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Change log entry 40943
Processed by: ycandau (2012-04-22 17:06:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 39186 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
In maths/stats there are five "statistics of central tendency": arithmetic mean
(eg average weight), geometric mean (eg average growth rate), harmonic
mean (eg average speed), median (eg average voter) and mode (most
common). You can find them all in Juku and Wikipedia. We have 2 1/2 of
them. This entry is to add the other two and enhance the 1/2.
= 算術平均數 算术平均数 [suan4 shu4 ping2 jun1 shu4] /arithmetic mean/
+ 幾何平均數 几何平均数 [ji3 he2 ping2 jun1 shu4] /geometric mean/
# Juku 返回一正数数组或数值区域的几何平均数 Returns the geometric mean of an array or range of positive numeric data
+ 調和平均數 调和平均数 [tiao2 he2 ping2 jun1 shu4] /harmonic mean/
# see http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%AA%BF%E5%92%8C%E5%B9%B3%E5%9D%87%E6%95%B8
= 中位數 中位数 [zhong1 wei4 shu4] /median/
- 眾數 众数 [zhong4 shu4] /plural/
+ 眾數 众数 [zhong4 shu4] /plural/mode (statistics)/
# Juku 众数是资料中重复出现次数最多的那个数值。The mode is that value that is repeated most often in the data set.

Change log entry 40756
Processed by: richwarm (2012-04-07 09:08:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 39799 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Fix trad. (We already have 帘 as a variant of 簾).
- 窗帘 窗帘 [chuang1 lian2] /window curtains/
+ 窗簾 窗帘 [chuang1 lian2] /window curtains/

Change log entry 40678
Processed by: ycandau (2012-04-01 17:42:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 39202 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
The on-screen headline on today's Taiwan TV news had 敘利亞人民無奧援
I must confess that I do not feel very confident in my English translation and
would welcome your improvement. MoE has 內援,通常又用以稱有力而可靠的
後援 but the two examples in Juku are just translated as 'support'.
# 奧援 奥援 [ao4 yuan2] /support/assistance/backup/
+ 奧援 奥援 [ao4 yuan2] /hidden ally/powerful support/support/backup/

Change log entry 40599
Processed by: richwarm (2012-03-28 00:26:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31184 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
When 阿Q is executed he "覺得全身彷彿微塵似的迸散了"
See also MoE, and this from wikipedia

Editor: Only took us 18 months to process this!
It's been floating about without attracting attention all this time, like a speck of dust.
# 微塵 微尘 [wei1 chen2] /dust/in Buddhism seven atoms grouped to form the finest matter/
+ 微塵 微尘 [wei1 chen2] /dust/(Buddhism) minutest particle of matter/

Change log entry 40554
Processed by: richwarm (2012-03-21 20:07:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 39571 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Jukuu contains 泌乳: 妇女生育后分泌乳汁的现象。
Lactation: Production of milk by female mammals after giving Birth.
+ 泌乳 泌乳 [mi4 ru3] /lactation/

Change log entry 40527
Processed by: richwarm (2012-03-17 08:43:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 39168 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Yesterday's TV news in Taiwan spurned Syria, Iran, the US primaries, the
Euro crisis etc for much more important topics: cellulite (橘皮) and 林書豪..
For 橘皮, MoE has the TCM definition but a google search quickly brings up
far from pretty pictures of cellulite.This article gives the translation:
# 橘皮 橘皮 [ju2 pi2] /dried tangerine peel (TCM)/cellulite/
+ 橘皮組織 橘皮组织 [ju2 pi2 zhu3 zhi1] /cellulite/

Change log entry 40458
Processed by: richwarm (2012-03-11 10:16:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 39439 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
MoE has 婚禮時在新娘身後隨行牽紗的兒童 but the clearest definition is from a
google image search.

Editor: The girls in those pictures don't look old enough to be bridesmaids to me! ;-)


Baidu ~ 花童,又称小傧相,是指婚礼仪式上为新人(新娘)托婚纱或者在新郎新娘前面抛洒花瓣的小女生,
一般都是4、5岁的小女孩,有些地方讲究用5、6岁 ...

J ~ The flower girls carpeted the floor with rose petals before the bride's entrance.

GT ~ flower girl
# 花童 花童 [hua1 tong2] /bridesmaid/
+ 花童 花童 [hua1 tong2] /flower girl (at a wedding)/

Change log entry 40423
Processed by: richwarm (2012-03-06 07:30:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 39369 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
I have been looking for a new dustpan, and 畚斗 is what they are labelled in
the hardware shops here in Taiwan. MoE has 簸箕的別稱. MoE's entry for 簸
箕 goes on to say that it has two meanings - a device for collecting cereal
chaff and a dustpan, and that 畚斗 and 畚箕 (which we already have as
bamboo scoop/dustpan) are only synonyms for the cereal-chaff-device,
meaning. A Google image search shows otherwise.

Editor: F ~ 畚斗 běndǒu 方 = 簸箕1 and 簸箕1 = dustpan
---- http://test.2u4u.com.cn/online/online_dict_new.php?lang=en&word=%E7%95%9A%E6%96%97

B ~ 平时用来装垃圾的[dustpan]一种铲状盘
---- http://baike.baidu.com/view/581092.htm

Z ~ 畚箕 (which is a dustpan)

GI also confirms it, as you say.
+ 畚斗 畚斗 [ben3 dou3] /dustpan/

Change log entry 40386
Processed by: richwarm (2012-03-02 07:08:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38784 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
See for example Juku entries like 她拔牙时痛得叫了起来. I assume that it wasn't
the dentist crying out with pain.

Editor: You are trying to apply English grammar rules to a Chinese sentence.

If I may quote from Yuen Ren Chao's "Mandarin Primer" ~

Chapter III: Grammar, Part B. Sentences, 4. The Meaning of Predication.
"In a Chinese sentence, the subject is literally the subject matter and the predicate is just something
said about the subject matter. The pedicate does not necessarily denote an action ... of what is
denoted by the subject. For example, 這地方兒可以浮水 ‘This place can swim, — at this place one
can swim’ ...

"An important corollary to this is that the direction of action in verbs is to be inferred from the context.
Thus, in talking about feeding poultry, 雞不吃了 means ‘The chickens are not eating any more,’ but as
a reply to a host offering more chicken, the same sentence would mean ‘(As for) chicken, (I) am not
going to eat any more.’ ... In short, there is no distinction of voice in Chinese verbs. "

Note in particular
(1) "the pedicate does not necessarily denote an action of what is denoted by the subject", and
(2) "the direction of action in verbs is to be inferred from the context"

Another example is 他是1948年选举的总统, which may be interpreted as "He is the president who
was elected in 1948" (says Chao). From that, it would seem that 选举 means "to be elected". Why,
then, do dictionaries say it means "to elect"? Well, "to elect" makes sense in 最近美國人選舉了第一
個黑人來當總統, and it is assumed by the dictionary editors that users understand that a verb may
also have a "passive" sense, depending on the context.

In a few of our entries, we have a definition that indicates both active and passive voice, but in
general, it is considered superfluous to do so.
e.g. 理頭 理头 [li3 tou2] /to have a haircut/to cut sb's hair/

For 拔牙, ABC says "pull out a tooth", 现代汉英词典 says "extract teeth", and nciku.com says "dental
extraction; to extract teeth". Note that these references not only do not give the passive form, but in
some cases they don't give the noun form. Dictionary editors often assume that the noun sense too
can be inferred by the intelligent user. Dr.eye does give the passive, but not the noun ~ "to extract a
tooth; to have a tooth taken out; to pull out a tooth".

While some of what I've written here may seem to have an authoritative tone, it is, like most of my
comments on the Change log, largely based on what I've just now read in my references, rather than
on a comfortable familiarity with the topic, and I am ready to be stood corrected. :-)
= 拔牙 拔牙 [ba2 ya2] /to extract a tooth/
# + 拔牙 拔牙 [ba2 ya2] /to extract a tooth/to have a tooth taken out/

Change log entry 40384
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-03-01 21:50:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 39185 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
MoE 相對於一度量單位的量稱為「數值」。如三公斤的「三」與五小時的
- 數值 数值 [shu4 zhi2] /numerical/
+ 數值 数值 [shu4 zhi2] /numerical value/

Change log entry 40375
Processed by: richwarm (2012-03-01 09:27:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 39169 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Beating even cellulite on yesterday's Taiwan TV news was continuing
Linsanity. I originally thought this too ephemeral to add to the dictionary
(and would not be the least disappointed if the editors still think so), but I do
see we have just added his name.
Interesting article about it from UPenn professor Victor Mair here:
He says that 林來瘋jumped from 155k to 683k g hits in two days. It now gets

More seriously, we don't have the original Chinese word it is adapted from.
You will see that I have taken 'hyped up etc' (for 人來瘋) from Prof Mair.
Playing up in front of guests is translated from MoE.

Editor: I got 19 million just now.

Some examples for 人来疯 (it's not just children, as ABC suggests) ~



+ 林來瘋 林来疯 [Lin2 lai2 feng1] /Linsanity/craze over Jeremy Lin 林書豪|林书豪[Lin2 Shu1 hao2]/
# + 人來瘋 人来疯 [ren2 lai2 feng1] /get hyped up in front of an audience/play up in front of guests (of children)/
+ 人來瘋 人来疯 [ren2 lai2 feng1] /to get hyped up in front of an audience/(of children) to play up in front of guests/

Change log entry 40289
Processed by: vermillon (2012-02-22 11:19:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38533 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Another series of nuclear constructs. Going through my list I have given the
benefit of the doubt to many. Only one of these required a part of the construct
to be added. For all the others, the non 核 part of the construct is already in
the dictionary.
editor: I kept only the ones I found really to be construct. Some others could be constructs, but I find them useful somehow. (and it's been discussed anwyay)
- 核爆炸煙雲 核爆炸烟云 [he2 bao4 zha4 yan1 yun2] /nuclear cloud/
- 核爆炸效應 核爆炸效应 [he2 bao4 zha4 xiao4 ying4] /nuclear explosion effect/
- 核爆炸地球物理效應 核爆炸地球物理效应 [he2 bao4 zha4 di4 qiu2 wu4 li3 xiao4 ying4] /geophysical effects of nuclear explosion/
+ 戰斗部 战斗部 [zhan4 dou3 bu4] /warhead/
- 核動力攻擊潛艇 核动力攻击潜艇 [he2 dong4 li4 gong1 ji1 qian2 ting3] /nuclear attack submarine/

Change log entry 40195
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-02-17 10:08:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 39064 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
My situation after returning from a short holiday in Vietnam. MoE has it.
+ 上吐下瀉 上吐下泻 [shang4 tu4 xia4 xie4] /to vomit and have diarrhea/

Change log entry 40140
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-02-13 09:42:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37533 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
## segment 6 / 12
<< resubmitted review queue entry 33934 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Taken from the 雙語辭彙 at cwb.gov.tw, although I have tried to improve on
some of the English.

Editor: if funnel cloud touches the ground it becomes a tornado. Many of them don't touch the ground, that's why I don't think "tornado" is appropriate in the first entry.
# 漏斗雲 漏斗云 [lou4 dou3 yun2] /tornado/
+ 漏斗雲 漏斗云 [lou4 dou3 yun2] /funnel cloud/
# MoE and Yahoo TW don't have this but Google has lots of images
+ 風速計 风速计 [feng1 su4 ji4] /anemometer/
# wasn't sure whether to discard this as a construct but we already have 氣壓計
+ 蒲福風級 蒲福风级 [Pu2 fu2 feng1 ji2] /Beaufort scale for wind speed/

Change log entry 40129
Processed by: richwarm (2012-02-12 20:23:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38534 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>

Editor: The consensus is to retain this one.
# - 一種 一种 [yi1 zhong3] /one kind of/one type of/

Change log entry 40102
Processed by: ycandau (2012-02-11 16:57:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37316 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
267m g hits such as 臺北市教育入口網, or in its English
incarnation Taipei City
Educational Portal Site.
+ 入口網 入口网 [ru4 kou3 wang3] /portal/

Change log entry 40063
Processed by: vermillon (2012-02-08 15:15:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38936 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Sorry for my previous overenthusiastic and indigestible suggested deletion.
Here is a first subset (of one)
We recently (change log 40022) removed 第三->第十五.(keeping 第一、第
I am here suggesting that we also remove 第三次 (keeping 第一次、第二次)
We don't have the higher numbers
- 第三次 第三次 [di4 san1 ci4] /third/third time/

Change log entry 40062
Processed by: mdbg (2012-02-08 14:10:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38919 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
More constructs using 第 or similar
I have left some as examples, eg 其二

Most are constructs indeed. But, we cannot simply rid the dictionary of anything which looks like a construct. If you take a look in other (commercial) dictionaries, you will also find that they kept several constructs. We keep some constructs, such as the 1-3 or 1-10 constructs mentioned in this batch, either to help less advanced learners of Chinese or because the meaning cannot be easily deduced from the individual characters. Additionally, just because in English A + B = AB doesn't necessarily mean that the Chinese equivalent word for A & B added together form the correct Chinese word for AB (eg. black tea = 红茶).

There is no clear rule to decide which constructs stay and which ones go. It is up to the editors to make the decision which entries stay and which ones go. You can send in suggestions for the removal of constructs, but if they are about entries such as the ones mentioned in this batch then they will most likely be rejected.
# - 第一季度 第一季度 [di4 yi1 ji4 du4] /first quarter (of financial year)/
# - 初二 初二 [chu1 er4] /second year in junior middle school/
# - 次等 次等 [ci4 deng3] /second class/second rate/
# - 次女 次女 [ci4 nu:3] /second daughter/
# - 次子 次子 [ci4 zi3] /second son/
# - 第二次 第二次 [di4 er4 ci4] /the second time/second/number two/
# - 第二季度 第二季度 [di4 er4 ji4 du4] /second quarter (of financial year)/
# - 第二輪 第二轮 [di4 er4 lun2] /second round (of match, or election)/
# - 第二位 第二位 [di4 er4 wei4] /second place/
# - 二阿姨 二阿姨 [er4 a1 yi2] /auntie, second eldest of sisters in mother's family/
# - 二寶 二宝 [er4 bao3] /second child/second baby/
# - 二等艙 二等舱 [er4 deng3 cang1] /second class cabin/
# - 二等車 二等车 [er4 deng3 che1] /second class/
# - 二度 二度 [er4 du4] /second degree/
# - 二哥 二哥 [er4 ge1] /second brother/
# - 二級 二级 [er4 ji2] /grade 2/second class/category B/
# - 二來 二来 [er4 lai2] /in the second place/secondly/
# - 二輪 二轮 [er4 lun2] /second round (of a match or election)/
# - 二世 二世 [er4 shi4] /the Second (of numbered kings)/second generation (e.g. Chinese Americans)/
# - 初三 初三 [chu1 san1] /third year in junior middle school/
# - 第三次 第三次 [di4 san1 ci4] /third/third time/
# - 第三季度 第三季度 [di4 san1 ji4 du4] /third quarter (of financial year)/
# - 第三位 第三位 [di4 san1 wei4] /third place/
# - 其三 其三 [qi2 san1] /thirdly/the third/
# - 三阿姨 三阿姨 [san1 a1 yi2] /auntie, third eldest of sisters in mother's family/
# - 三次 三次 [san1 ci4] /third/three times/(math.) degree three, cubic (equation)/
# - 三次方 三次方 [san1 ci4 fang1] /cube (third power, math.)/
# - 三次冪 三次幂 [san1 ci4 mi4] /cube (third power, math.)/
# - 三分之一 三分之一 [san1 fen1 zhi1 yi1] /one third/
# - 三級 三级 [san1 ji2] /grade 3/third class/category C/
# - 三世 三世 [san1 shi4] /the Third (of numbered kings)/
# - 四分之一 四分之一 [si4 fen1 zhi1 yi1] /one-quarter/
# - 第四季 第四季 [di4 si4 ji4] /fourth quarter/
# - 第四季度 第四季度 [di4 si4 ji4 du4] /fourth quarter (of financial year)/
# - 四次 四次 [si4 ci4] /fourth/four times/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 40033
Processed by: richwarm (2012-02-07 08:27:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38918 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
It seems to me that this entry is only worth keeping if it is for the book name, in
which case it needed clarification. I am not sure about how much or which parts
of the pinyin should be capitalised. Sorry if I have it wrong.
- 第二性 第二性 [di4 er4 xing4] /the Second Sex/
+ 第二性 第二性 [Di4 er4 xing4] /The Second Sex (book by Simone de Beauvoir)/

Change log entry 40012
Processed by: richwarm (2012-02-06 00:44:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38899 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Add final square bracket to pinyin in definition
- 借字 借字 [jie4 zi4] /see 通假字[tong1 jia3 zi4/
+ 借字 借字 [jie4 zi4] /see 通假字[tong1 jia3 zi4]/

Change log entry 40010
Processed by: ycandau (2012-02-05 22:56:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38876 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Visited Taipei's 關渡宮 today
MoE 祭祀神明或祖先的地方
For the punishment meaning MoE gives :
where 幽閉 is defined as 古代對於婦人所用的宮刑,割去卵巢以斷絕其生殖機
so I have added this too.

MoE and Zdict also give dwelling and Yahoo Taiwan gives 'womb' but I
hestiate to add either of these, not being sure of their current usage.

1) used in lots of temple names.
2) I am aware of this story. It all arises from a Han-period footnote to Shujing:
Note that the author had pbly no direct knowledge of the thing. Note also that in
this sentence, 幽闭 is paralleled to 割势 and thus has to be understood directly (it
was not a technical term in the author's mind).
Based on this sentence (which had pbly come from its author's imaginative
powers), the Chinese have long disputed on what 幽闭 could be. I am not the only
one to think that ablation of ovaries in those days is very unlikely, because of the
anatomical knowledge and surgical skill it would require; given what I have said
above, 幽闭 translates easily as "reclusion".
In doubt, there is no need for gory details about a thing that we don't know to have
- 宮 宫 [gong1] /palace/castration (as corporal punishment)/first note in pentatonic scale/
# + 宮 宫 [gong1] /palace/temple/castration or removal of ovaries (as corporal punishment)/first note in pentatonic scale/
+ 宮 宫 [gong1] /palace/temple/castration (as corporal punishment)/first note in pentatonic scale/

Change log entry 39967
Processed by: ycandau (2012-02-03 22:01:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38818 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Since 1) we give 閒 as a variant of 閑 and 2) 氣定神閑 gets twice as many g
hits as 氣定神閒 (1m vs 500k exact string matches on trad chinese pages) it
makes sense to use 氣定神閑.
# - 氣定神閒 气定神闲 [qi4 ding4 shen2 xian2] /calm and composed (idiom)/
# + 氣定神閑 气定神闲 [qi4 ding4 shen2 xian2] /calm and composed (idiom)/

Change log entry 39939
Processed by: vermillon (2012-02-02 11:11:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38785 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
'analgesic' is both an adjective and a noun. I want to clarify that this is the
- 止痛劑 止痛剂 [zhi3 tong4 ji4] /analgesic/
+ 止痛劑 止痛剂 [zhi3 tong4 ji4] /an analgesic/pain killer/

Change log entry 39880
Processed by: vermillon (2012-01-31 17:16:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38714 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Tour guide says 越南南北狹長
+ 狹長 狭长 [xia2 chang2] /long and narrow/

Change log entry 39835
Processed by: vermillon (2012-01-29 11:33:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38617 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
All three were on the front page of today's Taiwanese newspapers with yet
another downgrade for Eurozone debt.
The two new entries get 19m and 16m g hits
You can check their websites
= 標準普爾 标准普尔 [Biao1 zhun3 Pu3 er3] /Standard and Poor's (S&P), company specializing in financial market ratings/S&P financial index/
+ 穆迪 穆迪 [Mu4 di2] /Moody's, company specializing in financial market ratings/
+ 惠譽 惠誉 [Hui4 yu4] /Fitch, company specializing in financial market ratings/

Change log entry 39800
Processed by: vermillon (2012-01-27 12:27:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38436 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
shai3 is the only pronunciation I have ever heard or been taught, although I
don't know whether this is specific to Taiwan. MoE in one place says this is a
confusion 此詞常混同「色子」一詞之音,讀為ㄕㄞˇ ˙ㄗ but elsewhere gives
tou2 as 讀音 and shai3 as 語音
editor:[ycandau] see change log 22324
= 骰 骰 [tou2] /dice/
# + 骰 骰 [tou2] /dice/also pr. [shai3]/

Change log entry 39790
Processed by: vermillon (2012-01-27 12:07:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37266 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Three constructs
= 飼料 饲料 [si4 liao4] /feed/fodder/
= 青貯 青贮 [qing1 zhu4] /silage/green fodder/
- 青飼料 青饲料 [qing1 si4 liao4] /silage/green fodder/
- 粗飼料 粗饲料 [cu1 si4 liao4] /silage/rough fodder/
- 動物性飼料 动物性饲料 [dong4 wu4 xing4 si4 liao4] /animal feed/
+ 動物性飼料 动物性饲料 [dong4 wu4 xing4 si4 liao4] /feed made of animal products/

Change log entry 39775
Processed by: vermillon (2012-01-26 11:34:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37564 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
- 枝節問題 枝节问题 [zhi1 jie2 wen4 ti2] /side issue/peripheral complication/

Change log entry 39709
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-01-21 13:33:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37539 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
## segment 12 / 12
<< resubmitted review queue entry 33934 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Taken from the 雙語辭彙 at cwb.gov.tw, although I have tried to improve on
some of the English.
# 錮囚鋒 锢囚锋 [gu4 qiu2 feng1] /an occluded front (meteorology)/
+ 錮囚鋒 锢囚锋 [gu4 qiu2 feng1] /occluded front (meteorology)/
# this last one is from Yahoo Taiwan and not in the CWB list, but as I was doing meteorology I thought I would suggest it. It gets 94k g hits

Change log entry 39707
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-01-21 13:17:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38435 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Numerous examples in Juku
I added the second part of the definition to stress that this cannot be used for
one friend lending money to another.
+ 放款 放款 [fang4 kuan3] /to lend money (as a commercial loan)/

Change log entry 39702
Processed by: richwarm (2012-01-21 10:34:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38474 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Saw a discussion on last night's 57 健康同學會 (Taiwan TV show)
MoE gives yang2 wei1 where zdict has yang2 wei3 but I hesitate to add wei1
as even Taiwan usage, as Yahoo Taiwan (often much better than MoE for
real usage) also has yang2 wei3. (My wife wasn't sure between the two.)
The editors might also like to look at the entry for 萎 where we have both
tones, but without MoE's different meanings.

Editor: Spelling ~ impotence.
I can't find any source other than M that says it's wei1 in 陽萎
Also, since 陽萎 is a variant of 陽痿 and 痿 is wei3, it makes some sense to say it's wei3 in 陽萎.
# 陽萎 阳萎 [yang2 wei3] /impotance/
+ 陽萎 阳萎 [yang2 wei3] /impotence/also written 陽痿|阳痿[yang2 wei3]/
= 陽痿 阳痿 [yang2 wei3] /(med.) impotence/

Change log entry 39672
Processed by: richwarm (2012-01-18 23:16:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38415 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
I notice that we recently deleted this as a construct. It is not a construct, but
a proper name. See its definition here, on the IMF's web site.


If it is a construct, then so is 人民幣

(As a proper name I assume that the pinyin should be capitalised, but
whether just the first T or, as I have done, mirroring the English, I am not

Editor: I believe it was deleted because the previous definition was unenlightening, merely a word-by-word
translation of the term.

I would argue that it should be written in lowercase. It's not a proper noun (the name of an entity) any more
than "dollar" is. People misunderstand the rule and think that anything that has an acronym should be
capitalized when written out in full. But not all acronyms are proper nouns.

For example, IMF (International Monetary Fund) is a proper noun (name of an entity), but FAQ (frequently-
asked questions) is not the name of an entity.
# 特別提款權 特别提款权 [Te4 bie2 Ti2 kuan3 Quan2] /Special Drawing Rights (SDR)/international currency of the IMF/
+ 特別提款權 特别提款权 [te4 bie2 ti2 kuan3 quan2] /special drawing rights (SDR), international currency of the IMF/

Change log entry 39566
Processed by: ycandau (2012-01-15 16:39:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37861 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Could argue that this is a construct, display + bad temper, but given the
various meanings we have for the two elements, a reader might think it
display + character or play with temperament.

Editor: it's so common and idiomatic.
Doesn't mean "to lose one's temper", but "go into a huff" is good.
# 耍脾氣 耍脾气 [shua3 pi2 qi4] /to lose one's temper/to go into a huff/
+ 耍脾氣 耍脾气 [shua3 pi2 qi4] /to go into a huff/

Change log entry 39512
Processed by: ycandau (2012-01-14 12:18:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37864 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
All constructs (with one addition where part of the construct
was not already in
the dictionary).
I have only done a fraction of the constructs using 核, but I am
getting bored.
- 核協議 核协议 [he2 xie2 yi4] /nuclear agreement/
- 核動力潛艇 核动力潜艇 [he2 dong4 li4 qian2 ting3] /nuclear submarine/same as 核潛艇|核潜艇[he2 qian2 ting3]/
- 核潛艇 核潜艇 [he2 qian2 ting3] /nuclear submarine/abbr. for 核動力潛艇|核动力潜艇[he2 dong4 li4 qian2 ting3]/
- 核洩漏 核泄漏 [he2 xie4 lou4] /nuclear leak/
- 核殺傷破壞估計 核杀伤破坏估计 [he2 sha1 shang1 po4 huai4 gu1 ji4] /nuclear damage assessment/
- 核武器試驗 核武器试验 [he2 wu3 qi4 shi4 yan4] /nuclear test/
- 核武器演練 核武器演练 [he2 wu3 qi4 yan3 lian4] /nuclear weapon maneuver/
- 核武器材料 核武器材料 [he2 wu3 qi4 cai2 liao4] /nuclear weapon material/weapon's grade material/
- 核武器操練 核武器操练 [he2 wu3 qi4 cao1 lian4] /nuclear weapon exercise/
- 核武器安全 核武器安全 [he2 wu3 qi4 an1 quan2] /nuclear weapon safety/
- 核武器儲備 核武器储备 [he2 wu3 qi4 chu3 bei4] /nuclear stockpile/
- 核能技術 核能技术 [he2 neng2 ji4 shu4] /nuclear technology/
- 核查制度 核查制度 [he2 cha2 zhi4 du4] /verification regime/
- 核易損性 核易损性 [he2 yi4 sun3 xing4] /nuclear vulnerability/
+ 易損性 易损性 [yi4 sun3 xing4] /vulnerability/
- 核散射 核散射 [he2 san4 she4] /nuclear scattering/
- 核支援 核支援 [he2 zhi1 yuan2] /nuclear support/
- 核武器事故 核武器事故 [he2 wu3 qi4 shi4 gu4] /nuclear weapon accident/
- 核生存能力 核生存能力 [he2 sheng1 cun2 neng2 li4] /nuclear survivability/
- 核火箭發動機 核火箭发动机 [he2 huo3 jian4 fa1 dong4 ji1] /nuclear rocket engine/

Change log entry 39461
Processed by: vermillon (2012-01-12 07:10:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38096 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
I'm not sure whether we need 千噸、千里、千米 etc, but I'm sure that we don't
need 千噸 and 一千噸
- 一千噸 一千吨 [yi1 qian1 dun1] /1000 tons/
# 千噸 千吨 [qian1 dun1] /kiloton/

Change log entry 39432
Processed by: ycandau (2012-01-11 18:58:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37415 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
The change log entry for this quotes: 漢語定義:跟著走。《重編國語辭典》
But 'go along with' in English has a different meaning. eg chambers
dictionary gives: go along with someone or something to agree with and
support them or it.
I think that accompany is clearer and closer to the Chinese.
I am, however, struggling to find a single English meaning for 隨行 in
compounds like 隨行卡, 隨行杯, 隨行鍵盤, 隨行版, 隨行夾具. I have added
'portable' which works for some of these, but would welcome something

Editor: following Richard's advice
- 隨行 随行 [sui2 xing2] /to go along with/
# + 隨行 随行 [sui2 xing2] /to accompany/accompanying/portable/
+ 隨行 随行 [sui2 xing2] /to accompany/

Change log entry 39378
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-01-09 15:59:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37532 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
## segment 5 / 12
<< resubmitted review queue entry 33934 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Taken from the 雙語辭彙 at cwb.gov.tw, although I have tried to improve on
some of the English.
- 淞 淞 [song1] /name of a river/
# 淞 淞 [Song1] /name of a river/
+ 淞 淞 [Song1] /name of a river in Jiangsu Province/
# 淞 淞 [song1] /variant of 凇 [song1]/
+ 淞 淞 [song1] /variant of 凇[song1]/
# cwb only uses 淞; MoE has 水氣遇冷凝結成的水珠。通「凇」

Change log entry 39377
Processed by: vermillon (2012-01-09 15:19:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38171 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Urging people to vote in its forthcoming presidential elections, the government
of Taiwan has posters headlined 請踴躍投票!featuring a picture of a big ballot
box with 投票匭 written on it.
editor: I add a Tw tag because my queries all direct to Taiwanese websites
# 票箱 票箱 [piao4 xiang1] /ballot box/
# 投票箱 投票箱 [tou2 piao4 xiang1] /ballot box/
+ 投票匭 投票匦 [tou2 piao4 gui3] /ballot box (Tw)/

Change log entry 39366
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-01-09 07:56:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37224 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Can't see this in MoE/other on line dictionaries, but I hear it used frequently
and you can see lots of examples on Google images
- 耳朵 耳朵 [er3 duo5] /ear/CL:隻|只[zhi1],個|个[ge4],對|对[dui4]/
+ 耳朵 耳朵 [er3 duo5] /ear/CL:隻|只[zhi1],個|个[ge4],對|对[dui4]/handle (on a cup)/

Change log entry 39356
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-01-08 17:05:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37530 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
## segment 3 / 12
<< resubmitted review queue entry 33934 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Taken from the 雙語辭彙 at cwb.gov.tw, although I have tried to improve on
some of the English.
- 霰 霰 [xian4] /sleet/
+ 霰 霰 [xian4] /graupel/snow pellet/soft hail/
# MoE has 雨點遇冷空氣凝成的雪珠;cwb has snow pellet; Yahoo Taiwan has graupel/soft hail. Webster says graupel is snow pellet AKA soft hail

Change log entry 39316
Processed by: ycandau (2012-01-07 06:58:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37883 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
a) correct trad character (6m trad g hits vs 1900)

b) MoE gives 審核計算, which is not as helpful as it might be.
Juku has 100
examples, most of which it translates to mean 'accounting' or
'to account
for', but some just mean 'calculate' and one or two 'settle' or



I remain unclear about whether it can mean 'audit'. Juku does
not translate
any of its sentences in this way, but some of them would
make sense if that
were the meaning, eg

铁路经济核算 (Juku gives railway economic accounting, but
economic audit
would make as much sense)
- 覈算 核算 [he2 suan4] /an audit/a valuation/
# + 核算 核算 [he2 suan4] /accounting/to account for/to calculate/
+ 核算 核算 [he2 suan4] /to calculate/accounting/

Change log entry 39273
Processed by: richwarm (2012-01-06 19:36:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38097 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
- 四年制的大學 四年制的大学 [si4 nian2 zhi4 de5 da4 xue2] /four-year university/

Change log entry 39269
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-01-06 18:18:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36682 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
See MoE. I most frequently hear the 'stomach rumbling' meaning.

Question to editors: is there a standard format for use of "onomat"? Most
entries start "onomat. [description]"; others have "onomat" in parentheses; a
few have '[description] (onomat)" None seems satisfactory for an onomat
with multiple meanings.
- 咕嚕 咕噜 [gu1 lu1] /grunt/
+ 咕嚕 咕噜 [gu1 lu5] /onomat. to rumble (of a stomach)/to coo (of a dove)/rumbling/noisy drinking sound/

Change log entry 39264
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-01-06 09:19:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37529 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
## segment 2 / 12
<< resubmitted review queue entry 33934 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Taken from the 雙語辭彙 at cwb.gov.tw, although I have tried to improve on
some of the English.
+ 雨夾雪 雨夹雪 [yu3 jia1 xue3] /sleet/mixture of snow and rain/

Change log entry 39251
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-01-05 22:42:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37192 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Saw a reference in a Taiwanese newspaper article.
Not quite sure about the pinyn: 蒙= meng1, 伯 = bai3 ??

Editor: I think meng2 and bo2 will do...
+ 埃德蒙・伯克 埃德蒙・伯克 [Ai1 de2 meng2 · Bo2 ke4] /Edmund Burke 1729-1797 Irish philosopher and political scientist, member of British Parliament/

Change log entry 39225
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-01-05 17:47:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37531 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
## segment 4 / 12
<< resubmitted review queue entry 33934 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Taken from the 雙語辭彙 at cwb.gov.tw, although I have tried to improve on
some of the English.
+ 白霜 白霜 [bai2 shuang1] /hoar frost/

Change log entry 39183
Processed by: ycandau (2012-01-03 19:53:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36870 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
I assume that it can also be a noun. If not then it shouldn't have a measure

Editor: I don't think that's the right way to operate :-). What we have to do is check that it is
really used with that CL.

"一顿吵架": 40,200 results
今天引来一顿吵架 -- 被发觉后遭到父亲一顿吵架

If you ask me, 吵架 is still a verb here.
Without thinking twice, I would say 這次吵架 ... and it's still a verb.
a) Dictionaries are not grammar books.
b) Western grammar is inadequate for Chinese.
c) (as an afterthought) are we wasting our time? ;-)
- 吵架 吵架 [chao3 jia4] /to quarrel/to have a row/CL:頓|顿[dun4]/
+ 吵架 吵架 [chao3 jia4] /to quarrel/to have a row/quarrel/CL:頓|顿[dun4]/

Change log entry 39171
Processed by: ycandau (2012-01-03 15:55:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37868 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
亞克力 26m g hits
壓克力 29m
- 亞克力 亚克力 [ya4 ke4 li4] /acrylic/
+ 亞克力 亚克力 [ya4 ke4 li4] /acrylic/see also 壓克力|压克力[ya1 ke4 li4]/
+ 壓克力 压克力 [ya1 ke4 li4] /acrylic/see also 亞克力|亚克力[ya4 ke4 li4]/

Change log entry 39170
Processed by: ycandau (2012-01-03 15:52:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37866 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
For our final meaning Moe has 藉別人的關係而得到好處﹑利
光」﹑「沾便宜」which I have tried to translate and shorten
I'm not convinced that my definition is the best, but my original
concern was
that the previous English could be misleading: receive favors
very often
means sexual favors, which is not, I think, what the Chinese

Editor: why not? But I think there are other problems with this
- 沾 沾 [zhan1] /to moisten/to be infected by/to receive favors/
+ 沾 沾 [zhan1] /to moisten/to be infected by/to receive benefit or advantage through a contact/

Change log entry 39145
Processed by: ycandau (2012-01-03 12:39:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37967 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
焢肉 gets 720k g hits and is very frequently seen/used in
Meaning can be seen:
or from a google image search

zdict and MoE's dictionary of variants
give hong1 火氣貌. I have added this meaning as 'angry
but my wife (Taiwan born and bred university professor)
confirms that 焢肉
is universally pronounced kong4 rou4. So, as the only current
use of the
character appears to be for this Taiwanese dish, I have added
kong4 and
kong4 rou4
+ 焢 焢 [hong1] /angry appearance (archaic)/
+ 焢 焢 [kong4] /see 焢肉[kong4 rou4]/
+ 焢肉 焢肉 [kong4 rou4] /slow-braised pork belly/

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