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Change log entry 84378
Processed by: richwarm (2024-06-04 22:38:59 UTC)
Comment: << review queue entry 77799 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
CC-CEDICT entry: 海南鳽 海南鳽 [[hai3nan2yan2]] /(bird species of China) white-eared night heron (Gorsachius magnificus)/
CC-CEDICT Common name: white-eared night heron
CC-CEDICT Scientific name: Gorsachius magnificus
Chinese Wikipedia page:海南鳽
English Wikipedia page:
Wikipedia Common name: White-eared night heron
Wikipedia Scientific name: Oroanassa magnifica
WARNING: Scientific name mismatch.
Gorsachius magnificus -> Oroanassa magnifica

Move White-eared Night Heron from Gorsachius to the monotypic genus Oroanassa based on phylogenetic analysis which demonstrates that it forms a clade with Calherodius which is deeply divergent from the two species in Gorsachius proper (Hruska et al. 2023; HBW/Birdlife). Although Calherodius and Oroanassa are sister taxa, and share a clade, they are deeply divergent which supports a two genus treatment. Note change in gender.
- 海南鳽 海南鳽 [[hai3nan2yan2]] /(bird species of China) white-eared night heron (Gorsachius magnificus)/
+ 海南鳽 海南鳽 [[hai3nan2yan2]] /(bird species of China) white-eared night heron (Oroanassa magnifica)/
By MDBG 2025
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