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Change log entry 82673
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-01 09:25:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76269 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 中肯 中肯 [zhong4 ken3] /pertinent; apropos/
+ 中肯 中肯 [[zhong4ken3]] /pertinent; apropos/
- 伸長 伸长 [shen1 chang2] /to stretch; to extend/
+ 伸長 伸长 [[shen1chang2]] /to stretch; to extend/
- 劇毒 剧毒 [ju4 du2] /highly toxic; extremely poisonous/
+ 劇毒 剧毒 [[ju4du2]] /highly toxic; extremely poisonous/
- 力量 力量 [li4 liang5] /power; force; strength/
+ 力量 力量 [[li4liang5]] /power; force; strength/
- 坐實 坐实 [zuo4 shi2] /to serve as evidence of (an accusation etc); to reinforce (a perception); to bear out; to substantiate/
+ 坐實 坐实 [[zuo4shi2]] /to serve as evidence for (an accusation etc); to reinforce (a perception); to bear out; to substantiate/
- 對於 对于 [dui4 yu2] /regarding; as far as (sth) is concerned; with regard to/
+ 對於 对于 [[dui4yu2]] /regarding; as far as (sth) is concerned; with regard to/
- 小酌 小酌 [xiao3 zhuo2] /to have a few (alcoholic) drinks (often implying a small party)/
+ 小酌 小酌 [[xiao3zhuo2]] /to have a few (alcoholic) drinks (often implying a small party)/
- 就算 就算 [jiu4 suan4] /(coll.) even if/
+ 就算 就算 [[jiu4suan4]] /(coll.) even if/
- 弧形 弧形 [hu2 xing2] /curve; arc/
+ 弧形 弧形 [[hu2xing2]] /curve; arc/
- 慢速 慢速 [man4 su4] /slow; low-speed/
+ 慢速 慢速 [[man4su4]] /slow; low-speed/
- 技校 技校 [ji4 xiao4] /vocational high school (abbr. for 技工學校|技工学校[ji4 gong1 xue2 xiao4] or abbr. for 技術學校|技术学校[ji4 shu4 xue2 xiao4])/
+ 技校 技校 [[ji4xiao4]] /vocational high school (abbr. for 技工學校|技工学校[ji4gong1 xue2xiao4] or abbr. for 技術學校|技术学校[ji4shu4 xue2xiao4])/
- 技工學校 技工学校 [ji4 gong1 xue2 xiao4] /vocational high school/abbr. to 技校[ji4 xiao4]/
+ 技工學校 技工学校 [[ji4gong1 xue2xiao4]] /vocational high school (abbr. to 技校[ji4xiao4])/
- 技術學校 技术学校 [ji4 shu4 xue2 xiao4] /vocational high school/abbr. to 技校[ji4 xiao4]/
+ 技術學校 技术学校 [[ji4shu4 xue2xiao4]] /vocational high school (abbr. to 技校[ji4xiao4])/
- 整建 整建 [zheng3 jian4] /to restore a damaged or aging structure; to renovate/
+ 整建 整建 [[zheng3jian4]] /to restore a damaged or aging structure; to renovate/
- 料度 料度 [liao4 duo2] /to estimate; to assess/
+ 料度 料度 [[liao4duo2]] /to estimate; to assess/
- 果敢 果敢 [guo3 gan3] /courageous; resolute and daring/
+ 果敢 果敢 [[guo3gan3]] /courageous; resolute and daring/
- 歹命 歹命 [dai3 ming4] /(Tw) to have been dealt a hard lot in life (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [pháinn-miā])/
+ 歹命 歹命 [[dai3ming4]] /(Tw) to have been dealt a hard lot in life (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [pháinn-miā])/
- 消毒 消毒 [xiao1 du2] /to disinfect; to sterilize/
+ 消毒 消毒 [[xiao1du2]] /to disinfect; to sterilize/
- 濃集 浓集 [nong2 ji2] /to concentrate; to enrich/
+ 濃集 浓集 [[nong2ji2]] /to concentrate; to enrich/
- 甄選 甄选 [zhen1 xuan3] /to select; to pick/
+ 甄選 甄选 [[zhen1xuan3]] /to select; to pick/
- 當啷 当啷 [dang1 lang1] /(onom.) metallic sound; clanging/
+ 當啷 当啷 [[dang1lang1]] /(onom.) metallic sound; clanging/
- 租賃 租赁 [zu1 lin4] /to rent; to lease; to hire/
+ 租賃 租赁 [[zu1lin4]] /to rent; to lease; to hire/
- 籌商 筹商 [chou2 shang1] /to discuss (a plan); to negotiate (an outcome)/
+ 籌商 筹商 [[chou2shang1]] /to discuss (a plan); to negotiate (an outcome)/
- 翻耕 翻耕 [fan1 geng1] /to plow; to turn the soil/
+ 翻耕 翻耕 [[fan1geng1]] /to plow; to turn the soil/
- 茯苓 茯苓 [fu2 ling2] /Wolfiporia extensa (a wood-decay fungus); fu ling; tuckahoe/
+ 茯苓 茯苓 [[fu2ling2]] /Wolfiporia extensa (a wood-decay fungus); fu ling; tuckahoe/
- 鉗制 钳制 [qian2 zhi4] /to suppress; to muzzle; to gag/
+ 鉗制 钳制 [[qian2zhi4]] /to suppress; to muzzle; to gag/
- 錯雜 错杂 [cuo4 za2] /mixed; jumbled/
+ 錯雜 错杂 [[cuo4za2]] /mixed; jumbled/
- 駛往 驶往 [shi3 wang3] /(of a vehicle, boat etc) to travel to; to head for/
+ 駛往 驶往 [[shi3wang3]] /(of a vehicle, boat etc) to travel to; to head for/
- 齟齬 龃龉 [ju3 yu3] /(literary) (of teeth) to be misaligned; (fig.) in disagreement; at odds/
+ 齟齬 龃龉 [[ju3yu3]] /(literary) (of teeth) to be misaligned; (fig.) in disagreement; at odds/
- 三國 三国 [San1 guo2] /Three Kingdoms period (220-280) in Chinese history/any of several Three Kingdoms periods in Korean history, esp. from 1st century AD to unification under Silla 新羅|新罗[Xin1 luo2] in 658/
+ 三國 三国 [[San1guo2]] /Three Kingdoms period (220-280) in Chinese history/any of several Three Kingdoms periods in Korean history, esp. from 1st century AD to unification under Silla 新羅|新罗[Xin1luo2] in 658/
- 今天 今天 [jin1 tian1] /today/the present time; now/
+ 今天 今天 [[jin1tian1]] /today/the present time; now/
- 哀痛 哀痛 [ai1 tong4] /to grieve; to mourn/deep sorrow; grief/
+ 哀痛 哀痛 [[ai1tong4]] /to grieve; to mourn/deep sorrow; grief/
- 夾克 夹克 [jia1 ke4] /jacket (loanword)/also pr. [jia2 ke4]/
+ 夾克 夹克 [[jia1ke4]] /(loanword) jacket/also pr. [jia2 ke4]/
- 密商 密商 [mi4 shang1] /to negotiate in secret/confidential discussions/
+ 密商 密商 [[mi4shang1]] /to negotiate in secret/confidential discussions/
- 履新 履新 [lu:3 xin1] /(of an official) to take up a new post/(literary) to celebrate the New Year/
+ 履新 履新 [[lu:3xin1]] /(of an official) to take up a new post/(literary) to celebrate the New Year/
- 新增 新增 [xin1 zeng1] /to add (sth new)/newly added; additional/
+ 新增 新增 [[xin1zeng1]] /to add (sth new)/newly added; additional/
- 最好 最好 [zui4 hao3] /best/had better ...; it would be best to .../
+ 最好 最好 [[zui4hao3]] /best/had better ...; it would be best to .../
- 畸形 畸形 [ji1 xing2] /deformed; malformed/lopsided; unbalanced/
+ 畸形 畸形 [[ji1xing2]] /deformed; malformed/lopsided; unbalanced/
- 蒼勁 苍劲 [cang1 jing4] /(of a tree) old and strong/(of calligraphy or painting) bold; vigorous/
+ 蒼勁 苍劲 [[cang1jing4]] /(of a tree) old and strong/(of calligraphy or painting) bold; vigorous/
- 蠐螬 蛴螬 [qi2 cao2] /scarab beetle larva; grub/CL:條|条[tiao2]/
+ 蠐螬 蛴螬 [[qi2cao2]] /scarab beetle larva; grub/CL:條|条[tiao2]/
- 中餐 中餐 [zhong1 can1] /lunch/Chinese meal; Chinese food/CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4]/
+ 中餐 中餐 [[zhong1can1]] /lunch/Chinese meal; Chinese food/CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4]/
- 事主 事主 [shi4 zhu3] /victim (of a criminal)/party involved (in a dispute etc)/main instigator/
+ 事主 事主 [[shi4zhu3]] /victim (of a criminal)/party involved (in a dispute etc)/main instigator/
- 元素 元素 [yuan2 su4] /element (key component of sth)/(chemistry) element/(math.) element (member of a set)/
+ 元素 元素 [[yuan2su4]] /element (key component of sth)/(chemistry) element/(math.) element (member of a set)/
- 憋氣 憋气 [bie1 qi4] /to hold one's breath/to feel suffocated (for lack of air)/choked with bottled-up resentment/
+ 憋氣 憋气 [[bie1qi4]] /to hold one's breath/to feel suffocated (for lack of air)/choked with bottled-up resentment/
- 禿頭 秃头 [tu1 tou2] /to bare one's head; to be bareheaded/to go bald/bald head/bald person/
+ 禿頭 秃头 [[tu1tou2]] /to bare one's head; to be bareheaded/to go bald/bald head/bald person/
By MDBG 2024
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