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Change log entry 24232
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-12-18 08:37:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23756 - submitted by 'feilipu' >>
- 居 居 [ju1] /reside/
+ 居 居 [ju1] /to reside/to be (in a certain position)/to store up/to be at a standstill/residence/house/restaurant/

Change log entry 24226
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-12-18 08:27:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23762 - submitted by 'feilipu' >>
+ 梯隊 梯队 [ti1 dui4] /echelon (military)/(of an organisation) group of persons of one level or grade/

Change log entry 24225
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-12-18 08:25:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23761 - submitted by 'feilipu' >>
+ 梯次隊形 梯次队形 [ti1 ci4 dui4 xing2] /echelon formation (military)/

Change log entry 24224
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-12-18 08:20:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24693 >>
+ 斯沃琪 斯沃琪 [Si1 wo4 qi2] /Swatch (Swiss brand)/

Change log entry 24223
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-12-18 08:18:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 23792 - submitted by 'hongyauhwaih' >>
+ 樂呵呵 乐呵呵 [le4 he1 he1] /happily/giddily/

Change log entry 24222
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-12-18 08:06:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 24698 - submitted by 'jasonlaw' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 23804 - submitted by 'feilipu' >>
+ 眼乾症 眼干症 [yan3 gan1 zheng4] /xeropthalmia (medicine)/dry eye syndrome/

Change log entry 21117
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-11-12 05:59:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 20844 - submitted by 'feilipu'>>
+ 鋒鋼 锋钢 [feng1 gang1] /high speed steel/

Change log entry 21116
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-11-12 05:57:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 20845 - submitted by 'feilipu'
+ 銹蝕 锈蚀 [xiu4 shi2] /corrosion/rust/

Change log entry 21039
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-11-11 10:17:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 20605 - submitted by 'feilipu'
+ 炮烙 炮烙 [pao2 lao4] /the hot pillar (ancient Chinese torture instrument)/

Change log entry 21037
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-11-11 10:15:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 20800 - submitted by 'feilipu'
+ 對抗煸動 对抗煸动 [dui4 kang4 bian1 dong4] /anti-inflammatory (medicine)/

Change log entry 21036
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-11-11 10:13:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 20774 - submitted by 'feilipu'
+ 貓聲鳥 猫声鸟 [mao1 sheng1 niao3] /catbird/

Change log entry 21035
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-11-11 10:09:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 20811 - submitted by
'feilipu' >>
forgive me, I thought this was a Chinese English
dictionary :)
- 炸醬麵 炸酱面 [zha4 jiang4 mian4] /zhajiang mian/
+ 炸醬麵 炸酱面 [zha4 jiang4 mian4] /fried noodles in soy bean sauce/

Change log entry 21034
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-11-11 10:08:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 20723 - submitted by 'feilipu'
+ 取向 取向 [qu3 xiang4] /orientation/direction/

Change log entry 21032
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-11-11 10:06:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 20778 - submitted by 'feilipu'
+ 劑型 剂型 [ji4 xing2] /delivery mechanism of a medicine (e.g. pill, powder, etc.)/

Change log entry 21031
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-11-11 10:04:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 20763 - submitted by 'feilipu'
+ 廣漠 广漠 [guang3 mo4] /vast and empty/

Change log entry 21008
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-11-11 07:50:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 20795 - submitted by
'hongyauhwaih' >>
+ 匪盜 匪盗 [fei3 dao4] /bandit/

Change log entry 20836
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-11-10 23:29:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 20708 - submitted by 'feilipu'
+ 馬丁爐 马丁炉 [Ma3 ding1 lu2] /Martin furnace/open hearth furnace/open hearth/

Change log entry 20824
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-11-10 23:08:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 20731 - submitted by 'feilipu'
+ 宗教法庭 宗教法庭 [Zong1 jiao4 Fa3 ting2] /Inquisition (religion)/

Change log entry 20784
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-11-10 21:57:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 20739 - submitted by 'feilipu'
+ ! X光 X光 [X guang1] /X-Ray/

Change log entry 20753
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-11-10 18:49:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 20632 - submitted by 'feilipu'
+ 沉船 沉船 [chen2 chuan2] /shipwreck/sunken boat/sinking ship/

Change log entry 20751
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-11-10 18:35:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 20631 - submitted by 'feilipu'
+ 潛水服 潜水服 [qian2 shui3 fu2] /diving suit/wetsuit/

Change log entry 20749
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-11-10 18:30:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 20719 - submitted by 'feilipu'
+ 電擊 电击 [dian4 ji1] /electric shock/

Change log entry 20748
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-11-10 18:29:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 20626 - submitted by 'feilipu'
+ 白宮群英 白宫群英 [Bai2 gong1 qun2 ying1] /The West Wing (US TV series)/

Change log entry 20746
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-11-10 18:20:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 20729 - submitted by 'feilipu'
+ 凹紋 凹纹 [ao1 wen2] /die (printing, metalwork, etc.)/

Change log entry 20273
Processed by: jasonlaw (2009-11-05 18:19:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 20030 - submitted by
'jasonlaw' >>
+ 蛋糕裙 蛋糕裙 [dan4 gao1 qun2] /lit. cake skirt/tiered skirt/

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