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Change log entry 12526
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-28 13:43:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12044 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 丁丁炒面 丁丁炒面 [ding1 ding1 chao3 mian4] /Dingding friend noodles (common Xinjiang dish)/lit: 'little-bit' fried noodles/

Change log entry 12525
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-28 13:36:29 GMT)
- 混蛋 混蛋 [hun2 dan4] /scoundrel (term of abuse for bad person)/bastard/hoodlum/wretch/
+ 混蛋 混蛋 [hun2 dan4] /scoundrel (term of abuse for bad person)/bastard/hoodlum/wretch/also written also written 浑蛋/

Change log entry 12517
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-28 13:21:55 GMT)
- 關稅 关税 [guan1 shui4] /(customs) duty/tariff/
+ 關稅 关税 [guan1 shui4] /customs duty/tariff/

Change log entry 12513
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-28 13:13:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12043 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 開膠 开胶 [kai1 jiao1] /to come unglued/to come apart/

Change log entry 12512
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-28 12:29:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12041 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 面湯 面汤 [mian4 tang1] /noodle soup/noodles in soup/noodle broth/

Change log entry 12511
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-28 12:25:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12039 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 煎炒 煎炒 [jian1 chao3] /to lightly fry/

Change log entry 12510
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-28 12:25:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12040 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
- 勇敢 勇敢 [yong3 gan3] /brave/
+ 勇敢 勇敢 [yong3 gan3] /brave/courageous/

Change log entry 12509
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-28 11:30:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11991 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 鴛鴦鍋 鸳鸯锅 [yuan1 yang5 guo1] /'Mandarin Ducks' Pot/hotpot pot that has both spicy and mild soup, fitting together like two intertwined ducks/

Change log entry 12507
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-28 11:15:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12038 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
- 滇 滇 [dian1] /abbr. for Yunnan 雲南|云南 province in southwest China/
+ 滇 滇 [dian1] /abbr. for Yunnan province 雲南|云南 in southwest China/

Change log entry 12498
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-28 10:53:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11956 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
- 校花 校花 [xiao4 hua1] /the prettiest girl in the school (see also 校草)/school beauty queen/campus belle/
+ 校花 校花 [xiao4 hua1] /the prettiest girl in the school (see also 校草)/school beauty queen/campus belle/prom queen/

Change log entry 12497
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-28 10:53:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11971 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 11970 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 戴表 戴表 [dai4 biao3] /to wear a watch/a homophone for 代表 used to avoid internet censorship in the PRC/

Change log entry 12496
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-28 10:51:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12010 - submitted by 'blurred' >>
+ 自治權 自治权 [zi4 zhi4 quan2] /rights of autonomy/autonomy/see 自治/

Change log entry 12495
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-28 10:48:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12033 - submitted by 'blurred' >>
+ 生母 生母 [sheng1 mu3] /natural mother/birth mother/

Change log entry 12494
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-28 10:46:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 12032 - submitted by 'blurred' >>
+ 傭婦 佣妇 [yong1 fu4] /maid/female servant/domestic worker/domestic helper/housekeeper/

Change log entry 12480
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-25 23:41:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11974 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 百度十大神獸 百度十大神兽 [bai3 du4 shi2 da4 shen2 shou4] /The Baidu 10 Mythical Creatures (a set of hoax animals and puns linked to PRC internet censorship)/

Change log entry 12475
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-25 15:24:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11708 - submitted by 'feilipu' >>
+ 省財稅廳 省财税厅 [sheng3 cai2 shui4 ting1] /Provincial Property Tax Office/

Change log entry 12474
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-25 15:18:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11987 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
I thought this was funny and just saw it used as I would expect elsewhere... it means "schoolmate" but because most people saying it would likely have graduated already (otherwise use 同学) so it is taken to mean alumni but this is really an indirect meaning
- 校友 校友 [xiao4 you3] /alumnus/alumna/schoolmate/
+ 校友 校友 [xiao4 you3] /schoolmate/alumnus/alumna/

Change log entry 12465
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-24 23:05:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11588 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 好好學習,天天向上 好好学习,天天向上 [hao3 hao1 xue2 xi2 , tian1 tian1 xiang4 shang4] /Study hard and things will get better (a famous saying of Chairman Mao)/lit: good good study, day day upwards/

Change log entry 12464
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-24 22:59:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11903 - submitted by 'yuting567' >>
+ 輸密碼 输密码 [shu1 mi4 ma3] /to enter a code/to type a password/to enter an ATM PIN/

Change log entry 12457
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-24 21:29:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11912 - submitted by 'blurred' >>
+ 老好人 老好人 [lao3 hao3 ren2] /a good man/a goody-goody/a bleeding heart/

Change log entry 12456
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-24 21:24:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11851 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 永久居民 永久居民 [yong3 jiu3 ju1 min2] /permanent resident/person with the right to live in a country or territory/

Change log entry 12455
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-24 21:21:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11163 - submitted by 'laohu489' >>
Anyone have evidence of beer? None of my sources do.
- 扎 扎 [zha1] /to prick/to run or stick (a needle etc) into/draught (beer) e.g. 一扎啤酒/
+ 扎 扎 [zha1] /to prick/to run or stick (a needle etc) into/jug/a classifier for liquids such as beer/

Change log entry 12454
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-24 21:13:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11860 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
- 快捷 快捷 [kuai4 jie2] /(computer) shortcut/
+ 快捷 快捷 [kuai4 jie2] /quick/fast/nimble/agile/(computer) shortcut/

Change log entry 12451
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-24 20:06:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11954 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
- 橡皮擦 橡皮擦 [xiang4 pi2 ca1] /eraser/CL:塊|块[kuai4]/
+ 橡皮擦 橡皮擦 [xiang4 pi2 ca1] /eraser/rubber/CL:塊|块[kuai4]/

Change log entry 12450
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-24 20:03:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11953 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
- 內情 内情 [nei4 qing2] /inside information/
+ 內情 内情 [nei4 qing2] /inside story/inside information/

Change log entry 12449
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-24 19:59:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11952 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 總體目標 总体目标 [zong3 ti3 mu4 biao1] /overall target/overall objective/

Change log entry 12448
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-24 19:50:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11950 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
- 防不勝防 防不胜防 [fang2 bu4 sheng4 fang2] /you can't guard against it (idiom); not much one can do about it/It can't be prevented./
+ 防不勝防 防不胜防 [fang2 bu4 sheng4 fang2] /you can't guard against it (idiom)/impossible to defend effectively/not much one can do about it/It can't be prevented./

Change log entry 12447
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-24 19:44:36 GMT)
- 泥土 泥土 [ni2 tu3] /earth/soil/clay/
+ 泥土 泥土 [ni2 tu3] /earth/soil/mud/clay/

Change log entry 12446
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-24 19:40:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11948 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 拿一下 拿一下 [na2 yi1 xia4] /hold for a short time/take this a minute/

Change log entry 12445
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-24 19:19:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11947 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
- 陰暗 阴暗 [yin1 an4] /dim/somber/
+ 陰暗 阴暗 [yin1 an4] /dim/dark/gloomy/somber/

Change log entry 12444
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-24 19:10:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11866 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 電腦技術 电脑技术 [dian4 nao3 ji4 shu4] /computer technology/computer skills/

Change log entry 12443
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-24 18:55:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11946 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
- 憂鬱 忧郁 [you1 yu4] /sullen/depressed/
+ 憂鬱 忧郁 [you1 yu4] /sullen/depressed/melancholy/dejected/

Change log entry 12441
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-24 09:25:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11945 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
tidied it up a bit more
- 神女 神女 [shen2 nu:3] /goddess/name of a 1934 silent film directed by Wu Yonggang 吴永刚, staring Ruan Lingyu 阮玲玉 as a Shanghai prostitute/prostitute (slang)/
+ 神女 神女 [shen2 nu:3] /goddess/1934 silent film about the life of a Shanghai prostitute (directed by Wu Yonggang 吴永刚)/prostitute (slang)/

Change log entry 12440
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-24 09:07:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11855 >>
- 理想 理想 [li3 xiang3] /ideal/CL:個|个[ge4]/
+ 理想 理想 [li3 xiang3] /a dream/an ideal/perfection/ideal/perfect/desirable/CL:個|个[ge4]/

Change log entry 12439
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-24 09:05:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11907 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 11896 - submitted by 'nickc' >>

resubmitting for Nick
1) I have done some research, there is nothing to support 'hand-movie'; thx for the link btw, interesting story. -- 毛 has a general meaning of 'uncouth' which is sufficient to explain this expression.
2) don't remove 'fur color', it is attested, albeit somewhat obsolete.
3) I propose 'unedited' rather than 'unprocessed', as the sources state that it is a film that has been developed but not yet edited.
However I have no expertise in that field, revert that change if you wish.
- 毛片 毛片 [mao2 pian1] /uncensored and pornographic film, blue movie, porn, porno/fur color/
+ 毛片 毛片 [mao2 pian1] /pornographic film/unedited film (old)/fur color/

Change log entry 12438
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-24 09:02:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11923 - submitted by 'feilipu' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 11922 - submitted by 'feilipu' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 11864 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
hope you don't mind Nick - I shortened it a bit
+ 黃富平 黄富平 [Huang2 fu4 ping2] /Pen-name of Deng Xiaoping during his 1992 southern tour/

Change log entry 12437
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-24 09:01:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11942 - submitted by 'chungen' >>
- 神女 神女 [shen2 nu:3] /goddess/
+ 神女 神女 [shen2 nu:3] /goddess/name of a 1934 silent film directed by Wu Yonggang 吴永刚, staring Ruan Lingyu 阮玲玉 as a Shanghai prostitute/prostitute (slang)/

Change log entry 12434
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-24 08:49:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11944 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
- 砲 炮 [pao4] /gun/cannon/CL:座[zuo4]/
+ 砲 炮 [pao4] /gun/cannon/firecracker/CL:座[zuo4]/

Change log entry 12433
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-24 08:49:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11943 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
- 炮 炮 [pao4] /cannon/gun/firecracker/

Change log entry 12397
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-22 13:07:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11895 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 蚝油生菜 蚝油生菜 [hao2 you2 sheng1 cai4] /lettuce with oyster sauce (common Chinese dish)/

Change log entry 12396
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-22 13:05:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11894 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
- 萵筍 莴笋 [wo1 sun3] /asparagus lettuce/
+ 萵筍 莴笋 [wo1 sun3] /Chinese lettuce/celtuce/asparagus lettuce/celery lettuce/stem lettuce/

Change log entry 12395
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-22 12:52:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11892 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
+ 龍豆 龙豆 [long2 dou4] /dragon bean/long bean/

Change log entry 12389
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-21 23:16:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11706 - submitted by 'laohu489'
+ 金盾工程 金盾工程 [Jin1 dun4 gong1 cheng2] /The Golden Shield Project, also known as the Great Firewall of China/

Change log entry 12388
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-21 23:09:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11863 - submitted by 'nickc' >>
Given that English has the same term, used in the same
way in daily life, doesn't it make sense to use that too?
- 終局 终局 [zhong1 ju2] /conclusion/outcome/final part of a chess game/
+ 終局 终局 [zhong1 ju2] /endgame/conclusion/outcome/final part of a chess game/

Change log entry 12385
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-21 19:01:09 GMT)
- 流入 流入 [liu2 ru4] /flow into/
+ 流入 流入 [liu2 ru4] /flow into/drift into/influx/drain/

Change log entry 12384
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-21 18:42:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11852 - submitted by 'jscheungli'
- 驚奇 惊奇 [jing1 qi2] /amaze/
+ 驚奇 惊奇 [jing1 qi2] /be amazed/be surprised/to wonder/

Change log entry 12383
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-21 18:41:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11861 - submitted by 'ycandau'
+ 快捷鍵 快捷键 [kuai4 jie2 jian4] /(computer) shortcut key/hotkey/

Change log entry 12371
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-21 10:44:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11709 - submitted by 'feilipu' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 11707 - submitted
by 'feilipu' >>
see http://life.httpcn.com/dict.asp?
+ 棁 棁 [zhou4] /(wooden) stick/roof beam/

Change log entry 12370
Processed by: nickc (2009-06-21 10:39:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 11786 >>
+ 自愛 自爱 [zi4 ai4] /self-respect/self-love/self-regard/regard for oneself/to cherish one's good name/to take good care of one's health/

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