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Change log entry 3640
Processed by: miles (2008-05-25 16:53:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 4139 >>
+ 飄落 飘落 [piao1 luo4] /to float down/to touch down slowly/fig. to decline/
+ 飄渺 飘渺 [piao1 miao3] /faintly discernable/as in a mist/
+ 飄蓬 飘蓬 [piao1 peng2] /to float in the wind/by ext., to lead a wandering life/
+ 顧炎武 顾炎武 [Gu4 Yan2 wu3] /Gu Yanwu (1613-1682), late Ming and early Qing Confucian philosopher, linguist and historian, played a founding role in phonology of early Chinese, author of Rizhilu or Record of daily study 日知錄|日知录/
+ 日知錄 日知录 [Ri4 zhi1 lu4] /Rizhilu or Record of daily study, by early Confucian philosopher Gu Yanwu 顧炎武|顾炎武/
+ 國家興,亡匹夫有責 国家兴亡,匹夫有责 [guo2 jia1 xing1 wang2 , pi3 fu1 you3 ze2] /The rise and fall of the nation concerns everyone (成语 saw). Everyone bears responsibility for the prosperity of society./
+ 天下興,亡匹夫有責 天下兴亡,匹夫有责 [tian1 xia4 xing1 wang2 , pi3 fu1 you3 ze2] /The rise and fall of the nation concerns everyone (成语 saw). Everyone bears responsibility for the prosperity of society./
+ 滑動 滑动 [hua2 dong4] /to slide/sliding movement/
+ 稽古 稽古 [ji1 gu3] /to learn from the ancients/to study the classic texts/
+ 稽古振今 稽古振今 [ji1 gu3 zhen4 jin1] /studying the old to promote the new (成语 saw)/
+ 斯坦因 斯坦因 [Si1 tan3 yin1] /Stein (name)/Marc Aurel Stein (1862-1943), British adventurer and archeologist who explorer Xinjiang in early 20th century/
+ 尼雅 尼雅 [Ni2 ya3] /Niya, ancient kingdom near Khotan in Xinjiang, 1st century BC-4th century AD/
+ 尼雅河 尼雅河 [Ni2 ya3 he2] /Niya river in south Xinjiang/
- 塔克拉瑪干 塔克拉玛干 [ta3 ke4 la1 ma3 gan4] /the Taklaman desert in Xinjiang/
+ 塔克拉瑪干 塔克拉玛干 [Ta3 ke4 la1 ma3 gan4] /Taklaman desert in Xinjiang/
+ 龐培 庞培 [Pang2 pei2] /Pompeium, Roman town in Bay of Naples destroyed by eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD/
- 穩定 稳定 [wen3 ding4] /steady/stable/stability/
+ 穩定 稳定 [wen3 ding4] /steady/stable/stability/to pacify/
+ 龍門山 龙门山 [Long2 men2 shan1] /Mt Longmen, the northwest boundary of the Sichuan basin, an active geological fault line/Mt Longmen in Shandong/Mt Longmen in Henan/
+ 邛崍山 邛崃山 [Qiong2 lai2 shan1] /Mt Qionglai in west Sichuan, the watershed between Minjiang 岷江 and Daduhe 大渡河/
+ 靈快 灵快 [ling2 kuai4] /agile/quick/
+ 靈利 灵利 [ling2 li4] /clever/bright/quick-witted/
+ 靈妙 灵妙 [ling2 miao4] /wonderful/ingenious/
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