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Change log entry 72762
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-21 22:05:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68493 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
added "CE" for more clarity

Editor: Our other entries use the BC/AD" system.
- 四十二章經 四十二章经 [si4 shi2 er4 zhang1 jing1] /The Sutra in Forty-two Sections Spoken by the Buddha, the first Chinese Buddhist text, translated in 67 by Kasyapa-Matanga 迦葉摩騰|迦叶摩腾[Jia1 ye4 Mo2 teng2] and Gobharana 竺法蘭|竺法兰[Zhu2 fa3 lan2] (Dharmaraksha)/
# + 四十二章經 四十二章经 [Si4 shi2 er4 Zhang1 jing1] /The Sutra in Forty-two Sections Spoken by the Buddha, the first Chinese Buddhist text, translated in 67 CE by Kasyapa-Matanga 迦葉摩騰|迦叶摩腾[Jia1 ye4 Mo2 teng2] and Gobharana 竺法蘭|竺法兰[Zhu2 fa3 lan2] (Dharmaraksha)/
+ 四十二章經 四十二章经 [Si4 shi2 er4 Zhang1 jing1] /The Sutra in Forty-two Sections Spoken by the Buddha, the first Chinese Buddhist text, translated in 67 AD by Kasyapa-Matanga 迦葉摩騰|迦叶摩腾[Jia1 ye4 Mo2 teng2] and Gobharana 竺法蘭|竺法兰[Zhu2 fa3 lan2] (Dharmaraksha)/
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