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Change log entry 83203
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 21:33:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75337 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
茜草: "Rubia cordifolia", "Indian madder", and "munjeet" all refer to the same plant and are one sense. And "munjit" is spelled wrong

茹藘: Points to 茜草
Google "茜草" - 1.7M results
Google "茹藘" - 0.5M results

茜紫: I took the liberty of deleting this. I can't find any references that say 茜紫 is "sage", and the original addition from 16 years ago didn't provide one https://cc-cedict.org/editor/editor.php?log_id=544&popup=1&handler=ViewLogEntry. Closest thing I found was 紫茜, which is another name for 紫菀 - https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%B4%AB%E8%8F%80/770771, but that's not sage.

茜: Though most online and physical dictionaries say something like "used in 茜草", it's also used in other plants like 南茜果, 芫茜, etc


Corpus - Though there were 17,000+ hits the vast majority were for transliterated names (when 茜 is pronounced xi1) like Tracy, Nancy, Lacy, Cathy, Rosy, Circe, Cissy, etc. After doing my best to filter them out I wasn't left with much.

He grew indigo, munjeet, tobacco, sugarcane...

This passage is about some things in Quanzhou, including 茜草粿 which seems to be a local name for 仙草蜜 or grass jelly, a popular dessert.
I don't think they use munjeet in it.

Description of 紫檀, also called 茜草叶紫檀

Editor: It appears that 茜 originally referred to madder, and then acquired the meaning "alizarin crimson", which is the color of the dye obtained from the plant. That's what dictionaries that indicate etymological development say.

So I think that subsequent use of the character is probably derivative of these two senses. Plant names that use 茜 may be similar to madder in some way (e.g. appearance of the plant). If that is the case, then it's reasonable to indicate that 茜 fundamentally refers to madder (which is what other dictionaries do, as you noted.)

> Description of 紫檀, also called 茜草叶紫檀
I think it's likely the use of 茜草叶 in this plant's name is due to a perceived similarity of its leaves to those of madder.

> 茜草粿 which seems to be a local name for 仙草蜜 or grass jelly, a popular dessert.
> https://kknews.cc/food/pnzj5zz.html
> I don't think they use munjeet in it.
Probably no munjeet in it, but 茜草 is a color, and this dessert has the color of madder.

> 茜紫: I took the liberty of deleting this.
The term 茜紫 is used in Japanese ("akane murasaki"). It's a color – a combination of 茜 (alizarin crimson) and 紫 (purple). Our definition may have come from a google search that yielded pictures of sage flowers that have that color ... perhaps? Anyway, I agree with deleting it.

extra: 茜素
- 茜草 茜草 [qian4 cao3] /Rubia cordifolia/Indian madder/munjit/
+ 茜草 茜草 [[qian4cao3]] /Indian madder; munjeet (Rubia cordifolia)/
- 茹藘 茹藘 [ru2 lu:2] /Rubia cordifolia/Indian madder/munjit/also written 茜草/
+ 茹藘 茹藘 [[ru2lu:2]] /see 茜草[qian4cao3]/
- 茜紫 茜紫 [qian4 zi3] /sage (herb)/
- 假芫茜 假芫茜 [jia3 yuan2 qian4] /Eryngium foetidum/
+ 假芫茜 假芫茜 [[jia3yuan2qian4]] /Eryngium foetidum/
- 茜 茜 [qian4] /Rubia cordifolia/Indian madder/munjeet/
# + 茜 茜 [[qian4]] /used in names of plants/
+ 茜 茜 [[qian4]] /(bound form) Indian madder; munjeet (Rubia cordifolia)/(bound form) madder red; dark red; alizarin crimson/
# extra:
+ 茜素 茜素 [[qian4su4]] /alizarin/

Change log entry 83202
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 20:15:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76715 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Doesn't need a measure word: can act as a measure word itself (quasi-measure, 準量詞): 那國, 幾國語言 etc
- 國 国 [guo2] /country; nation; state (CL:個|个[ge4])/(bound form) national/
+ 國 国 [[guo2]] /country; nation; state/(bound form) national/

Change log entry 83201
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 20:06:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76530 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>


>尤其是,目前水库里,诸如鳑鲏,麻鱼,白条, 桃花鱼, 泥鳅, 河虾,贝壳,螃蟹这些小型鱼类非常多,把黑鱼放进去,那对黑鱼来说,简直是来到了天堂

- 鰟 鳑 [pang2] /see 鰟鮍|鳑鲏, small carp/
+ 鰟 鳑 [[pang2]] /used in 鰟鮍|鳑鲏[pang2pi2]/
- 鮍 鲏 [pi2] /see 鰟鮍|鳑鲏, small carp/
# + 鮍 鲏 [[pi2]] /used in 鰟鮍|鳑鲏[pang2pi2]/
- 鰟鮍 鳑鲏 [pang2 pi2] /small carp (Rhodeus sinensis and other spp.)/
+ 鰟鮍 鳑鲏 [[pang2pi2]] /bitterling (fish of genus Rhodeus)/
+ 鮍 鲏 [[pi2]] /used in 鰟鮍|鳑鲏[pang2pi2]/Taiwan pr. [pi1]/

Change log entry 83200
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 09:37:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76518 - submitted by 'encn' >>
部队锅(韩语:부대찌개)又称部队火锅,是类似西式杂锅的韩国浓汤火锅。源于1950年代朝鲜战争过后的议政府市,当时该处设置了许多驻韩美军设施以保护不远的首尔。由于战争导致民间物资短缺,美军基地附近的居民捡拾美军遗弃的香肠、罐装火腿及午餐肉、奶酪等食材,搭配辛辣的苦椒酱作底,煮成一锅汤,以解决饥饿之苦[1]。时至今日,部队锅在韩国仍很受欢迎,并加入很多现代食材(如泡面)一起食用。部队锅的其他材料还有泡菜、洋葱、青葱、焗豆、培根、奶酪片、泡面、打糕等。 在韩国其他离美军基地较近的地区,如平泽、群山等地,亦有部队锅出现,且各有特色。

# 部隊鍋 部队锅 [[bu4dui4guo1]] /budae jjigae/
+ 部隊鍋 部队锅 [[bu4dui4guo1]] /budae jjigae, a type of Korean stew/

Change log entry 83199
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 08:07:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76051 - submitted by 'encn' >>


- 探花 探花 [tan4 hua1] /candidate who came third in the Han-lin examination/see 狀元|状元[zhuang4 yuan2]/
# + 探花 探花 [[tan4hua1]] /candidate who came third in the Han-lin examination/see 狀元|状元[zhuang4yuan2]/(slang) to secretly film sex with a prostitute to share on the Internet/
+ 探花 探花 [[tan4hua1]] /candidate who came third in the Hanlin examination (cf. 狀元|状元[zhuang4yuan2])/(slang) to secretly film sex with a prostitute to share on the Internet/

Change log entry 83198
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 07:59:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75538 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
"包藏祸心" - 793,000 results
"苞藏祸心" - 9,000 results

I don't think "苞藏祸心" even makes sense since "苞藏" is not a word like "包藏" is. It has very limited usage and the few places that define just say "同 '包藏祸心'". It could probably be removed but I'll leave that up to the editors.

I also rewrote 包藏祸心 to make both glosses verbs, by coincidence it's the same as on wiktionary https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E5%8C%85%E8%97%8F%E7%A6%8D%E5%BF%83#Chinese
- 包藏禍心 包藏祸心 [bao1 cang2 huo4 xin1] /to harbor evil intentions (idiom); concealing malice/
+ 包藏禍心 包藏祸心 [[bao1cang2-huo4xin1]] /(idiom) to harbor evil intentions; to conceal malice/
- 苞藏禍心 苞藏祸心 [bao1 cang2 huo4 xin1] /to harbor evil intentions (idiom); concealing malice/
+ 苞藏禍心 苞藏祸心 [[bao1cang2-huo4xin1]] /variant of 包藏祸心[bao1cang2-huo4xin1]/

Change log entry 83197
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 07:39:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75625 - submitted by 'encn' >>

又到了一年一度的高考完的弟弟们放三个月暑假,我的鸡儿不放假的时候了 //have sex or masturbate


+ 雞兒 鸡儿 [[ji1er2]] /chick; baby chicken/(vulgar) penis/

Change log entry 83196
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 07:35:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76310 - submitted by 'encn' >>
民愤 /mínfèn/ 名词
+ 民憤 民愤 [[min2fen4]] /public outrage/

Change log entry 83195
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 04:37:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75735 - submitted by 'encn' >>

北镇满族自治县 is 北镇市 now according to Baike, so I want to delete this entry.

There are dozens of valid *自治县 entries waiting to be converted to v2 format. Why not just delete them, to save some time? It's unlikely that people who encounter these place names will look them up in any dictionary.

>> I have considered deleting all the county-level place names (thousands of entries)."
> That will be great.

It turns out that there is insufficient agreement among editors on that issue, so the lower-level administrative division names will probably not be deleted.
- 北鎮滿族自治縣 北镇满族自治县 [Bei3 zhen4 man3 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Beizhen Manzu autonomous county in Liaoning/

Change log entry 83194
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 04:27:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76522 - submitted by 'encn' >>




+ 背德 背德 [[bei4de2]] /immoral; unethical/

Change log entry 83193
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 04:04:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76706 - submitted by 'encn' >>

Editor: By and large I agree with this sort of deletion, but not all editors are entirely happy with it. Perhaps it's best to leave these entries alone for now. I don't think it's a high priority to deal with them unless there's something wrong with the pinyin or definition. One thing you can say in their favor is that they sometimes provide some helpful redundancy. For example, 年长 is currently defined ambiguously as "senior", so having an entry "最年长 eldest" makes it clearer what "senior" means.
- 放射性最強點 放射性最强点 [fang4 she4 xing4 zui4 qiang2 dian3] /radioactive hot spot/
# 放射性最強點 放射性最强点 [fang4 she4 xing4 zui4 qiang2 dian3] /radioactive hot spot/
# - 最後一天 最后一天 [zui4 hou4 yi1 tian1] /final day/
# 最後一天 最后一天 [zui4 hou4 yi1 tian1] /final day/
# - 最近幾年 最近几年 [zui4 jin4 ji3 nian2] /the last few years/last several years/recent years/
# 最近幾年 最近几年 [zui4 jin4 ji3 nian2] /the last few years/last several years/recent years/
# - 最年長 最年长 [zui4 nian2 zhang3] /eldest/
# 最年長 最年长 [zui4 nian2 zhang3] /eldest/
# - 最喜愛 最喜爱 [zui4 xi3 ai4] /favorite/
# 最喜愛 最喜爱 [zui4 xi3 ai4] /favorite/

Change log entry 83192
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 02:00:21 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 促成 促成 [cu4 cheng2] /to facilitate; to help bring about/
+ 促成 促成 [[cu4cheng2]] /to facilitate; to help bring about/

Change log entry 83191
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 21:40:43 GMT)
Comment: 巴青縣是...西藏自治區那曲市東部的一個縣。

"central Tibet"?
It's right on the border with Qinghai, and Wp describes the location as "northeastern Tibet".
- 巴青 巴青 [Ba1 qing1] /Baqên county, Tibetan: Sbra chen rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture 那曲地區|那曲地区[Na4 qu3 di4 qu1], central Tibet/
+ 巴青 巴青 [[Ba1qing1]] /Baqên, a county in Nagchu City, Tibet/
- 巴青縣 巴青县 [Ba1 qing1 xian4] /Baqên county, Tibetan: Sbra chen rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture 那曲地區|那曲地区[Na4 qu3 di4 qu1], central Tibet/
+ 巴青縣 巴青县 [[Ba1qing1 Xian4]] /Baqên, a county in Nagchu City, Tibet/

Change log entry 83190
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 21:07:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76503 - submitted by 'wibr' >>
delete duplicated sense: gem


- 瑰寶 瑰宝 [gui1 bao3] /gem/(fig.) rare and valuable item/gem/treasure/
# + 瑰寶 瑰宝 [gui1 bao3] /gem/(fig.) rare and valuable item/treasure/
+ 瑰寶 瑰宝 [[gui1bao3]] /a treasure; a rare and valuable thing/

Change log entry 83189
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 20:54:50 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 賓縣 宾县 [Bin1 xian4] /Bin county in Heilongjiang/
+ 賓縣 宾县 [[Bin1 Xian4]] /Bin County in Harbin, Heilongjiang/

Change log entry 83188
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 20:50:06 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 安義縣 安义县 [An1 yi4 xian4] /Anyi county in Nanchang 南昌, Jiangxi/
+ 安義縣 安义县 [[An1yi4 Xian4]] /Anyi, a county in Nanchang 南昌[Nan2chang1], Jiangxi/

Change log entry 83187
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 20:46:57 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 阿壩縣 阿坝县 [A1 ba4 Xian4] /Ngawa County (Tibetan: rnga ba rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿坝藏族羌族自治州[A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], northwest Sichuan/
+ 阿壩縣 阿坝县 [[A1ba4 Xian4]] /Ngawa County in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿坝藏族羌族自治州[A1ba4 Zang4zu2 Qiang1zu2 Zi4zhi4zhou1], northwest Sichuan/

Change log entry 83186
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 20:32:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76511 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
"癔症" - 1,800,000 results
"癔病" - 500,000 results

癔症 - 144 hits
癔病 - 9 hits

One of my dictionaries says 癔病 is the old name for 癔症, generally my older dictionaries have something like "used in 癔病" while my newer ones have something like "used in 癔症". Seems like both are still used, for example https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%AD%87%E6%96%AF%E5%BA%95%E9%87%8C has "又被称为癔病或癔症"


- 癔 癔 [yi4] /see 癔病[yi4 bing4]/
+ 癔 癔 [[yi4]] /used in 癔病[yi4bing4] and 癔症[yi4zheng4]/
- 癔病 癔病 [yi4 bing4] /hysteria/
+ 癔病 癔病 [[yi4bing4]] /hysteria/
+ 癔症 癔症 [[yi4zheng4]] /hysteria/

Change log entry 83185
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 20:30:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76699 - submitted by 'encn' >>
- 來回來去地 来回来去地 [lai2 hui2 lai2 qu4 de5] /backwards and forwards/
# 來回來去地 来回来去地 [lai2 hui2 lai2 qu4 de5] /backwards and forwards/
- 一項一項地 一项一项地 [yi1 xiang4 yi1 xiang4 de5] /one by one/
# 一項一項地 一项一项地 [yi1 xiang4 yi1 xiang4 de5] /one by one/

Change log entry 83184
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 20:27:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76702 - submitted by 'beansprout' >>
Note: Some sources seem to suggest that mao1 might also be an acceptable pronunciation (as an offshoot of the "躲藏/to hide" sense?), but other sources list only the pronunciation mao2. I wasn't sure, so I just left the 貓|猫[mao1] entry as is for now.


- XDHYDCD / HYDCD (via Pleco):【máo】"方言。弯曲。" Neither dictionary lists mao1 as an alternative pronunciation.

- 汉典 (https://www.zdic.net/hans/%E8%B2%93):【máo】"[动] (1)〈方〉∶彎曲 [arch]。如:小偷貓腰鑽過橋洞外的鐵絲網跑了 (2) 另見 māo"

- 中華語文大辭典 (https://www.chinese-linguipedia.org/search_inner.html?keywords=%E8%B2%93):【máo】"彎(腰)。貓著腰往前跑|挺直身子,別貓腰。"

- 现代汉语词典, 5th ed. (via Kindle):【máo】"[猫腰](máo ∥yāo)同“毛腰”。另见māo"

- PLC (via Pleco):【māo】"bend forward," with the example "猫腰 bend down"【máo】"stoop"【máoyāo】"bend down"

- 最新林語堂漢英詞典:【māo】"V.t.【貓腰】Arch one's back." Lists mao1 as the primary pronunciation and mao2 in parentheses, with the caveat that the dictionary is from 1987/pretty old and probably Hong Kong-pronunciation-based.


中華語文大辭典 suggests that mao1yao1 is the pronunciation in Taiwan (https://www.chinese-linguipedia.org/search_inner.html?keywords=%E8%B2%93%E8%85%B0), but this is not universally agreed upon:

- 重編國語辭典修訂本 (https://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw/dictView.jsp?ID=29335): Lists only the pronunciation mao2yao1.

- 遠流活用成語大辭典 (https://lib.ctcn.edu.tw/chtdict/content.aspx?TermId=50145): "maó (毛) [動] 彎腰。例:貓腰。" Does not list mao1 as an alternative pronunciation.

Editor: By adding "Taiwan pr. [mao1yao1]", I don't mean to indicate that it isn't also pronounced that way elsewhere by some people.
+ 貓 猫 [[mao2]] /used in 貓腰|猫腰[mao2yao1]/
# Editor:
- 貓腰 猫腰 [mao2 yao1] /to bend over/
+ 貓腰 猫腰 [[mao2yao1]] /to bend over; to stoop down/Taiwan pr. [mao1yao1]/

Change log entry 83183
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 20:11:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76700 - submitted by 'beansprout' >>
Changed the pinyin for 看 from kan1 to kan4 and tried to convert to v2 format.

Might be unnecessary/stylistic, but I also added "to be" in front of the "disillusioned..." sense.

References for pinyin tones & segmentation:
- PLC, Oxford, 现代汉语规范词典 (all via Pleco)
- 中華語文大辭典 (https://www.chinese-linguipedia.org/search_inner.html?keywords=%E7%9C%8B%E7%A0%B4%E7%B4%85%E5%A1%B5)
- 汉典 (https://www.zdic.net/hans/%E7%9C%8B%E7%A0%B4%E7%BA%A2%E5%B0%98)

LA ~ 原指看透人生,把生死榮辱、人情冷暖都不放在心上;現也指受挫折後,對世間一切抱持消極的態度。
例 「他看破紅塵出家為僧」、「他在破產後,看破紅塵,賣字度日」。

> 提起小沙彌,一般人的印象多來自日本卡通──一休和尚,或電影裡的釋小龍,不是聰明靈慧,就是功夫了得。然而,現今叢林中的小沙彌與卡通、電影裡的有什麼不同?跟一般同年齡的孩子又有何差異?為什麼小小年紀就看破紅塵,選擇出家?

> 沙彌雖小能入聖,小小年紀便已出家,既要遵守沙彌戒律,動靜坐臥也要有威儀,但不知他們小心眼裡在想些什麼?為什麼「看破紅塵」?
- 看破紅塵 看破红尘 [kan1 po4 hong2 chen2] /to see through the world of mortals (idiom, of Buddhist monk)/disillusioned with human society/to reject the world for a monastic life/
# + 看破紅塵 看破红尘 [[kan4po4 hong2chen2]] /to see through the world of mortals (idiom, of Buddhist monk)/to be disillusioned with human society/to reject the world for a monastic life/
+ 看破紅塵 看破红尘 [[kan4po4-hong2chen2]] /(idiom) to see through the illusions of the material world (often a precursor to becoming a Buddhist monk or nun); to become disillusioned with human society/

Change log entry 83182
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 19:28:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76701 >>

Editor: That's 更[geng4].
# - 更 更 [geng1] /to change or replace/to experience/one of the five two-hour periods into which the night was formerly divided/watch (e.g. of a sentry or guard)/
# + 更 更 [geng1] /to change or replace/to experience/one of the five two-hour periods into which the night was formerly divided/watch (e.g. of a sentry or guard)/even (i.e. even + adjective)/

Change log entry 83181
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 05:41:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76692 - submitted by 'encn' >>
人造革 /rénzàogé/ 名词
+ 人造革 人造革 [[ren2zao4ge2]] /artificial leather/

Change log entry 83180
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 05:26:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76691 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
common food ordering question, 加辣嗎

ex. ~ 剛煮好的蚵仔麵線,熱騰騰的香味四溢,令人食指大動。裝碗時,徐老師同時講解食材成本的控管,就連加料也講究技巧,「女士,怕嘴臭就少放點蒜茸;男士多放些無妨,別忘了問要不要加辣」

"spice up" is more of a figurative expression, I think (as in the examples below).
If that's what you *intended*, resubmit with some examples of figurative usage of 加辣.

- He'd spiced up his speech with a few rude jokes.
- It was one of those articles on how to spice up your sex life.
# 加辣 加辣 [[jia1la4]] /to spice up; to add spice/
+ 加辣 加辣 [[jia1la4]] /to add spice; to make it spicy/

Change log entry 83179
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 05:17:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75255 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
"砢碜" - 68,400 results
"磕碜" - 1,210,000 results

My corpus (currently at 101 million characters but still very incomplete):
"砢碜" - 0 results
"磕碜" - 8 results

I think it's safe to say 磕碜 is the more common variant, we don't even have 砢 as "ke1" in cc-cedict




Those all use 磕碜 as an adjective
- 砢磣 砢碜 [ke1 chen5] /ugly/unsightly/shabby/to humiliate/to ridicule/
+ 砢磣 砢碜 [[ke1chen5]] /variant of 磕磣|磕碜[ke1 chen5]/
+ 磕磣 磕碜 [[ke1chen5]] /(dialect) ugly; unsightly; shabby/(dialect) to humiliate; to ridicule/

Change log entry 83178
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 04:28:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76493 - submitted by 'jjbeard' >>

"Fresnel" is also used as an attributive in things like "Fresnel lens" or "Fresnel zone"

Editor: I'll add 菲涅耳透鏡 instead since we are restricting the addition of proper nouns.
Searching for *菲涅耳* will lead to this entry anyway, which will indicate that 菲涅耳 is Fresnel.
# 菲湼耳 菲涅耳 [Fei1nie4er3] /Augustin-Jean Fresnel (1788-1827), French physicist/
+ 菲湼耳透鏡 菲涅耳透镜 [[Fei1nie4er3 tou4jing4]] /Fresnel lens/

Change log entry 83177
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 03:43:38 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 綠玉髓 绿玉髓 [lu:4 yu4 sui3] /chrysoprase (mineral)/
+ 綠玉髓 绿玉髓 [[lu:4yu4sui3]] /(mineralogy) chrysoprase/

Change log entry 83176
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 03:41:41 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 精髓 精髓 [jing1 sui3] /marrow/pith/quintessence/essence/
+ 精髓 精髓 [[jing1sui3]] /marrow; pith; quintessence; essence/

Change log entry 83175
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 03:39:39 GMT)
Comment: v2

myelitis: inflammation of the spinal cord or of the bone marrow
- 脊髓炎 脊髓炎 [ji3 sui3 yan2] /myelitis/inflammation of spinal cord/
+ 脊髓炎 脊髓炎 [[ji3sui3yan2]] /myelitis; inflammation of spinal cord/

Change log entry 83174
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 03:35:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76660 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
<< follow-up of change log entry 83143 >>
<< review queue entry 76489 - submitted by 'encn' >>


三用表 can refer to any triple-functional measuring device

+ 多用表 多用表 [[duo1yong4biao3]] /multimeter/
+ 三用電表 三用电表 [[san1yong4 dian4biao3]] /multimeter/

Change log entry 83173
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 03:28:48 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 延髓 延髓 [yan2 sui3] /medulla oblongata (the lower half of the brainstem)/
+ 延髓 延髓 [[yan2sui3]] /(anatomy) medulla oblongata/

Change log entry 83172
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 03:24:56 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 玉髓 玉髓 [[yu4sui3]] /chalcedony/exquisite wine/
+ 玉髓 玉髓 [[yu4sui3]] /(mineralogy) chalcedony/exquisite wine/

Change log entry 83171
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 03:15:44 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 脊灰 脊灰 [ji3 hui1] /polio (abbr. for 脊髓灰質炎|脊髓灰质炎[ji3 sui3 hui1 zhi4 yan2])/
+ 脊灰 脊灰 [[ji3hui1]] /polio (abbr. for 脊髓灰質炎|脊髓灰质炎[ji3sui3 hui1zhi4yan2])/
- 脊髓灰質炎 脊髓灰质炎 [ji3 sui3 hui1 zhi4 yan2] /poliomyelitis/
+ 脊髓灰質炎 脊髓灰质炎 [[ji3sui3 hui1zhi4yan2]] /poliomyelitis/

Change log entry 83170
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 03:13:07 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 黃骨髓 黄骨髓 [huang2 gu3 sui3] /yellow or fatty bone marrow/
+ 黃骨髓 黄骨髓 [[huang2gu3sui3]] /yellow bone marrow/

Change log entry 83169
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 03:10:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76494 - submitted by 'encn' >>
v2 pinyin

⒈ 北平方言。指不倒翁。
- 扳不倒兒 扳不倒儿 [ban1 bu4 dao3 r5] /tumbler/roly-poly/
+ 扳不倒兒 扳不倒儿 [[ban1bu4dao3r5]] /(dialect) roly-poly toy/
- 不倒翁 不倒翁 [bu4 dao3 weng1] /roly-poly toy/tilting doll/tumbler/
+ 不倒翁 不倒翁 [[bu4dao3weng1]] /roly-poly toy/

Change log entry 83168
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 02:55:09 GMT)
Comment: spelling - 'carnelian' seems to be preferred

cor·nel·ian - Variant of carnelian.

"Yet, while carnelian beads may also be classed as etched agate and while there are no problems involved in heating the stone, its white surface grows indistinct over time. DZi beads are different."
- 紅玉髓 红玉髓 [hong2 yu4 sui3] /cornelian (mineral)/
+ 紅玉髓 红玉髓 [[hong2yu4sui3]] /(mineralogy) carnelian/

Change log entry 83167
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 02:32:09 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 骨髓增生異常綜合徵 骨髓增生异常综合征 [gu3 sui3 zeng1 sheng1 yi4 chang2 zong1 he2 zheng1] /myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)/
+ 骨髓增生異常綜合徵 骨髓增生异常综合征 [[gu3sui3 zeng1sheng1 yi4chang2 zong1he2zheng1]] /myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)/

Change log entry 83166
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 01:49:50 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 骨髓移植 骨髓移植 [gu3 sui3 yi2 zhi2] /bone marrow transplant/
+ 骨髓移植 骨髓移植 [[gu3sui3 yi2zhi2]] /(medicine) bone marrow transplant/

Change log entry 83165
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 01:40:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76686 - submitted by 'encn' >>
鼻头 /bítóu/
1.名词 鼻尖。「鼻头红肿」
2.名词 口语 鼻子。「方脸大鼻头」

not sure about the pinyin and dialect tag
- 鼻頭 鼻头 [bi2 tou5] /(dialect) nose/
+ 鼻頭 鼻头 [[bi2tou2]] /tip of the nose/(dialect) nose/

Change log entry 83164
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-21 23:15:00 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 骨髓 骨髓 [gu3 sui3] /bone marrow (medulla ossea)/
+ 骨髓 骨髓 [[gu3sui3]] /bone marrow/

Change log entry 83163
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-21 21:22:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75381 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
As opposed to the vegetable https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marrow_(vegetable)

Also fixed some formatting and v2
- 髓 髓 [sui3] /marrow/essence/quintessence/pith (soft interior of plant stem)/
# + 髓 髓 [[sui3]] /bone marrow/essence; quintessence/pith (soft interior of plant stem)/
- 䯝 䯝 [sui3] /variant of 髓/marrow/essence/quintessence/pith (soft interior of plant stem)/
+ 䯝 䯝 [[sui3]] /variant of 髓[sui3]/
- 髄 髄 [sui3] /variant of 髓[sui3]/
+ 髄 髄 [[sui3]] /variant of 髓[sui3]/
+ 髓 髓 [[sui3]] /(bound form) bone marrow; (fig.) innermost part/(botany) pith/

Change log entry 83162
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-21 10:25:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76667 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
'food court' in mall directories


+ 美食街 美食街 [[mei3shi2jie1]] /food court; food street/

Change log entry 83161
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-21 09:50:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76676 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- 鞍 鞍 [an1] /saddle/
+ 鞍 鞍 [[an1]] /(bound form) saddle/

Change log entry 83160
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-21 09:49:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76682 - submitted by 'jjbeard' >>
炮铜 - the material itself - https://youdao.com/result?word=%E7%82%AE%E9%93%9C&lang=en

Both 炮铜色 and 枪灰色 are commonly found as descriptors of the dull grey colour, often on consumer items/shopping site descriptions. 枪灰色 seems rather more common.
+ 炮銅 炮铜 [[pao4tong2]] /gunmetal (alloy of copper, tin and zinc)/
+ 炮銅色 炮铜色 [[pao4tong2se4]] /gunmetal gray/
+ 槍灰色 枪灰色 [[qiang1hui1se4]] /gunmetal gray/

Change log entry 83159
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-21 08:56:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76658 - submitted by 'jjbeard' >>
Usually, this is called a keyway, it's a specific mechanical construction, rather than just generically "a slot for a key" (the key in question is a small piece of metal to prevent a shaft turning in a hole, not a house or car key!)


- 鍵槽 键槽 [jian4 cao2] /key slot/
+ 鍵槽 键槽 [[jian4cao2]] /(engineering) keyway; key slot/

Change log entry 83158
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-21 08:39:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76659 - submitted by 'encn' >>
doesn't mean pain killer

镇痛作用 analgesic [=painkilling] effects

镇痛药 analgesic drug
- 鎮痛 镇痛 [zhen4 tong4] /analgesic/pain killer/
+ 鎮痛 镇痛 [[zhen4tong4]] /to suppress pain/

Change log entry 83157
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-21 08:31:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76670 - submitted by 'encn' >>


+ 空頭支票 空头支票 [[kong1tou2 zhi1piao4]] /bounced check; bad check/(fig.) empty promise/

Change log entry 83156
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-21 06:40:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76679 - submitted by 'polaris' >>


ex. ~ 居住過泰國、通曉泰語,蔡青龍如今開始學習印尼語,...
# 印尼語 印尼语 [Yin4ni2yu3] /Indonesian language (abbr. for 印度尼西亞語|印度尼西亚语[Yin4du4ni2xi1ya4yu3])/
+ 印尼語 印尼语 [[Yin4ni2yu3]] /Indonesian language/
- 印尼 印尼 [Yin4 ni2] /Indonesia (abbr. for 印度尼西亞|印度尼西亚)/
+ 印尼 印尼 [[Yin4ni2]] /Indonesia (abbr. for 印度尼西亞|印度尼西亚[Yin4du4ni2xi1ya4])/
- 印度尼西亞 印度尼西亚 [Yin4 du4 ni2 xi1 ya4] /Indonesia/
+ 印度尼西亞 印度尼西亚 [[Yin4du4ni2xi1ya4]] /Indonesia/

Change log entry 83155
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-21 06:33:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75084 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
piào ㄆㄧㄠˋ
- 漂 漂 [piao4] /elegant/polished/
+ 漂 漂 [[piao4]] /used in 漂亮[piao4liang5]/
# 漂亮 漂亮 [piao4 liang5] /pretty; beautiful/

Change log entry 83154
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-21 06:32:29 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 漂亮 漂亮 [piao4 liang5] /pretty; beautiful/
+ 漂亮 漂亮 [[piao4liang5]] /pretty; beautiful/

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