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Change log entry 84406
Processed by: richwarm (2024-06-05 22:24:46 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 77842 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 77841 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
白眉朱雀 can refer to either 喜山白眉朱雀 or 中国白眉朱雀中国白眉朱雀
# 喜山白眉朱雀 喜山白眉朱雀 [[xi3shan1 bai2mei2 zhu1que4]] /(bird species of China) Himalayan white-browed rosefinch (Carpodacus thura)/
- 白眉朱雀 白眉朱雀 [[bai2mei2 zhu1que4]] /(bird species of China) chinese white-browed rosefinch (Carpodacus dubius)/
+ 中國白眉朱雀 中国白眉朱雀 [[Zhong1guo2 bai2mei2 zhu1que4]] /(bird species of China) Chinese white-browed rosefinch (Carpodacus dubius)/
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