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Change log entry 2416
Processed by: miles (2008-01-19 20:34:31 GMT)
- 賠款 赔款 [pei2 kuan3] /(v) pay reparations/(n) reparations/
+ 賠款 赔款 [pei2 kuan3] /reparations/to pay reparations/
+ 戰後 战后 [zhan4 hou4] /after the war/post-war/
+ 李維 李维 [Li3 wei2] /Titus Livius or Livy (59 BC-17 AD), Roman historian/
+ 哈米爾卡 哈米尔卡 [Ha1 mi3 er3 ka3] /Hamilcar (c. 270-228 BC), Carthaginian statesman and general/
+ 伊比利亞 伊比利亚 [Yi1 bi3 li4 ya4] /Iberia/the Iberian peninsula/
+ 埃布羅 埃布罗 [Ai1 bu4 luo2] /Ebro river (in northeast Spain)/
+ 埃布羅河 埃布罗河 [ai1 bu4 luo2 he2] /Ebro river (in northeast Spain)/
+ 小亞細亞 小亚细亚 [Xiao3 ya4 xi4 ya4] /Asia minor/Anatolia/
+ 服毒 服毒 [fu2 du2] /to take poison/
+ 自盡 自尽 [zi4 jin4] /to kill oneself/suicide/
+ 瘡疤 疮疤 [chuang1 ba1] /scar/
+ 瘡痕 疮痕 [chuang1 hen2] /scar/scarred skin/
+ 瘡痍 疮痍 [chuang1 yi2] /lit. wound; fig. the desolation of trauma/desolation in the aftermath of a disaster/
- 瘡痍滿目 疮痍满目 [chuang1 yi2 man3 mu4] /bumps and bruises everywhere (成语 saw)/fig. an ugly shambles/
+ 瘡痍滿目 疮痍满目 [chuang1 yi2 man3 mu4] /lit. bumps and bruises everywhere (成语 saw); fig. an ugly shambles/devastation everywhere/
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