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Change log entry 81491
Processed by: richwarm (2023-12-28 00:46:55 UTC)
Comment: insert space in the pinyin
- 灰岩鷦鶥 灰岩鹪鹛 [[hui1yan2jiao1mei2]] /(bird species of China) limestone wren-babbler (Napothera crispifrons)/
+ 灰岩鷦鶥 灰岩鹪鹛 [[hui1yan2 jiao1mei2]] /(bird species of China) limestone wren-babbler (Napothera crispifrons)/
- 灰岩柳鶯 灰岩柳莺 [[hui1yan2liu3ying1]] /(bird species of China) limestone leaf warbler (Phylloscopus calciatilis)/
+ 灰岩柳鶯 灰岩柳莺 [[hui1yan2 liu3ying1]] /(bird species of China) limestone leaf warbler (Phylloscopus calciatilis)/
By MDBG 2025
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