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Change log entry 30181
Processed by: vermillon (2010-08-13 12:50:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29833 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
This entry had me confused until I did some googling. I think
it's an example of how not using capital letters for proper
nouns can lead to confusion. Without capital letters "former
dynasty" could refer to any dynasty in the past. Alternatively,
"Western Han or former dynasty" could indicate <the
Western Han Dynasty or a dynasty prior to the Western
Han>. Of course, it's not a problem if you know your history,
but I don't think we should assume that.

Wp: "The period between the foundation of the Han Dynasty
and Wang Mang's reign is known as the Western Han
Dynasty (simplified Chinese: 西汉; traditional Chinese: 西漢;
pinyin: Xī Hàn) or Former Han Dynasty (simplified Chinese:
前汉; traditional Chinese: 前漢; pinyin: Qiánhàn) (202 BCE –
9 CE). During this period the capital was at Chang'an
(modern Xi'an). "

This is what I was reading when I saw our def for 西汉:
- 西漢 西汉 [Xi1 Han4] /Western Han or former dynasty (206 BC-8 AD)/
+ 西漢 西汉 [Xi1 Han4] /Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-8 AD), also called 前漢|前汉[Qian2 Han4], Former Han Dynasty/
- 前漢 前汉 [Qian2 Han4] /the former Han or Western Han 西漢|西汉 dynasty (206 BC-8 AD)/
+ 前漢 前汉 [Qian2 Han4] /Former Han Dynasty (206 BC-8 AD), also called 西漢|西汉[Xi1 Han4], Western Han Dynasty/
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