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Change log entry 81513
Processed by: richwarm (2023-12-28 20:58:23 UTC)
Comment: birds: v2 (py)
- 鴝岩鷚 鸲岩鹨 [qu2 yan2 liu4] /(bird species of China) robin accentor (Prunella rubeculoides)/
+ 鴝岩鷚 鸲岩鹨 [[qu2yan2liu4]] /(bird species of China) robin accentor (Prunella rubeculoides)/
- 鵲鴝 鹊鸲 [que4 qu2] /(bird species of China) oriental magpie-robin (Copsychus saularis)/
+ 鵲鴝 鹊鸲 [[que4qu2]] /(bird species of China) oriental magpie-robin (Copsychus saularis)/
- 鵲色鸝 鹊色鹂 [que4 se4 li2] /(bird species of China) silver oriole (Oriolus mellianus)/
+ 鵲色鸝 鹊色鹂 [[que4se4li2]] /(bird species of China) silver oriole (Oriolus mellianus)/
- 鵲鴨 鹊鸭 [que4 ya1] /(bird species of China) common goldeneye (Bucephala clangula)/
+ 鵲鴨 鹊鸭 [[que4ya1]] /(bird species of China) common goldeneye (Bucephala clangula)/
- 鵲鷂 鹊鹞 [que4 yao4] /(bird species of China) pied harrier (Circus melanoleucos)/
+ 鵲鷂 鹊鹞 [[que4yao4]] /(bird species of China) pied harrier (Circus melanoleucos)/
- 雀鷹 雀鹰 [que4 ying1] /(bird species of China) Eurasian sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus)/
+ 雀鷹 雀鹰 [[que4ying1]] /(bird species of China) Eurasian sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus)/
- 日本鵪鶉 日本鹌鹑 [Ri4 ben3 an1 chun2] /(bird species of China) Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)/
+ 日本鵪鶉 日本鹌鹑 [[Ri4ben3 an1chun2]] /(bird species of China) Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)/
- 日本叉尾海燕 日本叉尾海燕 [Ri4 ben3 cha1 wei3 hai3 yan4] /(bird species of China) Matsudaira's storm petrel (Oceanodroma matsudairae)/
+ 日本叉尾海燕 日本叉尾海燕 [[Ri4ben3 cha1wei3 hai3yan4]] /(bird species of China) Matsudaira's storm petrel (Oceanodroma matsudairae)/
- 日本歌鴝 日本歌鸲 [Ri4 ben3 ge1 qu2] /(bird species of China) Japanese robin (Larvivora akahige)/
+ 日本歌鴝 日本歌鸲 [[Ri4ben3 ge1qu2]] /(bird species of China) Japanese robin (Larvivora akahige)/
- 日本鶺鴒 日本鹡鸰 [Ri4 ben3 ji2 ling2] /(bird species of China) Japanese wagtail (Motacilla grandis)/
+ 日本鶺鴒 日本鹡鸰 [[Ri4ben3 ji2ling2]] /(bird species of China) Japanese wagtail (Motacilla grandis)/
- 日本柳鶯 日本柳莺 [Ri4 ben3 liu3 ying1] /(bird species of China) Japanese leaf warbler (Phylloscopus xanthodryas)/
+ 日本柳鶯 日本柳莺 [[Ri4ben3 liu3ying1]] /(bird species of China) Japanese leaf warbler (Phylloscopus xanthodryas)/
- 日本樹鶯 日本树莺 [Ri4 ben3 shu4 ying1] /(bird species of China) Japanese bush warbler (Cettia diphone)/
+ 日本樹鶯 日本树莺 [[Ri4ben3 shu4ying1]] /(bird species of China) Japanese bush warbler (Cettia diphone)/
- 日本松雀鷹 日本松雀鹰 [Ri4 ben3 song1 que4 ying1] /(bird species of China) Japanese sparrowhawk (Accipiter gularis)/
+ 日本松雀鷹 日本松雀鹰 [[Ri4ben3 song1que4ying1]] /(bird species of China) Japanese sparrowhawk (Accipiter gularis)/
- 絨額鳾 绒额䴓 [rong2 e2 shi1] /(bird species of China) velvet-fronted nuthatch (Sitta frontalis)/
+ 絨額鳾 绒额䴓 [[rong2e2shi1]] /(bird species of China) velvet-fronted nuthatch (Sitta frontalis)/
- 肉垂麥雞 肉垂麦鸡 [rou4 chui2 mai4 ji1] /(bird species of China) red-wattled lapwing (Vanellus indicus)/
+ 肉垂麥雞 肉垂麦鸡 [[rou4chui2 mai4ji1]] /(bird species of China) red-wattled lapwing (Vanellus indicus)/
- 肉足鸌 肉足鹱 [rou4 zu2 hu4] /(bird species of China) flesh-footed shearwater (Puffinus carneipes)/
+ 肉足鸌 肉足鹱 [[rou4zu2hu4]] /(bird species of China) flesh-footed shearwater (Puffinus carneipes)/
- 賽氏籬鶯 赛氏篱莺 [Sai4 shi4 li2 ying1] /(bird species of China) Sykes's warbler (Iduna rama)/
+ 賽氏籬鶯 赛氏篱莺 [[Sai4shi4 li2ying1]] /(bird species of China) Sykes's warbler (Iduna rama)/
- 三寶鳥 三宝鸟 [san1 bao3 niao3] /(bird species of China) oriental dollarbird (Eurystomus orientalis)/
+ 三寶鳥 三宝鸟 [[san1bao3niao3]] /(bird species of China) oriental dollarbird (Eurystomus orientalis)/
- 三道眉草鵐 三道眉草鹀 [san1 dao4 mei2 cao3 wu2] /(bird species of China) meadow bunting (Emberiza cioides)/
+ 三道眉草鵐 三道眉草鹀 [[san1dao4mei2 cao3wu2]] /(bird species of China) meadow bunting (Emberiza cioides)/
- 三趾濱鷸 三趾滨鹬 [san1 zhi3 bin1 yu4] /(bird species of China) sanderling (Calidris alba)/
+ 三趾濱鷸 三趾滨鹬 [[san1zhi3 bin1yu4]] /(bird species of China) sanderling (Calidris alba)/
By MDBG 2025
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