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Change log entry 73716
Processed by: richwarm (2021-11-06 00:20:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69316 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Example of 打出手 from the Beijing opera 《盗库银》: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1SB4y1w7yg
* It is my understanding that 大打出手 is usually about an actual fight, not the 武打 performance, but it is a reference to it, so I think it makes sense to direct the readers to this entry.

① 〈opera〉 throw weapons back and forth
② start a fight; come to blows

(in traditional opera) throw weapons back and forth
2 start a fight; come to blows
See 大打出手

戏曲表演中一种武打程式。以一个角色为中心, 同其他几个角色互相抛掷、传递武器, 动作惊险, 难度很高。

1. 在传统戏曲中的一种武打程式。以一个演员为中心,同其他几个角色的演员相互抛、掷或踢传递武器,动作快捷,难度很高。
2. 动手打人。
| 大~。

1. 戲劇中互相投擲傳遞武器的技巧,稱為「打出手」。也稱為「過傢伙」。
2. 打架。如:「他倆一言不合,便大打出手。」

1 我国传统戏曲的武打表演程式。是为刻画人物服务的一种艺术手段。也叫做出手、踢出手。它以一个角色为中心, 同其他几个角色相互配合, 作抛掷传递武器的特技, 并用打击乐烘托气氛, 形成种种舞蹈性的惊险场面。多用于神仙斗法的武旦戏, 如京剧《泗州城》、《盗仙草》等。少数武生、武净戏里有时也用打出手, 如京剧《铁笼山》、《取金陵》等。

※ 大打出手

v[erb].p[hrase]. get into a free-for-all

come to blows; get into a fight

| 他俩一言不合,便~。


形容凶狠地动手打人或相互殴打。 见打出手。

老兄”,他們大打出手,我 們則沒有,我們很有禮貌......最少主席現在看到我也會精神一點,他 本來是打睏盹的。
When our counterparts in Taiwan come to blows, we have not done so and we are very courteous …… at least, President is working with more vigour now that I am here, and he felt sleepy just now.

我 們經常聽到有關遊客跟本地人因吸煙問題而 大 打出手 的 新 聞,原因是甚麼?
We can often hear news about visitors and locals coming to blows over smoking.

女工们竭力忍耐,避免和这些人打架; 而这些人呢,也没接到命令真真出手打
The girls were trying not to be involved in a full-blooded fight with the bullies, and the latter were holding their fire until they received the order to lash out in earnest.

"Neighbors of 20 years standing often get into a free-for-all over a parking spot," says Hsu.

The Jerry Springer Show invites ordinary people on the program to deal with emotional or interpersonal problems.

Morticians, desperate to be first inside the mortuary to claim a fresh corpse, have been known to assault security guards keeping them out

1) I take issue with the wording of the proposed definition of 打出手, which says that the character in the center throws weapons back and forth.
The subject of the verb phrase "throw X back and forth" is almost always plural, and it's confusing if it's singular.
"The two threw the ball back and forth a couple of times before Judge returned to his duties as right fielder."
"We kicked the ball back and forth, climbed on the playground equipment, watched some real soccer players warm up for a real game, ..."

2) Video

3) In cc-cedict, the format /see .../ is supposed to be used only in cases where the headword is interchangeable (completely synonymous) with the cross-referenced term.
草菅人命 草菅人命 [cao3 jian1 ren2 ming4] /to have disregard for human life (idiom)/
草芥人命 草芥人命 [cao3 jie4 ren2 ming4] /see 草菅人命[cao3 jian1 ren2 ming4]/
The idea is that an app like Pleco can substitute the definition of 草菅人命 when displaying the entry for 草芥人命.
(and in fact, that's what they do, I believe)

But 打出手 and 大打出手 aren't interchangeable, since 大打出手 doesn't have the theatrical sense of 打出手.
# 打出手 打出手 [da3 chu1 shou3] /an acrobatic performance in which one character, at the center, fights off a group of attackers by throwing weapons back and forth (Chinese opera)/to come to blows/to start a fight/
# 大打出手 大打出手 [da4 da3 chu1 shou3] /to come to blows/to start a fight/see 打出手[da3 chu1 shou3]/
+ 打出手 打出手 [da3 chu1 shou3] /to fling back weapons hurled at one by attackers (acrobatic performance in Chinese opera)/to come to blows/to start a fight/
+ 大打出手 大打出手 [da4 da3 chu1 shou3] /to come to blows/to start a fight/(derived from the term for a type of theatrical fight scene, 打出手[da3 chu1 shou3])/
By MDBG 2024
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