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Change log entry 82392
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-12 22:26:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76046 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Clarify definition. Not "private company" - that has a distinctly different sense of private in english: privately-owned company / 私人公司. Some dictionaries and HSK wordlist specify verb sense.

"set up illegally"

MoE ~ 擅自設立。

例 「私立名目」、「公堂豈容私立!」。

- 私立 私立 [si1 li4] /private (company, school etc)/
# + 私立 私立 [[si1li4]] /privately-established; privately-run; private (school, hospital etc)/to establish privately/
+ 私立 私立 [[si1li4]] /privately-run; private (school, hospital etc)/to set up illegally/

Change log entry 82379
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-10 23:01:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76035 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
+ 趕時間 赶时间 [[gan3 shi2jian1]] /to be in a hurry/

Change log entry 82362
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-10 02:46:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75977 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Standard simplified char is 烟

Also this is not an exact variant, there are some differences between the two characters

Editor: If it were an exact variant, we'd make the definition simply "/variant of 煙|烟[yan1]/".

"/tobacco (variant of 煙|烟[yan1])/", on the other hand, means
"菸 is a partial variant of 煙, with which it shares the 'tobacco' sense only."

並實施菸蒂不落地 implemented a policy to combat cigarette-butt littering.
再放入菸樓內燻烤,then placed them into their barns. There they were flue-cured,
- 菸 菸 [yan1] /variant of 煙|烟[yan1]/cigarette/tobacco/smoke/
# + 菸 烟 [yan1] /variant of 煙|烟[yan1]/cigarette/tobacco/smoke/
+ 菸 烟 [yan1] /tobacco (variant of 煙|烟[yan1])/

Change log entry 82347
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-09 08:14:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75973 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
clarify definition
- 深棕 深棕 [shen1 zong1] /brown (color)/
# + 深棕 深棕 [shen1 zong1] /dark brown (color)/
+ 深棕 深棕 [[shen1zong1]] /dark brown/

Change log entry 82345
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-09 07:06:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75983 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
大廳層平面圖 concourse level (Taipei MRT)
出發大廳 departure lounge (airports)
- 大廳 大厅 [da4 ting1] /hall; lobby/
# + 大廳 大厅 [da4 ting1] /hall; lobby; concourse; lounge/
+ 大廳 大厅 [[da4ting1]] /hall; concourse; public lounge; (hotel) lobby/
- 出港大廳 出港大厅 [chu1 gang3 da4 ting1] /departure lounge/
+ 出港大廳 出港大厅 [[chu1gang3 da4ting1]] /departure lounge/
- 到達大廳 到达大厅 [dao4 da2 da4 ting1] /arrival hall/
+ 到達大廳 到达大厅 [[dao4da2 da4ting1]] /arrival hall/
- 過站大廳 过站大厅 [guo4 zhan4 da4 ting1] /transit lounge/
+ 過站大廳 过站大厅 [[guo4zhan4 da4ting1]] /transit lounge/
- 離港大廳 离港大厅 [li2 gang3 da4 ting1] /departure lounge/
+ 離港大廳 离港大厅 [[li2gang3 da4ting1]] /departure lounge/

Change log entry 82343
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-09 06:07:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75984 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>

"The Jixinghao Pork Stand, located on the second floor of the Shuiyuan Market and specializing in meat from black pigs, gives a taste of this atmosphere. Even today they go "whole hog," selling every single part of the animal from nose to tail. Whatever you want -- tenderloin, ribs, stomach, liver -- you got it."
# 里肌 里肌 [[[li3ji1]]] /tenderloin (usually of pork)/
+ 里肌 里肌 [[li3ji1]] /(Tw) tenderloin (usu. of pork)/

Change log entry 82336
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-09 01:30:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75985 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
synonym of 花生米, 花生豆

1) Use a semicolon instead of a comma.

2) Ex. ... 仔細觀察花生仁的顏色。「若花生仁還是白杏色,代表還沒熟;若顏色變為奶油色,就差不多快好了。」梁沛綸說。
# 花生仁 花生仁 [[hua1sheng1ren2]] /shelled peanuts, peanut kernels/
+ 花生仁 花生仁 [[hua1sheng1ren2]] /shelled peanut; peanut kernel/

Change log entry 82321
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-08 00:15:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75953 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>

Editor: Both forms seem to be common in Taiwan:
(整形) 她也想過去整形,但花費可觀,...
(整型) 她覺得自己很醜,所以就去整型,...

整形 has another sense:
After more than ten years of "construction," the unfortunate Tapo Lake had been all but ruined.
- 整型 整型 [zheng3 xing2] /(computing) integer/
# + 整型 整型 [zheng3 xing2] /(computing) integer/plastic surgery (variant of 整形[zheng3 xing2])/
+ 整型 整型 [[zheng3xing2]] /(computing) integer/(Tw) to perform or undergo plastic surgery (variant of 整形[zheng3xing2])/

Change log entry 82320
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-07 23:53:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75957 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
'to inspire/encourage' as V/adj is main sense
- 鼓舞 鼓舞 [gu3 wu3] /heartening (news)/to boost (morale)/CL:個|个[ge4]/
# + 鼓舞 鼓舞 [gu3 wu3] /to inspire; to encourage; to hearten; to boost (morale)/inspiring; encouraging; heartening (e.g. news)/
+ 鼓舞 鼓舞 [[gu3wu3]] /to inspire; to encourage; to hearten; to boost (morale)/

Change log entry 82319
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-07 23:41:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75955 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Used standalone as a preposition.
視情況 depending on circumstances

"(bound form)" is not exactly correct.
It's more like what Wiktionary says: "(literary, or in compounds)".

In "視野", for example, it's a bound form, while in "視情況" it's a literary construction: "look at the situation".

* * *

As for "depending on", consider the expression 等孩子入學後視情況再決定

視情況再決定 here means "look at how things are going (視情況) and then (再) decide (決定)".

It wouldn't even make sense to think of it as "depending on the situation (視情況) and then (再) decide (決定)".
- 視 视 [shi4] /(bound form) to look at/
# + 視 视 [shi4] /(bound form) to look at/depending on/
+ 視 视 [[shi4]] /(literary, or bound form) to look at/

Change log entry 82316
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-07 19:45:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75958 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
分布 is more common in traditional and is the standard taiwanese variant.

分佈 I think is just HK's preferred variant, https://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E6%A6%82%E7%8E%87%E5%88%86%E5%B8%83&action=edit&section=0&summary=/*%20top%20*/%20

Editor: On the one hand, 分布 is more common.

On the other hand, 分佈 is also valid and pretty common. Also, the current definition has the advantage that it includes both forms.

I'm inclined to leave it as it is.
# - 分佈 分布 [fen1 bu4] /to scatter/to distribute/to be distributed (over an area etc)/(statistical, geographic) distribution/
# + 分布 分布 [fen1 bu4] /to scatter/to distribute/to be distributed (over an area etc)/(statistical, geographic) distribution/

Change log entry 82315
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-07 18:35:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75945 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>

Editor: MoE's definition is way out of date. They've been making 毛毯 with other types of fiber for quite a few decades now.

- (名) 用毛、紗或化學纖維等織成的毯子。
- 用羊毛纖維或人造纖維等織成的毯子。


After they returned to Taiwan, the TIHAA put to use a unique resource: PET bottles which had, for many years, been continuously collected for recycling from all over Taiwan by Tzu Chi volunteers. These became the raw material to manufacture blankets.
# - 毛毯 毛毯 [mao2 tan3] /blanket/
# + 毛毯 毛毯 [mao2 tan3] /woolen blanket/

Change log entry 82295
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-07 03:09:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75938 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
年近40歲 and some fixed expressions 年近半百, 年近花甲 etc https://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw/search.jsp?md=1&word=%E5%B9%B4%E8%BF%91#searchL

Editor: 年 + 近

As K indicates in the pinyin, it's a two-word fragment "nián jìn", not a word "niánjìn".

(but we need to add "age" to the def of 年 and "approach" for 近, and will eventually do so)
# 年近 年近 [[nian2jin4]] /to approach, be almost (a certain age)/

Change log entry 82294
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-07 02:58:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75939 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
# 小奶狗 小奶狗 [[xiao3nai3gou3]] /(slang) naive, clingy, emotionally dependent, cute young guy/
+ 小奶狗 小奶狗 [[xiao3nai3gou3]] /(slang) naive, clingy, emotionally dependent, cute young guy (type of boyfriend)/

Change log entry 82293
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-07 02:52:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75940 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
- 泡麵 泡面 [pao4 mian4] /instant noodles/
# + 泡麵 泡面 [pao4 mian4] /instant noodles/(Tw) pirated software/
+ 泡麵 泡面 [[pao4mian4]] /instant noodles/(Tw) pirated software/

Change log entry 82292
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-07 02:48:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75941 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Standard TW pronunciation is [ye4]. [yi4] a variant
- 液 液 [ye4] /liquid/fluid/Taiwan pr. [yi4]/
# + 液 液 [ye4] /liquid/fluid/also pr. [yi4]/
+ 液 液 [[ye4]] /(bound form) a liquid/also pr. [yi4]/

Change log entry 82286
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-06 23:32:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75937 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>

a clientele that consists primarily of office workers looking for healthy fine vegetarian fare, to whom it provides a variety of lacto-vegetarian set meals.

According to the Food Industry Research and Development Institute, Taiwan has some 2.3 million vegetarians, which amounts to about 10% of the population, a rate roughly equivalent to that in the US and Europe. Some 460,000 of these Taiwanese vegetarians are strict vegetarians. The remainder are ovo, lacto, lacto-ovo, non-Buddhist (allowing scallions, chives, garlic, rocambole, and onions), or occasional (e.g. on the first and 15th of the lunar month) vegetarians.
# 奶素 奶素 [[nai3su4]] /lacto-vegetarian/
+ 奶素 奶素 [[nai3su4]] /(adjective) lacto-vegetarian/
+ 五辛素 五辛素 [[wu3xin1su4]] /(adjective) non-Buddhist vegetarian (allowing strong-smelling vegetables like garlic and onions)/

Change log entry 82280
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-06 21:01:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75933 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
- 概括 概括 [gai4 kuo4] /to summarize; to generalize/briefly; in broad outline/
# + 概括 概括 [gai4 kuo4] /to summarize; to generalize/briefly; in broad outline/Taiwan pr. [gai4 gua1]/
+ 概括 概括 [[gai4kuo4]] /to summarize; to generalize/briefly; in broad outline/
- 括 括 [kuo4] /to enclose/to include/also pr. [gua1]/
+ 括 括 [[kuo4]] /(bound form) to tie up; to tighten up/(bound form) to include; to comprise/to put (text) in brackets/Taiwan pr. [gua1]/

Change log entry 82260
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-06 04:09:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75745 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
also called 喜果
# 紅蛋 红蛋 [hong2dan4] /red-dyed egg, traditionally given to friends and relatives one month after the birth of a child/
+ 紅蛋 红蛋 [[hong2dan4]] /red-dyed egg, traditionally given to friends and relatives one month after the birth of one's child/

Change log entry 82257
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-06 03:51:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75746 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Taiwanese title of Star Wars, vs 星球大戰 in mainland
# 星際大戰 星际大战 [xing1ji4 da4zhan4] /(Tw) Star Wars/
+ 星際大戰 星际大战 [[Xing1ji4 Da4zhan4]] /(Tw) Star Wars/

Change log entry 82251
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-06 00:24:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75749 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>

Editor: When you fill in the "Add / change CC-CEDICT entry" form, it will help if you also add square brackets: [an4wu4zhi4]
When you click "Submit entry", an extra pair of brackets will be automatically added: [[an4wu4zhi4]]

If you are not filling in the form, but are instead using "native CC-CEDICT format", then you should use double brackets: [[an4wu4zhi4]]

Double square brackets are required for a v2-format entry.
(All new entries should be in v2 format.)
# 暗物質 暗物质 [an4wu4zhi4] /(physics) dark matter/
+ 暗物質 暗物质 [[an4wu4zhi4]] /(physics) dark matter/

Change log entry 82247
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-05 23:45:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75744 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Mainly used in TW I think, in mainland preferred term is 奶黃.
# 卡士達 卡士达 [ka3shi4da2] /(Tw) (loanword) custard/
+ 卡士達 卡士达 [[ka3shi4da2]] /(Tw) (loanword) custard/
+ 卡仕達 卡仕达 [[ka3shi4da2]] /(loanword) custard/

Change log entry 82246
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-05 23:35:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75750 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>

概不退換 absolutely no refunds or exchange
- 概 概 [gai4] /general/approximate/
# + 概 概 [gai4] /general/approximate/without exception, categorically/
+ 概 概 [[gai4]] /(bound form) general; approximate/without exception; categorically/(bound form) bearing; deportment/
- 槪 槪 [gai4] /variant of 概[gai4]/
+ 槪 槪 [[gai4]] /variant of 概[gai4]/
- 槩 概 [gai4] /old variant of 概[gai4]/
+ 槩 概 [[gai4]] /old variant of 概[gai4]/

Change log entry 82244
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-05 21:25:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75752 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
副菜, 副餐, 配菜, 配餐 - synonyms to 小菜


Editor: It would help if you would put submissions our specified format.
Note the use of semicolons in the definition and double square brackets [[...]] for the pinyin.
# 副菜 副菜 [fu4cai4] /side dish, side order/
+ 副菜 副菜 [[fu4cai4]] /side dish; side order/

Change log entry 82243
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-05 21:12:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75753 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Taiwanese meaning is the single evening on the day before, but has some other possible meanings in northern parts of China

# 小年夜 小年夜 [xiao3nian2ye2] /Little New Year's Eve/(Tw) the night before New Year's Eve (either lunar or gregorean)/
+ 小年夜 小年夜 [[xiao3nian2ye4]] /(coll.) the night before lunisolar New Year's Eve/(Tw) the night before New Year's Eve (either lunisolar or Gregorian)/(old) Little New Year's Eve (the 23rd or 24th of the 12th lunisolar month, when people offer sacrifices to the kitchen god)/

Change log entry 82241
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-05 20:38:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75754 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
# 水煎包 水煎包 [shui3jian1bao1] /pan-fried bun, usually with pork or vegetable filling (similar to 生煎包 but generally bigger and with thicker dough)/
+ 水煎包 水煎包 [[shui3jian1bao1]] /pan-fried bun (covered and steamed after pan-frying), usually with pork or vegetable filling/

Change log entry 82213
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-03 23:17:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75908 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
"2) 寫書法。 例他揮毫寫字時,飄逸瀟灑的神態,令人著迷。"

handwriting ~
- 現在的孩子因使用電腦,多半不喜歡寫字,
- 老了眼睛比較不好,左眼也因為眼皮上的飛蛇(帶狀泡疹)跑到眼睛裡去,現在寫字和看書都比較吃力,
- 寫字漂不漂亮有那麼嚴重嗎?每一個孩子都不一樣,不需要人人當總統吧!
- 左手寫字的小培,上了小學一年級之後,因為筆順不同於右手,字體歪扭,老師一方面要求小培改成右手寫字,
- 黑板傳來寫字的沙沙聲,
- 國峻寫字寫得慢,經常寫到半夜裡哭泣。
- 30歲的許小姐去年底突然莫名頭痛,手指頭感覺麻木,慢慢右手也無法高舉,握筆寫字歪歪扭扭,後來蔓延到身體右半側無力,
- 這樣的人怎麼可能坐下來讀書寫字?
- 邀請小朋友畫畫或寫字在明信片上。
- 不要讓幼稚園的孩子學寫字,
- 王壯為六歲起就由父親指導,開始描紅寫字,
- 寫字 写字 [xie3 zi4] /to write characters/
# + 寫字 写字 [xie3 zi4] /to write characters/to practice calligraphy/
+ 寫字 写字 [[xie3zi4]] /to write (by hand)/to practice calligraphy/

Change log entry 82210
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-03 20:02:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75907 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Preposition sense seems like the primary modern usage - TOCFL and HSK wordlists list it as preposition and verb. Historical senses are in compounds - ABC dictionary lists them all as bound forms. Besides pilgrimage thing, the simpler more direct verb sense is 'to face', e.g. "房子大多朝南。"

Editor: The benefit of writing a definition that reflects the etymological development is that the user can discern the logical connections between the different senses. It results in a coherent story, making the various meanings easier to remember.

Do you know that 朝 is a depiction of the sun emerging above the horizon, still partly obscured by vegetation (𠦝), with the moon (月) still visible in the sky? That's why it means "morning".

朝 then became associated with the morning audience with the ruler. This led to other senses, such as "the court of a ruler" and "presenting oneself for an imperial audience". The latter led to senses like "to proceed in the direction of court" and "make a pilgrimage". Also, "to bring oneself face to face with the ruler", which later became generalized to just "to face".

Your submission shows no recognition of this etymological story, and instead seems to focus on "what's likely to be on the exam?" Students who just want to pass the test will focus on that, while the nerds will be interested in seeing the whole picture. Well, I'm afraid I'm a bit of a nerd. But then, most dictionaries seem to be like me: they present their definitions to reflect the fact that the "facing" sense comes at the end of the etymological story.

Another point: Those senses you call "historical" are used in words like 唐朝 and 朝圣, which are not at all uncommon or out of date.

This entry can be improved, but I'm not going to rewrite it today because submissions have been pouring in, and the queue needs attention.
# - 朝 朝 [chao2] /imperial or royal court/government/dynasty/reign of a sovereign or emperor/court or assembly held by a sovereign or emperor/to make a pilgrimage to/facing/towards/
# + 朝 朝 [chao2] /facing, towards, to/imperial or royal court/government/dynasty/reign of a sovereign or emperor/court or assembly held by a sovereign or emperor/to face/to make a pilgrimage to/

Change log entry 82209
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-03 18:55:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75909 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
"提早一些時間。 例他怕上學遲到,通常都會早點兒出門。"

Editor: Please re-read my comments here ~
# 早點兒 早点儿 [[zao3dian3r5]] /a little earlier/

Change log entry 82208
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-03 18:47:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75909 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
"提早一些時間。 例他怕上學遲到,通常都會早點兒出門。"

Editor: Just as English dictionaries don't have entries for
- "more interesting"
- "more happy"
- "more expensive"
... we don't include expressions like 好點兒, 近點兒, 遠點 etc.
And neither does MOE or any other Chinese dictionary.

A dictionary might include one or two of them by way of illustrating the pattern: we have 快點, for example, and MOE has 慢點兒 and 早點兒. But at that point, they stop.
# 早點兒 早点儿 [[zao3dian3r5]] /a little earlier/

Change log entry 82184
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-01 00:06:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75719 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Common breakfast dish in Taiwan. Often suboptimally translationed as cheese pancake/flatbread. Inside out cheese sandwich/pancake is a more accurate term of what it is

1) Specific to Taiwan apparently.
a) Far fewer G results for 乳酪饼 than for the trad form 乳酪餅.
b) The first result for the simplified form I looked at was like this:
(i.e. very different from what you've been eating)

2) 乳酪餅 is pastry, not a pancake, and it's just the plain sheet (doesn't include the bread, cheese, jam etc).

At the 6-second mark, the ingredients for making "起司乳酪餅" are listed as
1. a slice of bread 2. a slice of cheese 3. 乳酪餅 (a square sheet of pastry)

The above video shows 乳酪餅 prepared in two ways - grilled and baked. There is no bread or cheese added to it. It's just a plain 乳酪餅.

This webpage sells 乳酪餅 in packs of 10 and suggests serving them with a fruit jam. Further down the page are serving suggestions that are similar to "pancake-wrapped toast bread with cheese and various fillings", though they do not resemble "inside-out cheese sandwiches" as seen in the following video:

The above webpage says that 乳酪餅 is often *combined with* bread and other ingredients to create a breakfast dish. They don't say that 乳酪餅 itself contains bread, cheese and fillings.

The same webpage describes 乳酪餅 as a sort of sheet of pastry which, despite its name, has very little cheese in it.
# 乳酪餅 乳酪饼 [ru3 luo4 bing3] /inside out cheese sandwich, a taiwanese breakfast dish consisting of a pancake-wrapped toast bread with cheese and various fillings/
+ 乳酪餅 乳酪饼 [[ru3lao4bing3]] /(Tw) a square of puff pastry, typically served with savory fillings or sweet jam/

Change log entry 82183
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-29 23:35:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75817 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Extras at online/retail checkout. Also expression 加購價: add-on price, discounted price when buying smth in addition to main item(s).

Beverages are not included and may be purchased at passenger's own cost

Select the options that are right for your business and your budget today, then add additional modules later, as needed.

No more paper lists left at home, no more forgotten items to buy or double purchases, no more annoying calls with requests to buy couple more things!

如果租赁人有加购 CDW,那么 "非免除损害赔偿" 将降为 MYR 1000。
If the hirer buy CDW, the 'Non-Waiver Damage Excess' become MYR 1000.

# 加購 加购 [[jia1gou4]] /add-on purchase, extras/
+ 加購 加购 [[jia1gou4]] /to buy (sth extra); to make an additional purchase/

Change log entry 82181
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-29 20:59:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75818 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Collective term, one dictionary's definition: "花的总称"

Editor: 花朵 can be singular or plural.
In such cases we normally use the singular for the definition.

Here are some examples of usage in the singular:

He said that with society's relative lack of national consciousness and historical awareness, democracy in Taiwan is like an enormous flower on a weak stalk: beautiful but very vulnerable.

Fifteen years ago, Lin Cheng-sheng escaped the life of a baker and fell into the embrace of the cinema. On the way he has filmed documentaries and stood on the world stage of the Berlin International Film Festival to accept the award for Best Director. In the barren desert of Taiwan's movie industry, his is a rare flower indeed.

A besunglassed Luo Ta-you rasping that “Taipei is not my home”; Wu Bai proclaiming that “you are my flower” while doing the Robot; Mayday taking flight with “Eloping to the Moon”; the warm tones of Soda­green’s “Little Love Song”; the “100 Ways to Live” of Crowd Lu.... Over the years, several such “underground” acts in Taiwan have leapt into the mainstream limelight, setting new standards for independent music on the island.

As Ah-feng tells it, a fairy gave the emperor two flowers, one not yet opened and the other in full bloom. The fairy instructed the emperor to give the closed bud to his wife and the other to his mother, but the emperor thought the one in full bloom much more beautiful and so gave it to his wife. Just like the flower, however, his wife soon passed beyond her prime and turned haggard, while his mother's beauty only increased.

After she pined for nine days and nine nights, Clytie's legs turned into stems, her delicate body turned into leaves, and her wan face transformed into a flower.

Each sphere was independent and unique, but the various spheres also interacted with and influenced each other, so that they all shared certain common characteristics. He likens their relationship to the petals in a flower, which overlap partially, but never all the way.

- 建築就像一個城市的花朵般,如果不能從立足的土壤裡長出來、不能保有自己的根,那就只能裝在花瓶裡供人觀賞,再美麗的光景也只能維持幾天。

- 有別於許多國際救援團隊NGO著重住屋、學校重建等硬體援助,執行「一萬個希望」的台灣兒童暨家庭扶助基金會從心靈出發,聚焦在兒童和青少年的創傷復元,將沿海鄉鎮曾一度被海嘯摧毀的社區網路和崩解的人際連結重新建構,並找回再出發的動能,成為斯里蘭卡災後重建版塊中,一朵別緻的花朵。
# - 花朵 花朵 [hua1 duo3] /flower/
# + 花朵 花朵 [hua1 duo3] /flowers (collectively)/

Change log entry 82167
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-29 01:38:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75810 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
# 薄荷醇 薄荷醇 [[bo4he5chun2]] /menthol/
+ 薄荷醇 薄荷醇 [[bo4he5chun2]] /(chemistry) menthol/

Change log entry 82166
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-29 01:34:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75811 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Also 魚漿

# 魚糜 鱼糜 [[yu2mi2]] /surimi, fish paste/
+ 魚糜 鱼糜 [[yu2mi2]] /surimi/

Change log entry 82165
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-29 01:34:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75812 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
# 魚漿 鱼浆 [[yu2jiang1]] /surimi, fish paste/
+ 魚漿 鱼浆 [[yu2jiang1]] /surimi/

Change log entry 82149
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-28 03:54:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75796 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Alternative pronunciation [a1 ma4] - from Taiwanese [a-má]
https://sutian.moe.edu.tw/zh-hant/su/4621/, note hokkien tone marks

KEY dictionary has this note: "usu. pronounced with the Minnan tonal pattern, closer to āmà"

1) It's not only used when *addressing* an old woman, but also when *referring to* an old woman.
- 捷運站中不時可見拿著旅行社小旗子的阿公阿嬤們,
- 對許多阿嬤來說,

2) The way we provide a guide to Minnan-influenced pronunciation in cases like this is to indicate (in Tai-lo) the pronunciation of the corresponding Taiwanese word.

For example, we have
蚵仔煎 [e2 zi3 jian1] /(Tw) oyster omelette (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [ô-á-tsian])/

As far as I know, nobody orders "ézǐjiān" in Taiwan. They ask instead for something approximating "ô-á-tsian".
- 阿嬤 阿嬷 [a1 ma1] /grandma (Tw)/
# + 阿嬤 阿嬷 [a1 ma1] /(Tw) grandma; address to elderly woman/also pr. [a1 ma4]/
+ 阿嬤 阿嬷 [[a1ma1]] /(Tw) grandma (also used to refer to or address an elderly woman) (from Taiwanese 阿媽, Tai-lo pr. [a-má])/

Change log entry 82128
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-27 01:22:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75788 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>

Editor: Thanks for using v2 format for the pinyin.

- 當時擔任飯店廚師的他自願留晚班,深夜12點下班後,從新北投搭車到重慶北路大龍峒習武,
- 另一位男生阿賢,在墾丁福華飯店當糕點師傅,上晚班;
+ 晚班 晚班 [[wan3ban1]] /night shift/

Change log entry 82124
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-27 00:57:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75787 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
In TW usage could mean specifically an unincorporated firm/business without a separate legal person
https://protax.tw/faq/%E5%89%B5%E6%A5%AD%E5%89%8D%E6%9C%9FQA.i-4.html https://vocus.cc/article/64218beefd89780001e491cf

Computing usage: line (in file) or row number

Ex. for "(data table) row number"
在第一个表中,最后一条记录的行号是 3258169 ,...

In Taiwan, 行號 often comes up in the term 公司行號, which seems to be a generic term that means "companies (incorporated and unincorporated)".
Ex. 直至十月初,淹水嚴重地區,仍有公司行號與學校無法恢復上班、上課。
- 行號 行号 [hang2 hao4] /(registered) company/
# + 行號 行号 [hang2 hao4] /store, shop, business, company/(Tw) (unincorporated) firm/(computing) line number, row number/
+ 行號 行号 [[hang2hao4]] /(computing) (text file) line number; (data table) row number/(Tw) (unincorporated) firm (typically a smaller business such as a sole proprietorship or partnership)/

Change log entry 82123
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-27 00:15:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75786 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
- 公文 公文 [gong1 wen2] /document/
# + 公文 公文 [gong1 wen2] /official document/
+ 公文 公文 [[gong1wen2]] /official document/

Change log entry 82119
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-02-26 11:16:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75747 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
# 咖啡師 咖啡师 [ka1fei1shi1] /barista/
+ 咖啡師 咖啡师 [[ka1fei1shi1]] /barista/

Change log entry 82095
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-25 00:38:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75751 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>

Editor: I couldn't access the second link (...gov.tw...)

ex ~
You can be more confident of a product's quality if it is properly packaged and labeled, and includes the names of any additives, the expiration date, and the address and telephone number of the manufacturer.

It gets more than 90% of its food from donations, most of them products whose expiry date is coming up within a few months.
# 有效日期 有效日期 [you3xiao4 ri4qi1] /expiration date (of food), effective date/
+ 有效日期 有效日期 [[you3xiao4 ri4qi1]] /expiration date; expiry date/

Change log entry 82090
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-24 21:19:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75755 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>

Editor: Thanks for entering the pinyin in v2 format ("mian4zhi3" rather than "mian4 zhi3").

When you fill in the "Add / change CC-CEDICT entry" form, it will help if you also add square brackets: [mian4zhi3]
When you click "Submit entry", an extra pair of brackets will be automatically added: [[mian4zhi3]]
Double square brackets are required for a v2-format entry.

* * *

Should a box of paper tissues actually contain 200 sheets, 150 sheets or 130 sheets?

"wipe their lips with facial tissues!"

The father initially seemed to find some consolation in their quiet strumming, but then began first to weep softly and then bawl loudly before calming again. Ma’s partner, an experienced clown, said nothing, but just patted his shoulder and passed him a tissue.
# 面紙 面纸 [mian4zhi3] /facial tissue, paper tissue, kleenex/
+ 面紙 面纸 [[mian4zhi3]] /facial tissue; kleenex/

Change log entry 82083
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-23 07:59:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75601 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
common confectionary item

"They also partnered with Taiwan Morinaga to create a salty caramel that went on sale in stores around Taiwan."
# 牛奶糖 牛奶糖 [niu2 nai3 tang2] /toffee, chewy caramel candy/
+ 牛奶糖 牛奶糖 [[niu2nai3tang2]] /toffee; chewy caramel candy/

Change log entry 82057
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-20 22:47:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75602 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
common menu item, 乾麵 / 湯麵
# 乾麵 干面 [gan1 mian4] /dry noodles, noodles served without a soup/
+ 乾麵 干面 [[gan1mian4]] /noodles mixed with a sauce and served with toppings (not in a soup)/(dialect) flour/

Change log entry 82051
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-20 08:32:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75603 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
common menu item, 乾麵 / 湯麵
# 湯麵 汤面 [tang1 mian4] /noodle soup/
+ 湯麵 汤面 [[tang1mian4]] /noodles in soup/

Change log entry 82050
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-20 08:12:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75607 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
# 藥妝 药妆 [yao4 zhuang1] /cosmeceutics, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals/
+ 藥妝 药妆 [[yao4zhuang1]] /cosmeceuticals/

Change log entry 82048
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-20 05:21:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75712 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Also 外送茶 = at client's place
# 定點茶 定点茶 [ding4 dian3 cha2] /(Tw) (euphemism) prostitute service, typically at a massage place/parlor/
+ 定點茶 定点茶 [[ding4dian3cha2]] /(Tw) (euphemism) prostitute service at a massage parlor or other place designated by the service provider/

Change log entry 82046
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-20 04:44:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75715 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
noun (lit. a bunch of years, 把 as MW here) or can function as a verb "一把年紀了"

1) 或者一把年紀的歐吉桑,在網路上返老還童,假裝是個十八、九歲的春風少年兄

2) 今年叫歲七十的孫老先生,加入安麗已經五年,不管是會場、家庭聚會,老先生都每會必到,靜靜地坐著微笑。五年前的他,是個胃部切除了三分之二、每天都在消極厭世情緒中掙扎的胃癌患者,透過看護中心一位小姐的關懷打氣而加入安麗。孫老先生說,一把年紀了,賺錢之事已如浮雲,但參加這些「年輕人的聚會」,好像是一次又一次的團體情感治療,別人不因為他沒有什麼業績表現而吝於關懷,而他也就以忠誠回報。

3) 呂光華的好友秦如就說,當初他們受邀時,總覺得自己一把年紀了,哪還學得會唱啊跳啊的,
Lu's good friend Li Chin-ju says that when people are first invited they always feel that they are too old to learn how to sing or dance.

4) 到了一把年纪的男明星他们不缺钱为什么不结婚呢?
# 一把年紀 一把年纪 [yi1 ba3 nian2ji4] /advanced age; to be old or getting old/
+ 一把年紀 一把年纪 [[yi1 ba3 nian2ji4]] /to be of an advanced age; to be old/an advanced age/

Change log entry 82023
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-18 21:15:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75705 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>

# 鳳梨釋迦 凤梨释迦 [feng4li2 shi4jia1] /atemoya, pineapple sugar apple (a hybrid fruit between sugar apple and custard apple, popular in Taiwan)/
+ 鳳梨釋迦 凤梨释迦 [[feng4li2 shi4jia1]] /atemoya, hybrid of the cherimoya (Annona cherimola) and the sugar apple (Annona squamosa), a tree grown in tropical regions of the Americas and in Taiwan for its edible fruit/

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