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Change log entry 73537
Processed by: richwarm (2021-09-30 02:51:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69276 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Maybe that Wenlin definition makes sense in some context, but I'm not seeing any evidence of that...

v. not be given to boasting or showing off


The problem lies deeper than the current slowdown and transcends the business cycle.

Russia's wealth lies in the ground beneath Siberia — and is frittered away in glittering Moscow

At MIT, these mice may help us find memories that are buried in our brains.

Deep within the monastery is the spiritual engine that drives much of Tibetan culture.

Deep underground lies stores of once inaccessible natural gas.

菲籍Ni Janet Lauron的一首詩<深藏在心底>道出愛與不愛間的無奈
"Deep in my Heart" by Filipina Ni Janet Lauron expresses the dilemma of to love or not to love

Even though much time has passed since those days, such deeply embedded memories need only be delicately jostled and they will come rushing back, only sweeter and warmer.

One of the old Mandarin songs, "Everlasting Love," is especially effective at pulling up memories from middle-aged and senior patients and getting them to speak of long-hidden secrets.

Moreover, as missions on the open water drew closer each day, the pressure finally caused the terror inside him to gradually emerge, which resulted in an outbreak of serious anxiety problems.

It is only many years after the events, when the divisions and antipathies of ethnicity and class have faded, that the oral histories compiled by the park are providing an opportunity for local residents to share the memories and stories that they have hidden away from each other for so long.

Editor: The ABC definition relates to 深藏 as used in these other two ABC entries ~
深藏不露 shēncángbùlù f.e. Real knowledge is not showy.
深藏若虛[---虚] shēncángruòxū f.e. be modest about one's talents
+ 深藏 深藏 [shen1 cang2] /to be deeply hidden/to lie deep (in some place)/
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