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Change log entry 81485
Processed by: richwarm (2023-12-27 21:13:10 UTC)
Comment: birds: v2 (py)
- 環頸鴴 环颈鸻 [huan2 jing3 heng2] /(bird species of China) Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus)/
+ 環頸鴴 环颈鸻 [[huan2jing3heng2]] /(bird species of China) Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus)/
- 環頸山鷓鴣 环颈山鹧鸪 [huan2 jing3 shan1 zhe4 gu1] /(bird species of China) hill partridge (Arborophila torqueola)/
+ 環頸山鷓鴣 环颈山鹧鸪 [[huan2jing3 shan1zhe4gu1]] /(bird species of China) hill partridge (Arborophila torqueola)/
- 䴉嘴鷸 鹮嘴鹬 [huan2 zui3 yu4] /(bird species of China) ibisbill (Ibidorhyncha struthersii)/
+ 䴉嘴鷸 鹮嘴鹬 [[huan2zui3yu4]] /(bird species of China) ibisbill (Ibidorhyncha struthersii)/
- 荒漠伯勞 荒漠伯劳 [huang1 mo4 bo2 lao2] /(bird species of China) isabelline shrike (Lanius isabellinus)/
+ 荒漠伯勞 荒漠伯劳 [[huang1mo4 bo2lao2]] /(bird species of China) isabelline shrike (Lanius isabellinus)/
- 黃額鴉雀 黄额鸦雀 [huang2 e2 ya1 que4] /(bird species of China) fulvous parrotbill (Suthora fulvifrons)/
+ 黃額鴉雀 黄额鸦雀 [[huang2e2 ya1que4]] /(bird species of China) fulvous parrotbill (Suthora fulvifrons)/
- 黃腹冠鵯 黄腹冠鹎 [huang2 fu4 guan1 bei1] /(bird species of China) white-throated bulbul (Alophoixus flaveolus)/
+ 黃腹冠鵯 黄腹冠鹎 [[huang2fu4 guan1bei1]] /(bird species of China) white-throated bulbul (Alophoixus flaveolus)/
- 黃腹花蜜鳥 黄腹花蜜鸟 [huang2 fu4 hua1 mi4 niao3] /(bird species of China) olive-backed sunbird (Cinnyris jugularis)/
+ 黃腹花蜜鳥 黄腹花蜜鸟 [[huang2fu4 hua1mi4niao3]] /(bird species of China) olive-backed sunbird (Cinnyris jugularis)/
- 黃腹鷦鶯 黄腹鹪莺 [huang2 fu4 jiao1 ying1] /(bird species of China) yellow-bellied prinia (Prinia flaviventris)/
+ 黃腹鷦鶯 黄腹鹪莺 [[huang2fu4 jiao1ying1]] /(bird species of China) yellow-bellied prinia (Prinia flaviventris)/
- 黃腹角雉 黄腹角雉 [huang2 fu4 jiao3 zhi4] /(bird species of China) Cabot's tragopan (Tragopan caboti)/
+ 黃腹角雉 黄腹角雉 [[huang2fu4 jiao3zhi4]] /(bird species of China) Cabot's tragopan (Tragopan caboti)/
- 黃腹柳鶯 黄腹柳莺 [huang2 fu4 liu3 ying1] /(bird species of China) Tickell's leaf warbler (Phylloscopus affinis)/
+ 黃腹柳鶯 黄腹柳莺 [[huang2fu4 liu3ying1]] /(bird species of China) Tickell's leaf warbler (Phylloscopus affinis)/
- 黃腹鷚 黄腹鹨 [huang2 fu4 liu4] /(bird species of China) buff-bellied pipit (Anthus rubescens)/
+ 黃腹鷚 黄腹鹨 [[huang2fu4liu4]] /(bird species of China) buff-bellied pipit (Anthus rubescens)/
- 黃腹山雀 黄腹山雀 [huang2 fu4 shan1 que4] /(bird species of China) yellow-bellied tit (Pardaliparus venustulus)/
+ 黃腹山雀 黄腹山雀 [[huang2fu4 shan1que4]] /(bird species of China) yellow-bellied tit (Pardaliparus venustulus)/
- 黃腹扇尾鶲 黄腹扇尾鹟 [huang2 fu4 shan4 wei3 weng1] /(bird species of China) yellow-bellied fantail (Chelidorhynx hypoxantha)/
+ 黃腹扇尾鶲 黄腹扇尾鹟 [[huang2fu4 shan4wei3weng1]] /(bird species of China) yellow-bellied fantail (Chelidorhynx hypoxantha)/
- 黃腹樹鶯 黄腹树莺 [huang2 fu4 shu4 ying1] /(bird species of China) yellow-bellied bush warbler (Horornis acanthizoides)/
+ 黃腹樹鶯 黄腹树莺 [[huang2fu4 shu4ying1]] /(bird species of China) yellow-bellied bush warbler (Horornis acanthizoides)/
- 黃腹鶲鶯 黄腹鹟莺 [huang2 fu4 weng1 ying1] /(bird species of China) yellow-bellied warbler (Abroscopus superciliaris)/
+ 黃腹鶲鶯 黄腹鹟莺 [[huang2fu4 weng1ying1]] /(bird species of China) yellow-bellied warbler (Abroscopus superciliaris)/
- 黃腹啄花鳥 黄腹啄花鸟 [huang2 fu4 zhuo2 hua1 niao3] /(bird species of China) yellow-bellied flowerpecker (Dicaeum melanoxanthum)/
+ 黃腹啄花鳥 黄腹啄花鸟 [[huang2fu4 zhuo2hua1niao3]] /(bird species of China) yellow-bellied flowerpecker (Dicaeum melanoxanthum)/
- 黃肛啄花鳥 黄肛啄花鸟 [huang2 gang1 zhuo2 hua1 niao3] /(bird species of China) yellow-vented flowerpecker (Dicaeum chrysorrheum)/
+ 黃肛啄花鳥 黄肛啄花鸟 [[huang2gang1 zhuo2hua1niao3]] /(bird species of China) yellow-vented flowerpecker (Dicaeum chrysorrheum)/
- 黃冠啄木鳥 黄冠啄木鸟 [huang2 guan1 zhuo2 mu4 niao3] /(bird species of China) lesser yellownape (Picus chlorolophus)/
+ 黃冠啄木鳥 黄冠啄木鸟 [[huang2guan1 zhuo2mu4niao3]] /(bird species of China) lesser yellownape (Picus chlorolophus)/
- 黃喉蜂虎 黄喉蜂虎 [huang2 hou2 feng1 hu3] /(bird species of China) European bee-eater (Merops apiaster)/
+ 黃喉蜂虎 黄喉蜂虎 [[huang2hou2 feng1hu3]] /(bird species of China) European bee-eater (Merops apiaster)/
- 黃喉雀鶥 黄喉雀鹛 [huang2 hou2 que4 mei2] /(bird species of China) yellow-throated fulvetta (Alcippe cinerea)/
+ 黃喉雀鶥 黄喉雀鹛 [[huang2hou2 que4mei2]] /(bird species of China) yellow-throated fulvetta (Alcippe cinerea)/
By MDBG 2025
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