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Change log entry 63859
Processed by: richwarm (2017-06-22 10:44:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60428 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
## segment 1 / 1
some words for which bith GF and M carry the spelling 黏 and pron nian

of course variant writing with 粘 exists
# M & GF
- 粘稠 粘稠 [nian2 chou2] /thick/viscous/sticky/
- 黏稠 黏稠 [nian2 chou2] /viscous/
+ 黏稠 黏稠 [nian2 chou2] /viscous/thick/
- 粘度 粘度 [nian2 du4] /viscosity/
- 黏度 黏度 [nian2 du4] /viscosity/
+ 黏度 黏度 [nian2 du4] /viscosity (physics)/
# Wp : 黏度,是黏性的程度
- 粘附 粘附 [nian2 fu4] /to adhere/
# 黏附 黏附 [nian2 fu4] /to adhere/to stick to/
# GF: 用黏性物质把两个或几个物体粘(zhān)在一起。somewhat incoherent since sounds verbal
# never zhan
- 粘合 粘合 [zhan1 he2] /to bind/agglutination/
- 黏合 黏合 [nian2 he2] /to bind/to adhere/
+ 黏合 黏合 [nian2 he2] /to glue together/
- 粘合劑 粘合剂 [nian2 he2 ji4] /adhesive/glue/
+ 黏合劑 黏合剂 [nian2 he2 ji4] /glue/
- 粘結 粘结 [nian2 jie2] /to cohere/to bind/
# 黏結 黏结 [nian2 jie2] /to cohere/to bind/
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