maury joined, both of them red in the face and restraining uproariousness with the most apparent difficulty.
在这段语惊四座 的发言后,接下来便是尴尬的沉默,此时安东尼突然被嘴里的牡蛎呛到,慌忙拿起餐巾往脸上擦。
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Beautiful and the Damned《美丽与毁灭》

戈尔巴乔夫说过这样的话:有一件事是公开的秘密,假如你想给自己盖个小房子,就得给主管官员些贿赂,再到国家的工地上偷点建筑材料。这样的事干得说不得,属于沉默;再加上讲这些话时,戈氏是苏共总书记,所以当然语惊四座 。

1988年,这位海南人大学毕业没多久,便只身踏上了澳洲的红土地。半年后,他从悉尼的一间语言学校结业,当同学们纷纷表示要进正规大学继续读书时,他却作出了语惊四座 的表态,“还上什么大学呀,我们在中国都读了快20年的书了,自己办所大学还差不多。”

十大建筑之一的北京火车站巍峨壮观,不愧为共和国的大门,中国铁路运输的神经中枢。周恩来总理视察北京站后,语惊四座 :将来北京的西南郊再建一座火车客站!短短的一句话,饱含着老一辈革命家超前的眼光。

Editor: Based on examples I've seen, including some of those submitted, it would make better sense to define it as a verb phrase than as a complete sentence.
Here are a couple of extra examples, in which 语惊四座 functions as a verb phrase, appearing after a grammatical subject.

At the mention of Taiwanese cuisine, Chef Ah-Nan smiles animatedly and reveals his secrets. He explains that another classic Taiwanese dish-tsai-bo-neng (菜脯蛋/dried-radish-and-egg frittata)-entails even more dedication to perfection: "You need to learn for at least three years and four months to do it right," says Ah-Nan.

An incident that probably made a deeper impression on the Taiwanese public was the case of Li Yen-hsiu. Li won a Golden Bell (the Taiwan equivalent of an Emmy) for her work as CTS anchor in 1993, but was so frustrated by management's frequent interference that she complained that the award should have been for "best puppet"!
# 語驚四座 语惊四座 [yu3 jing1 si4 zuo4] /the utterance startled all present (idiom)/startling (of an utterance)/
+ 語驚四座 语惊四座 [yu3 jing1 si4 zuo4] /to make a remark that startles everyone present (idiom)/(of a remark) startling/

Change log entry 71474
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-08 01:56:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64103 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
r[esultative] v[erb]
① be unspeakable/unmentionable
② be scandalous
③ 〈topo.〉 have no say; have to comply
④ be unavoidable

1 unspeakable; unmentionable
2 be scandalous
3 DIALECT have no say; have to comply

1. 不可说;不要说。
| 这秘密~
| 脏话~。
2. 不得已;只好。
| 这段时间无法工作,~要到处借钱度日。
3. 不得了。表示非常、十分。
| 他的脾气坏得~。
4. 无从说起;没法说。
| 他俩的问题,~。

1. 不可说、不要说。如:「猥亵的话,说不得。」
2. 不得了。表示极度、非常。如:「他的人品坏得说不得。」
3. 不得已、只好。
| 《红楼梦.第八回》:「说不得东拼西凑的,恭恭敬敬封了二十四两贽见礼。」
| 《文明小史.第三九回》:「在这内地,说不得要用华装,添做了些摹本宁绸四季衣服,看看三百两银子已经用完了。」

In the interest of his son's career he had to pinch and scrape to get together twenty-four taels of silver as a handsome entrance gift.

She was Irish enough to believe in second sight, especially where death premonitions were concerned, and in his wide gray eyes she saw some deep sadness which she could only interpret as that of a man who has felt the cold finger on his shoulder, has heard the wail of the Banshee.
“You mustn’t say it! You mustn’t even think it. It’s bad luck to speak of death! Oh, say a prayer, quickly!”
“这样的话可千万说不得 !连想都不能想。无缘无故说死字多晦气!哎呀,快点快点,来做个祷告!”
Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind 《飘》

戈尔巴乔夫说过这样的话:有一件事是公开的秘密,假如你想给自己盖个小房子,就得给主管官员些贿赂,再到国家的工地上偷点建筑材料。这样的事干得说不得 ,属于沉默;再加上讲这些话时,戈氏是苏共总书记,所以当然语惊四座。

香阁忽道:“人说你会放蛊,能不能把人迷住,听你指挥?”荷珠板起脸,摇手道:“说不得 ,说不得。说了有大祸。”其实荷珠自己明白,所谓蛊,就是让众多毒虫相斗,那最后仅存者,当然是剧毒之物,用来伤人性命不成问题,至于手指一指就能让人中毒,实在是瞎话。
+ 說不得 说不得 [shuo1 bu5 de5] /to be unmentionable/be unspeakable/must/cannot but/

Change log entry 71472
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-08 01:16:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64778 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* In Wenlin the traditional character is also 冢 but in LAC and MoE it's 塚.
* “pauper's grave” seems more common than “paupers' grave”.

n. potter's field (burial ground for strangers and the friendless poor)

burial ground for the remains of unidentified persons


| 《谈征.事部.义冢》:「起自宋代,韩琦镇并州,以官钱市田数顷给民安葬,蔡京设漏泽园,皆所谓义冢也。」

名 埋葬无主尸骨的坟墓。

【Wikipedia: Potter's field】
A potter's field, paupers' grave or common grave is a place for the burial of unknown, unclaimed or indigent people.

Blueskin Ah-five did not show up all day, and consequently the manager of the Prosperity had to hire two porters whom Sister Shan paid two hundred and ten coppers apiece. They carried the coffin to the potter's field, found a place for it, and covered it with a mound. (Lyell)
Since Blue-skinned Awu did not turn up all day, the landlord of Prosperity Tavern hired two porters for Fourth Shan's Wife at 210 large coppers each, who carried the coffin to the public graveyard and dug a grave. (Yangs)
Since Ah-wu failed to show up, the manager of the Universal Prosperity hired two bearers - at a cost of two hundred and ten coppers each - on Mrs Shan's behalf, to carry the coffin to its final resting place in a pauper's grave. (Lovell)

原来是那周妈,把招弟的棺材送到义冢 地去葬了,现在回来了。

The curé thought that he was doing right, and perhaps he really was, in reserving as much money as possible from what Jean Valjean had left for the poor. Who was concerned, after all? A convict and a woman of the town. That is why he had a very simple funeral for Fantine, and reduced it to that strictly necessary form known as the pauper’s grave.
So Fantine was buried in the free corner of the cemetery which belongs to anybody and everybody, and where the poor are lost.
本堂神甫尽量把冉阿让留下的东西,留下给穷人,他自以为做得得当,也许真是得当的。况且,这件事牵涉到谁呢?牵涉到一个苦役犯和一个娼妇。因此他简化了芳汀的殡葬,极力削减费用,把她送进了义冢 。
Victor Hugo, Les Misérables (tr. Isabel F. Hapgood)
+ 義塚 义冢 [yi4 zhong3] /potter's field/pauper's grave/

Change log entry 71468
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-07 11:04:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65329 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Seems more often translated as “local constable”, which to me seems a better translation because: 1) 地 here does mean local, and 2) “magistrate” often implies some kind of judicial power which (judging from Chinese definitions) 地保 didn't have.

n. 〈trad.〉 local constable

constable at village or ward level (in the Qing Dynasty and the early Republican days)


| 《红楼梦.第八六回》:「知县便叫地保对明初供,又叫尸亲张王氐井尸叔张二问话。」
| 《老残游记.第四回》:「一面两匹马把住,不许一个人出去,将地保乡约等人叫起。」

名 旧时地方上替官府办差的人。

> At noon the following day, someone spotted a corpse in the Wanliu Lake, five miles outside the town's West Gate, and immediately spread the word. The news eventually reached the ears of the local sheriff, who in turn had a peasant go fish it out of the water. (Lyell)
> At noon the next day someone noticed a drowned man floating in the Wanliu Lake five miles from the West Gate. He lost no time in spreading the news till word reached the local bailiff, who got some villagers to recover the corpse. (Yangs)
> At noon the following day, a corpse was found floating in the Lake of Myriad Currents, around five miles from the West Gate. When the news reached the local constable, he ordered a local to fish it out: (Lovell)

> Who could have foreseen that the very next day the local sheriff would order Ah Q to hightail it on out to the Zhaos' place? As soon as Old Master Zhao clapped eyes on Ah Q, the old fellow's face flushed scarlet. "Ah Q, you miserable bastard," he bellowed, (Lyell)
> But the next day the bailiff summoned him to Mr. Zhao's house. When the old gentleman set eyes on him his face turned crimson with fury and he roared: “Ah Q, you miserable wretch! (Yangs)
> The following day, the local constable summoned Ah-Q to the Zhaos'. 'You stupid bastard, Ah-Q!” the honourable Mr Zhao roared, his face blotching crimson at the sight of him. (Lovell)
- 地保 地保 [di4 bao3] /magistrate/
+ 地保 地保 [di4 bao3] /(old) local constable/

Change log entry 71455
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-06 05:12:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65345 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
① solicit articles
② cite a text in support

| ~启事
| ~活动
| ~比赛
| ~选登。

1. 公开征求文章。如:「征文启事」、「征文活动」。
2. 取证于典籍史料的记载。
| 《宋书.卷一六.礼志三》:「礼记残缺之书,本无备体,折简败字,多所阙略。正应推例求意,不可动必征文。」
| 清.连横《台湾通史序》:「郭公夏五,疑信相参,则征文难。」

To welcome the illuminating 70th anniversary of the birth of the Chinese Communist Party, essays solicited on "on the position of Party branch secretary" meet with readers today.

Soliciting articles was one of the methods that was adopted by the Missionaries, living in China during the Late Qing Dynasty, to make the Chinese pay close attention to the Gospel of the Christ.

In the process of reconstructing this history, the Taipei Association for the Promotion of Women's Rights, which puts great emphasis on collecting historical materials about women, has published Grandmothers' Tales, a collection of winning reminiscences submitted to a writing contest the association sponsored, and an oral history entitled Disappearing Taiwanese Grandmothers.

In the previous issue, we posted an appeal for contributions from all our Sinorama readers who would like to tell us moving stories that have happened to you personally. In this issue, we will provide a more detailed explanation of the procedures, welcoming experts from all fields to take part. We hope that readers, through our various columns, will find a medium of interchange.

> ”We've hurried over here this very night to settle on the topics for the Eighteenth Essay and Poetry Contest of our Society for the Improvement of the Social Mores. Isn't tomorrow the seventeenth?” (Lyell)
> We've hurried here at this time of night because of the eighteenth essay and poem contest of the Moral Rearmament Literary League. Isn't tomorrow the seventeenth?”. (Yangs)
> 'We've come to settle on a subject for the Eighteenth Essay and Poetry Contest of the Society for Improving the Fabric of Society. Tomorrow's the seventeenth - remember?”‘ (Lovells)

> If Ah Q had used the character meaning "moon pavilion" as his courtesy name, or if he had been born in the eighth lunar month, then his given name would certainly be written with the QUEI meaning "laurel." But he didn't have a courtesy name. Or if he did, nobody knew it. If only at some point in his career he had sent out invitations soliciting eulogies on the grand occasion of his fiftieth or sixtieth birthday, the way scholar-officials do, then I could check "laurel" against those. But since Ah Q never sent out any such invitations, it would be downright dogmatic of me to insist on "laurel." (Lyell)
> If his other name had been Moon Pavilion, or if he had celebrated his birthday in the month of the Moon Festival, then it would certainly be the “Gui” for fragrant osmanthus. But since he had no other name — or if he had, no one knew it — and since he never sent out invitations on his birthday to secure complimentary verses, it would be arbitrary to write Ah Gui (fragrant osmanthus). (Yangs)
> This Quei, then - I have induced - was it in fact gui And, if so, was it the gui meaning 'osmanthus flower' (桂) or 'noble' (贵)?” Now, if his parents had had the foresight to give him a nom de plume, and that name had been 'Moon Pavilion', or if he had been born in the eighth lunar month, the gui of 'osmanthus' would have made abundant sense - for the Moon Festival falls on the eighth month, when the osmanthus blooms. But as, being illiterate and all, he had no nom de plume - or maybe he did, but no one knew what it was - and neither did he ever hint at the month of his birth by distributing party invitations, to settle upon osmanthus gui would again constitute irresponsible licence on the part of his biographer. (Lovell)

从一九六三年起,《北京晚报》就有个征文 ,总的题目就叫《我和北京》。征文开始的时候,《北京晚报》就来找我写文章,可是我好久都写不出来,特别是看多了《我和北京》的文章,我就越不敢写了。

解放军代表李伟说:自从总政治部发起了“解放军三十年征文 ”以后,将军、广大干部和战士以及许多年迈的革命老人,都热情地拿起了笔,掀起了一个群众性的写作运动。仅仅经部队系统层层挑选送到编辑部的征文,已达一万一千多篇,大约四千万字以上。“星火燎原”就是由短篇革命斗争回忆录汇编而成的一部书。
+ 徵文 征文 [zheng1 wen2] /to solicit articles, essays or pieces of literature (on a subject or in commemoration of an event)/

Change log entry 71452
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-06 00:56:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64149 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* to revolt (against sb or sth) — I mainly wanted to add the intransitive verb sense (革sb的命) which is is very common (or was, when revolutions were) but isn't on any dictionary except Wenlin/ABC. Maybe "to carry out a revolution (against sb or sth)" would be wordier but more accurate? In most examples below the translation could be rephrased to to translate 革命 as revolt. There are also many cases that refer to revolt in a smaller scale, or against a single person, not something that would be called a revolution in English.
* to revolutionize (sth) — Still as a transitive verb, recently it seems to be used outside of politics as the English "to revolutionize" (a field, art, profession, technique, etc.), many times translated as "to reform", which isn't a bad translation but is more general, 革命 isn't used for just any reform.
* to transition to a new dynasty (old) — It also seems appropriate to add the original sense of the word, which is in most Chinese dictionaries.
* I still don't think this definition covers all the senses of the word, it seems to be used (or has been used — this word has a difficult modern history) to mean from as little as "to oppose" to something as serious as "to exterminate through revolutionary practice". In any case, its use as a transitive verb is very much established and hopefully these glosses will make this definition more useful.

☞ 改朝换代
1. 原指改革天命,即改朝换代。现指夺取政权,建立新的制度的社会变革。
1. 古时因天子受命于天,故朝代更替,君主易姓,皆称为「革命」。
| 《易经.革卦》:「汤武革命顺乎天而应乎人。」
1 动 原指改革天命, 即改朝换代。现指被压迫阶级用暴力夺取政权, 摧毁旧的社会制度, 建立新的社会制度, 推动社会向前发展

☞ 革sb的命
v.o./n. revolt; revolution
| 革地主的命
| revolt against the landlords

The Revolution of 1911 was directed against imperialism.

Because there was "decay of Manchu rule" and because it is the weak point that is attacked, it would seem that the revolution was directed against the Ching Dynasty.

Against whom was the revolution directed?

Having learned this "aggressiveness", the Chinese did not aggress into Britain or the United States but only created "ferment and unrest" inside China, i.e., carried out revolutions against imperialism and its running dogs.

The "Cultural Revolution" of the 1960s was turned into a "movement against culture," which included campaigns to end all religions. It was a profound, costly lesson.

"Why not be a revolutionary?" he asked himself. "There's a whole bunch of fuckers I'd like to revolution clear out of this world and into the next (Lyell)
“Revolution is not a bad thing,” thought Ah Q. “Finish off the whole lot of them... (Yangs)

黎满庚最可恶,克扣过他的救济粮和救济衣服,全无一点阶级感情!哼哼,这种人在本镇大队掌印当政,他王秋赦怎么彻底翻得了身?这回政府算开了恩,体察下情,派下了工作组,替现时最穷最苦的人讲话,革 那些现时有钱有势人的命 !李国香边问边记,把镇上十几个干部的情况都大致上摸了个底。

毛泽东同志说:“辛亥革命是革 帝国主义的命 ”。

4、宣扬“群众运动是天然合理的”,煽动极端民主化和无政府主义,以“大民主”名义破坏党的民主集中制,否定党的领导,鼓吹“踢开党委闹革命”,宣传“形成了一个党内资产阶级”,“要革 党内资产阶级的命 ”。

* * *

He had a strong subconscious to reform the life of the old opera, the Qing government and Yuan Shikai, then implemented one by one and played an important and active role.

So when I advocated a reform in the way the brush is held and then a reform in the brushes themselves it immediately created a big controversy. I was called a traitor to Chinese painting and worse. Actually I only wanted to stress that painting is made up of points, lines, surfaces, colors and textures and that the brush is only one tool among many for forming points and lines, just as creasing is only one method among many for forming texture, so why not try out different tools and different methods for a while?

外部使用B2B采购平台,100%供应商的订单从网上获得,网上付款达80%以上,通过网上支付,每年为供应商节约上千万元的费用。为了高速、高质量完成订单,海尔建成两座物流中心,“先革 了仓库的命 ”。在青岛开发区的海尔国际物流中心,记者看到,高速运转、操作简单的巷道堆垛机,实现了对货物的自动存取。激光导引的无人运货车,自动完成装卸货物。
- 革命 革命 [ge2 ming4] /revolution/revolutionary (politics)/CL:次[ci4]/
# + 革命 革命 [ge2 ming4] /to transition to a new dynasty (old)/revolution/revolutionary (politics)/to revolt (against sb or sth)/to revolutionize (sth)/CL:次[ci4]/
+ 革命 革命 [ge2 ming4] /to withdraw the mandate of heaven (and transition to a new dynasty) (original meaning)/revolution/revolutionary/to revolt (against sb or sth)/to revolutionize (sth)/(separable verb sometimes used in the pattern 革noun的命)/CL:次[ci4]/

Change log entry 71449
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-05 21:27:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67158 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
cf. 管他呢, 管他的, 不管

* I see 管他 used to be in the dictionary as a synonym for 管他呢/管他的 before being removed, but there's a difference: 管他 (also spelled 管它) can be followed by the thing that doesn't matter (名次高低, 預報是晴是雨...), it's not just a fixed expression, like 管他呢.

v[erb].o[bject construction]. (don't) worry about/that ...

| 艾芜《山野》:死生有命, 富贵在天…管他做什么。

The singing and dancing are by far the most important performances. The performers, divided into groups by age, wear bright costumes. Although out under the blazing sun, they nonetheless give their all, throwing themselves into the music and dance

In the end, whether the forecast is for rain or shine, there are always people who still adopt the attitude that "I'm not going to let the weather stop me." Most businessmen have the same positive attitude. As Chu Chih-yang, chairman of the Fair Friend Group, insists: "You invest where there are investments to be made, you grow where there's room to grow, and you do your best to earn the money that's out there to be earned. Anyway, you don't know about a lot of variables until you get to the end. Since they are beyond your control, why worry about them?"

Because food is shockingly expensive in Europe, they could not eat with wild abandon along the way. One rainy day as they traipsed cold and wet along a Swiss street, Sarah turned to Raymond and said, "The heck with the cost. I want to have a genuine local fondue."

Then these companies pursue various philanthropic activities to show their compassionate side, by making public displays of charitable donations to the people of Lanyu (even if the people there have no need of their gifts) or funding protection of sea turtles on Lanyu (even if the extra funds actually result in more harm to the turtles).

"Even if it's making an appointment with someone to deliver a tank of natural gas or fix the telephone, I take precautions," she says. "When there's a strange man in the house to fix the bathroom plumbing or do work in the kitchen or whatever, my usual response is to call a friend, and protect myself by having contact with somebody outside." She adds, to illustrate how conscientious she is about her security, that the idea came to her on her own: "No one ever taught me to do this."
+ 管他 管他 [guan3 ta1] /no matter if/regardless of/don’t worry about (it, him etc)/doesn’t matter/
+ 管它 管它 [guan3 ta1] /no matter if/regardless of/don’t worry about (it, him etc)/doesn’t matter/

Change log entry 71443
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-05 11:14:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65032 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Doesn't seem to mean "blighted" even if that is a common translation. Chinese sources just say 不饱满, while blight is symptom of a diseased plant. 规范词典 also says 中空, hollow, 现代汉语大词典 doesn't. I think 不饱满 by itself just means "immature grain", although "abortive grain" would also result in 不饱满的谷子.

n. rice grain not fully grown

blighted grain; abortive grain; immature grain

名 中空的或不饱满的稻谷或谷子。

| 鲁迅《故乡》:沙地上, 下了雪, 我拓出一块空地来, 用短棒支起一个大竹匾, 撒下秕谷。

> Out by the ocean where we live, I always wait till there's a good snowfall. Then I sweep a place nice and clean, take a little stick, and prop up a big, big bamboo basket. I sprinkle some grain underneath and tie a string to the bottom of the stick. Then I back way, way off and wait for the birds to come. One little tug and I've got them. (Lyell)
> On our sands, after it snows, I sweep clear a patch of ground, prop up a big threshing basket with a short stick, and scatter husks of grain beneath; then when I see the birds coming to eat, from a distance I give a tug to the string tied to the stick, and the birds are caught in the basket. (Yangs)
> Then you clear a patch of sand, prop a basket on a short stick and scatter some blighted grain. Tie some rope to the stick, stand a good long way away, holding the other end of the rope, then soon as you see a bird come to get the grain, give the rope a tug and it’s stuck, under the basket. (Lovell)

When life was hard, people had to feed on blighted grains.

去年春天,用一尺耧种了谷,效果很好,加上水肥等等条件,秕谷 减少了,亩产增加了四十斤。

各地都应注意从多方面解决饲料供应问题,并发动群众尽量采用菜类、薯类、秕谷 和野生饲料饲养家畜。

现在他们正在抓紧田间管理,促使早发早熟,为进一步降低秕谷 率,争取收获更多的晚稻创造条件。

Editor: 子粒不饱满的谷子 ... that could happen for various reasons, not necessarily because the grain hasn't had enough time to grow (which is what "immature" suggests to me).
For example, there may have been a drought.
I think it's better to go for sth like ABC's broader definition, which doesn't specify the reason why the grain is 不饱满.
# 秕穀 秕谷 [bi3 gu3] /immature rice grain/
+ 秕穀 秕谷 [bi3 gu3] /grain not fully grown/

Change log entry 71440
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-05 05:44:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65950 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
do not expect; do not seek
| 她不图回报。
| She doesn't expect to be repaid.

〈wr.〉 unexpectedly; contrary to expectation

not seek; not strive for
| 不图名利
| not seek fame or gain

unexpected; to one’s surprise

1. 不贪图;不谋取。
| ~回报
| ~名利
| ~荣华富贵。
2. 不料。
| 千里寻访,~半路相逢。

1. 不料。
| 《論語.述而》:「子在齊聞韶,三月不知肉味。曰:『不圖為樂之至於斯也。』」
| 《文選.劉琨.勸進表》:「不圖天不悔禍,大災存臻。」
2. 不貪圖。
| 《文選.揚雄.長楊賦》:「雖然亦頗擾于農人,三旬有餘,其廑至矣,而功不圖。」

1 动 <文> 不料
| 不图中年丧偶。
2 动 不贪图; 不谋取
| 不图报答
| 不图享受
| 不图便(pián)宜。

They are not interested in making money or fame or accomplishments. They just want to be monks.

She admitted: "I would do Harry Potter for nothing. It's not really anything to do with money."

But business is business. You expect me to come out of this empty-handed and let my family eat the northwest wind?

> Ah Q turned, intending to hightail it back to the hulling shed, but found himself cut off by the pole. #2 He backtracked, went the other way, and made it safely out the rear gate. Before long he was back inside the Land-and-Grain Temple. (Lyell)
> He turned and ran, hoping to escape to the hulling-floor, not foreseeing that the bamboo pole would cut off his retreat. When it did, he turned and ran in the other direction, leaving without further ado by the back gate. Soon he was back in the Tutelary God's Temple. (Yangs)
> Turning to exit back to the husking floor, he found his path blocked by this new stick. Logically enough, he decided to leave by the back door, and soon found himself back inside the Temple of Earth and Grain. (Lovell)
+ 不圖 不图 [bu4 tu2] /not to seek (sth)/to have no expectation of (sth)/(literary) unexpectedly/

Change log entry 71406
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-02 22:48:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65331 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. 〈coll.〉 young hooligan (said teasingly); You stupid fool!

| 你个~,尽惹事
| 都是些做起工作来不要命的~。


名 指不明事理、行为不理智的青少年。

Those punks couldn’t bear the interrogation; a tad bitter taste of it just brought them all to confession.

That little shit consumes too much energy of his parents' and teachers' energy.

One of the things teachers dread is to have charge of a class dominated by a large, stupid, bullying boy.

Heaven has also given Chang time to see the son he once wrote about as "bragging, vain, fashion-loving, and not true to his word" rise to a management position with Prada, Taiwan.

> Who could have foreseen that the very next day the local sheriff would order Ah Q to hightail it on out to the Zhaos' place? As soon as Old Master Zhao clapped eyes on Ah Q, the old fellow's face flushed scarlet. "Ah Q, you miserable bastard," he bellowed, (Lyell)
> But the next day the bailiff summoned him to Mr. Zhao's house. When the old gentleman set eyes on him his face turned crimson with fury and he roared: “Ah Q, you miserable wretch! (Yangs)
> The following day, the local constable summoned Ah-Q to the Zhaos'. 'You stupid bastard, Ah-Q!” the honourable Mr Zhao roared, his face blotching crimson at the sight of him. (Lovell)
+ 渾小子 浑小子 [hun2 xiao3 zi5] /(derog.) young hooligan (sometimes said in jest)/

Change log entry 71405
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-02 22:45:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64722 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
I'm rather confused about what 耳根 — base/root of the ear (Wenlin: “base of earlobe”) — does actually mean. In most examples/quotations for this sense it would naturally be translated simply as "ear". Is it the bottom part of the ear? Wouldn't that just be the earlobe? Most examples are about being red or feeling hot, which makes me think it might be the part of the ear that connects to the head, not the bottom part, as in "the ear was red from the tip to the base". But I'm still not sure, as that would make Wenlin's definition completely wrong.

* The Buddhist sense should be better but it would require submitting an entry for 六根 and for each of the other five "roots of sensation".

① base of earlobe
②〈Budd.〉 the ear taken as a source of sin

1 basal part (or root) of the ear
3 BUDDHISM ear taken as a source of sin

1. 外耳根部。
2. 耳边;耳朵对声音的感应。
| ~清净。

1. 耳边。如:「耳根清净。」
| 《红楼梦.第七七回》:「又向迎春耳根说:『好歹打听我受罪,替我说个情儿,就是主仆一场。』」
2. 耳的根部。如:「她的短发与耳根齐。」
3. 佛教用语。指听觉神经。为六根之一。
| 《大智度论.卷一》:「闻用耳根闻耶?用耳识闻?用意识闻耶?」

名 外耳根部。

He grew excited, and red-eared, and a little nervous.

Under her ear was a deep wound, which was bleeding.

His ears burned. He knew it was his fault.

Among the Saikaoliehko Atayal, for example, the lines on both the men and women were long and thin. The cheek tattoo for the women would stretch from the cheek bones down to the philtrum, the groove between the upper lip and nose. This was the smallest "V" found among any Atayals. The Tseaolieh Atayal had the thickest of lines. The cheek tattoos on the women started from right below their ears and went across their cheeks to their philtrums, forming a 90 degree angle. The tattoos of the Saiteke Atayal started from beneath the ears and crossed under the cheekbones to the philtrum, forming the widest angle among Atayal facial tattoos.

Liu Yu-ying had not expected this; it made her blood boil, and she flushed to the tips of her ears.

Sister Shan felt a flash of heat in her chest, a heat that immediately spread upward until it reddened both her face and the lobes of her ears. (Lyell)
she felt a wave of heat along her breast. She flushed right up to her ears. (Yangs)
Mrs Shan's breast surged with heat, the flush spreading across her face, and back to her ears. (Lovell)

Now, however, under Siming's close scrutiny and face to face with that sunflower green cake of soap with its exotic scent, she could not control that warmth—it grew and grew until it reached the base of her ears. (Lyells)
Now, under his scrutiny, she could not help blushing as she looked at this green, foreign soap with the curious scent, and this blush spread right to the tips of her ears. (Yangs)
# But his inquisitorial scrutiny, in the company of this green imported soap, forced a hot flush out to the tips of her ears. (Lovells)
+ 耳根 耳根 [er3 gen1] /base of the ear/ear/(Buddhism) sense of hearing/

Change log entry 71390
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-01 22:53:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67095 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
I read it in Mu Shiying's short story (or short novella, I'm not sure) 夜总会里的五个人. It seems to have been used between May 4th and unit standardization, but it's not on any dictionary and I don't know how widely used it was. I'm logging it here as a word used in a significant work of fiction that's not on any dictionary, I leave it to your consideration whether is it reasonable to add it or not.

苏雪林 《丹伦岩穴探奇》

标金的跌风,用一小时一百基罗米突 的速度吹着,把那些人吹成野兽,吹去了理性,吹去了神经。

丹乡在里昂近郊,乘坐半小时火车可到。白朗的朋友伯克莱小姐有所别墅在那里,每客止取五佛郎一天的膳宿费,算是很公道的。而且那边风景也清幽,和白朗的家相去仅有三基罗米突 的路程,白朗说她可以常来教醒秋的法文,有这样种种便利,所以醒秋一口答应。

Editor: Here's a reference for 基罗米突:
# 基羅米突 基罗米突 [ji1 luo2 mi3 tu1] /kilometer (old)/
+ 基羅米突 基罗米突 [ji1 luo2 mi3 tu1] /kilometer (old) (loanword)/
# Editor: here's another one that's in HDC
+ 吉羅米突 吉罗米突 [ji2 luo2 mi3 tu1] /kilometer (old) (loanword)/

Change log entry 71386
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-01 09:51:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64533 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* to pinch — This is probably the most common definition but I don't think 捏 means to pinch, to “to squeeze between the finger and thumb”, 捏 generally it means “to hold between the thumb and fingers”, not to squeeze. I can find a good number of example translations where “to pinch”, “to give a nip” is the only possible translation, but almost all of them are clearly translated from English into Chinese, probably under the influence of the dictionary definitions; in original Chinese texts it seems to not have this meaning. I may be wrong about this, but I don't think I'm wrong in suggesting not using “to pinch” as the the first gloss for this word/character.

* to knead — This is in several dictionaries but I don't think 捏 means “to work and press into a mass” at all. Can it be an attempt to describe “用手指将软物体搓捻成某种形状”, to mold into shape? In the example for Pleco, “捏饺子”, “kneading” seems to make sense but this is still molding the jiaozi dough into shape with the fingers, which is very different from kneading dough to make bread, for example.

* to make up — “To make up” has more than one meaning, the definition should be clearer.

① hold between the fingers; pinch
② knead with the fingers; mold
fabricate; trump up

1 hold between the finger and thumb; pinch
| 捏着鼻子
| hold one’s nose
| 把米里的虫子捏出来
| pick the worms out of the rice
2 work with the fingers; mould
| 捏饺子
| knead up the wrappers (of jiaozi)
| 捏泥人儿
| mould clay figurines
3 fabricate; make up
| 捏报
| fake a report
4 bind up; put together
| 把不相干的事情捏在一起
| lump together unrelated things

1. 用拇指与其他指头将东西夹住。
| ~住鼻子
| ~紧钱币
| 将碎屑~起来。
2. 用手指将软物体搓捻成某种形状。
| ~面人
| ~黏土
| ~饺子。
3. 虚构;附会。
| ~造
| ~词妄控。


1. 用手指将软东西搓捻成某种形状。如:「捏面人」、「捏饺子」、「捏泥人儿」。
| 元.王实甫《西厢记.第一本.第二折》:「头直上只少个圆光,却便似捏塑来的僧伽像。」
2. 用拇指与其余手指夹住。如:「捏鼻子」、「捏紧线头」、「捏一把冷汗」。
3. 握住。
| 元.郑光祖《㑇梅香.第一折》:「俺捏住这玉佩,慢慢的行将去。」
4. 虚构、牵强附会。如:「捏造事实」。
| 《红楼梦.第八六回》:「今尔远来,并非目睹,何得捏词妄控。」

1 动 用拇指和其他指头一起夹住
| 捏着鼻子
| 手捏不住筷子。
2 动 用手指把软东西弄成某种形状
| 捏面人儿
| 捏橡皮泥。
3 动 使合起来; 撮合
| 把那么多不同脾气的人捏在一起不容易
| 捏合。
4 动 虚构; 编造
| 捏造。
5 动 握
| 把纸团捏在手心里。

He took the pen between his thumb and forefinger.

She lifted the frog with two dainty fingers, carried him upstairs, and put him down in a corner.

Natalie was clutching her ticket, and trying to understand the shouts of the uniformed attendants.

"By the way, James," Margaret said, holding the stem of her glass,"I want to say how awfully grateful I am to you for your tact these last couple of weeks."

The congressman spun empty champagne glass between two fingers.

I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers,

The sculptor worked the clay into the shape of a woman.

God formed man of the dust of the ground.

He pulled out a hand clasped round a shattered pipe.

The yellow man carried his bundle and his cudgel in his hand.

He held the cigarette in his fingers and the smoke curled up past his bloodshot eyes.

He turned and fled down the stairs with the chocolate growing sticky in his hand.

He held in his hand something which resembled a letter.

The poor stationer was at the mercy of those from whom he borrowed money.

He seemed to have the whole world at his bidding.

The older couple had set aside other feelings in an attempt to hold the family together.

今年37岁的次仁现在是两个孩子的父亲了,但婚后夫妻感情一直不好。次仁常常埋怨母亲“你把素不相识的人‘捏 ’在一起,有什么好结果。

Her mind was in a turmoil: should she tell her father straight out that she had not yet tried to find out, or should she just beat about the bush and hope she could muddle through? Or should she simply make something up to put him of?

to hold between the thumb and the other fingers -->
to hold between the thumb and other fingers
- 捏 捏 [nie1] /to pinch (with one's fingers)/to knead/to make up/
# + 捏 捏 [nie1] /to hold between the thumb and the other fingers/to pinch/to mold (using the fingers)/to hold (lit. in one's hand and fig.)/to join together/to fabricate (a story, a report, etc)/
+ 捏 捏 [nie1] /to hold between the thumb and other fingers/to pinch/to mold (using the fingers)/to hold (lit. in one's hand and fig.)/to join together/to fabricate (a story, a report, etc)/

Change log entry 71378
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-01 05:00:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62560 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v.p. persevering

| 成功源自有恒。
| Perseverance leads to success.


| 读书贵〜
| 〜为成功之本。

动 有恒心; 坚持不懈
| 事贵有恒。

Six key points in learning: self-determination, interest, reflections, making progress, persistence and creativity.

He practise[sic] play the violin regularly.

学好语文的有效方法是有恒不断地练习 。
An effective way to learn a language well is to practise it regularly.

The secret of success is constancy of purpose.
# 有恆 有恒 [you3 heng2] /perseverance/constancy/to persevere/
+ 有恆 有恒 [you3 heng2] /perseverance/to persevere/

Change log entry 71377
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-01 04:56:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64796 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. floating/surface dust

floating (or surface) dust

1. 空中漂浮的或落在物体表面的尘土。
| 车棚上落了一层~
| 汽车飞驰而过,扬起滚滚~。
2. 特指空中有大量沙尘飘浮的天气现象。
| ~天气宜减少外出。

| 宋.林逋〈寺居〉诗:「不厌浮尘拟何了,片心难舍此缘中。」
| 宋.苏辙〈次韵子瞻和渊明饮酒诗〉二○首之六:「浮尘扫欲尽,火枣行当成。」

1 名 飘浮在空中或落在物体表面的尘土。
2 名 特指大量沙尘飘浮于空中的天气现象
| 浮尘天气。

Floating dust is the mildest form of sandstorms, and Beijing would not be much affected.

The main body of the cyclone is expected to reach Beijing around Saturday noon, but the strong wind should help drive the floating dust away, according to Sun.

In early 2001, there were strong winds, flying dust, flying sand and sandstorms in Hexi corridor and part of Inner Mongolia, which influenced part of the north China, including Beijing.

Before long the north wind subsided. It had blown away every last speck of dust, leaving a spotlessly clean thoroughfare stretched out before us. The rickshaw man started making better time too. (Lyell)
Presently the wind dropped a little, having blown away the drifts of dust on the road to leave a clean broad highway, and the rickshaw man quickened his pace. (Yangs)
That morning, not long after we got moving, the wind eased, leaving before us a wide, pale road blasted clean of loose dust, and my runner picked up speed. (Lovell)

阳光正照在曼璐的遗像上,镜框上的玻璃反射出一片白光,底下的照片一点也看不见,只看见那玻璃上的一层浮尘 。
# 浮塵 浮尘 [fu2 chen2] /dust floating in the air/surface dust/large amount of airborne sand and dust, such as during a sandstorm/
+ 浮塵 浮尘 [fu2 chen2] /dust (floating in the air or settled on a surface)/large amount of airborne sand and dust, such as during a sandstorm/

Change log entry 71370
Processed by: richwarm (2021-01-30 09:44:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64974 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* I haven't seen any example where "control centre" would be a good translation.
* I have seen a good number of translations with "brain"-like words ("mastermind", the "brains" behind sth) that look good in context but it may more the translator being influenced by the the Chinese word than choosing the best English word.
* In the second sense it doesn't mean "main part" by itself, 主脑部分 does.

① control center
② leader; chief
③ main idea

1 control centre; centre of operation
2 leader; chief

1. 具有决定性的重要人物;首领。
| 警方正在追缉这次劫持案的幕后~。
2. 指事物的主要部分。
| 主机板是电脑的~部分。

| 《二刻拍案惊奇.卷一三》:「待小生去寻着其子,才有主脑。」

1 名 核心部分
| 中央处理器是计算机的主脑。
2 名 首领
| 主脑人物。

AOL became the kingpin and along came the Internet.

他是我们团队的主脑,也是诚恳 、 努力、可靠的员工.
A was our team leader and a sincere, hardworking and dependable employee.

She was the brains behind the whole scheme.

The Empress Dowager was the mastermind.

"Today, a good eight out of 10 young Taiwanese are buying local urban streetwear brands," says Kevin Chang, the brains behind the brand Jay and a leader in this new trend.

+ 主腦 主脑 [zhu3 nao3] /leader/the one in control/main (part, character etc)/

Change log entry 71367
Processed by: richwarm (2021-01-30 04:54:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64720 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
cf. 三焦; 六腑

Of the dictionaries I've seen, monolingual dictionaries generally describe each of the 三焦 as a body part 部位 which includes certain organs, while C-E dictionaries usually describe them as body cavities or parts of “the body cavity” which house certain organs. Their place in the human anatomy does seem to match quite closely the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_cavity), but in TCM they seem to be seen essentially as organs themselves, with specific functions and problems.

【Wenlin】n. 〈Ch. med.〉 body cavity between the diaphragm and the umbilicus
【Pleco】[NOUN/CHINESE MEDICINE] part of the body cavity between the diaphragm and the umbilicus housing the spleen, stomach, etc.

【Wenlin】n. 〈Ch. med.〉 body cavity above the diaphragm
【Pleco】[NOUN/CHINESE MEDICINE] part of the body cavity above the diaphragm housing the heart and lungs

【Wenlin】n. 〈Ch. med.〉 the part of the body cavity below the umbilicus
【Pleco】[NOUN/CHINESE MEDICINE] the body cavity below the umbilicus, housing the bladder, kidneys and bowels

Editor: I don't agree entirely.
For example:
- the 下焦 is not the "part of the human body below the navel" because that would include the feet.
- although monolingual dicts say things like 横膈膜以上部分之身体部位, I think 身体 in this context should be understood as "the trunk" rather than "the body", otherwise the eyes and the brain would be part of the 上焦, and I think that's not so.
# 中焦 中焦 [zhong1 jiao1] /(TCM) part of the human body between the diaphragm and the navel, including the spleen, the stomach etc/
# 上焦 上焦 [shang4 jiao1] /(TCM) part of the human body above the diaphragm, including the heart, the lungs etc/
# 下焦 下焦 [xia4 jiao1] /(TCM) part of the human body below the navel, including the kidneys, the bladder, the intestines etc/
+ 中焦 中焦 [zhong1 jiao1] /(TCM) middle burner, the part of the body within the abdominal cavity (between the diaphragm and the navel, including the spleen and stomach)/
+ 上焦 上焦 [shang4 jiao1] /(TCM) upper burner, the part of the body within the thoracic cavity (above the diaphragm, including the heart and lungs)/
+ 下焦 下焦 [xia4 jiao1] /(TCM) lower burner, the part of the body within the pelvic cavity (below the navel, including the kidneys, bladder and intestines)/

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