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Change log entry 45153
Processed by: richwarm (2012-12-27 03:53:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44107 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>

Editor: Yep, M corroborates ~
ㄍㄠ ㄍㄡ ㄌ|ˊ
# 高句麗 高句丽 [Gao1 gou1 li2] /Goguryeo (37 BC-668 AD), one of the Korean Three Kingdoms/
- 三國史記 三国史记 [San1 guo2 shi3 ji4] /History of Three Kingdoms (Korean: Samguk Sagi), the oldest extant Korean history, compiled under Kim Busik 金富軾|金富轼[Jin1 Fu4 shi4] in 1145. The three kingdoms are Goguryeo 高句麗|高句丽[Gao1 ju4 li2], Baekje 百濟|百济[Bai3 ji4], Silla 新羅|新罗[Xin1 luo2]./
+ 三國史記 三国史记 [San1 guo2 shi3 ji4] /History of Three Kingdoms (Korean: Samguk Sagi), the oldest extant Korean history, compiled under Kim Busik 金富軾|金富轼[Jin1 Fu4 shi4] in 1145. The three kingdoms are Goguryeo 高句麗|高句丽[Gao1 gou1 li2], Baekje 百濟|百济[Bai3 ji4], Silla 新羅|新罗[Xin1 luo2]./
- 新羅 新罗 [Xin1 luo2] /Silla, Korean kingdom 57 BC-935 AD/one of the Korean Three Kingdoms from 1st century AD, defeating its rivals Paikche 百濟|百济[Bai3 ji4] and Koguryo 高句麗|高句丽[Gao1 ju4 li2] around 660 in alliance with Tang China/unified Silla 658-935/
+ 新羅 新罗 [Xin1 luo2] /Silla, Korean kingdom 57 BC-935 AD/one of the Korean Three Kingdoms from 1st century AD, defeating its rivals Paikche 百濟|百济[Bai3 ji4] and Koguryo 高句麗|高句丽[Gao1 gou1 li2] around 660 in alliance with Tang China/unified Silla 658-935/
- 新羅王朝 新罗王朝 [Xin1 luo2 Wang2 chao2] /Silla, Korean kingdom 57 BC-935 AD/one of the Korean Three Kingdoms from 1st century AD, defeating its rivals Paikche 百濟|百济[Bai3 ji4] and Koguryo 高句麗|高句丽[Gao1 ju4 li2] around 660 in alliance with Tang China/unified Silla 658-935/
+ 新羅王朝 新罗王朝 [Xin1 luo2 Wang2 chao2] /Silla, Korean kingdom 57 BC-935 AD/one of the Korean Three Kingdoms from 1st century AD, defeating its rivals Paikche 百濟|百济[Bai3 ji4] and Koguryo 高句麗|高句丽[Gao1 gou1 li2] around 660 in alliance with Tang China/unified Silla 658-935/
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