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Change log entry 2425
Processed by: miles (2008-01-20 10:17:15 GMT)
+ 化學元素 化学元素 [hua4 xue2 yuan2 su4] /chemical element/
- 五行 五行 [wu3 xing2] /five elements (in Chinese philosophy: earth, air, fire, metal and wood)/
+ 五行 五行 [wu3 xing2] /five phases of Chinese philosophy: water 水, fire 火, earth 木, metal 金, earth 土/
- 赫拉克利特 赫拉克利特 [He4 la1 ke4 li4 te4] /Heraclitus/
+ 赫拉克利特 赫拉克利特 [He4 la1 ke4 li4 te4] /Heraclitus (535-475 BC), pre-Socratic philosopher/
+ 恩培多克勒 恩培多克勒 [En1 pei2 duo1 ke4 lei1] /Empedocles (490-430 BC), Greek Sicilian pre-Socratic philosopher/
- 亞里士多德 亚里士多德 [Ya4 li3 shi4 duo1 de2] /Aristotle (philosopher)/
+ 亞里士多德 亚里士多德 [Ya4 li3 shi4 duo1 de2] /Aristotle (384-322 BC), Greek philosopher/
+ 煉金術士 炼金术士 [lian4 jin1 shu4 shi4] /alchemist/
+ 可燃性 可燃性 [ke3 ran2 xing4] /flammable/flammability/
+ 溶解性 溶解性 [rong2 jie3 xing4] /soluble/solubility/
+ 帕拉塞爾士 帕拉塞尔士 [Pa4 la1 se4 er3 shi4] /Paracelsius (Auroleus Phillipus Theostratus Bombastus von Hohenheim, 1493-1541), Swiss alchemist and prominent early European scientist/
+ 玻意耳 玻意耳 [Bo1 yi4 er3] /Robert Boyle (1627-1691), English chemist/
- 懷疑 怀疑 [huai2 yi2] /to doubt/to suspect/doubt/suspicion/
+ 懷疑 怀疑 [huai2 yi2] /to doubt/to suspect/doubt/suspicion/sceptical/
+ 懷疑派 怀疑派 [huai2 yi2 pai4] /sceptical/
- 拉瓦錫 拉瓦锡 [La1 wa3 xi1] /Antoine Lavoisier/
+ 拉瓦錫 拉瓦锡 [La1 wa3 xi1] /Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794), French nobleman and scientist, considered the father of modern chemistry/
+ 單質 单质 [dan1 zhi4] /simple substance (consisting purely of one element, such as diamond)/
+ 道爾頓 道尔顿 [Dao4 er3 dun4] /Dalton (name)/
+ 紅磷 红磷 [hong2 lin2] /red phosphorus/
+ 後半葉 后半叶 [hou4 ban4 ye4] /latter half (of a decade, century etc)/
+ 紅色氧化汞 红色氧化汞 [hong2 se4 yang3 hua4 gong3] /red mercuric oxide HgO/
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