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Change log entry 46950
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-03-30 09:44:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46013 - submitted by 'miles' >>
says that this is the 6th most common Japanese name, covering
1,080,000 individuals
# 伊藤 伊藤 [Yi1 teng2] /Ito or Itoh, surname/
+ 伊藤 伊藤 [Yi1 teng2] /Itō or Itoh, Japanese surname/

Change log entry 46949
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-03-30 09:40:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46016 - submitted by 'miles' >>
- 伊犁河 伊犁河 [Yi1 li2 He2] /Ili River/
+ 伊犁河 伊犁河 [Yi1 li2 He2] /Ili River in central Asia/
# ## We don't need to be encyclopaedic, but it is better to give some hints.

Change log entry 46948
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-03-30 09:39:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46017 - submitted by 'miles' >>
see http://www.moeacgs.gov.tw/main.jsp
and http://www.cgs.gov.cn/
+ 地調 地调 [di4 diao4] /geological survey, abbr. for 地質調查|地质调查[di4 zhi4 diao4 cha2]/

Change log entry 46898
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-03-28 10:05:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 45996 - submitted by 'miles' >>
see http://baike.baidu.com/view/87815.htm
and http://www.bbc.co.uk/ukchina/trad/entertainment/2013/03/130327_ent_bm_pompeii.shtml
# 龐貝 庞贝 [Pang2 bei4] /Pompeii/
+ 龐貝 庞贝 [Pang2 bei4] /Pompeii, ancient Roman town near Naples, Italy/

Change log entry 46810
Processed by: ycandau (2013-03-24 17:09:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44306 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
## segment 3 / 3
<< resubmitted review queue entry 44203 - submitted by 'miles' >>
# 狗急跳牆 狗急跳墙 [gou3 ji2 tiao4 qiang2] /a cornered dog jumps over the wall (idiom)/to take desperate action in extremities/
# ## http://www.zdic.net/cy/ch/ZdicE7Zdic8BZdic979469.htm
+ 狗急跳牆 狗急跳墙 [gou3 ji2 tiao4 qiang2] /a cornered dog will jump over the wall (idiom)/to be driven to desperate action/

Change log entry 46809
Processed by: ycandau (2013-03-24 17:04:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44304 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
## segment 1 / 3
<< resubmitted review queue entry 44203 - submitted by 'miles' >>
# 困獸猶鬥 困兽犹斗 [kun4 shou4 you2 dou4] /to fight like an animal at bay/
# ### a cornered beast will still fight; even a trapped beast struggles
+ 困獸猶鬥 困兽犹斗 [kun4 shou4 you2 dou4] /a cornered beast will still fight (idiom)/to fight like an animal at bay/

Change log entry 46775
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-03-22 08:34:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 45823 - submitted by 'miles' >>
# 沃羅湼日 沃罗涅日 [Wo4 luo2 nie4 ri4] /Voronezh, city in the South of European Russia/
+ 沃羅湼日 沃罗涅日 [Wo4 luo2 nie4 ri4] /Voronezh, city in the Southwest of European Russia/

Change log entry 46669
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-03-19 09:44:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 45744 - submitted by 'miles' >>
zdic says [express one’s thanks(or gratitude)] 向人表示感谢之意

Editor: already in C.
# 緻謝 致谢 [zhi4 xie4] /to thank/to express profound gratitude/

Change log entry 46644
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-03-17 23:18:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 45720 - submitted by 'miles' >>
Any number of news websites. For example
- 李克強 李克强 [Li3 Ke4 qiang2] /Li Keqiang (1955-), PRC politician, deputy premier from 2008/
+ 李克強 李克强 [Li3 Ke4 qiang2] /Li Keqiang (1955-), PRC politician, prime minister from 2013/

Change log entry 46464
Processed by: richwarm (2013-03-06 22:22:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 45479 - submitted by 'miles' >>
half the entries on jukuu give disappointment as translation

Editor: verb/adjective -- (feel) frustrated -- "... 很失落 ..."

- Around 45 percent of couples said that the husband has sexual dysfunction. Of those, 76 percent said they feel frustrated.

- "We were very frustrated," said Chapman, a forward for her high school team of Des Moines.

- 专访舒淇:老被问私生活让我很失落

feel a sense of loss

- 他找不到工作,心里非常失落。

- 从工作岗位上退下来,总感到很失落。

- She wore a lost look.
- 失落 失落 [shi1 luo4] /to lose/
# + 失落 失落 [shi1 luo4] /to lose/loss/disappointment/
+ 失落 失落 [shi1 luo4] /to lose (sth)/to drop (sth)/to feel a sense of loss/frustrated/disappointment/loss/

Change log entry 46338
Processed by: richwarm (2013-03-02 06:54:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 45313 - submitted by 'miles' >>
"宣佈" googles to 16 million. Maybe this is the regular fanti version, and
宣布 should be the variant (or maybe unnecessary)

Editor: Out of 3200 Taiwan Panorama articles, 229 contain 宣布, and 75 contain 宣佈.
So it seems that, while 宣佈 is pretty common in fanti, 宣布 is even more common.
And, as Matic noted, "we already have 佈 listed as a variant of 布", so it's not necessary to include 宣佈 anyway.
# 宣佈 宣布 [xuan1 bu4] /variant of 宣布[xuan1 bu4]/to announce/to proclaim/

Change log entry 46235
Processed by: ycandau (2013-02-22 20:38:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44326 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 5 / 7
<< resubmitted review queue entry 44212 - submitted by 'miles' >>

[goldyn_chyld (2013-01-03 21:30:48)]
Z has "招摇撞骗" in the definition, but i think "to brag" is off here... Z's 成语词典 def. then seems more on point: 指以欺骗手段捞取钱财,陷害他人。
# 坑矇拐騙 坑蒙拐骗 [keng1 meng1 guai3 pian4] /to brag and deceive/
+ 坑蒙拐騙 坑蒙拐骗 [keng1 meng1 guai3 pian4] /to brag and deceive/

Change log entry 46234
Processed by: ycandau (2013-02-22 20:31:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44325 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 4 / 7
<< resubmitted review queue entry 44212 - submitted by 'miles' >>

Editor: also written with 矇,
# 坑矇 坑蒙 [keng1 meng1] /to swindle/
# ## http://www.zdic.net/cd/ci/7/ZdicE5Zdic9DZdic91315532.htm
+ 坑蒙 坑蒙 [keng1 meng1] /to swindle/

Change log entry 46233
Processed by: ycandau (2013-02-22 20:13:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44324 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 3 / 7
<< resubmitted review queue entry 44212 - submitted by 'miles' >>
+ 坑害 坑害 [keng1 hai4] /to trap/to frame/
# ## 〖leadsb.intoatrap;entrap;frameup;schemetodoharm〗

Change log entry 46232
Processed by: ycandau (2013-02-22 20:11:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44323 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 2 / 7
<< resubmitted review queue entry 44212 - submitted by 'miles' >>

Editor: read your own ref
# 坑井 坑井 [keng1 jing3] /mine gallery/
+ 坑井 坑井 [keng1 jing3] /(mine) galleries and pits/

Change log entry 46012
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-02-06 19:25:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44938 - submitted by 'miles' >>
zdic says
古人名用字 character formerly used in names

BBC article http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/trad/china/2013/02/130206_japan_china_radar_expert.shtml
has an interview with a China radar expert Mr Bi Chengwu 畢誠倵

Editor: 汉语大字典:人名用字。
# 倵 倵 [wu3] /used in names/
+ 倵 倵 [wu3] /(used in given names)/

Change log entry 46008
Processed by: ycandau (2013-02-06 18:44:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44939 - submitted by 'miles' >>
# 擦槍走火 擦枪走火 [ca1 qiang1 zou3 huo3] /to shoot accidentally while polishing a gun/fig. a minor incident that sparks a war/
+ 擦槍走火 擦枪走火 [ca1 qiang1 zou3 huo3] /to shoot accidentally while polishing a gun/(fig.) a minor incident that sparks a war/

Change log entry 45763
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-21 16:15:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44310 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 2 / 8
<< resubmitted review queue entry 44289 - submitted by 'miles' >>

Z: 貂为一种皮毛珍贵的动物, 皇帝的侍从用貂尾作帽子的装饰。当时由于任官太滥, 貂尾不足, 就用狗尾代替。当时人们就用民谚“貂不足,狗尾续”加以讽刺。后用以比喻拿不好的续在好的东西后面,显得好坏不相称
# 狗尾續貂 狗尾续貂 [gou3 wei3 xu4 diao1] /a dog tail on a sable marten (idiom)/a worthless sequel to a masterpiece/
+ 狗尾續貂 狗尾续貂 [gou3 wei3 xu4 diao1] /lit. to use a dog's tail as a substitute for sable fur (idiom)/fig. a worthless sequel to a masterpiece/

Change log entry 45721
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-18 16:27:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44312 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 4 / 8
<< resubmitted review queue entry 44289 - submitted by 'miles' >>
- 繼室 继室 [ji4 shi4] /second wife (of a man who lost his first wife and remarried)/
+ 繼室 继室 [ji4 shi4] /second wife (of a widower)/
# Editor adding:
- 繼配 继配 [ji4 pei4] /second wife (of a man who lost his first wife and remarried)/
+ 繼配 继配 [ji4 pei4] /second wife (of a widower)/

Change log entry 45710
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-17 10:00:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44345 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 1 / 6
<< resubmitted review queue entry 44132 - submitted by 'miles' >>

Editor: dicts say it's a "官吏", so i think "official" would be more appropriate than "minister"...
# 忠臣 忠臣 [zhong1 chen2] /faithful minister/
+ 忠臣 忠臣 [zhong1 chen2] /faithful official/
# ## http://www.zdic.net/cd/ci/8/ZdicE5ZdicBFZdicA0163697.htm

Change log entry 45614
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-13 16:49:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44433 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 4 / 4
<< resubmitted review queue entry 44131 - submitted by 'miles' >>
- 分紅 分红 [fen1 hong2] /a bonus/to award a bonus/
+ 分紅 分红 [fen1 hong2] /dividend/to award a bonus/
# ## usual word for dividend on shares
# http://baike.baidu.com/view/254654.htm

Change log entry 45612
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-13 15:58:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44053 - submitted by 'miles' >>
Zdic http://www.zdic.net/zd/zi/ZdicE9Zdic9FZdicAE.htm
and Xinhua online and Baidu http://baike.baidu.com/view/586385.htm
all say the same 古同“韭”. But I think it's also commonly used by
grocers and on restaurant menus, so not an archaic version.

Editor: 异体字整理表:韭<韮>

Z: 古同“韭”。
# 韮 韮 [jiu3] /same as 韭[jiu3], scallion//Chinese chives/Allium tuberosum/
+ 韮 韭 [jiu3] /old variant of 韭[jiu3]/

Change log entry 45611
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-13 15:22:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44195 - submitted by 'miles' >>
# 切糕 切糕 [qie1 gao1] /abbr. for 瑪仁糖|玛仁糖[ma3 ren2 tang2] traditional Xinjiang sweet walnut cake/
+ 切糕 切糕 [qie1 gao1] /traditional Xinjiang sweet walnut cake/
+ 瑪仁糖 玛仁糖 [ma3 ren2 tang2] /traditional Xinjiang sweet walnut cake/

Change log entry 45495
Processed by: vermillon (2013-01-08 15:53:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44328 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 7 / 7
<< resubmitted review queue entry 44212 - submitted by 'miles' >>
# ## http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qkJ7tnuXP4
+ 坑人 坑人 [keng1 ren2] /to cheat sb/

Change log entry 45471
Processed by: richwarm (2013-01-07 09:34:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44431 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 2 / 4
<< resubmitted review queue entry 44131 - submitted by 'miles' >>

Editor: Already on the queue (submission from ycandau, pending)
# 垃圾股 垃圾股 [la1 ji1 gu3] /junk bonds/
# ##http://baike.baidu.com/view/10713.htm

Change log entry 45468
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-07 08:49:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44430 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 1 / 4
<< resubmitted review queue entry 44131 - submitted by 'miles' >>

Editor: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9_Manuel_Barroso
- 巴羅佐 巴罗佐 [Ba1 luo2 zuo3] /Jose Manuel Barroso (EU Commission President)/
# + 巴羅佐 巴罗佐 [Ba1 luo2 zuo3] /José Manuel Durão Barroso (1956-), Portuguese politician, President of Portugal 2002-04, President of EU Commission from 2004/
+ 巴羅佐 巴罗佐 [Ba1 luo2 zuo3] /José Manuel Durão Barroso (1956-), Portuguese politician, Prime Minister of Portugal 2002-04, President of EU Commission from 2004/

Change log entry 45456
Processed by: richwarm (2013-01-07 01:07:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44418 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 2 / 3
<< resubmitted review queue entry 43305 - submitted by 'miles' >>
Xi Jinping's coronation speak includes: 接过历史的接力棒
"receive the historical relay baton"
# 接過 接过 [jie1 guo4] /to receive (sth passed on)/
+ 接過 接过 [jie1 guo4] /to take (sth proffered)/

Change log entry 45453
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-06 17:49:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44419 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 3 / 3
<< resubmitted review queue entry 43305 - submitted by 'miles' >>
Xi Jinping's coronation speak includes: 接过历史的接力棒
"receive the historical relay baton"


M: 前人所留下的任務。如:「經營事業的接力棒就交給你了,你要好好表現。」
Z: 喻指前人留下的任务。“现在革命的道路还很长,建设的任务还很重,这就要求我们的下一代继承艰苦奋斗的革命传统,准备把革命的接力棒接过来,奔向胜利的终点。”
# 接力棒 接力棒 [jie1 li4 bang4] /relay baton/
+ 接力棒 接力棒 [jie1 li4 bang4] /relay baton/(fig.) responsibilities (passed over to one's successor)/

Change log entry 45415
Processed by: richwarm (2013-01-06 05:35:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44366 - submitted by 'miles' >>

Editor: Not sure what you mean by "chair of the PRC".
If you mean 中華人民共和國主席, then he is not the "chair of the PRC" yet.
and certainly didn't have that title in 2012.
(He is currently 中華人民共和國副主席.)
- 習近平 习近平 [Xi2 Jin4 ping2] /Xi Jinping (1953-), PRC politician, PRC vice-chair from 2008/
# + 習近平 习近平 [Xi2 Jin4 ping2] /Xi Jinping (1953-), PRC politician, PRC chair from 2012/
+ 習近平 习近平 [Xi2 Jin4 ping2] /Xi Jinping (1953-), PRC politician, Vice President of the PRC from 2008, General Secretary of the CPC from 2012/

Change log entry 45405
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-05 17:31:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44327 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 6 / 7
<< resubmitted review queue entry 44212 - submitted by 'miles' >>
# ## bluff and deceive; swindle and bluff
+ 坑騙 坑骗 [keng1 pian4] /to cheat/to swindle/

Change log entry 45403
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-05 16:55:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44352 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 2 / 6
<< resubmitted review queue entry 44202 - submitted by 'miles' >>

Editor: 「如果做官的,不能替老百姓想,只做瞞上欺下的事,不但算不得好官,簡直也不能算是個人了。」
# 瞞上欺下 瞒上欺下 [man2 shang4 qi1 xia4] /to deceive one's superiors and bully one's subordinates/
+ 瞞上欺下 瞒上欺下 [man2 shang4 qi1 xia4] /to deceive one's superiors and bully one's subordinates (idiom)/

Change log entry 45389
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-04 11:00:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44348 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 4 / 6
<< resubmitted review queue entry 44132 - submitted by 'miles' >>

Editor: centred --> centered
# 齊家文化 齐家文化 [Qi2 jia1 wen2 hua4] /Qijia neolithic culture centred around the Gansu corridor c. 2000 BC/
+ 齊家文化 齐家文化 [Qi2 jia1 wen2 hua4] /Qijia neolithic culture, centered around the Gansu Corridor 河西走廊[He2 xi1 Zou3 lang2] c. 2000 BC/
# ## http://baike.baidu.com/view/19822.htm

Change log entry 45388
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-04 10:27:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44350 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 6 / 6
<< resubmitted review queue entry 44132 - submitted by 'miles' >>
for Zengzi, see http://baike.baidu.com/view/7380.htm

Editor: Wp says 435 BC

曾参(前505年-前435年),字子舆,春秋末期鲁国南武城(今山東省嘉祥县)人,儒家主要代表人物之一,孔子的弟子,世稱 “曾子”
# 曾子 曾子 [Zeng1 zi3] /Zengzi (505-432 BC), student of Confucius, presumed editor or author of Confucian classic the Great Learning 大學|大学[Da4 xue2]/
+ 曾子 曾子 [Zeng1 zi3] /Zengzi (505-435 BC), student of Confucius, presumed editor or author of Confucian classic the Great Learning 大學|大学[Da4 xue2]/
# Editor adding:
+ 曾參 曾参 [Zeng1 Shen1] /Zeng Shen (505-435 BC), a.k.a. 曾子[Zeng1 zi3], student of Confucius, presumed editor or author of Confucian classic the Great Learning 大學|大学[Da4 xue2]/

Change log entry 45387
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-04 09:40:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44351 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 1 / 6
<< resubmitted review queue entry 44202 - submitted by 'miles' >>

Editor: 当我们年轻的时候,我们很容易被瞒哄
# 瞞哄 瞒哄 [man2 hong3] /to deceive/to cheat/
+ 瞞哄 瞒哄 [man2 hong3] /to deceive/to cheat (sb)/

Change log entry 45386
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-04 09:36:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44353 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 3 / 6
<< resubmitted review queue entry 44202 - submitted by 'miles' >>
# 瞞天大謊 瞒天大谎 [man2 tian1 da4 huang3] /an enormous lie/whopper/
+ 瞞天大謊 瞒天大谎 [man2 tian1 da4 huang3] /enormous lie/whopper/

Change log entry 45379
Processed by: richwarm (2013-01-04 01:56:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44295 - submitted by 'miles' >>

Editor: We'd prefer to have each of these in a separate submission, because
- it's hard to find a large enough block of time to devote to processing a whole batch
- one may be able to complete the checking of one or two entries, but still be unable to process, due to others pending
- comments on 5 submitted entries can become bigger than a screenful, making discussion difficult
- it's hard to follow the editors' discussion with 5 threads intermingling

1) 戀家
I think "homesick" is wrong, because there is no suggestion in 戀家 that one is absent from one's home for an extended period of time. And "domesticated" also has the wrong connotations, as it suggests that one is prepared to do one's share of the housework etc. I think that would be reading too much into 戀家. For further details, see editor discussion.

2) 戀慕
See examples quoted in editor discussion.

3) 戀念
The submitted def doesn't make it clear that the object of one's longing is typically a place.
"long for" could be interpreted as "to want (in the future)".

4) 戀戰
a) The phrase "out for sb's blood" perhaps came from the jukuu example?
But that phrase was intended to match 不顾了命 in the Chinese example sentence, not 不敢恋战.
不敢恋战 was left untranslated in the jukuu English rendering, but I would give the fairly literal translation "to lose one's nerve to zealously continue the fight"

b) "bellicose" is about demonstrating willingness to *take up* a fight, whereas 恋战 is used when one is already engaged in a fight, and is unwilling to withdraw[*] -- usually in a negative phrase that indicates that one *no longer* wishes to be engaged in the fight -- 無心恋战 means "no longer willing to continue the battle" -- not "no longer wishing to be bellicose"

[*] the Xinhua defs are
- 贪图获得战果,舍不得退出战斗
- 过久地和敌人厮杀而不愿撤离

Just as 恋栈 is "reluctant to give up a post" -- not "expressing a strong desire to take up a post",
so 恋战 is "engrossed in the battle" -- not "bellicose; demonstrating willingness to fight"

More details in the editor discussion.
+ 戀歌 恋歌 [lian4 ge1] /love song/
# 戀家 恋家 [lian4 jia1] /homesick/attached to family life/domesticated/
# ## http://jukuu.com/search.php?q=%E6%81%8B%E5%AE%B6
# 戀慕 恋慕 [lian4 mu4] /enamored/to desire/to love at a distance/
# ## http://jukuu.com/search.php?q=%E6%81%8B%E6%85%95
# 戀念 恋念 [lian4 nian4] /to long for/to think fondly of/
# ## think constantly of/remember fondly
# 戀戰 恋战 [lian4 zhan4] /bellicose/out for sb's blood/
# ## bellicose/warlike
# Editor:
+ 戀家 恋家 [lian4 jia1] /home-loving/to feel a strong attachment to home life/to begrudge being away from home/
+ 戀慕 恋慕 [lian4 mu4] /to be enamored of/to have tender feelings for/to be sentimentally attached to (a person or place)/
+ 戀念 恋念 [lian4 nian4] /to have a sentimental attachment to (a place)/to miss (one's ancestral home etc)/to be nostalgic about/
+ 戀戰 恋战 [lian4 zhan4] /to zealously continue fighting/

Change log entry 45374
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-03 18:34:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44322 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 1 / 7
<< resubmitted review queue entry 44212 - submitted by 'miles' >>


坑道战 -- tunnel warfare
Wp: 地道戰是一種以地道為策略應用的陸軍步兵戰術,又名坑道戰。(tunnel warfare)

坑道工事 -- tunnel fortification
+ 坑道 坑道 [keng1 dao4] /mine shaft/gallery/tunnel/

Change log entry 45372
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-03 16:24:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44314 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 6 / 8
<< resubmitted review queue entry 44289 - submitted by 'miles' >>
+ 繼後 继后 [ji4 hou4] /later/afterwards/

Change log entry 45370
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-03 15:05:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44309 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 1 / 8
<< resubmitted review queue entry 44289 - submitted by 'miles' >>
+ 續作 续作 [xu4 zuo4] /sequel/

Change log entry 45369
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-03 14:53:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44305 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
## segment 2 / 3
<< resubmitted review queue entry 44203 - submitted by 'miles' >>
+ 雙城記 双城记 [Shuang1 cheng2 Ji4] /A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens 查爾斯・狄更斯|查尔斯・狄更斯[Cha2 er3 si1 · Di2 geng1 si1]/

Change log entry 45362
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-02 19:44:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44052 - submitted by 'miles' >>
# 函館 函馆 [Han2 guan3] /Hakodate, main port of south Hokkaidō 北海道[Bei3​hai3​dao4​], Japan/
+ 函館 函馆 [Han2 guan3] /Hakodate, main port of south Hokkaidō 北海道[Bei3 hai3 dao4 ], Japan/

Change log entry 45251
Processed by: richwarm (2012-12-29 20:50:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44133 - submitted by 'miles' >>

Editor: Thanks for pointing that out. It's interesting. But I don't think it's the sort of thing we should add to the entry. By the way, I also see that Kaohsiung has now merged with the county of the same name to form a large "special municipality" that extends almost to the centre of the island.
# - 高雄市 高雄市 [Gao1 xiong2 shi4] /Gaoxiong or Kaohsiung city in south Taiwan/
# + 高雄市 高雄市 [Gao1 xiong2 shi4] /Gaoxiong or Kaohsiung city in south Taiwan (name derived from Japanese Taka-o, former name 打狗[da3 gou3])/
# - 高雄 高雄 [Gao1 xiong2] /Gaoxiong or Kaohsiung city in south Taiwan/
# + 高雄 高雄 [Gao1 xiong2] /Gaoxiong or Kaohsiung city in south Taiwan (name derived from Japanese Taka-o, former name 打狗[Da3 gou3])/

Change log entry 45211
Processed by: richwarm (2012-12-28 02:59:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44170 - submitted by 'miles' >>

Editor: The Wp article on "Chaenomeles speciosa" says ~
"Not to be confused with Carica papaya, papaya, which, like Chaenomeles speciosa, is sometimes called mugua."

"papaya" is "Carica papaya", not "Chaenomeles speciosa". The latter name refers to "a genus of three species of deciduous spiny shrubs, usually 1–3 m tall, in the family Rosaceae" [Wp]

The Baidu reference says ~
1.木瓜(Chaenomeles sinensis Koehne)...
2.皱皮木瓜(Chaenomeles speciosa Nakal)...
3.毛木瓜(Chaenomeles cathayensis Schneid)...
【拉丁学名】Carica papaya

And Wp confirms ~
番木瓜 - 十字花目番木瓜科水果。
木瓜屬 - 薔薇目薔薇科木瓜屬植物。
- 木瓜 木瓜 [mu4 gua1] /papaya/
# + 木瓜 木瓜 [mu4 gua1] /papaya (Chaenomeles speciosa)/
+ 木瓜 木瓜 [mu4 gua1] /papaya (Carica papaya)/genus Chaenomeles of shrubs in the family Rosaceae/Chinese flowering quince (Chaenomeles speciosa)/

Change log entry 45210
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-12-28 00:39:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44169 - submitted by 'miles' >>
# 眂 眂 [shi4] /old variant of 视[shi4] sight/
+ 眂 眂 [shi4] /old variant of 視|视[shi4]/

Change log entry 45208
Processed by: richwarm (2012-12-28 00:24:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44168 - submitted by 'miles' >>
should be capitalized
- 廣韻 广韵 [guang3 yun4] /Guangyun, Song dynasty rhyming dictionary/
+ 廣韻 广韵 [Guang3 yun4] /Guangyun, Song dynasty rhyming dictionary/

Change log entry 45141
Processed by: richwarm (2012-12-26 07:03:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44081 - submitted by 'miles' >>
see http://baike.baidu.com/view/123440.htm
# 海綿體 海绵体 [hai3 mian2 ti3] /erectile tissue (genital)/
+ 海綿體 海绵体 [hai3 mian2 ti3] /erectile tissue (genital)/corpus cavernosum/
# 亞界 亚界 [ya4 jie4] /subphylum (taxonomy)/
+ 亞界 亚界 [ya4 jie4] /subkingdom (taxonomy)/
# 側生動物 侧生动物 [ce4 sheng1 dong4 wu4] /Parazoa (mostly sponges)/
+ 側生動物 侧生动物 [ce4 sheng1 dong4 wu4] /parazoan (animal of the subkingdom Parazoa, mostly sponges)/
# 側生動物亞界 侧生动物亚界 [ce4 sheng1 dong4 wu4 ya4 jie4] /subphylum Parazoa (mostly sponges)/
# Editor: I don't think an entry for 側生動物亞界 is needed, given the entries for 側生動物 and 亞界
# ## 側生動物亞界 Parazoa

Change log entry 45140
Processed by: richwarm (2012-12-26 04:09:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44082 - submitted by 'miles' >>
Google "Formosa boulevard station"

Editor: 他一方面汲取鄉土民間的豐厚資產,一方面從中國古籍中得到滋養,如車之兩輪,帶著他奔赴美麗島的鬱林與水湄,為台灣現代詩壇留下明晰痕跡。
For these, [poet Xiang Yang] drew from both the rich resources of rural folk culture and the great works of classical Chinese literature. They were like two wheels of a bicycle that brought him to Formosa's seashore and dense forests, leaving their indelible tracks on the realm of modern poetry in Taiwan.

Kimbo, the Puyuma musician known as Taiwan's "Father of Folk" and for his performance of the popular song "Formosa," stood with Sanying's Amis that day as they protested the "oppressive" tactics of the Taipei County Indigenous Peoples' Bureau.
# 美麗島 美丽岛 [Mei3 li4 dao3] /Formosa/same as Taiwan 臺灣|台湾[Tai2 wan1] in historic and artistic contexts/
+ 美麗島 美丽岛 [Mei3 li4 Dao3] /Formosa (from Ilha Formosa, "Beautiful Isle", the name given to Taiwan Island by passing Portuguese mariners in 1544)/

Change log entry 45102
Processed by: richwarm (2012-12-22 20:31:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44023 - submitted by 'miles' >>
see http://baike.baidu.com/view/84295.htm under 别称
# 鮪魚 鲔鱼 [wei3 yu2] /tuna/same as 金枪鱼[jin1 qiang1 yu2]/
+ 鮪魚 鲔鱼 [wei3 yu2] /tuna/

Change log entry 45097
Processed by: richwarm (2012-12-22 03:29:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44022 - submitted by 'miles' >>
googles to 2.5M.

Editor: I think this is better seen as a construct:
具+爭議 "have (i.e. be subject to) controversy or dispute"

Otherwise we would need to define
具破坏性 = destructive
具创造力 = creative
具启迪性 = enlightening
具吸引力 = appealing
具幸福 = happy
具价值 = valuable
具潜力 = promising (7 million hits for this one, for example)
etc etc

Several of these models were attractive, but none of them seemed exactly right.
# 具爭議 具争议 [ju4 zheng1 yi4] /controversial/

Change log entry 45087
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-12-21 17:19:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44017 - submitted by 'miles' >>

Editor: Piao2
# 朴槿惠 朴槿惠 [Pu3 Jin3 hui4] /Park Geun-hye (1952-), Korean politician, daughter of former dictator Park Chung-Hee 朴正熙[Pu3 Zheng4 xi1], President of Korea from 2013/
+ 朴槿惠 朴槿惠 [Piao2 Jin3 hui4] /Park Geun-hye (1952-), Korean politician, daughter of former dictator Park Chung-Hee 朴正熙[Piao2 Zheng4 xi1], President of Korea from 2013/

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