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Change log entry 49704
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-16 04:24:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48231 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Fix link
- 訂製 订制 [ding4 zhi4] /custom-made/made-to-order/to have something custom made/also written 定製 定制/
+ 訂製 订制 [ding4 zhi4] /custom-made/made-to-order/to have something custom made/also written 定製|定制/

Change log entry 49543
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-06 19:57:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47157 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
I'm not satisfied with my literal translation; can someone revise it?
Source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/You_can't_have_your_cake_and_eat_it and many others, like http://www.ichacha.net/%E5%8F%88%E8%A6%81%E9%A9%AC%E5%84%BF%E8%B7%91,%E5%8F%88%E8%A6%81%E9%A9%AC%E5%84%BF%E4%B8%8D%E5%90%83%E8%8D%89.html

Editor: M & Dr.eye have 又要馬兒好,又要馬兒不吃草.
# 又要馬兒跑,又要馬兒不吃草 又要马儿跑,又要马儿不吃草 [you4 yao4 ma3 r pao3 you4 yao4 ma3 r bu4 chi1 cao3] /lit. to want a horse that runs and does not graze (idiom)/you can't have your cake and eat it/
+ 又要馬兒跑,又要馬兒不吃草 又要马儿跑,又要马儿不吃草 [you4 yao4 ma3 r5 pao3 , you4 yao4 ma3 r5 bu4 chi1 cao3] /lit. you can't expect the horse to run fast but not let it graze (idiom)/fig. you can't have your cake and eat it, too/
# editor adding:
+ 又要馬兒好,又要馬兒不吃草 又要马儿好,又要马儿不吃草 [you4 yao4 ma3 r5 hao3 , you4 yao4 ma3 r5 bu4 chi1 cao3] /see 又要馬兒跑,又要馬兒不吃草|又要马儿跑,又要马儿不吃草[you4 yao4 ma3 r5 pao3 , you4 yao4 ma3 r5 bu4 chi1 cao3]/

Change log entry 49395
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-07-28 11:23:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48004 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Fix link
- 傢 家 [jia1] /see 傢伙[jia1 huo5]/
+ 傢 家 [jia1] /see 傢伙|家伙[jia1 huo5]/

Change log entry 49285
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-07-21 14:28:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47158 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Often used as 一心不能二用, perhaps this should be added as well?

Editor: per discussion.
# 一心二用 一心二用 [yi1 xin1 er4 yong4] /to do two things at once (idiom)/
+ 一心二用 一心二用 [yi1 xin1 er4 yong4] /to do two things at once (idiom)/to multitask/to divide one's attention/

Change log entry 49258
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-07-18 09:02:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47876 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Fix simplified form, as per http://zh.wiktionary.org/zh/Wiktionary:%E7%AE%80%E5%8C%96%E5%AD%97%E6%80%BB%E8%A1%A8/%E7%AC%AC%E4%B8%80%E8%A1%A8 . Simplification already found in ('嚮導', '向导') xiang4 dao3, ('嚮往', '向往') xiang4 wang3 etc.
Also fix link.

Didn't have an official source for 曏->向, so add it as a comment in case an editor knows one.


1. 嚮 is on the simplified chart and it apparently *does* simplify to 向.
2. 曏 is the deprecated variant of 嚮, according to 异体字整理表: 嚮<曏>, in which case its simp. form would then also be 向.


M says:
1. 明、表明。
2. 從前、往昔。通「向」。

Z says: 同“向”。

【汉语大字典】 says:
1. 不久以前;往日。
2. 明。表明。
3. 介词。表示方向、对象,相当于 “向”、“朝向”、“对着”。
- 嚮 嚮 [xiang4] /to tend toward/to guide/variant of 向/
+ 嚮 向 [xiang4] /to tend toward/to guide/variant of 向[xiang4]/
- 曏 曏 [xiang4] /variant of 向, direction/orientation/to face/to turn toward/to/towards/shortly before/formerly/to side with/to be partial to/all along (previously)/
# + 曏 曏 [xiang4] /variant of 向[xiang4], direction/orientation/to face/to turn toward/to/towards/shortly before/formerly/to side with/to be partial to/all along (previously)/
# I don't have an official source for this, so not sure about it
# + 曏 向 [xiang4] /variant of 向[xiang4], direction/orientation/to face/to turn toward/to/towards/shortly before/formerly/to side with/to be partial to/all along (previously)/
+ 曏 向 [xiang4] /variant of 向[xiang4]/direction/orientation/to face/to turn toward/to/towards/shortly before/formerly/

Change log entry 49251
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-07-17 18:57:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47879 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
This is the only entry in the dictionary that lists 誰 as shui, and I can't find references saying that it is pronounced shui2 in this case, so I propose reverting to shei2.
I've looked at the previous revision, which reads "Is it really pronounced shui2?", but there were no comments/answers.

Editor: this change was actually proposed back then but ended up getting scrapped for some reason. Here is what editors commented at the time:

A: shui2 is the correct, literary pronunciation -- I have met with, maybe, 3 people who had this pronunciation...
B: i remember textbooks have shui, but i'll be damned if I have ever heard anyone say it anywhere. That being said, maybe both should be included.
C: Yeah, maybe both.

anyway, since we already indicate "also pr. shui2" at the character level, that should do.
- 誰知 谁知 [shui2 zhi1] /lit. who knows/who would have thought/unexpectedly/unpredictably/
+ 誰知 谁知 [shei2 zhi1] /lit. who knows/who would have thought/unexpectedly/unpredictably/

Change log entry 49249
Processed by: vermillon (2013-07-17 13:38:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47878 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
For some reason both characters in 鑰匙|钥匙 are pronounced in a non-standard way; the 鑰|钥 entry does list [yao4], so perhaps the 匙 entry should list [shi5]?
鑰 钥 [yue4] /key/also pr. [yao4]/
editor: in this case, a person should refer to the entry for 钥匙, and 匙 alone cannot be shi5. The only way we could have it would be to add 匙 匙 [shi5] /see 鑰匙|钥匙[yao4 shi5], but there are tons of such special pronunciation (usually only for tone, sure) characters in Mandarin.
# - 匙 匙 [chi2] /spoon/
# + 匙 匙 [chi2] /spoon/also pr. [shi5]/

Change log entry 49234
Processed by: richwarm (2013-07-17 10:56:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47877 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
峇里 was not simplified to 巴厘; instead, the name changed.

Editor: Thank you.
- 峇 峇 [Ba1] /Bali Island/峇厘, now written 巴厘/cave/
# + 峇 峇 [Ba1] /Bali Island/abbr. for 峇厘[Ba1 li2], now written 巴厘[Ba1 li2]/cave/
- 峇里 巴厘 [Ba1 li2] /Bali Island, Indonesia/
# + 峇里 峇里 [Ba1 li2] /Bali Island, Indonesia/now written 巴厘[Ba1 li2]/
- 巴厘 巴厘 [Ba1 li2] /Bali (island in Indonesia)/
# + 巴厘 巴厘 [Ba1 li2] /Bali Island, Indonesia/
+ 峇 峇 [ba1] /(used in transliteration)/
+ 峇里 峇里 [Ba1 li3] /Bali (island province of Indonesia) (Tw)/
+ 巴厘 巴厘 [Ba1 li2] /Bali (island province of Indonesia)/
+ 峇 峇 [ke4] /cave/cavern/also pr. [ke1]/

Change log entry 49208
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-07-15 14:14:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47873 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
The table on https://zh.wikisource.org/wiki/%E7%AE%80%E5%8C%96%E5%AD%97%E6%80%BB%E8%A1%A8 lists 么 as the simplified form of 麽.
- 麽 麽 [me5] /variant of 麼|么[me5]/
+ 麽 么 [me5] /variant of 麼|么[me5]/

Change log entry 49207
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-07-15 13:59:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47875 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Same as 傢伙, fix simplified form of 傢
- 傢俱 傢俱 [jia1 ju4] /variant of 家具[jia1 ju4]/
+ 傢俱 家俱 [jia1 ju4] /variant of 家具[jia1 ju4]/

Change log entry 49206
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-07-15 13:59:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47874 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Fix simplified: 傢->家
(The definition of 傢 (correct according to the official lists on http://zh.wiktionary.org/zh/Wiktionary:%E7%AE%80%E5%8C%96%E5%AD%97%E6%80%BB%E8%A1%A8/%E7%AC%AC%E4%B8%80%E8%A1%A8) reads:
傢 家 [jia1] /see 傢伙[jia1 huo5]/)
- 傢伙 傢伙 [jia1 huo5] /variant of 家伙[jia1 huo5]/
+ 傢伙 家伙 [jia1 huo5] /variant of 家伙[jia1 huo5]/

Change log entry 49205
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-07-15 13:57:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47880 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
[zhan4] seems to be the Taiwanese pronunciation. Can a native/more experimented speaker confirm that the Taiwanese pronunciation is prevalent for 发颤?
顫 颤 [chan4] /to tremble/to shiver/to shake/to vibrate/Taiwan pr. [zhan4]/

Editor: dicts seem to agree. GF even points out "“颤”这里不读 zhàn。㊁不要写作“发战”。"
- 發顫 发颤 [fa1 zhan4] /to shiver/
+ 發顫 发颤 [fa1 chan4] /to shiver/

Change log entry 49075
Processed by: richwarm (2013-07-05 01:38:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47734 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
This is among the examples wikipedia gives of tone sandhi on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Chinese_phonology#Tone_sandhi :

"When "一" falls between two words, it becomes neutral tone.
ex: 看一看 (kànyīkàn) becomes kànyikàn"

There must be plenty of other examples in the dictionary, but I'd like to get some feedback on this proposed modification before searching for all the other cases.

What do you think?

Editor: I suspect that that "rule" is an oversimplification.

For example ~
The tone of 一 (yī one) ... can adopt every tone by building kind of a “tone connection” between the tone of the preceding character and the tone of the following character. Example: 另一个 (lìngyīgè, another) is pronounced lìngyígè.

In any case, we don't record tone changes if they are covered by the "rules" of tone sandhi (which are actually attempts to *describe* how Chinese phonology works in practice, and not "rules" that native speakers and learners must observe). This is the custom adopted by most C-E dictionaries.

"Tone sandhi is not indicated (e.g., ni3 hao3 is not changed to ni2 hao3)"

ABC (in Wenlin at least) indicates tone sandhi by means of a dot under the syllable rather than by altering the tone mark. But there seems to be some inconsistency there:
ABC has
比一比 bǐyibǐ (neutral tone explicitly indicated for "yi")
留一手 liú yī̠shǒu (sandhi indicated by a dot under the syllable)
试一试 shìyīshì and 看一看 kànyīkàn (*no* indication of tone sandhi)

Of these, New Century has only 留一手 and its pronunciation there is indicated as liú yīshǒu. It would seem that the other expressions are omitted because they are mostly constructs.

Note also that "the" neutral tone is pronounced differently in the context of different tones of the surrounding words.
# - 看一看 看一看 [kan4 yi1 kan4] /to have a look/
# + 看一看 看一看 [kan4 yi5 kan4] /to have a look/

Change log entry 49042
Processed by: ycandau (2013-07-02 19:22:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47663 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Since the dictionary already includes 吉安縣|吉安县[Ji2 an1 xian4], I think it would be better to link to that entry instead (Plus, I don't see the point of starting the definition with "Also ", given that this is already an enumeration of entries.

It might be useful to add a definition after the link though, as in
/abbr. for 吉安縣|吉安县[Ji2 an1 xian4], Ji'an county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/

Editor: No, thanks.
I do see the reason for "also".
And 吉安 is not an abbr of 吉安縣
The most you could say is that we have 吉安縣 but not 吉安市, then add the latter.
- 吉安 吉安 [Ji2 an1] /Ji'an prefecture level city in Jiangxi/also Ji'an county/Ji'an or Chi'an township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/
+ 吉安 吉安 [Ji2 an1] /Ji'an prefecture level city in Jiangxi/Ji'an or Chi'an township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/abbr. for 吉安縣|吉安县[Ji2 an1 xian4]/

Change log entry 48917
Processed by: vermillon (2013-06-22 16:59:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47664 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
There is a number of ways to introduce alternatives in cedict ("same as", "equivalent to", "abbr. to", "also called", "also written", "also abbr.", "also translated as", "also translated"), but "also" alone is very seldom used.
- 高速路 高速路 [gao1 su4 lu4] /highway/expressway/also 高速公路/
+ 高速路 高速路 [gao1 su4 lu4] /highway/expressway/same as 高速公路[gao1 su4 gong1 lu4]/

Change log entry 48856
Processed by: vermillon (2013-06-18 16:00:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47607 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Should we include the alternative names (黑桃、紅心、梅花、方塊)?
Source: http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%8A%B1%E8%89%B2

editor: actually not used for cards.
# - 矛頭 矛头 [mao2 tou2] /spearhead/barb/an attack or criticism/
# + 矛頭 矛头 [mao2 tou2] /spearhead/barb/an attack or criticism/spades (playing cards suit)/
# - 心 心 [xin1] /heart/mind/intention/center/core/CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4]/
# + 心 心 [xin1] /heart/mind/intention/center/core/CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4]/hearts (playing cards suit)/
# - 三葉草 三叶草 [san1 ye4 cao3] /clover/trefoil/
# + 三葉草 三叶草 [san1 ye4 cao3] /clover/trefoil/clubs (playing cards suit)/
# - 鑽石 钻石 [zuan4 shi2] /diamond/CL:顆|颗[ke1]/
# + 鑽石 钻石 [zuan4 shi2] /diamond/CL:顆|颗[ke1]/diamonds (playing cards suit)/

Change log entry 48809
Processed by: vermillon (2013-06-17 10:34:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47606 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Fix link
- 走 走 [zou3] /to walk/to go/to run/to move (of vehicle)/to visit/to leave/to go away/to die (euph.)/from/through/away (in compound verbs, such as 撤走)/to change (shape, form, meaning)/
+ 走 走 [zou3] /to walk/to go/to run/to move (of vehicle)/to visit/to leave/to go away/to die (euph.)/from/through/away (in compound verbs, such as 撤走[che4 zou3])/to change (shape, form, meaning)/

Change log entry 48709
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-06-11 16:16:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47518 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Male names entries consistently use male, and never boy.
- 百合子 百合子 [Bai3 he2 zi5] /Yuriko, Japanese girl's given name, translates Christian name Lily/
+ 百合子 百合子 [Bai3 he2 zi5] /Yuriko, Japanese female given name, translates Christian name Lily/
- 美玲 美玲 [Mei3 Ling2] /Mei Ling (girl's name)/Zhou Meiling 周美玲 (1969-), Taiwanese gay film director/
# + 美玲 美玲 [Mei3 Ling2] /Mei Ling (female name)/Zhou Meiling 周美玲 (1969-), Taiwanese gay film director/
+ 美玲 美玲 [Mei3 ling2] /Meiling (female name)/Zhou Meiling 周美玲[Zhou1 Mei3 ling2] (1969-), Taiwanese gay film director/
- 妮 妮 [ni1] /girl/phonetic "ni" (in girl's name)/
+ 妮 妮 [ni1] /girl/phonetic "ni" (in female names)/
- 媞 媞 [ti2] /used as phonetic/girl's name/
+ 媞 媞 [ti2] /used as phonetic/female name/

Change log entry 48677
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-06-10 21:27:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47519 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Fix link
- 燒酒 烧酒 [shao1 jiu3] /name of a famous Tang dynasty wine/same as 白酒/clear distilled wine/
# + 燒酒 烧酒 [shao1 jiu3] /name of a famous Tang dynasty wine/same as 白酒[bai2 jiu3]/clear distilled wine/
+ 燒酒 烧酒 [shao1 jiu3] /name of a famous Tang dynasty wine/same as 白酒[bai2 jiu3]/

Change log entry 48676
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-06-10 21:25:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47517 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Add links and replace girl's with female
- 娜 娜 [na4] /(phonetic na)/used esp. in girl's names such as Anna 安娜 or Diana 黛安娜/
+ 娜 娜 [na4] /(phonetic na)/used esp. in female names such as Anna 安娜[An1 na4] or Diana 黛安娜[Dai4 an1 na4]/

Change log entry 48674
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-06-10 20:44:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47516 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Fix links
- 貔 貔 [pi2] /see píxiū 貔貅, composite mythical animal/originally 貔 was the male/
+ 貔 貔 [pi2] /see 貔貅[pi2 xiu1], composite mythical animal (originally 貔 was the male)/
- 貅 貅 [xiu1] /see píxiū 貔貅, composite mythical animal/originally 貅 was the female/
+ 貅 貅 [xiu1] /see 貔貅[pi2 xiu1], composite mythical animal (originally 貅 was the female)/

Change log entry 48668
Processed by: richwarm (2013-06-10 11:17:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46581 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Remove superfluous determiners (a/an/the)
- 保長對應 保长对应 [bao3 chang2 dui4 ying4] /(math.) a distance-preserving correspondence/an isometry/
+ 保長對應 保长对应 [bao3 chang2 dui4 ying4] /(math.) distance-preserving correspondence/isometry/
- 保角對應 保角对应 [bao3 jiao3 dui4 ying4] /(math.) a distance-preserving correspondence/a conformal map/
+ 保角對應 保角对应 [bao3 jiao3 dui4 ying4] /(math.) distance-preserving correspondence/conformal map/
- 變分學 变分学 [bian4 fen1 xue2] /the calculus of variations (math.)/
+ 變分學 变分学 [bian4 fen1 xue2] /calculus of variations (math.)/
- 變換群 变换群 [bian4 huan4 qun2] /(math.) a transformation group/
+ 變換群 变换群 [bian4 huan4 qun2] /(math.) transformation group/
- 不動點 不动点 [bu4 dong4 dian3] /fixed point (of a map in math.)/
+ 不動點 不动点 [bu4 dong4 dian3] /fixed point (of a map) (math.)/
# - 常數 常数 [chang2 shu4] /a constant (math.)/
# + 常數 常数 [chang2 shu4] /constant (math.)/
# Editor: "a" makes it clear that it's not an adjective -- I think it's ok to keep
- 代數函數 代数函数 [dai4 shu4 han2 shu4] /(math.) an algebraic function/
+ 代數函數 代数函数 [dai4 shu4 han2 shu4] /(math.) algebraic function/
# - 等號 等号 [deng3 hao4] /(math.) equals sign =/
# + 等號 等号 [deng3 hao4] /(math.) equals sign =/
# Editor: Why is this part of the submission?
- 傅立葉變換 傅立叶变换 [Fu4 li4 ye4 bian4 huan4] /(math.) a Fourier transform/
+ 傅立葉變換 傅立叶变换 [Fu4 li4 ye4 bian4 huan4] /(math.) Fourier transform/
- 格網 格网 [ge2 wang3] /(math.) a lattice/
+ 格網 格网 [ge2 wang3] /(math.) lattice/
- 黎曼羅赫定理 黎曼罗赫定理 [Li2 man4 luo2 he4 ding4 li3] /(math.) the Riemann-Roch theorem/
+ 黎曼羅赫定理 黎曼罗赫定理 [Li2 man4 luo2 he4 ding4 li3] /(math.) Riemann-Roch theorem/
- 中國剩餘定理 中国剩余定理 [Zhong1 guo2 sheng4 yu2 ding4 li3] /the Chinese remainder theorem (math.)/
+ 中國剩餘定理 中国剩余定理 [Zhong1 guo2 sheng4 yu2 ding4 li3] /Chinese remainder theorem (math.)/

Change log entry 48501
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-06-03 06:11:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 45784 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Add links
- 與其 与其 [yu3 qi2] /rather than.../與其|与其 A 不如 B (rather than A, better to B)/
+ 與其 与其 [yu3 qi2] /rather than.../與其|与其[yu3 qi2] A 不如[bu4 ru2] B (rather than A, better to B)/

Change log entry 48406
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-06-01 13:29:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 45191 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>

Editor: M: 選擇。同「揀」。
# - 柬 柬 [jian3] /card/note/letter/abbr. for 柬埔寨[Jian3 pu3 zhai4], Cambodia/
- 柬 柬 [jian3] /card/note/letter/
# + 柬 柬 [jian3] /card/note/letter/to select/to pick/to choose/abbr. for 柬埔寨[Jian3 pu3 zhai4], Cambodia/
+ 柬 柬 [jian3] /card/note/letter/variant of 揀|拣[jian3]/

Change log entry 48049
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-05-21 09:52:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47159 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%BA%94%E4%BB%A3%E5%8D%81%E5%9B%BD quotes 907 as the beginning of 十國|十国, though it acknowledges that 吳|吴 started in 902; Baidu has http://www.baike.com/wiki/%E4%BA%94%E4%BB%A3%E5%8D%81%E5%9B%BD%EF%BC%88902%EF%BD%9E979%EF%BC%89 ; what do you think?
- 五代十國 五代十国 [wu3 dai4 shi2 guo2] /Five Dynasties (907-960) and Ten Kingdoms (902-979)/
# + 五代十國 五代十国 [wu3 dai4 shi2 guo2] /Five Dynasties (907-960) and Ten Kingdoms (902-979) period, an era of political turmoil in ancient China/
+ 五代十國 五代十国 [Wu3 dai4 Shi2 guo2] /Five Dynasties (907-960) and Ten Kingdoms (902-979), period of political turmoil in ancient China/

Change log entry 47807
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-05-10 08:00:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46869 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Remove extraneous determiner.


Z: 古同“巂”

1. 鸟名,即“子规”。
2. 古通“规”,指车轮转一周。

1. 〔越~〕古郡名。
2. 姓。

- 嶲 嶲 [xi1] /a name of an old town in Sichuan/cuckoo/revolution of a wheel/
# + 嶲 嶲 [xi1] /name of an old town in Sichuan/cuckoo/revolution of a wheel/
+ 嶲 嶲 [xi1] /old variant of 巂[xi1]/
# editor adding:
- 巂 巂 [sui3] /place name in Sichuan/
+ 巂 巂 [xi1] /place name in Sichuan/
+ 巂 巂 [gui1] /cuckoo/revolution of a wheel/

Change log entry 47804
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-05-09 19:46:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46873 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
- 陳露 陈露 [Chen2 Lu4] /Lu Chen/
+ 陳露 陈露 [Chen2 Lu4] /Lu Chen (1976-), PRC figure skater, 1995 world champion/

Change log entry 47790
Processed by: vermillon (2013-05-09 16:25:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46868 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Fix a typo
- 八風穴 八风穴 [ba1 feng1 xue2] /"eight wind points," name of a set of acupuncture points (EX-LE-10), four on each foot/
+ 八風穴 八风穴 [ba1 feng1 xue2] /"eight wind points", name of a set of acupuncture points (EX-LE-10), four on each foot/

Change log entry 47788
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-05-09 12:09:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46871 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Add parentheses to all occurrences of "used in given names".
- 晗 晗 [han2] /before daybreak/dawn about to break/used in given names/
+ 晗 晗 [han2] /before daybreak/dawn about to break/(used in given names)/
- 鏸 鏸 [hui4] /three edged spear/used in given names/
+ 鏸 鏸 [hui4] /three edged spear/(used in given names)/
- 昰 是 [shi4] /variant of 是[shi4]/used in given names/
+ 昰 是 [shi4] /variant of 是[shi4]/(used in given names)/
- 淑 淑 [shu1] /warm and virtuous/used in given names/Taiwan pr. [shu2]/
+ 淑 淑 [shu1] /warm and virtuous/(used in given names)/Taiwan pr. [shu2]/
- 禕 祎 [yi1] /excellent/precious/rare/fine/used in given names/
+ 禕 祎 [yi1] /excellent/precious/rare/fine/(used in given names)/

Change log entry 47686
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-05-07 20:28:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46832 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
# 信心百倍 信心百倍 [xin4 xin1 bai3 bei4] /to be extremely confident/
+ 信心百倍 信心百倍 [xin4 xin1 bai3 bei4] /brimming with confidence (idiom)/

Change log entry 47658
Processed by: vermillon (2013-05-07 13:04:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46817 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Tatoeba : 你们有给素食主义者的特别菜单吗?

Learnt about that word when I told Chinese (PRC) friends "我是素食者"; they didn't immediately understand and told me I should rather say "我是素食主义者". Does that match any of the editors' experience?
editor: construct.
# 素食主義者 素食主义者 [su4 shi2 zhu3 yi4 zhe3] /vegetarian/

Change log entry 47604
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-05-03 19:22:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46451 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
http://3000hanzi.com/chinese-to-english/definition/%E7%A2%B0%E4%B8%8A has plenty of example sentences, and 碰上爱情 is the title of a movie (http://baike.baidu.com/view/760239.htm). Yet the word doesn't seem extremely common...
+ 碰上 碰上 [peng4 shang4] /to run into/to come upon/to meet/

Change log entry 47602
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-05-03 18:54:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46443 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Part of the level 1 TOCFL list (Tawian); 4M hits on Google (https://www.google.com/?hl=en#hl=en&q=%22%E5%A6%B3%E4%BB%AC%22&fp=1). What do you think?

Editor: I really don't think we need it. We already have 你们, which is more than enough. Plus we define 们 as "plural marker for pronouns...", so it should be easy even for beginners to figure it out anyway.
# 妳們 妳们 [ni2 men5] /you (plural, female)/

Change log entry 47601
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-05-03 18:48:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46447 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>

Editor: XDHYCD, GF, A say (coll.)
# 舅媽 舅妈 [jiu4 ma1] /aunt/also written 舅母[jiu4 mu3]/
+ 舅媽 舅妈 [jiu4 ma1] /(coll.) aunt/maternal uncle's wife/

Change log entry 47600
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-05-03 18:44:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46448 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
9M google hits https://www.google.com/search?q=%22%E7%A5%95%E5%AF%86%22&aq=f&oq=%22%E7%A5%95%E5%AF%86%22 vs. 420M for 秘密

Editor: we already list 祕 as a variant of 秘 at the character level, so we generally don't add compound words that include such variant characters.
# 祕密 祕密 [mi4 mi4] /variant of 秘密[mi4 mi4]/

Change log entry 47444
Processed by: richwarm (2013-04-25 00:43:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46444 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Fix link

Editor: I don't see much point in creating a proper cross-reference, when all it does is encourage you to waste your time by going to the other entry — only to find no extra information there.
# - 超市 超市 [chao1 shi4] /supermarket/abbr. for 超級市場|超级市场/CL:家[jia1]/
# + 超市 超市 [chao1 shi4] /supermarket/abbr. for 超級市場|超级市场[chao1 ji2 shi4 chang3]/CL:家[jia1]/

Change log entry 47435
Processed by: richwarm (2013-04-24 12:13:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46446 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Seems rather frequent (http://www.google.com.tw/#q=%22%E8%A3%8F%E9%9D%A2%22&lr=lang_zh-TW&tbs=lr:lang_1zh-TW)

Editor: As a rule, we don't include equivalent compounds if their equivalence is documented at the character level.
We already have
裏 里 [li3] /lining/interior/inside/internal/also written 裡|里[li3]/
裡 里 [li3] /lining/interior/inside/internal/also written 裏|里[li3]/
# - 裡面 里面 [li3 mian4] /inside/interior/
# + 裡面 里面 [li3 mian4] /inside/interior/also written 裏面|里面[li3 mian4]/
# + 裏面 里面 [li3 mian4] /inside/interior/also written 裡面|里面[li3 mian4]/

Change log entry 47428
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-04-23 17:07:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46452 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Found on:

Editor: already on the queue, submitted by sb else.
# 真是 真是 [zhen1 shi4] /indeed/certainly/

Change log entry 47230
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-04-09 09:48:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46239 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Fix simplified (http://www.unicode.org/cgi-bin/GetUnihanData.pl?codepoint=9CF2&useutf8=true)
- 鳲 鳲 [shi1] /turtle-dove/
# + 鳲 鸤 [shi1] /turtle-dove/
+ 鳲 鸤 [shi1] /turtledove/

Change log entry 47229
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-04-09 09:17:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46238 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Separate the two definitions
- 基本多文種平面 基本多文种平面 [ji1 ben3 duo1 wen2 zhong3 ping2 mian4] /basic multilingual plane BMP/
# + 基本多文種平面 基本多文种平面 [ji1 ben3 duo1 wen2 zhong3 ping2 mian4] /basic multilingual plane/BMP/
+ 基本多文種平面 基本多文种平面 [ji1 ben3 duo1 wen2 zhong3 ping2 mian4] /basic multilingual plane (BMP)/

Change log entry 46804
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-03-24 08:28:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 45877 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
# 睡袍 睡袍 [shui4 pao2] /nightgown/night-robe/
+ 睡袍 睡袍 [shui4 pao2] /nightgown/

Change log entry 46799
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-03-24 07:27:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 45876 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Add international spelling and informal names.

Editor: In CEDICT we use American English as standard spelling form etc, and this is a Chinese-English dictionary not the other way around, so adding all these English synonyms just clutters the definition.
# - 睡衣 睡衣 [shui4 yi1] /night clothes/pajamas/
# + 睡衣 睡衣 [shui4 yi1] /night clothes/pajamas/pyjamas/(informal) jammies/(informal) pj's
# - 睡衣褲 睡衣裤 [shui4 yi1 ku4] /pajamas/
# + 睡衣褲 睡衣裤 [shui4 yi1 ku4] /pajamas/pyjamas/(informal) jammies/(informal) pj's

Change log entry 46712
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-03-20 10:57:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 45785 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Add links
- 古箏 古筝 [gu3 zheng1] /zither or guzheng/large zither with 13 to 25 strings, developed from guqin 古琴 during Tang and Song times/
+ 古箏 古筝 [gu3 zheng1] /zither or guzheng/large zither with 13 to 25 strings, developed from guqin 古琴[gu3 qin2] during Tang and Song times/
- 琴 琴 [qin2] /guqin or zither, cf 古琴/musical instrument in general/
+ 琴 琴 [qin2] /guqin or zither, cf 古琴[gu3 qin2]/musical instrument in general/

Change log entry 46462
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-03-06 20:12:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 45460 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Fix link
- 日 日 [ri4] /sun/day/date, day of the month/abbr. for 日本 Japan/
+ 日 日 [ri4] /sun/day/date, day of the month/abbr. for 日本[Ri4 ben3] Japan/

Change log entry 45914
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-02-01 09:00:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44858 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
I don't see why Sai should be capitalized. It's not in other entries about this 成語|成语, and it's not a family name.
One thing I forgot to mention in my previous submission: other entries involving Chu3 have Chu capitalized.

Editor: M: 亦作「北叟失馬」。
M: 北叟失馬 比喻世事的福禍無常,無法一時論定。見「塞翁失馬」條。
Z: 犹塞翁失马。喻因祸得福。
- 塞翁失馬 塞翁失马 [Sai4 weng1 shi1 ma3] /The old man lost his mare, but it all turned out for the best (idiom); fig. a blessing in disguise/It's an ill wind that blows no-one any good./
# + 塞翁失馬 塞翁失马 [sai4 weng1 shi1 ma3] /The old man lost his mare, but it all turned out for the best (idiom); fig. a blessing in disguise/It's an ill wind that blows no-one any good./
+ 塞翁失馬 塞翁失马 [sai4 weng1 shi1 ma3] /lit. the old man lost his horse, but it all turned out for the best (idiom)/fig. a blessing in disguise/it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good/
# Editor adding:
+ 北叟失馬 北叟失马 [bei3 sou3 shi1 ma3] /lit. the old man lost his horse, but it all turned out for the best (idiom)/fig. a blessing in disguise/it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good/

Change log entry 45913
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-02-01 08:49:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44857 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
I'm not really sure about this one. It seems to me that it would make more sense, since Chu3 here does refer to 楚 楚 [Chu3], not 楚 楚 [chu3].
- 四面楚歌 四面楚歌 [si4 mian4 chu3 ge1] /lit. on all sides, the songs of Chu (idiom)/fig. surrounded by enemies, isolated and without help/
+ 四面楚歌 四面楚歌 [si4 mian4 Chu3 ge1] /lit. on all sides, the songs of Chu (idiom)/fig. surrounded by enemies, isolated and without help/

Change log entry 45656
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-14 16:46:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44645 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Add pinyin
- 伏羲 伏羲 [Fu2 Xi1] /Fu Hsi/Fuxi, legendary Chinese emperor, trad. 2852-2738 BC, mythical creator of fishing, trapping and writing/
+ 伏羲 伏羲 [Fu2 Xi1] /Fuxi of Fu Hsi, legendary Chinese emperor, trad. 2852-2738 BC, mythical creator of fishing, trapping and writing/
- 伏羲氏 伏羲氏 [Fu2 Xi1 shi4] /Fuxi or Fu Hsi, legendary Chinese emperor 2852-2738 BC, mythical creator of fishing, trapping, and writing/
+ 伏羲氏 伏羲氏 [Fu2 Xi1 shi4] /Fuxi or Fu Hsi, legendary Chinese emperor 2852-2738 BC, mythical creator of fishing, trapping, and writing/
- 人頭蛇身 人头蛇身 [ren2 tou2 she2 shen1] /human head, snake's body/cf Nüwa 女娲氏 and Fuxi 伏羲氏 in some versions of mythology/
+ 人頭蛇身 人头蛇身 [ren2 tou2 she2 shen1] /human head, snake's body/cf Nüwa 女娲氏[Nü3 wa1 shi4] and Fuxi 伏羲氏[Fu2 Xi1 shi4] in some versions of mythology/
- 三皇 三皇 [san1 huang2] /Three Sovereigns, between Gods and Emperors in third millennium BC/usually listed as Suiren 燧人[Sui4 ren2], Fuxi 伏羲[Fu2 Xi1],trapping and writing, Shennong or Farmer God 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2]/
+ 三皇 三皇 [san1 huang2] /Three Sovereigns, between Gods and Emperors in third millennium BC/usually listed as Suiren 燧人[Sui4 ren2], Fuxi 伏羲[Fu2 Xi1], trapping and writing, Shennong or Farmer God 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2]/
- 羲 羲 [Xi1] /same as Fuxi 伏羲, a mythical emperor/surname Xi/
+ 羲 羲 [Xi1] /same as Fuxi 伏羲[Fu2 Xi1], a mythical emperor/surname Xi/
- 羲皇上人 羲皇上人 [xi1 huang2 shang4 ren2] /lit. a person before the legendary emperor Fuxi 伏羲/person from ages immemorial/fig. untroubled person/
+ 羲皇上人 羲皇上人 [xi1 huang2 shang4 ren2] /lit. a person before the legendary emperor Fuxi 伏羲[Fu2 Xi1]/person from ages immemorial/fig. untroubled person/

Change log entry 45651
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-14 15:46:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44636 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Add pinyin
- 扁 扁 [bian3] /flat/(old form of character 匾, horizontal tablet with inscription)/
+ 扁 扁 [bian3] /flat/(old form of character 匾[bian3], horizontal tablet with inscription)/

Change log entry 45640
Processed by: richwarm (2013-01-14 00:11:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44588 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Came across this while working on HSK study lists.

http://www.chinaeducenter.com/en/hsk/hsklevel5.php (in the zip, the official vocabulary list for the HSK level 5)


Editor: The Hanban official vocabulary list in the zip file you quoted actually says dònghuàpiàn.

MoE says [pian4] ~ 動畫片 ㄉㄨㄥˋ ㄏㄨㄚˋ ㄆ|ㄢˋ (dònghuàpiàn)
ABC & Oxford also say dònghuàpiàn

And "New Century", in its entry for 片[piàn], has numerous examples of various types of movies in the form ***片, such as 新聞片; and in the section for the character 动, it specifically lists 动画片 as [dònghuàpiàn].

You can hear native speakers saying 动画片 as [dònghuàpiān], but *mostly* as [dònghuàpiàn] in this link ~
(I'm sure it's confusing for native speakers too!)

I looked at this matter 18 months ago, and came to these conclusions:
1) It's first tone for 片子[piānzi] "film; movie" and in erhua forms like 動畫片兒[dong4 hua4 piar1]
2) But for movie words in the form ***片, it's fourth tone -- e.g. 動畫片[dong4 hua4 pian4] & 影片 yǐngpiàn
# - 動畫片 动画片 [dong4 hua4 pian4] /animated film/
# + 動畫片 动画片 [dong4 hua4 pian1] /animated film/

Change log entry 45559
Processed by: richwarm (2013-01-09 22:29:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44516 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Since the name in the definition was recently split (from Taisui to Tai Sui), the pinyin should probably be capitalized accordingly, shouldn't it?

Editor: I don't think so. What goes inside the the square brackets is an indication of how it should be rendered in pinyin. Wp and Wenlin, to name two sources, say it's Tàisuì. It makes sense as a single word, rather than two words.

What goes in the English definition part of the entry, on the other hand, is a/the customary way of rendering the name in English (which may *resemble* the pinyin, but is NOT the pinyin -- it doesn't have tone marks, for one thing). The customary way of rendering a Chinese word in English does not always develop according to the modern understanding of word segmentation. At any rate, Wp and other sources say it's referred to in English as "Tai Sui", and we have followed them in our entry, even though some sources say Taisui ~
"Tai Sui (Chinese: 太歲; pinyin: Tàisuì) ..."
# - 太歲 太岁 [Tai4 sui4] /Tai Sui, God of the year/archaic name for the planet Jupiter 木星[Mu4 xing1]/nickname for sb who is the most powerful in an area/
# + 太歲 太岁 [Tai4 Sui4] /Tai Sui, God of the year/archaic name for the planet Jupiter 木星[Mu4 xing1]/nickname for sb who is the most powerful in an area/

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