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Change log entry 81493
Processed by: richwarm (2023-12-28 02:59:30 UTC)
Comment: birds: v2 (py)
- 尖尾濱鷸 尖尾滨鹬 [jian1 wei3 bin1 yu4] /(bird species of China) sharp-tailed sandpiper (Calidris acuminata)/
+ 尖尾濱鷸 尖尾滨鹬 [[jian1wei3 bin1yu4]] /(bird species of China) sharp-tailed sandpiper (Calidris acuminata)/
- 剪嘴鷗 剪嘴鸥 [jian3 zui3 ou1] /(bird species of China) Indian skimmer (Rynchops albicollis)/
+ 剪嘴鷗 剪嘴鸥 [[jian3zui3ou1]] /(bird species of China) Indian skimmer (Rynchops albicollis)/
- 劍鴴 剑鸻 [jian4 heng2] /(bird species of China) common ringed plover (Charadrius hiaticula)/
+ 劍鴴 剑鸻 [[jian4heng2]] /(bird species of China) common ringed plover (Charadrius hiaticula)/
- 劍嘴鶥 剑嘴鹛 [jian4 zui3 mei2] /(bird species of China) slender-billed scimitar babbler (Pomatorhinus superciliaris)/
+ 劍嘴鶥 剑嘴鹛 [[jian4zui3mei2]] /(bird species of China) slender-billed scimitar babbler (Pomatorhinus superciliaris)/
- 鷦鷯 鹪鹩 [jiao1 liao2] /(bird species of China) Eurasian wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)/
+ 鷦鷯 鹪鹩 [[jiao1liao2]] /(bird species of China) Eurasian wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)/
- 角百靈 角百灵 [jiao3 bai3 ling2] /(bird species of China) horned lark (Eremophila alpestris)/
+ 角百靈 角百灵 [[jiao3bai3ling2]] /(bird species of China) horned lark (Eremophila alpestris)/
- 角鷿鷈 角䴙䴘 [jiao3 pi4 ti1] /(bird species of China) horned grebe (Podiceps auritus)/
+ 角鷿鷈 角䴙䴘 [[jiao3pi4ti1]] /(bird species of China) horned grebe (Podiceps auritus)/
- 角嘴海雀 角嘴海雀 [jiao3 zui3 hai3 que4] /(bird species of China) rhinoceros auklet (Cerorhinca monocerata)/
+ 角嘴海雀 角嘴海雀 [[jiao3zui3 hai3que4]] /(bird species of China) rhinoceros auklet (Cerorhinca monocerata)/
- 金斑鴴 金斑鸻 [jin1 ban1 heng2] /(bird species of China) Pacific golden plover (Pluvialis fulva)/
+ 金斑鴴 金斑鸻 [[jin1ban1heng2]] /(bird species of China) Pacific golden plover (Pluvialis fulva)/
- 金背三趾啄木鳥 金背三趾啄木鸟 [jin1 bei4 san1 zhi3 zhuo2 mu4 niao3] /(bird species of China) common flameback (Dinopium javanense)/
+ 金背三趾啄木鳥 金背三趾啄木鸟 [[jin1bei4 san1zhi3 zhuo2mu4niao3]] /(bird species of China) common flameback (Dinopium javanense)/
- 金翅雀 金翅雀 [jin1 chi4 que4] /(bird species of China) grey-capped greenfinch (Chloris sinica)/
+ 金翅雀 金翅雀 [[jin1chi4que4]] /(bird species of China) grey-capped greenfinch (Chloris sinica)/
- 金翅噪鶥 金翅噪鹛 [jin1 chi4 zao4 mei2] /(bird species of China) Assam laughingthrush (Trochalopteron chrysopterum)/
+ 金翅噪鶥 金翅噪鹛 [[jin1chi4 zao4mei2]] /(bird species of China) Assam laughingthrush (Trochalopteron chrysopterum)/
- 金鵰 金雕 [jin1 diao1] /(bird species of China) golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)/
+ 金鵰 金雕 [[jin1diao1]] /(bird species of China) golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)/
- 金額雀鶥 金额雀鹛 [jin1 e2 que4 mei2] /(bird species of China) golden-fronted fulvetta (Alcippe variegaticeps)/
+ 金額雀鶥 金额雀鹛 [[jin1e2 que4mei2]] /(bird species of China) golden-fronted fulvetta (Alcippe variegaticeps)/
- 金額絲雀 金额丝雀 [jin1 e2 si1 que4] /(bird species of China) red-fronted serin (Serinus pusillus)/
+ 金額絲雀 金额丝雀 [[jin1e2 si1que4]] /(bird species of China) red-fronted serin (Serinus pusillus)/
- 金額葉鵯 金额叶鹎 [jin1 e2 ye4 bei1] /(bird species of China) golden-fronted leafbird (Chloropsis aurifrons)/
+ 金額葉鵯 金额叶鹎 [[jin1e2ye4bei1]] /(bird species of China) golden-fronted leafbird (Chloropsis aurifrons)/
- 金冠地鶯 金冠地莺 [jin1 guan1 di4 ying1] /(bird species of China) slaty-bellied tesia (Tesia olivea)/
+ 金冠地鶯 金冠地莺 [[jin1guan1 di4ying1]] /(bird species of China) slaty-bellied tesia (Tesia olivea)/
- 金冠樹八哥 金冠树八哥 [jin1 guan1 shu4 ba1 ge1] /(bird species of China) golden-crested myna (Ampeliceps coronatus)/
+ 金冠樹八哥 金冠树八哥 [[jin1guan1 shu4ba1ge5]] /(bird species of China) golden-crested myna (Ampeliceps coronatus)/
- 金喉擬啄木鳥 金喉拟啄木鸟 [jin1 hou2 ni3 zhuo2 mu4 niao3] /(bird species of China) golden-throated barbet (Megalaima franklinii)/
+ 金喉擬啄木鳥 金喉拟啄木鸟 [[jin1hou2 ni3zhuo2mu4niao3]] /(bird species of China) golden-throated barbet (Megalaima franklinii)/
- 金黃鸝 金黄鹂 [jin1 huang2 li2] /(bird species of China) Eurasian golden oriole (Oriolus oriolus)/
+ 金黃鸝 金黄鹂 [[jin1huang2li2]] /(bird species of China) Eurasian golden oriole (Oriolus oriolus)/
By MDBG 2025
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