Change log entry 81474 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2023-12-27 09:09:31 UTC) |
Comment: | birds: v2 (py) |
Diff: |
- 帆背潛鴨 帆背潜鸭 [fan1 bei4 qian2 ya1] /(bird species of China) canvasback (Aythya valisineria)/ + 帆背潛鴨 帆背潜鸭 [[fan1bei4 qian2ya1]] /(bird species of China) canvasback (Aythya valisineria)/ - 翻石鷸 翻石鹬 [fan1 shi2 yu4] /(bird species of China) ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres)/ + 翻石鷸 翻石鹬 [[fan1shi2yu4]] /(bird species of China) ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres)/ - 反嘴鷸 反嘴鹬 [fan3 zui3 yu4] /(bird species of China) pied avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta)/ + 反嘴鷸 反嘴鹬 [[fan3zui3yu4]] /(bird species of China) pied avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta)/ - 飯島柳鶯 饭岛柳莺 [Fan4 dao3 liu3 ying1] /(bird species of China) Ijima's leaf warbler (Phylloscopus ijimae)/ + 飯島柳鶯 饭岛柳莺 [[Fan4dao3 liu3ying1]] /(bird species of China) Ijima's leaf warbler (Phylloscopus ijimae)/ - 方尾鶲 方尾鹟 [fang1 wei3 weng1] /(bird species of China) grey-headed canary-flycatcher (Culicicapa ceylonensis)/ + 方尾鶲 方尾鹟 [[fang1wei3weng1]] /(bird species of China) grey-headed canary-flycatcher (Culicicapa ceylonensis)/ - 菲律賓鵑鳩 菲律宾鹃鸠 [Fei1 lu:4 bin1 juan1 jiu1] /(bird species of China) Philippine cuckoo-dove (Macropygia tenuirostris)/ + 菲律賓鵑鳩 菲律宾鹃鸠 [[Fei1lu:4bin1 juan1jiu1]] /(bird species of China) Philippine cuckoo-dove (Macropygia tenuirostris)/ - 緋胸鸚鵡 绯胸鹦鹉 [fei1 xiong1 ying1 wu3] /(bird species of China) red-breasted parakeet (Psittacula alexandri)/ + 緋胸鸚鵡 绯胸鹦鹉 [[fei1xiong1 ying1wu3]] /(bird species of China) red-breasted parakeet (Psittacula alexandri)/ - 粉紅腹嶺雀 粉红腹岭雀 [fen3 hong2 fu4 ling3 que4] /(bird species of China) Asian rosy finch (Leucosticte arctoa)/ + 粉紅腹嶺雀 粉红腹岭雀 [[fen3hong2fu4 ling3que4]] /(bird species of China) Asian rosy finch (Leucosticte arctoa)/ - 粉紅椋鳥 粉红椋鸟 [fen3 hong2 liang2 niao3] /(bird species of China) rosy starling (Pastor roseus)/ + 粉紅椋鳥 粉红椋鸟 [[fen3hong2 liang2niao3]] /(bird species of China) rosy starling (Pastor roseus)/ - 粉紅山椒鳥 粉红山椒鸟 [fen3 hong2 shan1 jiao1 niao3] /(bird species of China) rosy minivet (Pericrocotus roseus)/ + 粉紅山椒鳥 粉红山椒鸟 [[fen3hong2 shan1jiao1niao3]] /(bird species of China) rosy minivet (Pericrocotus roseus)/ - 粉紅胸鷚 粉红胸鹨 [fen3 hong2 xiong1 liu4] /(bird species of China) rosy pipit (Anthus roseatus)/ + 粉紅胸鷚 粉红胸鹨 [[fen3hong2xiong1liu4]] /(bird species of China) rosy pipit (Anthus roseatus)/ - 粉紅燕鷗 粉红燕鸥 [fen3 hong2 yan4 ou1] /(bird species of China) roseate tern (Sterna dougallii)/ + 粉紅燕鷗 粉红燕鸥 [[fen3hong2 yan4ou1]] /(bird species of China) roseate tern (Sterna dougallii)/ - 鳳頭百靈 凤头百灵 [feng4 tou2 bai3 ling2] /(bird species of China) crested lark (Galerida cristata)/ + 鳳頭百靈 凤头百灵 [[feng4tou2 bai3ling2]] /(bird species of China) crested lark (Galerida cristata)/ - 鳳頭蜂鷹 凤头蜂鹰 [feng4 tou2 feng1 ying1] /(bird species of China) crested honey buzzard (Pernis ptilorhynchus)/ + 鳳頭蜂鷹 凤头蜂鹰 [[feng4tou2 feng1ying1]] /(bird species of China) crested honey buzzard (Pernis ptilorhynchus)/ - 鳳頭麥雞 凤头麦鸡 [feng4 tou2 mai4 ji1] /(bird species of China) northern lapwing (Vanellus vanellus)/ + 鳳頭麥雞 凤头麦鸡 [[feng4tou2mai4ji1]] /(bird species of China) northern lapwing (Vanellus vanellus)/ - 鳳頭鷿鷈 凤头䴙䴘 [feng4 tou2 pi4 ti1] /(bird species of China) great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus)/ + 鳳頭鷿鷈 凤头䴙䴘 [[feng4tou2 pi4ti1]] /(bird species of China) great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus)/ - 鳳頭潛鴨 凤头潜鸭 [feng4 tou2 qian2 ya1] /(bird species of China) tufted duck (Aythya fuligula)/ + 鳳頭潛鴨 凤头潜鸭 [[feng4tou2 qian2ya1]] /(bird species of China) tufted duck (Aythya fuligula)/ - 鳳頭雀鶯 凤头雀莺 [feng4 tou2 que4 ying1] /(bird species of China) crested tit-warbler (Leptopoecile elegans)/ + 鳳頭雀鶯 凤头雀莺 [[feng4tou2 que4ying1]] /(bird species of China) crested tit-warbler (Leptopoecile elegans)/ - 鳳頭雀嘴鵯 凤头雀嘴鹎 [feng4 tou2 que4 zui3 bei1] /(bird species of China) crested finchbill (Spizixos canifrons)/ + 鳳頭雀嘴鵯 凤头雀嘴鹎 [[feng4tou2 que4zui3bei1]] /(bird species of China) crested finchbill (Spizixos canifrons)/ - 鳳頭樹燕 凤头树燕 [feng4 tou2 shu4 yan4] /(bird species of China) crested treeswift (Hemiprocne coronata)/ + 鳳頭樹燕 凤头树燕 [[feng4tou2 shu4yan4]] /(bird species of China) crested treeswift (Hemiprocne coronata)/ - 鳳頭鵐 凤头鹀 [feng4 tou2 wu2] /(bird species of China) crested bunting (Emberiza lathami)/ + 鳳頭鵐 凤头鹀 [[feng4tou2wu2]] /(bird species of China) crested bunting (Emberiza lathami)/ - 鳳頭鷹 凤头鹰 [feng4 tou2 ying1] /(bird species of China) crested goshawk (Accipiter trivirgatus)/ + 鳳頭鷹 凤头鹰 [[feng4tou2ying1]] /(bird species of China) crested goshawk (Accipiter trivirgatus)/ - 鳳頭鷹雕 凤头鹰雕 [feng4 tou2 ying1 diao1] /(bird species of China) crested hawk-eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus)/ + 鳳頭鷹雕 凤头鹰雕 [[feng4tou2 ying1diao1]] /(bird species of China) crested hawk-eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus)/ - 弗氏鷗 弗氏鸥 [Fu2 shi4 ou1] /(bird species of China) Franklin's gull (Leucophaeus pipixcan)/ + 弗氏鷗 弗氏鸥 [[fu2shi4ou1]] /(bird species of China) Franklin's gull (Leucophaeus pipixcan)/ - 甘肅柳鶯 甘肃柳莺 [Gan1 su4 liu3 ying1] /(bird species of China) Gansu leaf warbler (Phylloscopus kansuensis)/ + 甘肅柳鶯 甘肃柳莺 [[Gan1su4 liu3ying1]] /(bird species of China) Gansu leaf warbler (Phylloscopus kansuensis)/ |